Percy Jackson Lord of Time
Percy's POV
You know that you've done something wrong when suddenly you're zapped into the throne room of the gods on Olympus. Trust me I've been in that experience a lot of times. Let me introduce myself, Percy Jackson demigod son of Poseidon god of the seas, creator of horses, earth shaker and so on. It's been 4 months since I saved western civilization from destruction from Kronos. Things have been going on okay since then and by that I mean that my life is so much better with Annabeth. She is the daughter of Athena and we have been dating ever since the end of the war. Anyway back to the throne room in Olympus. They were in a meeting, probably concerning me and I know that there must have been an argument because you could smell ozone in the air. The full council looked at me.
"Perseus Jackson, we have just had a meeting concerning your decision to turn down godhood," said Zeus.
"Perseus we have decided that you need to become a god because after Kronos was destroyed the domain of time has been unstable and we need someone to control it. Since you defeated Kronos, the domain of time would obey you the most so you need to become a god," said Athena.
"This is a very crucial matter son, and we need you to resolve this problem," said my father Poseidon. I didn't know how I was feeling because when I saved Olympus, the gods offered me immortality but I refused because of Annabeth.
"I'll tell you guys if I agree by tomorrow evening," I said. With that they zapped me back to Camp Half Blood. I asked Annabeth if I could meet her by the beach.
"Hey" I sat down next to her. She looked beautiful as ever but I could tell that something was troubling her.
"The gods summoned me to the council today."
"What did you do wrong now Seaweed Brain?"
"Nothing they wanted me to become a god." She looked at me scared and depressed.
"Percy its hard for me to say this, but I don't think I can do this anymore," she said. Her beautiful gray eyes were staring at me and were full of sadness.
Me being the Seaweed Brain that I was was clueless. "What can't you do anymore?"
"We can't be together anymore. It's pulling me away from my life. I can't keep up this relationship with all the work that I have to do." I was stunned.
"You're breaking up with me?" I asked stunned.
"Percy don't make this harder than it has to be. I need to worry about my future."
"So your future is more important than our future," I said sadly. I left the beach that night and left her there. She was looking at me with a mix of emotions. Anger, Sadness, Confusion, and more Sadness. Then a look of realization came to her face like she just thought of what she had done. And then I saw a one of the most rare sights that you'll ever see in your life, A tear slid down Annabeth's face and dropped onto the ground. But I was too angry to notice that. I went to the training center and left several dummies ripped apart into pieces. Then I closed my eyes and evaporated into the lobby of the Empire State Building. Instead of asking for the key pass I grabbed it from the desk. I stormed up to Olympus and went into the throne room. Zeus and the other major gods were still there so I nodded to them. They all stretched out there hands and a big ball of energy grew and enveloped me.
You might ask how it felt to have the mortal side of your blood being ripped out of you. It felt like being in the Styx again.
Zeus' voice boomed in the throne room and said," Perseus Jackson I proclaim you God of Tidal Waves, Swordsmanship, Leadership, Heroes, Shape shifting and Lord of Time. I also pass down to you the responsibility of the Gods as King of Gods." Energy entered through my body and filled me with power. Once the energy ball disappeared I was standing there in my god form. Then all the Gods bowed to me. My throne appeared in the middle of where the U was open. There was a sheath strapped to it which held an amazing sword with an hourglass and clock near the hilt. I was aware of the time exactly and I felt a tremendous responsibility on me. I could see some of the goddesses drooling.
"Council is dismissed!" my voice boomed in the hall. Now its time for me to get used to my new immortal life. But I can't stop feeling the pain in my heart about losing a certain daughter of Athena.
Hey guys its Perseus. Im having trouble on which of the goddesses Percy Should Fall in love with go to my profile and enter your opinion on my poll.