The New Kagome
Chapter 1: Changes
Disclaimer: As you all know, I own absolutely nothing in this story.
Layla: Hey again, everyone!
Aqua: Nice to see you guys!
Kelsey: We've missed you all!
Jazz: And we're back and crazier than ever!
Layla: You know it! Anyways, this is basically my story. Jazz and I came up with the idea, and we decided to make it a reality.
Jazz: Mhmm, so while I'm still here and making some rules, Layla is helping me call the shots!
Aqua: We hope you all enjoy!
"Wind Scar!" Inuyasha yelled, attacking Kagura, who flew to the skies in an effort to dodge.
"Hiraikotsu!" Sango exclaimed, releasing her weapon as it effortlessly killed many of the demons in the horde behind Kagura. As she caught her weapon, she gasped. Where she had just killed at least 15 demons, 30 came in their place.
Miroku continued killing the demons with sacred sutra's, seeing no alternative because of the many Saimyosho. Despite knowing the poison could kill him, he was still considering using his Wind Tunnel.
Kagome continued to fire Sacred Arrows at the demons, but to no avail. No matter how many they killed, even more came up in their place. She glanced at Inuyasha, as a large demon was flying behind him, about to attack. She turned to fire, but another arrow, aimed from behind her, pierced the demon instead.
Kagome turned, and there stood Kikyo. Kikyo was glaring at her, and Kagome automatically felt weak in the knees. She always did around Kikyo, for some reason. Like she was some sort of threat. Inuyasha glanced over and stopped his battle.
"Kikyo…" He whispered, staring at the clay priestess.
"Inuyasha." Kikyo nodded at him, before rejoining the battle. After about 15 minutes, Kagura was barking orders to the demons.
"Retreat! Into the skies!" She yelled, and the demons obeyed her orders.
The group, and Kikyo, watched as the demons retreated into the sky.
"They were at an advantage…why on earth would they retreat?" Miroku asked no one in particular.
"Maybe they had a mission, and they accomplished it." Shippo threw in, his voice quivering.
"Perhaps…but what mission would that be?" Miroku went on.
"Who cares, let's go after them. It might lead us to Naraku!" Inuyasha exclaimed.
Sango, Miroku, and Shippo hopped on Kilala's back and started forward, after the demon army. Inuyasha bent down, and waited for the girl to climb onto his back.
"Come on, Kikyo!" Inuyasha said, and Kikyo climbed on his back as Inuyasha sprinted after his friends.
"Make sure you all remember your orders!" Kagura barked at the demons, before going up higher in the clouds and turning in another direction. The demons went forward.
Kagura flew forward, glancing back to see Kagome lying, unconscious on the feather. She had no idea what Naraku's plan was, all she knew was that she had been ordered to kidnap the girl and lead Inuyasha in his friends as far from the castle as possible.
Her mission was accomplished, but she couldn't stop this nagging feeling inside her. She knew something not too good was going to happen, but until she escaped from Naraku's hold, there was nothing Kagura could do.
Soon, they reached Naraku's castle. As she landed, Kohaku came over picked up Kagome, and carried her into the dungeons. As he left, Kanna entered and sat just outside of Kagome's reach, because they had her arms chained to the wall.
After about an hour, Kagome began to stir, and looked around her surroundings.
"How did I get here? Inuyasha! Inuyasha!" She called out, hoping the half demon would soon come to her rescue. She looked at Kanna, who held up her mirror for Kagome to see.
The group continued to follow the demons, but to no avail. After some time, all the demons suddenly scattered in different directions.
"Damn it! What the hell is Naraku up to?" Inuyasha asked, setting Kikyo down.
As Kilala landed and her three passengers hopped off, Sango looked around.
"Hey, where's Kagome?" She asked, looking for her sister-figure.
"Who?" Inuyasha asked, watching Kikyo.
"Kagome! Kagome!" Sango called, Shippo copied her actions. Inuyasha looked at them like they were idiots.
"Inuyasha, you lost Kagome?" Miroku asked the half-demon incredulously.
"No…I just…" Inuyasha trailed off, not knowing how to explain his mistake.
