Author Notes: Shout out to Miguel51 for posting the first story. I think I might keep this going because I think there is tons of Savarti fun to be had here. I think I'll wait on writing the next one until after the second episode comes on. So anyway, remember how Marti had fly written on her arm at the end of episode 1? Well here is how it got there. Enjoy!


Marti sat up in the bed and looked at the clock. It was 2am and she could not sleep at all. Sure she had been killing at practice but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was getting in over her head. She let a groan of frustration. It was just nerves. It had to be nerves because it wasn't like her scholarship and the future of the entire cheer program was hinging on how well the Hellcats did. Marti looked over at her roommate, team captain Savannah Monroe. She had only met the brunette a few days ago and she was absolutely floored at how positive she was. Nothing ever seemed to get her down. And if it did, you could never tell. Marti had never met anyone quite like Savannah. Of course that change the fact that it was still 2am and she couldn't sleep at all.

Savannah had her back to her roommate but as soon as the girl moved, she was wide awake. Marti Perkins was the opposite of any girl that she had ever met. When she first met her, Savannah was instantly drawn to her. And she couldn't understand why. Marti was her polar opposite in every way. She had this hard edge about her and nothing ever seemed to rattle her. And she knew how to push buttons that Savannah didn't even know she had. Ever since she had become team captain, nobody ever stood up to her. But Marti did and it actually turned her on. She didn't believe it at first but when she saw Marti at the tryouts, it was over. Savannah had a full blown crush on the girl. She never thought that she would ever see any girl in that way but she did and Marti was the reason why. She took a deep breath in. If Marti was already awake, she might as well talk to her.

"Savannah? Are you up?" Marti whispered.

"Not really…" Savannah lied. She left a shiver go down her spine from hearing Marti whisper her name.

"What's it like? The qualifiers, I mean." Marti turned so she was facing Savannah's bed. When Savannah turned over and turned on the lamp.

"Damn…" Marti whispered. It was two in the morning and Savannah still looked like she had just gotten back from a photo shoot. She looked so freakin' cute and it was enough to make her pause. Savannah was the prettiest thing that she had ever seen before. She was wearing a pretty loose fitting grey Wildcats t-shirt and her shoulder was showing. As she slinked from underneath the covers Marti could see her that her lips were moving but she wasn't hearing a word the girl was saying. She was still a little dazed from how gorgeous Savannah was.

"What did you just say?" Savannah asked. Did she just hear Marti say damn when she turned on the lights?

"Umm, I was asking you about the qualifiers…" Marti quickly changed the subject hoping her slip of the tongue would go unnoticed.

"It's pretty intense. Big crowds, lots of noise, and cameras everywhere…it can be a little jarring at first, but you get used to it…" Savannah was having trouble as well. She was trying to memorize every single inch of Marti. Her black tank top exposed her well toned abs and belly button piercing. Her blonde hair was about shoulder length. Her eyes were this hypnotizing shade of green that Savannah kept getting lost in. She could not believe that she was lusting after her and at the same time, all she wanted to do was reassure Marti that everything would be ok.

"Cameras?" Marti asked.

"Yeah, cameras, sports reporters and occasional pervy old guy. Last year we were on SportsCenter and everything." Savannah realized that none of what she was saying was going help Marti calm down.

"The Hellcats were on EPSN?" Marti gasped. Why was this bugging her? It was any different than when she was in gymnastics back in the day. Of course back in the day, if she missed a flip and landed on her ass, it wouldn't end up on world's biggest sport network.

"This isn't helping is it?" Savannah asked and smiled hoping that maybe she could soften the impact of what she was telling her.

"Not really…" Marti smirked.

"Sorry. I am sure you'll do great…" Savannah smiled.

"Easy for you to say…god, what if I go out there and blow it?" Marti exhaled.

"You won't blow it…" Savannah answered.

