This is going to be a collection of short stories, basically classic fairy tales with a Hetalia twist...and yaoi twists as well. Inspired by the musical 'Into the Woods' which, is the title of this collection of stories!
Nothing totally M rated but then again I've typed up M rated alternatives to some of these fairy tales, so if you really want to see the M rated endings then please say so in a review. These short stories are based on a series of roleplays between a friend and me. The only OCs used in this are Scotland (Hamish), Wales (Alwyn) and Northern Ireland (Dara). The first story is a twist of Little Red Riding hood. I'd also like to note that Russia is the villain of most of these stories because...well he is the perfect villain if anything. Russia is our wolf, Switzerland the huntsman (or woodcutter whichever version you grew up with) and Northern Ireland is Little Red Riding Hood.
Title : Little Red Irish Hood
Pairings : Implied Russia/Northern Ireland and Implied Switzerland/Northern Ireland...and a little America/England too~!
Rating: T for now, but there is an M version if anyone wants to read that, review please.
Sadly I do not own Hetalia, nor any of these wonderful fairy tales. Although these versions of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland I do own~!
Little Red Irish Hood
In the woods there lived a family of brothers who weren't very rich but not desperately poor, just poor enough that they had to borrow money most of the time from anyone they could. These brothers were Scotland (head of the family and full time worry brother), Wales (fully qualified shepherd and king of cuddling), Northern Ireland (the innocent little red head of this tale) and England (Stubborn blonde who sees unicorns...yes, unicorns). However today's tale shall focus on the third brother, dear little Dara. One random day, Scotland stood by the doorway with a basket, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor. "Dara~! Get down here a minute, I need to talk to ya".
Northern Ireland blinked his innocent eyes and stared out of his doorway. He pulled on his little red hood around his shoulders and walked down the stairs, smiling at his ember haired brother. "Yeah?".
"We're low on money and Ludwig keeps banging on about our rent. Take this basket of bribes to Alfred and ask him for some money" said Scotland, handing over the basket. "And don't wander off the path".
Now Ludwig was normally fair about the families' rent but he had been getting agitated at the lack of his income. This was a normal task for the Irishman, to bribe the richer America that lived on the other side of the woods. Northern Ireland took the basket and smiled at Scotland. "Ok~ I'll be back soon" he said. He put his shoes on and headed out the door, walking along the path and humming a cheerful tune.
Further along the path, a wolf eared and tailed Russia. He was feared among the woods by its inhabitants, known for tricking, killing and raping his prey should he be given the perfect chance. Russia ruled the woods through the fear of his reputation and he loved his power. At the present moment he was tormenting a poorly lost Lithuania, biting hungrily at his neck. Toris whimpered from the pain and pushed at the Russian's chest though the wolf was so much stronger than him. Russia stopped however when he heard someone else coming along the path. He quickly let go of Lithuania, who scrambled to his feet and ran off. Russia stepped back into the shadows so he could observe the newcomer, licking his lips at the thought of new prey.
Northern Ireland had the basket held in both of his hands in front of him. He was looking from side to side as if he was looking for something. "Mm…? Where is it?".
Russia grinned to himself at the cute looking boy and realised that he had to have him. He stepped out onto the path, smiling innocently down at the small Irishman. "My friend, you seem lost, da~?" he said, ears twitching a bit. "Perhaps Russia can help you with your way?".
Northern Ireland jumped a little when the man appeared. "Oh um… I'm just looking for my shortcut" he said, taking a few steps back.
"Are you perhaps heading towards dear Alfred's house?" said Russia, knowing the paths of the woods well. "Because Russia knows a very good short cut there".
"Um…". He looked away and took a few steps back. "My brother said not to talk to strangers".
Russia leaned forward a bit, his tail swishing behind him as he took Northern Ireland's hand and shook it. "I am Russia but you may call me Ivan, da~? Now we are not strangers".
"But…you're a…" he gulped quietly. "A wolf".
"And because I am a wolf you feel you cannot trust me?" he said, faking a very hurt expression. "That is a very prejudice comment against wolves, and a hurtful thing to say. I only wish to aid you on your way".
"Wolves killed my brother's sheep" he said. "Look…I have to go. Please leave me be".
"Oh I would never hurt a precious little sheep…" said Russia. Of course he wouldn't, he thought the animals were dumb and not worth the sport. He preferred his prey to be human anyway. "But fine, I will go…but if you are heading to Alfred's house, you are going the wrong way. The shortcut is that way" he said, pointing to a different path. That was a lie, that was the longer route.
Northern Ireland looked to where the man was pointing. "Oh uh…thanks" he said. He scampered off the path and onto the other one.
Russia smirked to himself and pulled back a bush that hid the true shortcut, making his way to America's house and arriving there way ahead of Northern Ireland. He knocked on the door rather loudly and impatiently.
America looked up from his bed. He had been expecting Northern Ireland but not this early. He stood up and opened the door, instantly going on the defensive when he saw the wolf. "Ivan…".
