Shinji Rarenai Genjitsu (Unbelievable Reality)

Summary: No memories, connections nor anything. One thing is for sure, they hate him for what he contains. He doesn't deserve happiness, he doesn't deserve them, they don't belong to him.

Warning: Naruto is going to be OOC and other character too.

Author's Notes: Sorry for the LATE update. But college was getting hectic and I needed some time. Though the chapter is short, sorry for that, but I hope you like it. REVIEW please! Thanks.

Chapter 5: Insanity

He poked his head out of the doorway of his room.

It was certainly very, very strange when he heard nothing inside the house. Normally, at least one servant would be fussing over him already. Not even that old hag had hounded him this morning to get his breakfast served for him. Though if he was thankful or not had yet to be considered. There were times that he just felt so suffocated in this house, no idea how to fit in, no idea how to become one with the floor just to escape it all.

He didn't know if he preferred things the way they were back in his own universal plane because there were times, just sometimes, Naruto finds himself becoming attached and he sort of, perhaps, maybe started to like it here. It always occurred to him when a redheaded woman was inside the kitchen to greet him warmly, an equally redheaded boy nodding at him with acknowledgement like some kind of rival at the hallways, or the blonde haired man who keeps barging into his room in the middle of the night when he thought Naruto was asleep.

Naruto knew that he was becoming attached. That thought scared, no–it terrified him to the point of panic.

Kyuubi hadn't been any help since he had refused to speak to the blonde haired boy again, choosing to sleep instead to regain some energy. Certainly, he would have acquired the needed rest because his host was becoming more agitated. Both knew that he didn't belong here, that it was just some cosmic mistake trying to pull them down so deep that they couldn't come out breathing.

As he trudged through the silent halls, he frowned in thought. He wasn't even hungry for breakfast so he saw no point in stopping by the kitchen. He might be tempted to anticipate Kushina's warm smile at him and he didn't need that to be reminded that he wasn't their Naruto. The blonde boy never called them 'Kaa-san' or 'Tou-san'.

Hundreds if not millions of tests will prove that Kushina and Minato were his parents here. But Naruto knew that his family was dead before he could even form any logical thought or before his stump legs could attempt to walk. And Takashi just plain confused him. One moment, the boy would be demanding to train with him or eat and watch some movie or just simply provokes him. Naruto had always been short-tempered and he found that arguing with his 'brother' came so naturally that he was just left speechless at times.

Fortunately, they never seemed to force him into doing things. So he had settled for calling Kushina –"Shina" and Minato –"Mina" because it was easier to remember them and differentiate them from the ones in his plane even if they were dead. Though he had always gained satisfaction in calling Takashi a midget, it might have been childish but Naruto could only act as that for a while before he was weighed down by his village's hatred.

He wandered around the house–or more like a mansion since it was too big for four people and too spacious even with the few servants that they had.

Though he was a bit curious to see the black kanji and runes encrypted into several doors or wall corners, he was reminded of Jiraiya and his brief but very short introduction of seals. Naruto could hardly recognize a storage or explosive seal so these complex ones made his head hurt just a little.

But he would say that the personal tour was a little enlightening and informative on his part. He wasn't really observing, just lounging around and finding things that might hold his interest. He had seen a portrait of Minato's genin team. Team Seven under the fourth and the genin team under Jiraiya of the Sannin. Though he was surprised to see Shina's, it was a picture with a raven haired girl that, strangely enough, looked like Sasuke's mom, then he recognized Shizune, but the blonde haired woman behind them was the one that sent him reeling into shock.

Was it even the same back in his own universal plane? Was that why Tsunade cared so much?

And he also saw his own genin picture. Naruto had also glimpsed that not only Minato had survived but his whole team too and seeing one of their latest pictures hanging on the wall, the blonde was still unused to seeing an older version of Kakashi without his Sharingan or his hitai-ate slanted over his left eye. The scar over the eye was still there but it seemed it was replaced with a normal one.

His head really hurt just thinking about the 'what ifs' or the theories and possibilities that the planes could have in common and not.

So he decided to take a walk outside his house. They never let him get out of the house and it irked him, it was almost similar to being imprisoned and Naruto had never done well with being made to stay at one place for a long time.