"What was I thinking being a cheerleader? This is such a bad idea. I mean sure I got the moves but that was the tryouts and practice. I have to go out there and do this in a competition?" Marti tried to stay calm but her nerves were getting the best of once again. She looked back into Savannah's eyes. Savannah smiled at the blonde in front of her. She picked up a marker from the nightstand and held out her hand.

"Gimme your arm…"

"Say what?" Marti smirked.

"Give me your arm." Savannah asked again.

"Is this the part where I take Hellcats blood oath?" Marti couldn't turn off her snarkiness even when she liked the person.

"I am your captain now, so you know you have to do what I say." Savannah said confidently. She could tell that Marti was just being her usual smart assed self but she wasn't going to back down.

"Why should I do what you say?" Marti crossed her arms and continued to act like she had an attitude.

"Two reasons. Because I said so and I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you. Trust me…" Savannah held her hand once again. The blonde nodded and place her arm in her captain's hand.

"If you do hurt me, I'll punch you right in the face…" Marti said.

"Whatever works for you…so do you trust me yet?"Savannah tried to hold in her smile from touching Marti's arm. She could feel the strength in the girl's arm as she held it and rubbed her fingers ever so slightly, enjoying the way it felt.

"I trust you…" Marti smiled back at her. She made eye contact with the captain and she could tell that girl would never do anything to her. She could feel that Savannah was rubbing her arm and she didn't mind it at all. Her touch was having a strange calming effect on her.

"Glad you do…" Savannah popped the top off of the marker and started to write on Marti's arm.

"What are you doing?" Marti asked.

"It's for inspiration. You have been working it every single practice and you are a natural gymnast. All you have to do is go out there and do what I know you can do."

"And what's that?" Marti said hanging on every single word that came from the brunette's lips. Savannah let her arm go and smiled again. Marti huffed slightly from the loss of contact and looked to see what had been written on her arm. She wrote the word 'Fly' with a little star next to it.

"You just have to believe you can. Now go back to bed, we got a long day tomorrow." Savannah took Marti's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She could feel that Marti wasn't exactly letting her hand go. The two cheerleaders sat there silently looking into each other eyes. Something was definitely happening here.

"Thanks…you have really made me feel like I belong here…" Marti slid down onto floor between the two beds and was on her knees. She gently took Savannah other hand and gave it a slight tug hoping that she would join her. The captain smiled and slid down on there with her. They were both resting on the backs of their legs but their knees were touching.

"You do belong here…" Savannah whispered.

"Glad you think so, I was worried for a second there…" Marti laughed and rose up so she was completely on her knees. She gently brushed a few strands of hair from Savannah's face and her hand stayed on her cheek.

"You don't have to worry…not when you are with me ok?" Savannah said softly. She hoped that what she told Marti would help her. She didn't want the blonde to worry about anything. Not the qualifiers or the rest of the team, or anything at all. Marti was special and Savannah would always be there to take care of her. It just felt like the right thing to do. She closed her eyes once Marti's hand touched her cheek. She could swear her whole body was tingling from Marti just touching her cheek. She sat up as well so she was face to face with the blonde. Her heart was beating just a little faster. Whatever this crush was, it was something more than she realized.

"I won't then...Good night, Savannah…" Marti pulled her roommate into a embrace and it felt amazing to have this beautiful girl pressed up against her. She felt like she could spend the next few years of her life just holding Savannah in her arms. The brunette's hand slowly roaming on her back and the smell of her hair, it was like a dream.

"Good night, Marti…" Savannah said as she held onto the taller blonde. It felt so right to her. They held each other for a little longer and they finally separated. They looked into each other's eyes once more. Her face was still very close to Marti's. She felt like time had completely stopped in this room and she was very aware of everything around her. She was breathing slowly and Marti was doing the same. She didn't know if anything good was to come from this but something from inside of her was telling her to try.

