Hello Followers and Newbies,
thanks for not giving up hope. I recently found my way back to and I have decided to rewrite this story. I was 18 when I started it and I feel as though I did not capture the characters and situations good enough to finish it properly. So I'm now updating this with a better feeling and more passion for writing. I hope you are not disappointed, that I will make some changes for the plots sake.
Thanks for reading as always. Can't wait for your reviews!
Chapter 1. Why am I here?
Hermione woke up because her arm was itching. She had apparently fallen asleep on it and now it was slowly going from feeling numb back to normal. Still feeling tired she turned in her sleep and lifted her other hand to rub over her face. Slowly opening her eyes, she simply lay there for a few seconds. Even though she was lying down, she felt slightly dizzy. A weird feeling to wake up to for Hermione. She rarely got sick and had also never been a fan of alcohol. Thinking about it now, she actually couldn't remember anything, that had happened yesterday and the ceiling and lighting in this room also didn't seem familiar.
The thought was alarming and she immediately sat up, only to realize, that that had not been the smartest idea. Her head started spinning again and she had to brace herself by holding onto the bedframe. A few seconds passed and only when she felt as though her head was behaving normally again, she let go of the bedframe and looked around.
This was indeed not her room. Scanning the furniture and item lying around she took everything in and finally gulped as her gaze wandered to the bed she was currently sitting in. Not only was she naked beneath her blanket, she also wasn't alone. When she had first awoken, she had thought the pile of blankets next to her was simply that. A pile of blankets. But now she realized there had been someone sleeping beside her the whole time. There were soft breathing movements from the person sleeping next to her.
Maybe it would be better to get dressed before approaching whoever slept there. Then again she was curious and you know, curiosity killed the cat. Decision made, her heart started drumming in her chest and she felt herself beginning to sweat. Letting out a nervous breath she leaned over and tucked the blanket down a bid. Black hair appeared and she jerked back, as though she had been burned. How many people with black hair did she know? What if she had had a one-night stand with Harry? The thought alone made her sick. He was like a brother to her. Surely they hadn't… Maybe it was just some random guy she didn't even know. Then again she must have had been really intoxicated to just hit it off with some stranger. Debating her next step she subconsciously ran her hand through her hair. Letting it run through her fingers, something felt off. It seemed longer somehow.
Suddenly the object of her thoughts softly groaned, while turning into her direction. And when he did, he took the blankets down with him and revealed his face. A loud shriek from Hermione was what followed this event and she stumbled out of bed as fast as possible. Clutching the blanket tightly, to cover her nakedness, she stood next to the bed, eyeing her potions professor who had just woken up from her noises. He sat up and seemed slightly startled, but there was definitely concern in his voice.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Through his long dark hair he eyed her after taking a look around the room. Probably checking for intruders.
Hermiones throat felt dry out of the sudden. She simply couldn't answer right now. Why did Snape not even react to her being in what she assumed his private quarters? Had someone hexed her to forget? Or did he drug her? She considered it for a moment, then shook her head. She didn't know her potions professor very well, but he certainly wasn't that kind of man. He had given so much for their cause and fought at their side, which had nearly killed him in the end. That much she knew.
And though they had never been friends, she surely wouldn't call him her enemy. Even though they always fought about her grades. After the final battle she had returned to Hogwarts to officially finish school and Snape had constantly annoyed her with his undoable tasks and homework.
"Hermione? Are you sick again? I'll brew some more potion today." The way he talked to her was so intimate, as though they had known each other for a longer time and that made her feel uneasy. His voice did not sound snarled or mean in any way. It's dark, calming timbre calmed her to an extend she did not want to admit. What was happening here?
Since she didn't answer him, he stood up and to her shock, revealed that he was equally naked as her. Before he could turn around however she had already closed her eyes. Reluctantly she put her arm in front of her and motioned for him to stay where he was.
"Professor, please. Stop that and put something on.", she demanded and her already red cheeks only gained more colour. Since she couldn't see what he was doing, she only realized he had gotten closer to her because his voice was nearer when he spoke.
"Is this some kind of role-play?", she could hear the grin in his voice. "Because, I wouldn't mind that one bit. We could pick right up where we left of yesterday evening, but unfortunately I have to teach these annoying Ravenclaws in about an hour… and you know my taste, that's not nearly enough time." He was close to her now. She could feel his breath on her skin.
Reminding herself that she was a Gryffindor, she opened her eyes and gave him a look, that clearly showed how annoyed und uncertain she felt in this situation. And it made him back of a bit.
"As I said, Professor. Would you please put some clothes on? I don't remember what happened last night, but I sure as hell don't want a repeat and I don't feel comfortable being naked around you."
There. She had made her point and his face showed, that he had understood. But he also seemed very concerned and irritated. Quickly looking around he grabbed some pyjama pants from the floor and trough them on.
"What do you mean by that? You don't remember last night?" With crossed arms he stood in front of her and now that he had trousers on, Hermione aloud herself to take a look at him. Surprisingly he seemed fit. Not in a shredded kind of way. He didn't have a six pack or anything. But she could see that he had some very nice muscles, which he had apparently been hiding underneath his black robes all the time. Was she actually ogling her potions professor? Heat spread through her cheeks again.
Focus. She told herself.
"Well, I don't. We apparently had a one-night stand or something, but I clearly don't remember it. I'm sorry. I must have been drunk or so."
She gripped the blanket tighter, as she waited for a response, but he didn't say anything. Instead he sat down on the bed and had a worried impression on his face. Hermione used the time to look for her clothes. But she couldn't find any that seemed familiar. Was another woman living in this flat? Because the panties lying on the floor surely weren't hers.
Snape seemed to have finished his thinking process. Determined he stood up. A frown on his face as he eyed her up and down.
"What is the last thing you remember?"
Hermione bit her lip and thought about it, before answering.
"Yesterday was…Friday…so…ah, yes! We were discussing my homework. You had the nerve to mark an entire page red and title it with irrelevant. So I went to discuss things with you and we had a little argument. But I don't really recall anything else. How did we end up here?" She motioned to the bed. "And where is my uniform? I really need to get dressed."
Waiting for an answer she looked at him and realized that he was paler than ever before. There was panic in his eyes and he stood up so abruptly it startled her and she nearly fell backwards.
"Did you use a time turner? Did you have a time turner then?" Hermione shook her head. "Of course not, they were forbidden after-"
"-A Potions accident? Did someone hex you? Was there anything-", he stopped and came up to her.
"May I see your arm?", he asked and she reluctantly nodded. Gently grasping it, his eyes seemed to search for something. And apparently he found it, because he let his finger run over it, causing her skin to tingle. "What is it?", she asked.
He stepped back from her again. "A scar. You got it when we were together."
The young witch frowned. "I hurt myself last night and it is already scarred?"
Snape let out a breath and grabbed hold of both her arms.
"No, that is what I'm trying to tell you."
His seriousness made her nervous.
"Your last memory was five years ago."