"Oh Alfred, it is terrible, simply terrible!" cried Russia sadly. "Those poor evil brothers of your dear Arthur have sold him to that fox Francis! It was greatly upsetting, seeing him shake with fear at what that man would do to him!". Of course none of this was true, but Russia knew that America would jump at the chance to play hero, especially for England. "He was crying 'Please, I wish my Alfred would save me!'".
America's eyes widened, Iggy was in danger and he needed a hero, and he just happened to be a hero! He grabbed his rifle and ran out of the house at top speed, part of him thinking he should have took his inhaler.
Russia chuckled at how stupid the American was, slipping into the house and shutting the door, getting ready for when his dear Northern Ireland would arrive.
Northern Ireland was in a bad mood. That stupid wolf had pointed him down the longest way possible. He sighed in relief and pulled his hood up, knocking on the door.
Russia grinned to himself as he stood so that when he opened the door, Northern see him hiding behind it.
Northern Ireland blinked, confused. "Um…". He took a few steps in and looked around. "Alfred Are you there?".
"He's not here right now, but I can take a message, da~?" chuckled Russia as he shut the door, clicking it so it locked.
Northern Ireland jumped and whipped around, glaring. "You…you're the wolf from before".
"Honestly, I would have thought you would have remembered my name atleast" he laughed, walking forward a few steps. "Cause I remember you~".
"You led me down the wrong path" he said, annoyed. "What the hell did you do that for?".
"Have you heard of the saying, if you run with wolves you will become a wolf?" said Russia, stroking his cheek gently. "I shall cut to the chase, da~? I want you".
Northern Ireland's eyes widened at the sudden confession. "Uh…". He looked away and took a few steps back. "I need money. Otherwise we'll get kicked out of our house. So…uh….wh-where's Alfred?".
"He is on a wild goose chase" he said, grinning at him and flashing his sharp teeth. "That leaves use plenty of time alone".
Northern Ireland shook his head quickly and backed away. He squeaked and fell back on the bed when the back of his legs hit it. "U-Um…look. I don't like you like that". He sat up on the bed.
"Now you see I don't like my prey denying me what I want…" said Russia, tilting the boy's head up with his sharp clawed hand. "And trust me, I shall make sure you enjoy yourself as much as I will".
Northern Ireland whimpered and jumped off the bed, rushing for the door. "H-Help! Someone, please! WOLF!".
Russia stared unamused and grabbed the back of his hood, keeping him in place. "Now now, do not be hasty" he growled, pulling him close to his chest.
Northern Ireland put his hands against the man's chest and pushed, trying to get away. "No! Get off of me!".
"No one lives for miles in these woods, so no one shall hear your cries but me" Russia said, leaning down to bite at his neck. "So do not struggle and you might not bleed as red as your cloak".
Northern Ireland whimpered, continuing to struggle against him. "N-No…please…leave me alone. I have to go find Alfred…my brothers will get kicked out. I need the money…".
"Ssh ssh…quiet now" he hissed, making many marks on his skin as he tugged away the hooded cloak.
Northern Ireland let out a loud sob and continued to struggle. "Please let me go! Please…please".
There was a loud bang on the door followed by another. "Alfred you bastard! You owe me money!" yelled the voice. Russia snarled at the door and held onto Northern Ireland tighter.
Northern Ireland sniffled quietly and looked back at the door. "H-Help me!" he cried out. "Please!".
The door came down with a crash and a crazed and angry looking blonde with a gun stood there. "Alfred what are you- holy shit it's a wolf!". Russia wanted to roll his eyes but realised the other held a weapon. "Da, a wolf. Now run along, you are interrupting me".
Northern Ireland struggled against the wolf, whimpering loudly. "Please…help me!".
Switzerland stared for a moment then aimed the gun straight at the wolf's head. "Let him go right now" he hissed. "Or what, you shall fire your petty weapon at me~?". "Yes I will, let go of him".
Northern Ireland looked back up at the Russian wolf. "Please just let me go".
Switzerland fired his gun, hitting the wolf square in the shoulder. Russia snarled in pain and released Northern Ireland to stop the pain in his shoulder. "Run now!" said Switzerland, firing again.
Northern Ireland picked up the basket. "Um…d-don't get yourself hurt" he said to the blonde before rushing out the door.
Russia glared at Switzerland. "You chased away my prey" he said menacingly. "Yea well time for you to run back to the woods" hissed Switzerland, shooting again. Russia howled at him and ran off, pushing him aside and disappearing into the thick trees. Switzerland managed to stand and was thankful the wolf only managed to rip his shoulder of the jacket.
Northern Ireland ran the whole way home, bursting through the door and stumbling over himself. "Oof…" he muttered, slamming the door shut and panting for breath.
"What the fuck are you talking about? No one has sold me to Francis, you bloody idiot!" England yelled at America, barely being held back by Scotland. "Arthur will you calm down already?".