"Inuyasha, you have done nothing wrong," Kikyo began, placing a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. "Kagome would have been nothing but a nuisance. Had I not been there, she would've let that demon destroy you, Inuyasha. She cared nothing about you. She has been betraying you all this entire time, so I believe it is right to leave her."
"Shut up, damn it! You're just a clay bitch who wants Kagome gone! Hiraikotsu!" Sango yelled, firing at Kikyo. Inuyasha jumped in front of Kikyo, and blocked the attack, making it go back at Sango.
"Sango!" Miroku cried, rushing to her aid after being struck down by her own weapon. When he reached her, she was unconscious, but still breathing.
"What's wrong with you two? I thought you guys were my friends!" Inuyasha accused them. Miroku glared at him, cradling Sango.
"Wrong with us? Inuyasha, you abandoned Kagome!" Miroku countered.
"You heard Kikyo, Kagome's a traitor!" Inuyasha hissed.
"And you decide to listen to Kikyo? One who has attempted to kill not only you, but also Kagome!"
"I'm the real thing, Kagome's a bitch. I was stupid then. Now I'm here, and I won't leave until I claim what's mine." Kikyo narrowed her eyes.
"And she can have me, for all I care!" Inuyasha yelled at Miroku, putting a hand on Kikyo's hip. Miroku almost gagged.
"Inuyasha, it's your choice. Me, or Kagome?" Kikyo turned to Inuyasha.
"You." HE replied. Miroku's anger boiled.
"Inuyasha, will you really choose her over Kagome? Kagome loves you! And we are your friends, don't you trust us?"
"I trust no one but Kikyo." Inuyasha growled.
"Inuyasha, me or your friends?" Kikyo asked him.
"Inuyasha, you know what's right. You aren't thinking this through!" Miroku tried again. Inuyasha ignored him. Instead, he gave Kikyo a chaste kiss.
"What friends?" He asked her, and Kikyo smirked.
Kagome felt tears at her eyes as she watched the scene unfold on Kanna's mirror. She wanted to believe it was an illusion, to believe it wasn't true. But she knew that it was.
Just then, Kagome heard footsteps approaching and saw Naraku stand behind Kanna.
After about 10 minutes, Sango began to stir. When she opened her eyes, she saw Miroku and Shippo staring back at her.
"Where's Inuyasha?" She asked, her memories of the events before she was attacked coming back to her.
"Sango…he's gone." Miroku told her, putting a hand on her shoulder to refrain her from sitting up.
"Gone?" She echoed.
"He and Kikyo took off into the woods together." Shippo spoke up.
"What about Kagome?" She glanced between the both of them.
"We still don't know." Miroku sighed. Sango's anger hit a boiling point.
"So that jackass went into the woods with a clay zombie bitch, abandoning his friends and the one living girl that loves him?" Sango asked angrily. Miroku solemnly nodded.
"So…what now?" Shippo asked.
"Now, we go and defeat Naraku on our own." Sango replied, pushing Miroku's hand away and standing up.
"You really think we can do it?" Shippo asked.
"We can. But first, we're going to go find Kagome."
Kagome glared up at Naraku as he smirked at her.
"Hello, little miko." He addressed her. Kagome's eyes narrowed.
"Why are you keeping me here?" She asked.
"Because you are my key to my victory." Naraku replied.
"Why would I help you?" Kagome spat.
"Because if you don't, I'll kill your little friends." Naraku threatened.
"You wouldn't dare." Kagome hissed.
"Don't test your luck."
"What if I do agree to help you?"
"Then you will fight on my side, against your friends."
"I'd never fight against Sango. Or Miroku, or Shippo. There's nothing you can do that will make me."
"As long as they don't remain a threat, then you won't have to. You'll only have to fight Sesshomaru…Kikyo, and Inuyasha."
"I won't battle Inuyasha."
"Why not? That wasn't an illusion on Kanna's mirror. He meant every word…he betrayed you…"
Kagome did not respond. Naraku chuckled and left her, but Kanna stayed.
"Kanna…," Kagome began. The small girl looked up at her. "Please, show me Inuyasha."
Kanna complied and looked down at her mirror. On the glass, you saw Inuyasha and Kikyo in a forest.
Inuyasha sat on a tree branch high in the Goshinboku. Kikyo sat next to him, smiling to herself.
