Carlos stood very confused in James arms, he pushed Carlos away looking him straight in the eye,a smile slowly crept over his face. Carlos looked at James confused and scared of what was going to happen next. Out of nowere James began to talk,"I know that we said things ,did thing that we didn't mean, but your tempers just as bad as mine is. Baby please come back it wasn't you, baby it was me!" James said looking Carlos square in the eye. Carlos opened his mouth to speak,but James cut him off, "Mayby our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems,that's just what happens when a tornado meets a volcano."Carlos looked at James tears welling in his eyes,James did the same. With his voice cracking James continued,"All I know is a love you to much walk from it." The taxi Carlos called pulled up to the curb beeping the horn. Carlos turned his head to see it waiting. " Come on pick your bags off the sidewalk." James pleaded,"Don't you hear sincerity in my voice, I told you this is my fault." Carlos turned away to pick up his bags,James grabbed his jaw forcing him to look at him as he did earlier. "Look me in the eyes,next time i'm pissed I won't you hit you I'll the wall." James looked around,the taxi beep again."Actully,next time there won't be a next time,I apologize for ever hit you or anything in the first place. I swear I'm not gonna lie to you ever again I'm tired of the games I just want you back,Please!"

Carlos looked at James then at the taxi at the curb,which was beeping it's horn for the fifth time and then back at James." I-I'm sorry James,but I've put up with you and your temper for too long." Carlos said, he could feel the tears roll down his face. "All you've done is hit,lie and cheat on me for the past year and a half,and I've had enough."He picked up his bags and opened the taxi door throwing them into the back seat .

James couldn't believe what had just happened he turned around letting the tears fall from his face as he walked into the house looking all around soon memories of him and Carlos filled his mind."He's gone."James whispered to himself."He's really gone."He whispered to himself again. He strobed into the bathroom,turned on the faucet,and splashed water in his face to make sure it wasn't a dream. When James realized this was all real he got so angery with himself that he punched the mirror causing it to shatter. He was breathing heavily while he leaned over the sink, he grabbed a piece of the broken mirror holding it up to see his reflection. Behind him in the piece of mirror he saw Carlos standing in the doorway. James quickly turned around to see his ex standing in the doorway, he walked over to him. James's eyes filled with tears, "I'm sorry." Suddenly tears flooded his face,"I'm so sorry."Carlos began to cry at the sight of James crying," I know" Carlos sobbed as he pulled James into a hug."If you ever try to fucking leave again,I'm gonna tie you to the bed and set this house on fire"James told Carlos as they hugged. Carlos smirked at the threat. Carlos pulled James closer and whispered in his ear...

"I love the way you lie."