


Note: This is a drabble in Chuck's POV. This assumes that he couldn't get back to Earth, due to lack of fuel or something. I was thinking about making a longer fic about this, but no time right now. Let me know what you think or if you want a longer fic. Once again, please review!



Five years was a long time. I felt like I was starting to forget my homeworld, forget the look of humans at all. I was only reminded when I looked in the mirror, at my strange nose and peach skin, my weird hair which I couldn't get any barber to cut the way I remembered it should look.

I don't remember when it started, only that it had. I gripped a green hip, thrusting desperately into the surrendering body beneath me. It was these moments when I lost myself, one body beneath me, the other behind me, filling me, hot breath on my back and chest. Lem shuddered and bit my shoulder, murmuring his love in my ear, and beneath me, Neera did the same. Greedy hands moved on my skin, and I forgot my misery.

I felt guilt and shame as I found my own release, burying my nose in an exotic smelling neck as hot hands rubbed my back. And in the aftermath, in the shuddering, sweaty heap, I wondered if it was really so bad if we all wanted it.


