After Apollo Justice's fourth successful trial, the ex-ace attorney Phoenix Wright had suggested that a recreation holiday should held; far from home. He said it would "get together some friends for a fun little vacation." Reluctantly, Apollo had agreed.

Now he would give anything in the world to go back on his decision.

Trucy Wright sat at the front seat of the rented van, with her father at the wheel. "Daddy, I don't think we're going the right way," she said, trying to navigate our whereabouts with an upside-down map of central Russia. Apollo didn't even bother pointing out that they were somewhere in east Africa.

The van jerked and bounced along the bumpy dirt roads. Directly behind the father and daughter, Apollo sighed as he as he once again failed to get the driver's attention. The extremely annoying sound of Ema Skye munching loudly on her snakoos did not help either. And that wasn't all.

To Apollo's left was a magician clad in yellow: Valant Gramaraye, who seemed determined to make Apollo's life even more miserable by letting loose his pet doves and rabbits on Apollo's side of the seat.

Wocky Kitaki was using the back of the attorney's seat as a punching bag. The frequent cries of "Wizzauw!" just added to the noise and confusion.

The rustling sound of a page turning followed as Wesley Stickler studied his book while muttering aloud.

The only person that was completely quiet in the van was Vera Misham, who was busily sketching in her notepad. Somehow, her former lawyer was not surprised.

And to put the icing on the cake, Trucy had decided to put all her Gavineer albums to use, and was playing the rock music at full volume.

Finally, Apollo had had enough.

"Everybody, QUIET!" he thundered, putting his Chords of Steel to good use. All the noise stopped at once. Trucy even paused the soundtrack. The only sounds that remained were Vera's pencil and the MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH of Ema's snakoos being devoured. Apollo glared at the woman in a lab coat, his face the color of his suit, until she gave a final MUNCH and was silent. Everyone stared at him. Everyone except Trucy and Phoenix, who seemed to be in their own little world.

"Mr. Wright! MR. WRIGHT!". Phoenix stopped the car and turned his head to look at him. "Please, Mr. Wright, do you mind if I take over?" Apollo asked pleadingly.

"Sure!" Phoenix chuckled. "Maybe you can get us to the hotel." Because face it, you can't, the other lawyer thought.
The men switched places.

As soon as Apollo re-started the car, the uproar continued as if it had never stopped, only now with Phoenix singing along loudly to the song that was playing.

Apollo sighed. This was going to be a long, long trip.