Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and Koori. YuGiOh 5DS, Tokyo Mew Mew and Naruto all belong to their rightful respected owners. (Pronounced KO oh ri)

Peace is a luxury beyond my fragile grasp

The day is July 25, it's a Friday. Typically depicted by children and most adults to be the best day of the week; but today is Zakuro's funeral. Lots of people showed up, even Sasuke was there, but no one knows why. Everyone whose life she influenced or even just touched, for even the briefest of moments, is here. Kisshu was supposed to make a speech, but it's no surprise that he couldn't find the will to speak. He hasn't quite been himself.

If you had been there you would have seen a young woman, around sixteen year's old standing next to the King of Games. Her hair is pitch black and stands out against her pale skin and dark brown, almost black eyes. She doesn't look particularly sad, not happy either, but pondering. Her eyes are hidden as she keeps her gaze to the ground, and everyone keeps looking at her with pity filled eyes. She clings onto Yusei's arm as though it's a lifeline. Soon, the funeral is over and most people leave, even Kisshu, after a small prayer.

"I should have held on," the girl murmurs.

"You didn't know she would do that," Yusei replies.

"I should have, it was obvious in her eyes when we arrived… She just wanted to be freed, but I never even said goodbye," she whispers as her tears start flowing freely.

"It's not too late to tell her, Koori," he frowns.

She smiles softly, "One day, Yusei, but I just can't. Not now, but I will one day," she turns and looks him in the eye. "… Don't be so hard on her, she meant well, and besides this is my destiny. No one can avoid their destiny, you know that."

"Then try to be careful. I don't want to attend your funeral next," he says.

"Don't worry," she laughs. "Trust me, I'll be fine. I won't be following my sister anytime soon, or my brother. So maybe when I get back from this oh-so-important trip, you'll worry a little less."

"We'll see," he says and leaves.

Koori watches him leave and kneels by Zakuro's grave. "I wish you were still here, big sister. I wish you hadn't left like that, or even told me goodbye… I don't hold anything against you sister, in case you were wondering. If you had stayed, you could have helped me and explained everything. I don't understand this, but you probably didn't either, once. I know it's my duty to go to other dimensions and protect their worlds like you did as a Mew, but I don't know if I can do this alone… Kisshu, he misses you a lot. I think if things had been different, he'd be your husband. Um, I think Yusei understands your intentions more than he lets on… Everyone misses you, and I swear that I'll make everyone proud."

One day sister, just not today…