"Yeah…good night…"Marti just felt like she belonged in Savannah's arms. She was crushing so hard for this girl and it was kinda freaking her out but at same time, she knew that this was the right thing. Wherever Savannah was, Marti knew she wanted to be there with her. They stayed like that looking at each other with such intensity that Marti thought she was going to fall over. She leaned in and Savannah did the same. They were so close to each other. Neither one of them wanted to say anything and at the same wanting to say something. Marti just couldn't take it anymore. She placed her hand on the back on of Savannah's head.

"W-what are you doing?" Savannah stammered when she felt Marti's hand on the back of her head.

"Flying…" Marti whispered pressed her lips into the brunette's. She took Savannah's bottom lip into her mouth and gave it a gentle little suck. Savannah, who was still in shock that this happening, could only mimic the other girl's actions and she captured Marti's bottom lip in between hers. When she did that, Savannah heard a moan rumble from somewhere deep inside of Marti. She let hands slide into the blonde's hair and let her fingers play in it. Savannah continued to switch back and forth with Marti. She would suck on the blonde's lip and Marti would spend a little time sucking on hers. They finally broke the kiss both of them gasping for air.

"Wow…" Savannah panted as she tried to catch her breath.

"Yeah that was a definite 'wow'…"Marti grinned. She had just made out with the girl who just a few days ago tried to knock her out. As she finally caught her breath, she brushed those amazing brown locks behind the cheer captain's ear. She was so beautiful that Marti had to take a second to compose herself after looking into her eyes.

"Y-yeah…so what happens now?" Savannah climbed up from the floor and helped the blonde as well. They stood there looking at each other once again.

"Is that going to be our thing now?" Marti whispered as she took the girl's hand in hers.

"What's going to be 'our thing'?" Savannah adjusted her hand so that her fingers interlocked with Marti's.

"Staring at each other with our mouths hanging open? Remember in the office? We just sat there looking at each other for like 30 years or something." Marti laughed.

"Well, I stare because…because…" Savannah paused. Why was she nervous about saying this? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. God, she never got nervous but something about this blonde girl made nervous. But before she could let her mind wander even further down the rabbit hole, she felt Marti's hand touch the side of her face.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right? Just tell me…" Marti whispered.

"I like looking at you…"Savannah blushed from revealing that fact to Marti.

"I like looking at you too. Best part of my day…" Marti placed a gentle kiss on the shorter girl's forehead.

"Are you serious?" Savannah whispered.

"I would never lie to you, baby." Marti watched Savannah's face light up from her calling her baby. She couldn't help but smile at her.

"I know you wouldn't…but it's like 2:30 and we need to get some sleep. Big day and everything…" Savannah turned and moved to towards her bed but Marti pulled her back towards her. Savannah turned and looked at the taller girl.

"Marti, what is it?" Savannah asked.

"Can you sleep in the bed with me?" Marti whispered. She didn't want to tell her that she couldn't imagine sleeping in the same room with Savannah and not have her lying next to her. She didn't wait to hear the other girl's answer, Marti gently pulled the cheerleader down into the bed with her.

"I was actually about to ask you to do the same thing…" Savannah turned on her side and the taller girl snuggled up right behind her. Their legs tangled up together and Marti pulled the brunette closer to her body. She kissed her on the back of her neck. She took a deep breath in and inhaled the sweet smell that was her cheer captain.

"Well, there is always tomorrow…" Marti said.

"Tomorrow then…" Savannah exhaled enjoying the feeling of having this girl next to her.

"Good night, baby…" Marti whispered and closed her eyes. She took the brunette's hand in hers once more. This week was filled one surprise after another, Marti was sure that this change would be for the good. And that this girl that she was holding, was the best thing that had happened to her.

"Night…" Savannah closed her eyes and smiled. A few days ago, it seemed that her world was on the verge of coming apart. Then somehow this amazing person came into her world and now things seemed to be a little brighter. As she drifted off to sleep she couldn't help but smile.

Okay if you think I should write some more, let me know.