"Yabba dabba doo!" Fred Flintsone happily removed his stone hat and slid down the tail of his dinosaur-digging thing, landing safely in his car. He pushed his stone time card into the stone time machine and the stone...everything is made out of freaking stone, god, this will be fun story. 'Stone' every five freakin' seconds. Where were we...oh yeah.

Fred drove into the...stone driveway and his family, along with Dino hopped into the car. The shuffled off to the movie theater and sat and watched as a film was projected on the...you know what, let's mix it up. On the rock screen...yeah, there we go.

But moments later a figure flew through the screen, shattering the rock. He landed near the car and laughed. "I'm Rock Man, and today's movie is canceled due to DEATH!" He held out his hand and blasted the Flinstones to high heaven.

Moments later Iron Man flew down and landed next to Rock Man. "I am Iron Man, and...wait, who are you?"

"I'm Rock Man." Rock Man said plain and simple. "You know, the Iron Man of the Flintstone age."

"Ohhhh..." Iron Man exclaimed, getting it. "'Rock' instead of 'Iron', 'cause everything's a pun around here, that's right. Clever. I should kill you, but since you're almost technically me, I think I'll go get drunk somewhere around here instead."

"Hey, I know just the place, man." Rock Man said as he pulled out a flyer for a bar. "Drinks are on me."

Iron Man raised his mask and placed his arm around Rock Man. "That's just what I was hoping you'd say." The two blasted off into the sky and headed towards the tavern. "Say, what's your real name, just out of curiosity?"

"Tony Slate."

"Of course it is..."