Author's Note: BROTHERLY LOVE TIME! …I've put these boys through so much…so, I wanted to write something where something goes good for them. …SCREW THAT! Let's put them through hell! (not literally…)

If Kripke ever found out what I was doing to these boys…*sigh*

Dean-19 Sam-15

'Dammit, Dean!' John yelled, racing to the car, throwing the gun in and getting in the driver's side.

Dean just hung his head, knowing what was coming next. He would yell at him for compromising the hunt.

'Dad, please,' Sam mumbled, barley conscious.

We had been hunting a werewolf near Okalahoma. Sam was suppose to distract it while Dad shot. I was there to lead it to Sam. I did my part, leading it to Sam, though I didn't like it. Sam started running, and I hid in some bushes where I could see everything.

The bastard was faster then we thought, though. Sam got a deep cut in his shoulder. I went ahead and shot the thing before it could hurt him more. I shot it between the ribs, knowing I had punctured a lung, but that wasn't good enough for Dad.

'I told you, I would shoot it! It could still be alive out there! Sam would have been just fine!'

'Dad, shut the hell up. That thing was about to kill me. Dean saved my life, and all your worried about is some werewolf that will die of either blood loss or suffocation in less then 12 hours! Dad, Dean did the reasonable thing!'

I stared at Sam as he finished his terrible rant. He was sitting half-up, forgetting the pain in his outburst.

'Don't you tell me what to do, Sam. Don't you dare question what I do or don't know! I've been at this longer than you have!' Dad said in this creepy low voice that freaked me out. I flinched a bit at the tone, but Sam just stared determinedly in his eyes.

'I should know, Dad! You seem to forget that I'm the one who fights monsters for the mother I never even met ! I was the one who was raised in crappy hotel rooms with Dean watching out for me before I was one! You're stopped calling when I was three because you thought we were mature enough to stay by ourselves on our own! You where never there for us unless you where training us! Otherwise you where passed out drunk or on a hunt!'

I stared at Sam. He stared at Dad, a fierce look in his eyes.

'Sam, lay down,' I mumble, a bit shocked, as I push him down, making sure not to hurt him.

After he's laying still, I check his wounds. He'll need stitches. I shook my head, surprised that he always seems to find this much trouble. His shoulder had been hurt three times in the past month, his arm broken twice in the past six months, and sixteen broken ribs in the last two months. This is unlucky, even for a Winchester.

We drove home in silence, me stitching up Sam in the back seat while Dad threw angry glances at us every once in a while.

When we got the motel room, Sam had fallen asleep. Weather it was do to previous blood loss or the medication, I didn't know. I carried him inside, careful not to hurt his new stitches.

'Dean,' Dad said after I put Sam in bed, lying him down and putting a blanket on him, 'I need a favor of you. Could you take a hunt down in Texas?'

I was surprised. I usually didn't get to go on a solo hunt after I messed up for a month.

'Yeah!' I said, realizing I had just been staring into space for about a minute.

'Great. There are some newspapers on the desk.'

'Thanks!' I said. That night I studied the newspapers, computer, hell, I even went to the library.

'So?' Dad said the next day at lunch while Sam was at school.

'It's a coven. Vampires. It'll take a while to finish up this hunt. A month, month and a half?'

Dad nodded. 'Sounds like you know what your doing. After Sam gets home, you can say bye to him and head off.

I nodded, not knowing what I was getting myself into.

Author's Note…again: Hmm…John seems to want Dean out of the house. Next chapter will be up soon!