I do not own Twilight, obviously.

"Did you cook when you lived with your mother?" Charlie asked during dinner.

"Yes" When I lived with Renee I didn't just cook, I cleaned, I did the bills, I gardened. Life with Renee was tough, when she got with Phil she started to do drugs, and became more dependant on me. One day I couldn't stand it, and told her I was moving back to Forks. She didn't take it well, and it didn't end well. I just couldn't live there any longer.

"Well I wonder how's she's doing without your cooking, then!" I smiled slightly, watching Charlie eat his pasta like his life depended on it.

"I take it you are used to take out and the Diner's?" I insinuated, Charlie made an undistinguishable 'Mhmgh', then blushed for talking with his mouth full. Charlie and I have always been more alike then Renee and I, both with brown slightly curly hair, and brown eyes, a slightly bigger lower lip and pale skin.

"Is there anything else you need for school tomorrow, Bells?" Charlie asked once he swallowed, using his old nickname for me.

"Well, I would like to check out the library before I go…" I have always enjoyed reading, a bit too much even, and I needed air.

"Oh, it's across from the Newton's Outfitters downtown on the main road."

I nodded with appreciation. I waited until Charlie was done and the dishes were clean to announce my depart .

"Dad, I'm going to the library!" I called out from below the staircase. I waited to hear him say 'Ok' before walking out the door.

It didn't take long to get there, I drove. I could've walked; but in Forks it was raining. It was March, middle of the school year.

I immediately felt at home when I walked in, the dusty smell of worn books enveloping my senses.

The place wasn't too big, one floor unlike the one in Phoenix, but I'll make due. It had a warm grown and red patterned carpet, and dark brown book shelves. There was a woman sitting at the desk, right in the entry way, wearing glasses and reading a book.

She looked up and smiled at me, as I blushed in embarrassment. She gave me a warm smile, and I returned it. She had caramel colored hair, and was rather petite, maybe 5'4.

"Can I help you with anything today?" She set her book down and kept a genuine smile on her face. I stepped towards the front desk. I then got a good look at her, she was middle aged, but youthful and warm. With hazel, eyes and a smile.

"I'd like to get a library card…" I answered her, casting my eyes downward, studying my feet and got my bag out.

"Okay! And what is your name?" She asked me.

"My name is Isabella Swan." Recognition ignited on her face.

"Ah you must be the infamous Chief Swan's daughter! My name is Esme Cullen." She said, and reached her hand out to shake mine. Charlie is the chief of police. News travels fast in a small town like this. I reached out and shook her warm, gentle hand.

Esme set up my library card, showed me around a bit, she was nice to talk to. All small talk until she asked me why I moved to Forks.

"Well, my mom got remarried and is traveling, so I decided to move back here." I left out that she was a bit unstable, and I felt more like the parent then a child.

"Oh, well we are glad to have you back in Forks, Bella."

Just then a very handsome man walked in, with blonde hair, and grey eyes, maybe about 37 years old.

"Oh, Bella! This is my husband, Carlisle. Carlisle, this is Bella, not Isabella, Swan. Chief Swan's daughter." She gave me a wink with her usual smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Cullen." I smiled and nodded with him.

"Call me Carlisle, Bella. What grade will you be in?" He asked me.

"I'll be a junior." I answered him.

"The same as our twins!" Esme noted. Oh, wonderful. I hope they aren't the type to push they're kids to be nice to the 'new kid'.

"Ok, Bella. Well we are about to close up! I'll see you soon, I hope." I smiled and said goodbye to the nice couple.

I headed home and looked at the time. 8:00. Wow, time went by. I came in and took off my jacket, and saw that Charlie was looking at me from his seat on the coach, a beer in his hand and the TV turned to the game.

"How'd it go?" He asked. Patting the seat next to him, I walked over and sunk into the chair.

"Well, actually. I met Carlisle and Esme Cullen. They were… Nice." I announced.

"Ah, the Cullens. Good folk. They're kids are in your grade. Good kids."

I nodded and got out the book in my bag that I got from the library and read, while Charlie watched the game. A comfortable silence. I announced that I was heading up to bed and got up and stretched.

"K, well Goodnight Bella. I'm glad you're back. I… I missed you, Bells." Charlie said, uncomfortably. Good old Charlie.

"Goodnight, Dad. I'm glad to be back." Truth in my words. I headed up the stairs and jumped into the shower, letting the hot water run down my scalp, and into my hair, reaching past the small of my back, and thought about the horror of school starting tomorrow.