Northern Ireland blinked, looking up at his brothers. He was a little put off that no one had noticed him come in. "I-I'm sorry…" said America, pouting. "The wolf told me you were!".
"And you believed a bloody wolf?" growled England angrily. Scotland looked over and finally noticed Northern Ireland. "Hey, sorry to send you away for nothing, Alfred came here shortly after you left".
Northern Ireland stood up, dusting himself off. "Ok… I'm just gonna go upstairs…" he said quietly. America whined and looked down. "I'm sorry! I was just so afraid…".
"Look Alfred it's fine! Thanks for the money, we'll survive another month" sighed Scotland, shaking his head. England folded his arms and looked away. "Idiot…".
America wrapped his arms around England and smiled. "I love you too, Iggy~" he said happily. "Hm…I wonder what that wolf was after anyway".
"Well if it comes back again we'll just need to get Vash to blow its head off" Scotland said. England blushed a bit and squirmed a little in his grasp. "Bloody wolves…".
"Yeah…". He picked England up and kissed his cheek gently. "Come home with me, Iggy~ I'm too scared to go by myself".
"You're a bloody crybaby…" said England but kissed his cheek back. "Get yer mushy stuff out of my house" said Scotland, smirking a bit.
America smirked back at Scotland winked. "Will do~ See ya later" he said before walking out the door, quietly shutting it behind him. Wales, who had been asleep the whole time, lifted his sleepy head. He was dressed in a much too big thin white shirt and boxers. "Nnn…" he sniffled quietly and smiled up at smiled. "G' morning Hammy".
"If you didn't sleep all the time then maybe you wouldn't miss everything, Sleeping Beauty~" Scotland chuckled, ruffling Wales' hair a little.
Wales sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Did we get the money?" he asked, cuddling against Scotland.
"Mhm, Alfred lent us some money so we're set for another month…though not sure what's up with Dara, maybe he got scared of the woods~" laughed Scotland.
Wales giggled and kissed Scotland's cheek. "One of us needs to get a job".
"Mhm…or we could just sell the cow since it's not giving us anymore milk…" he said, cuddling him back. "I might go and try to sell it".
"Hmm ok". He grinned at him and stood back. "I'm gonna go wash up. Then I'll go cuddle with Dara to cheer him up".
"Right well I'll just go out and take the cow, see if anyone will buy her" said Scotland kissing the top of his head.
"Aww you won't stay?" he asked, pouting. "I was gonna cook us some dinner".
"As tempting as that sounds, if I don't get us some money then we'll starve in no time" said Scotland, patting his head. "Just take care of Dara and I'll try and come back with something useful".
"Ok~" he said happily. "Don't stay out too long".
"I won't, promise" said Scotland and he left to go get the cow.
Meanwhile Northern Ireland was sobbing in his room, checking the marks that the Russian wolf had made to the skin of his neck. Had it not been for his red cloak then his brothers would have noticed. If anything he was ashamed, now the wolf had a reason to pursue him, to hunt him down because he didn't get what he wanted. Dara tried to wipe the tears away from his eyes but only succeeded in making his tuquoise eyes as red as his hair. A knock on his window made him jump, thinking this was it, the wolf was here to finish what it started. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw Switzerland's smiling face, sitting on a branch of the tree outside his window. Switzerland indicated for Dara to open the window, which he did,smiling politely at the blonde.
"H-Hey Vash...thanks a lot for saving me earlier, I really mean it" said Northern Ireland softly.
Switzerland nodded but then frowned when he saw the redness of the Irishman's eyes. Careful not to fall off the branch, he leaned forward to gently stroke Northern Ireland's cheek.
"Have you been crying?" asked Vash quietly. He would rather the brothers not know he was there, it had been is job to try and solve their wolf problem and as of yet he had failed to slay the beast.
"Just a little bit... that wolf really scared me" Northern Ireland whimpered, sniffling quietly.
Switzlerand tilted his head as he thought that over, then grabbed onto the window sill, hoisting himself inside much to Northern Ireland's surprise. He stepped back slightly as Switzerland climbed in, carefully wrapping an arm around the smaller male's waist. "Want me to help you forget?" Switzerland suggested, offering Northern Ireland a suggestive smirk.
Northern Ireland blushed bright as his hair. Switzerland did save his life, so he owed him a kiss atleast. He stood on the tips of his toes and gave the huntsman a loving kiss on the lips.
"Just stay the night with me, please?" he begged, hiding his face in the other man's chest.
The huntsman chuckled quietly and smoothed out the hair on the smaller man's head, gently guiding him to the bed. "Of course...I'll stay all night for you, Little Red" whispered Switzerland, flicking off the light switch so the two could share the night together in the darkness
Such a cute end, me thinks~
Yea, there is an M rated ending where Switzerland didn't show up and...Russia had his wicked way. Though I won't actually submit it unless someone specifically asks to see it, and if most people want to then I'll add it in maybe in another chapter.
The next story shall be Scotland and the Beanstalk~
Love LadyCaledonia~
Read and review please~!