"Don't worry, Inuyasha. We'll defeat Naraku on our own." She assured him.
"And kill Kagome." Inuyasha added angrily. Kikyo chuckled.
"Yes, and kill Kagome." Kikyo smirked.
Kagome felt the warm tears rolling down her eyes as she sat, chained against the wall. After some time of crying, she looked up and saw Kanna still sitting there, her mirror blank.
"Kanna…aren't you going to leave?" Kagome asked. She didn't care if she sounded rude, she was hurt far too much. Kanna looked up at her, and met her gaze.
"No. I've been ordered to stay here with you." Kanna replied. Kagome was honestly terrified looking into the girls eyes. They were coal black, cold, dark, and emotionless. Her voice was empty, and dead. Had Kanna not been a demon, you'd think she was already dead.
After some time of more uncomfortable silence, Kagome decided she was done crying and started up conversation with Kanna.
"How old are you?" Kagome asked. Kanna glanced at her again, but did not respond. Kagome huffed.
A little later, Kohaku entered with a small tray of food.
"Kohaku…" Kagome murmured, looking at the young boy for the first time up close. Due to his features, you could tell he was related to Sango. He also looked to be about Sota's age.
Kohaku looked like he was about to respond to her, but instead he stuttered, placed the tray in front of her, and quickly left. Kagome stared down at the tray.
"How am I supposed to eat this?" She wondered allowed, looking at the bread and rice.
Kagome leaned forward, picking the bread up with her mouth. That was all she could really do. Kanna walked over to Kagome, and pulled the bread that wasn't in Kagome's mouth away. Kagome chewed her portion and swallowed, watching Kanna as she looked at her.
Kagome opened her mouth, and Kanna put more of the bread in Kagome's mouth. After Kagome was finished with the bread, Kanna also fed her the rice.
"Thank you, Kanna." Kagome smiled at the girl as Kanna took her place away from Kagome with her mirror in hand. Kanna simply nodded in response.
Sango, Miroku, and Shippo flew on Kilala in search of Naraku's Castle. They were sure that was where Kagome had been taken.
"Where could that castle be?" Sango groaned as they took a rest for the night.
"I'm sure we'll find it soon enough." Miroku assured her, trying to calm the distraught girl.
"But it's been days since Kagome was kidnapped and Inuyasha lost the last bit of idiotic sense he had." Sango whimpered, sitting down. Shippo sighed, and Kilala nudged her master, purring, hoping to comfort her.
Miroku also sighed. It had been at least three days since Kagome's kidnapping, and they had no sight of the castle, nor Inuyasha.
"No matter what, we can't lose hope! We'll find Kagome!" Shippo exclaimed, trying to pump-up the small traveling party.
Sango smiled at Shippo, and Miroku nodded. Kilala mewled, and Shippo smiled to himself. Hopefully, now they really would find their friend.
Inuyasha wasn't paying attention as he walked with Kikyo out of the woods. When they walked into the clearing, they noticed they weren't alone. The duo had stumbled across Sango, Miroku, and Shippo's small camp.
Sango jumped to her feet, her weapon at the ready. Miroku stood with her, glaring at Kikyo and Inuyasha. He rested a hand on Sango's shoulder, knowing very well that he could not restrain her.
"What are you traitors doing here?" Sango hissed.
"Hunting Naraku." Kikyo replied simply.
"And once we do, we will kill Kagome." Inuyasha's eyes narrowed.
"Inuyasha, you're being more of an idiot than normal! You've gotta be kidding!" Shippo exclaimed, glaring at Inuyasha.
"No, I'm not. That fake bitch is a traitor, and deserves to die." Inuyasha told the small kitsune.
"I hope you die! Hiraikotsu!" Sango yelled, attacking Inuyasha, who pulled out the Tetsusaiga.
He easily reflected Sango's attack, and his sword covered itself in diamonds.
"Adamant Barrage!" He screamed, attacking the two.
Miroku put up a barrier to protect them, and it barely worked. It did successfully block Inuyasha's attack, but hardly protected them from Kikyo's purifying arrow.
"Fox fire!" Shippo fired his attack, and Inuyasha used the robe of the Fire Rat to protect him and Kikyo from the fire.
