Hi Guys, Squallace here with an update
First of all I'd like to apologise for the long time I've taken on Apocalypse, I now realise that this writing thing is MUCH harder than I thought.
But on to the main point, basically, at first writing was loads of fun, I was flying by the seat of my pants in euphoria as I typed, I enjoyed it enormously. Now, though, it just seems like work, I haven't been enjoying it as much and find that, often, I don't want to write and when I do, I'm not happy at all with what I'm coming out with.
So I was thinking about why I wasn't enjoying it as much, and then it hit me; because I had uploaded it here, I felt I had to work on it, thus it became a chore that I HAD to do, thus it stopped being a hobby, thus it stopped being fun, thus it stresses me out. Now, I'm not flattering myself in thinking that you guys are always thinking "when is Squall going to update", because, odds are, you aren't, and Apocalypse is quite insignificant as far as you are concerned. All the same, I kind of feel I'm letting you down by taking so long.
But, to the point, Apocalypse is now officially on hiatus. I apologise, I know I'm letting you down. However, I would like to stress that it is ON HIATUS and not CANCELLED. In other words, I will get it done at some point.
What I may do is pull it down, re-write the existing chapters so they're... well... good, and write all the remaining chapters THEN reupload the whole thing.
I'm not going to disappear alltogether though-but; I'll still be doing stuff. See my account for more details.
Thanks again for reading and to all of those who faved and reviewed, you guys are awesome.
I think that's it, so see you in the future.
As for Laharl, Adell, Mao and co, their story is TO BE CONTINUED.
Squallace, over and out.