A/N: This is my first song-fic! So please review and tell me what you think!

Song: Kissin' You by Miranda Cosgrove. I heard it and thought it was perfect for Chlerek! Set a while after the Reckoning.

Disclaimer: I don't own Darkest Powers or the song Kissin' You.

Derek's POV

Chloe and I were listening to the radio in our room at the new permanent safe house we had found. Chloe had her back up against the headboard and I was lying down with my head in her lap.

She was playing with my hair, running her fingers through it, gently scratching my scalp. I was in heaven. I closed my eyes and tried to shut out everything but the music and her and what she was doing to me.

Who knew the scalp could be so sensitive? Every scrape of her hair, every gentle tug of my hair sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly the radio host announced a girl named Miranda Cosgrove's new hit Kissin' You.

I started listening and immediately all the lyrics reminded me of Chloe and I's relationship.

Sparks fly
It's like electricity
I might die

Every time I came in contact with Chloe I feel like I've been electricuted and am gonna die from how good it felt.

When I forget how to breathe
You get closer and there's
No where in this world I'd rather be

I often have to remind myself to breathe when I'm with Chloe. She's just to perfect. Every moment I was with her I never wanted it to end.

Time stops
Like everything around me
Is frozen

When I'm with Chloe there is nothing but her and me in that moment. Time freezes and everything's perfect just because she's there.

And nothing matters but these
Few moments when you open my mind to things
I've never seen

I always saw myself as a monster until Chloe came along. She made me realize I wasn't a monster and made me see things about myself I never thought were possible.

'Cause when I'm kissing you
My senses come alive

Every time we kissed it was the best thing in the world. Every nerve in my body was on edge, in a good way, and my werewolf senses allowed me to inhale her sweet scent. There was nothing better smelling than her scent mixed with mine.

Almost like the puzzle piece
I've been trying to find
Falls right into place

I never knew I had that piece of me missing until Chloe came along. She truly was that last puzzle that fit so perfectly into place.

You're all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I'm kissing you

Any doubts I had at me being too much of a monster for Chloe or not good enough for her instantly go away when her lips connect with mine.

When I'm kissing you
It all starts making sense

It never makes sense why Chloe chose me over Simon or really ANY boy until we kiss and I feel all the love she has for me.

And all the questions
I've been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I'm kissing you

Chloe is my mate. There's no question in my mind she is the ONE. We will get married when we're older and we both knew that but for now we were happy just being a couple.

Past loves
They never got very far
Wall's up, made sure
I guarded my heart
And I promise I wouldn't do this till
I knew it was right for me

I didn't have past loves so that didn't really apply. But I didn't let myself completely accept loving her until I knew it was right for my relationship with Simon.

But no one (no one)
No guy that I met before
Could make me (make me)
Feel so right and secure
And have you noticed
I lose my focus
And the world around me disappears

I wasn't a girl and I wasn't gay (obviously) so the guy part didn't apply but she definitely made me lose my focus. I endured endless hours of teasing from Simon, Tori and even dad when they did or said something to me but I was to absorbed with Chloe to notice.

'Cause when I'm kissing you
My senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece
I've been trying to find
Falls right into place
You're all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I'm kissing you
Find More lyrics at .com
I've been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I'm kissing you

When I'm kissing you
It all starts making sense
And all the questions

Chloe had only kissed one guy before and that was Simon but she didn't respond so it amazed me how good of a kisser she was.

I've never felt nothing like this
You're making me open up

I've never been more open than I was with Chloe. Not even with my own family. I told her everything and hid nothing. I also opened up a lot more socially. I actually could carry on a civil conversation with someone and started smiling, well half-smiling, a lot more. My full smile was reserved only for Chloe. Everyone was shocked how much Chloe changed me.

No point in even trying to fight this
It kinda feels like it's love

I tried to fight it when I learned Chloe was my mate. I didn't want to put that much pressure on her. But finally I stopped fighting it and have been completely happy. It wasn't just kinda, I knew it was love with Chloe.

Cause when I'm kissing you
My senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece
I've been trying to find
Falls right into place
You're all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I'm kissing you

When I'm kissing you
It all starts making sense
And all the questions
I've been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I'm kissing you

"Chloe?" I asked once the song was over. "Yeah?" she responded. "I love you. So much." I said. "I love you too. Extremely much." She said.

"I think that should be our song." I told her. "What do you mean our song?" she asked me. "Well you know how some couples have a song to define their relationship? I think that should be ours." I told her.

"Your right. It's describes how I feel perfectly." She said, smiling at me. "Me too." I told her and smiled her special smile. She raised her knees to bring my face closer and leaned down and kissed me.

Whatcha think? OOC at all? Should I try this in Chloe's POV? REVIEW please! =)