Title: Lives Impacted
Disclaimer: I do not own Law and Order: SVU, Dick Wolf and NBC-USA networks do.
First a big thank you to my beta, xushi for editing this story! You are the best beta ever!
Special thanks to everyone who has patiently waited ten plus months to read, review, add to the story favorite story list story alert list: MsSofiaCabot, dove in love, LawAndOrderSVUFanCabotBenson, Huddyfan1634, 7Seven7, VampirePrincess86, , Future NYPD, serenityrayne417, DegrassiFan1994, smd41271, blackandblueangel, JenniferTVgirl, Keeblerelf208, justasmalltimegirl, MaileS, dark and depressed, mArTiNaMcBrIdErOx91, svuNOVAKfan, IceCreamEars, Ray25, underc0vergirl, ducky79, kiss the girl54 and to anyone else I might accidently left you off the list…you guys rock!
Genre: Romance/Family
Rating: T
Beta'd by: xushi
Epilogue: One Big Happy Family
-Story picks up five years later, 2011-
Life had changed so much for Casey and Elliot. Since the wedding, the two of them moved into a house on the outskirts of Manhattan. Three months later, twins, Regina Olivia and Kendra Christine Stabler were born.
Regina Olivia and Kendra Christine Stabler were born three months after the wedding on Mother's Day and were now five years old. Regina Olivia was born five minutes before her twin and was kind and sensitive like her godmother, Olivia. Kendra Christine on the other hand was a leader and stubborn like her godmother, Christine. Even though they had different personalities, Regina and Kendra were fiercely protective of each other. One thing was for certain; the only thing they had inherited from their absent father was their high cheekbones the rest was all Casey look alike, especially the red hair.
They knew they wanted more kids, and four and half years later, Casey give birth a second set of twins, Jennifer Tessa and Asher Jonah Stabler.
Since the wedding, Maureen was now working as a CPA and was happily married to Matt Abrams and had given birth to son, Tyler. Kathleen had decided to follow in her dad's footsteps and was nearing graduation at NYU with a degree in Criminal Justice. Lizzie and Dickie were nearing high school graduation and would be attending separate colleges, Columbia for Lizzie and MIT for Dickie.
Kathleen had stopped by with Lizzie and Dickie in tow for a weekend visit and promised to come for a visit later with her family.
Right now Lizzie, Kendra, and Regina were helping Elliot get Mother's Day breakfast ready for Casey, while Kathleen and Dickie went upstairs to see if the youngest two were awake.
Elliot looking at his three girls making breakfast smiled. He felt blessed to have the greatest family at home and at work.
"Okay, is everything ready?"
"Yes daddy," piped the twins whose faces were covered in jam and syrup.
Lizzie giggled at the sight of her little sisters. "Okay I need to get you two cleaned up before we go up and surprise mommy."
It didn't take long before sticky stuff was cleaned off and the food, milk and juice were on the tray and the twins were each holding a mini vase with a sunflower in their little hands.
Just as Elliot, Lizzie, Kendra and Regina had reached the door to the bedroom they saw that Kathleen and Dickie were already waiting with Jennifer and Asher respectively in their arms.
"Yes," the children all chorused quietly, while Jenni and Asher gurgled happily.
Once Lizzie opened the door and they stepped in, Regina and Kendra went up to the nightstand, put the vase down, leaned in and whispered, "Good morning mommy."
Casey awoke to see her loving family all standing in front of her and they spoke in unison, "Happy Mother's Day."
After rubbing sleep out of her eyes Casey said, "This is a wonderful way to wake up. Good morning, thank you."
Elliot put the tray on the bed and the family gathered around Casey, chatting, eating and watched as Casey opened each present.
Yes their lives have been impacted by Casey's unplanned pregnancy, but everything turned out to be best for everyone who knew Casey.
A/N: Thanks for reading "Lives Impacted". Thank you all for being supportive in which otherwise I would have stopped writing the story awhile back.