I have no idea where this came from...
I am supposed to be writing my other stories but I couldn't seem to stop.

Even though this is a one shot, I separated it into three parts. The Intro and Afterward are short. Don't worry, they're all being posted
as once.
There WILL (maybe) BE CHARACTER OOCness because, well, I don't really know how to make Kaito a bad guy. I've never done it before.
This story revolves around HAKUBA and KAITO a lot, but HATTORI is a close second, also playing a bigger part than Hakuba, though it is
shorter, which is why I made him the main character in the summery.

WARNING, character death. If you don't like it, this story (though only one person dies) is not for you.

Thank you :)


Kaito smiled to himself, tearing up the leaves so that they were in small enough pieces to be swallowed easily. Taking the plants seed, he tore it open, releasing it to let the juices mingle before putting the whole seeds into one of the water bottles he held. Still grinning, Kaito shook the bottle, waiting to see what the results of his little experiment would be.

The morning news papers were the talk of the town. "Kaitou Kid: Captured Last Week in Secrecy has Escaped! Really a High School Student!"

Aoko turned away from her classmates, already knowing full well that it was Kaito. Keiko tried to ask her about it but she turned away from her only other lifelong friend. She was having a hard enough time coming to grips with Kaito having been the thief that ruined her life before he escaped. Now she couldn't even thinkof forgiving him. If it weren't for the fact that the only reason that Kaito had been discovered was because he'd lost his hat when saving someone from falling off a building, both him and the officer hanging hundreds of feet up before they were rescued, Aoko didn't know if she would ever be able to accept it.

A few days ago her father had told her that they were trying to push for the hardest sentence. Kaito may have been a minor but it was still more than ten years for each felony theft charge, putting his release date long after a human lifespan. Kaito hadn't taken it well. He may have been smiling when Nakamori told him, sitting with the boy and seeming to care more about his fate than most of the legal administrators who had been to see him had, but it wasn't hard for the Inspector to notice the boy's pain.

Neither he nor his daughter expected the magician to escape. They were still in the dark as to how he had done it. Though it wasn't publicized, Kaito had been held in a high security prison in an isolated cell. Escaping wasn't supposed to be possible.

Kaito's picture was all over the news for the next few days. There was literal manhunt going on, a few of Kid's die hard supporters proclaiming that Kaito could come live with them. Aoko was getting sick of it all. If Kaito didn't want to be found, he wouldn't.

Then the heist notice came the week after that, personally inviting several teenage detectives, only one whose name Aoko could recognize. It was simply signed K.K.instead of Kaitou Kid. Hakuba smiled when he heard about it, having had skipped class the week before to help the police search for Kaito. For as long as the detective had been saying that he was the Kid, only now did the police take his talents into consideration.

"Seems like fun." Hakuba was sitting at his desk and handed the newspaper back to one of the many new fans he suddenly developed in the class. The other half of the girls avoided him, Kid fans to the end, even if he was their classmate. Having known Kaito made them even more die-hard fanatics. In the split, only Aoko and Keiko had kept their opinions on the matter to themselves.

"It does not sound like fun! This isn't a game! What's that idiot planning?"

"I have no idea, that's what makes it interesting. I'm sure Kuroba-kun will have something special set up. With as many police that will be in attendance, he won't be getting away this time."

"I guess so."

Hakuba raised a friendly glance. "You don't want to see him back in jail, do you?"

Aoko blushed, words getting caught in her throat. She'd been wondering for some time if those were her real feelings or not. Even now she didn't have an answer. "I don't know."

"Personally I don't want to see it either. I would have preferred Kuroba-kun to have gotten on with his life elsewhere and stopped this foolishness. Unfortunate that he chose to return."

Aoko's look was beyond skeptical. Hakuba laughed lightly at her expression. It wasn't unfriendly. "I may not have liked him associating with Kami knows who and doing whatever he pleased with no regards, but I've never thought he committed crimes bad enough to look him up for the rest of his life. If it weren't for the personal invitation, I would not be going."

Aoko kept her words quiet so the rest of the class couldn't hear her. Hakuba had taken Kaito's seat next to her so it was easy enough to keep their conversation hidden. "If it's between you and him, will you let him go?"

Hakuba looked down, eyes closing as he thought about the question. Aoko had pictured a steadfast reply of 'no'. Simply taking the time to think about it drew Aoko closer to him.

"I don't know. If I was the only one there and I could let him get away, I might. The chances of that are astronomically low, considering how many people will be there. Quite honestly I cannot answer your question in good conscience. This is not about what I want, it's about what I have to do."

"I understand." Aoko went back to her seat, feeling as if she was betraying her father and the officers she'd grown up with by asking Hakuba to spare Kaito. It hurt.

Hakuba's hand found hers under the desk and she looked up. "Don't worry Aoko-kun, I know how much you care about him. I won't let anything happen tomorrow night."

Aoko squeezed his hand in return, feeling as if she were betraying Kaito now. Hakuba took it away and faced the front of the class, not intending it as anything more than a reassurance.

Why should Aoko feel like she had to be loyal to that idiot anyway? He as good as ruined both their lives. Then she thought some more. How many betrayals was she going to have to suffer through before this was over?


There may be some spelling mistakes. I've gone over it a few times but that's by myself. If you notice anything bad please send me a message (not a review, though I like those ;) )