Disclaimer : I own nothing, except for this story.

Chapter 1 : Frieza Returns

It had been a peaceful day, Gohan had been studying , Krillin was lamenting over his dilemma with Maron and the rest of the Z fighters were doing what they usually did when they had free time.

Now however the day had taken a turn for the worst, Frieza had returned!

Krillin,Tien,Chiaotzu, Yamcha,Vegeta,Gohan and Piccolo were now in for the fight of their lives.

"Blast! how could have Frieza survived?" Vegeta yelled in anger.

" Guys I think we should run while we still can" Yamcha said in a fearful tone.

"Dont be such a coward Yamcha!" yelled Bulma.

Vegeta's face came into a smirk "you should listen to the woman, after all we need someone to clean up frieza's remains once Im done with him "

"Grr your insane Vegeta! Frieza will annihilate you!" replied Yamcha.

"Fool! I am the prince of all saiyans , Frieza will be no match for me! "

(Especially since I have acquired the knowledge of how to become a super saiyan) thought Vegeta.

"Now now what have we here, two stupid monkeys and a bunch of fools" said Frieza as he stepped out of his space craft. He hovered over to the area where the Z fighters were and landed in front of Vegeta.

"Oh no guys do you feel that, Frieza is much stronger than we thought!" yelled Krillin in despair.

"Hmm hahaha" "I'm going to kill you all before the monkey arrives , you will all make excellent presents for him to find,Ahahahahaha" "and I'm going to start with you baldie"

With that Frieza pointed his finger at Krillin and fired a death beam, it quickly travelled towards krillin but instead of hitting him it hit something else. "Hmm I better use a stronger beam next time" said Frieza.

Krillin looked down to find Chiaotzu with a hole in his heart.

"No! Chiaotzu!" screamed Tien. " I told him not to fight" Tien said as tears were welling up in his eyes. "I cant believe he's gone, we cant even wish him back with the dragon balls" Tien said solemnly.

"Oh? I didn't sense him here, it must be because he's a worthless fool with a weak power level" Frieza said mockingly.

"Grr why you!" Tien said as he lunged at Frieza.

Frieza grabbed tien by the throat and broke his neck instantly before tossing him aside.

"Ahh that was a nice warm up" said Frieza with a big grin on his face.

"No Tien..." sobbed Gohan.

"I know Gohan I cant believe it either" said Krillin in an attempt to comfort Gohan.

"Bulma I think you should get out of here" said Krillin with a serious voice.

"No way Krillin I came to see Frieza be defeated" said Bulma annoyingly.

"Geeze Bulma your such a bitch sometimes" complained Krillin.

"You know woman, you should listen to cue ball here, we don't need any more weaklings around here" said Vegeta with a mocking tone.

"Guys we cant win.." yamcha said meekly.

"Quit your bellyaching fool, if you cant handle it then piss off" snapped Vegeta.

"Are you fools finished squealing now?" asked Frieza with a sadistic tone.

"OH YES FRIEZA BUT IM AFRAID YOU ARNT!" yelled piccolo as he fired his signature attack the special beam cannon. It flew out towards Frieza at an incredible speed, however Frieza just batted it away with his hand.

"I see you arnt as stupid as your friends namek, Charging your energy while I was focused on their innate prattling...its too bad you wouldn't serve me, I could use someone like you" said Frieza.

"In your dreams Frieza!" said piccolo with an angry tone.

"Hmm yes well this has been fun but I think I shall end this now" said Frieza as he charged up a death beam.

"Never!" yelled piccolo as he fired a volley of ki at Frieza.

When the dust settled Frieza wasn't there, he appeared behind piccolo and fired a full powered death beam straight through his heart.

Piccolo was dead.

"NO Piccolo !" Yelled Gohan

"Frieza those were just weaklings, wait until you fight me! A SUPER SAIYAN!" yelled Vegeta as he was powering up.

" A super Saiyan? I highly doubt that Vegeta..." said Frieza.

Vegeta continued to power up, his energy levels were rising but after awhile he stopped.


While vegeta was anguishing over the fact that he had been wrong, Frieza had teleported behind him and grabbed him in a choke hold.

"Monkey you cant win,why not return to my service I can forget what you have done to me in the past, together we can crush that pathetic Saiyan Goku. said Frieza.

"Although the idea of fighting Kakkarot tempts me, there is one thing I shall never do again and that's becoming your slave Frieza! You may have defeated me but you will never strip me of my PRIDE!" yelled Vegeta right before Frieza snapped his neck.

" Lets get out of here guys!" yelled Yamcha.

"Right!" replied Krillin, Krillin nodded at gohan and the two of them started to fly away.

"Come on Bulma lets go" said Yamcha as he grabbed her.

"Vegeta..." said Bulma as they were flying away.

This angered Yamcha but he had to set personal feelings aside, he had to escape.

"I don't know where you think you are going but I've got news for you, it isn't anywhere on this plane of existence!" yelled frieza as he fired a Ki blast at Yamcha knocking Bulma out of his hands and putting a giant hole in his back.

"Now for the other two..." Frieza said as he charged towards Gohan.

Gohan and krillin had gone different directions to try to confuse Frieza, but unfortunately it didn't work for Gohan.

" I wont let you do this, I WONT!" yelled Gohan in anger as his Ki went to insane amounts of energy and his hair started to flash gold.

Frieza realised what was happening and quickly knocked him out.

Frieza quickly searched for Krillin but Krillin was suppressing his power and he was long gone.

"Damn you kid, you helped him escape!" Frieza yelled in annoyance.

He looked at the unconscious Gohan and Bulma. "Yes I believe I may have a use for you two" said Frieza with a big smirk.

What are Friezas plans for Gohan and Bulma? Why didn't Trunks show up? Will Goku be Strong enough to beat frieza or will he too be killed?

Find out in the next chapter!