The battle raged on, Miroku using any attack he could other than the Wind Tunnel.
Eventually, Inuyasha launched the Wind Scar, and in order to dodge, the trio jumped on Kilala and took to the skies.
As they flew away from Inuyasha and Kikyo, who stood their ground, watching the small traveling party fly away, Sango turned her head so she was facing the two and swore revenge.
"Inuyasha, you betrayed the living girl who loved you, your true friends, and everything you've stood for since I met you for that clay zombie. I promise you, I will make you pay for every tear you've made
Kagome cry with blood." She yelled, disappearing into the evening sky.
Kagome growled as she stared into Kanna's mirror. It was going on day 4 of her imprisonment, and each day, Kanna showed her events on her mirror. Each day Kohaku brought her a small tray of food and Kanna fed her. Each day, Naraku came in and asked Kagome to join forces with him. And each day she refused.
Inuyasha had always hurt her, but this time more than ever. He had betrayed her. He had let her be kidnapped. He had decided he wanted to kill her. But worst of all, he had fought and decided to kill her friends. That was where he crossed the line.
And when he crossed the line, he would pay.
Surprisingly, Naraku didn't visit her that day. But Kagome had gotten Kanna to speak to her, and learned Kanna cared for her sister Kagura, even if she couldn't express it.
"So Kanna-" Kagome began, only to be interrupted by footsteps. She looked up, and Hakudoshi entered the small, damp room.
"Hello, Kagome." He smirked. Kagome rolled her eyes.
"Hakudoshi." She replied curtly.
"I've heard about your…dilemma. No surprise to me though that Inuyasha could not commit." He said.
"Get to your point." Kagome snapped.
"I believe you deserve proper revenge, which you can achieve if you were to join forces with us." Hakudoshi concluded.
"I've been thinking about that…" Kagome smirked as Hakudoshi smiled at her.
Sesshomaru walked along the forest path, Rin sitting on Ah-Un behind him. Jaken held the beasts reigns, scolding Rin as she asked him another question.
Rin shrugged and ignored Jaken's insistent yelling, humming to herself. At some point, Sesshomaru stopped where he was.
"Jaken, stay with Rin. Be sure that no harm comes to her." Sesshomaru ordered, as he engulfed himself in a ball of light and floated off eastwards.
"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken called after his Lord. He then turned to Rin and was about to say something, when he noticed both the dragon and girl were gone.
"Rin? Rin? Rin!" Jaken screeched, frantically searching for the two.
Inuyasha jumped into a clearing, Kikyo on his back. When he arrived there, Kagura stood in the center, her fan covering the lower half of her face. Kikyo put an arrow at the ready, and Inuyasha unsheathed the Tetsusaiga.
"Kagura! What are you doing here? And where the hell is Naraku?" Inuyasha growled as the wind sorceress chuckled.
Then, on the opposite side of the clearing, Sango walked in, Kilala walking beside her. Miroku followed, Shippo walking side by side with Kilala.
Sango glared at Kikyo and Inuyasha, as did Miroku. Inuyasha glared at Shippo, Sango, and Miroku. Shippo glared at Inuyasha. Kilala looked between both groups, still shocked that the close knit friends and become true rivals in such a short period of time.
It had been over two weeks after Kagome had been kidnapped. Inuyasha and Kikyo had come to the clearing looking for Naraku, sensing he was there. It was untrue.
Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kilala had come to the clearing, also sensing Naraku was there. And if Naraku was there, even if they lost a battle, if they lived and were able, they would follow him back to his castle. And hopefully to Kagome.
From the east, Sesshomaru also entered the clearing. Even though he could easily sense the tension between the two groups, he decided it would be insignificant to waste his time with petty quarrels.
"Kagura, where is Naraku?" He asked the female demon who still stood as still as a statue in the center of the clearing.
Kagura turned to Sesshomaru and snapped her fan shut. At the sound, a horde of demons approached from the west, Kohaku, Hakudoshi and Kanna were leading them.
"Kohaku!" Sango yelled, and her brother turned to her. His gazed locked with hers but he quickly turned away. Sango lower lip quivered a bit, but she bit it and held back the tears that she knew would soon be in her eyes.
