A young boy with blood red hair walked the streets of Konoha with his unkle by his stared around the one looked at him with hate?Guess they don't know what he was.

"Get her." "Don't let her get away."Gaara turned to see a pink haired girl running from some other kids throwing rocks at walked over to her and right before a rock could hit the pink haired girl,Gaara's sand blocked the kids looked at him.

"Who are you."A gril with black hair glared at him."Gaara,and if you don't leave...I'll kill you."All the kids looked at him with fear before running off while yelling 'Monster'or 'Demon'.

Gaara turned and faced the was blushing with cuts and brusies all over her."T-thank you."Gaara nodded and started to walk off when Sakura ran after him.

"Wait!Don't you want to play?"She asked stared at her in she really just ask him to play?

"S-sure."Gaara smiled.

"Looks like we have a mate,kit."Gaara was confused.

"A mate?"The Shukaku chuckled.

"Someone who belongs to us and only us."

"Mate"Gaara said out looked at him."Whats a mate?"

"A-a...friend."He didn't bother telling her what it ment."Really?Well then I guess were mates!"Sakura grinned.

"AHAHAHAHA!She thinks mate means cute."Gaara ignored the demon and played with the pink haired girl the whole day untile they had to kissed Gaara on the cheak and ran off toward her house.

"My Mate."Gaara spoke one last time.

6 years later

Sakura slowly walked down the street thinking about what her sensei told them,about the exams.'I'm gonna get killed.'

Sakura stopped when she heard some boy call her a chased the boy down the street."Get back her you little-Sakura froze when she saw a sand in pick up the poor was so busy thinking of how to solve this,that she didn't even notice the sand around her ankles.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at sqeaked when the sand picked her up and carried her to a tree were she saw a red headed boy stareing at her."Ummmm hia gaara...long time no see huh?"Gaara just stared at her."Hey put her down!"Gaara and Sakura turned around to see Naruto glareing at then pulled Sakura closer to growled at him,while Sakura blushed.

"G-gaara?"(He is sooo going too )Gaara decied to go nipped at her when Sakura tried to push away from him."Gaara!You know these people?"Gaara stopped and looked at his sister."Only the female."He hissed at wimpered as Gaara licked her neck.

Suddenly Gaara and Sakura disapeared into a swirle of wanted her,no,he needed needed his mate!