Kagura undid her fan again, and the demons attacked.
Sesshomaru unsheathed the Tokijin and met the demons attack head on.
"Dragon Strike!" He declared loudly, killing most of the demons attacking him.
"Wind Scar!" Inuyasha yelled, destroying 100 of the thousands of demons.
"Hiraikotsu!" Sango exclaimed.
Shippo hopped on Kilala's back as the nekomata demon took to the skies.
"Wind Tunnel!" Miroku yelled, unleashing his powerful weapon. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Saimyosho enter the battlefield.
"Miroku! You've gotta close the Wind Tunnel or you'll suck in the poisonous insects!" Shippo called down to the monk.
Miroku grunted in frustration, put closed his fist as he wrapped the sacred beads around his wrists. Instead, he pulled some sacred sutras from his robe and attacked the demons with those.
Kikyo fired sacred arrows and used her powers of purification all around her.
Despite everyone's efforts, the sea of demons seemed endless. There were demons coming in from everywhere. Sesshomaru effectively killed the most demons, and after using the Dragon Strike to clear a path of demons, he saw Naraku on the other end of his path.
"Naraku…" He growled, but he couldn't charge forward to attack the vile half-demon before more demons appeared just where his path had been a mere second ago.
Inuyasha heard his brother and repeatedly used the Wind Scar to clear a path, moving forward each time. Eventually, he made it to the other side of the clearing, and faced Naraku.
Strangely, Naraku had no barrier around him. He stood there, smirking, a look of pure confidence on his face.
"Inuyasha." He greeted. Inuyasha growled in return.
Instead of using his Wind Scar, Inuyasha attacked Naraku head on. Just as he was about to strike his nemesis, Inuyasha was knocked to the ground by an unknown force.
He glared at Naraku as he rose, but was shocked to see Naraku hadn't moved. His expression hadn't changed.
"Damn you, Naraku!" He yelled, attacking him again. And yet again, Inuyasha was knocked down by an unknown force.
Instead of instantly attacking Naraku, Inuyasha looked around, trying to find who that was who had attacked him. As he stood there, crouched in a defensive position, something stabbed him from behind. When whatever it was pulled out of his body, Inuyasha turned. Much to his dismay, nothing was there. He heard Naraku chuckle and turned.
Standing at Naraku's right hand was a female demon with long, jet black hair that went to her thigh. In her hair were dark blue highlights. Her eyes were a bright and shining amber, and there was a single magenta stripe that ended in a tip on each of her cheeks. A blue crescent moon was on her forehead, mostly hidden by her pointed bangs. Her right hand was spotted with blood, and he noticed the stripes on her wrists.
She licked her clawed index finger on her right hand, smirking evilly at Inuyasha.
Behind him, the horde of demons disappeared into the forests, so everyone in the clearing could see the female demon.
Inuyasha recognized her, but wasn't sure from where. The only girl that came to mind was Kikyo, but she was all he ever thought about most of the time.
"Hello, Inuyasha…" The woman purred, and behind her, a black tail flicked.
"Who are you? How the hell do you know me?" Inuyasha growled, glaring at the creature, who chuckled darkly.
"Don't you remember? Think back. I released you from that spell Kikyo placed on you. I traveled with you for quite a time. I was your 'jewel detector'. I loved you. You betrayed me. You let them take me," She went on, coming closer and closer to Inuyasha with each sentence. When she was face to face with him, she walked around his back. "You want to kill me."
The whole clearing went silent as Kagome went back to stand beside Naraku. Sesshomaru was pondering what had happened to the girl, and how to destroy Naraku. Everyone else was frozen in silence due to their shock. Finally, Sango was the first to speak.
Aqua: There you go! The first chappie of this story!
Layla: Hope you like, because this is mainly my idea!
Jazz: Yeah, but we still don't know if we wanna make this an Inu x Kags fic, or a Sess x Kags fic.
Kelsey: We want you guys to review and tell us which you want this to be.
Layla: And for the record, Kagome is a panther and dog demon hybrid, because I like them both and couldn't decide.
Aqua: If you guys like this story so far, you gotta review, or no updates!
Kelsey: Hope you all like!
Jazz: R&R!