But it never surprised him that as he walked around the village, his feet were already dragging him to the familiar trail he had so long ago memorized. Since he was a kid, he had always loved going to Ichiraku's, not only because of their mouth-watering ramen, but because it was one of the places that welcomed him without prejudice on their part and warmth that he lacked in his childhood during his time in the orphanage.

As he entered the stand, he was glad that it was still the same. That at least, one constant in his life hadn't changed. He heard from Obito – he still couldn't get accustomed to the idea of calling him 'sensei' – that he had hung out here numerous times and loved the food and place. His teammates brought him takeouts when his parents were out and Naruto hated the fact that he was beginning to love this team.

But deep down inside, Naruto would choose his original team in a heartbeat. Sakura-chan may be always annoyed by him but after the chuunin exams, she had shown that she could care and had. She had also gone a little mellower after Sasuke's defection. Instead of blaming him for the failure of his promise to her, she had supported him in bringing the bastard back. Then there was Kakashi-sensei, even though he hadn't taught him much and had always been lazy, the man had shown that he cared for his students. Though Naruto liked to ignore the blatant favoritism during the finals – it made it easier dealing with his sensei that way.

Sasuke was still a sore topic to him. He wasn't lying when he told Jiraiya that Sasuke was like a brother to him. And him leaving had struck a deep chord within Naruto. He still remembered Mizuki's words that no one would care for him. Sasuke, being one of the few to first acknowledge him, had left and told him that foolish bonds meant nothing to him.

Naruto knew that it had nothing to do with the Kyuubi, but it didn't mean that it hurt any less if it had.

"Ahh, Namikaze-sama!"

He blinked as Ayame appeared on the counter.

"E-Excuse me?"

The blonde wasn't really sure if she was referring to him. Even in his time back at the 'mansion', no one had called him such. It was either Naruto-kun or just Naruto or sometimes, to his chagrin from the servants, Naruto-sama.

But Ayame just winked at him.

"Just kidding, Naruto-chan. We all know that you hated being called that. Have a seat! It's been so long since you've eaten here!" She beckoned to him, her smile widening as he almost dazedly took the offer.

"Sure thing, Ayame-chan! Miso ramen please!" He chirped cheerfully, it was really fun being here just like back home. Though some part of him was still put out that even here, he was still called 'Naruto-chan'. He almost grew up in Ichiraku's since he ate there most of his life but it still perturbed him nonetheless.

He could still remember Kiba laughing at him when Ayame and her father had called him that as they ate at Ichiraku's.

"Dad! One Miso for our number one customer!" The brunette yelled over her shoulder.

"Coming!" Naruto heard Teuchi yell back almost excitedly.

Blue eyes looked at Ayame confusedly, they were awfully worked out.

"Get used to it! You've been gone for almost a year and we should celebrate your comeback!" She told him almost giddily. "We've also been worried, Naruto-chan. Your first order is in the house and consider it as your "Continue getting well" present from us."

Despite himself, Naruto blushed at that. He grinned at her widely.

"Thanks Ayame-chan! I missed the food here very much! Shina and Mina won't let me come out of the house." He felt the need to explain, just like those other times.

"Shina and Mina?" Ayame asked, a puzzled look on her face.

Naruto laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

"Uhm, I meant my parents."

This time, she looked at him oddly with a tinge of disbelief.

"What?" He inquired almost self-consciously.

"Well, the names you called them was almost affectionate, and you never called them anything affectionate, Naruto-chan. It's just weird since it was always Namikaze-san and we always had to ask you if you're referring to Kushina-san or Minato-san." The brunette shook her head almost wryly, but there was a touch smile on her face.

"I guess being away made me do that." He grinned at her impishly as he heard his lame excuse.

But Ayame just chuckled at him.

"Just glad for you, Naruto-chan." She instead replied and went back to getting his order as she ignored his confused look.

"There you are, Namikaze-san."

Naruto whirled around just in time to meet the pupiless lavender orbs of Hyuuga Hinata's.

"Hinata?" He called back curiously.

He was surprised to see her eyes narrow at him.

"We're barely acquaintances and I would prefer it if you don't refer to me by my first name, Namikaze-san. It's either Hyuuga-san or Hyuuga." She spoke to him almost condescendingly and dare Naruto say it, coldly.

"Eh?" Though he was befuddled at the reaction, this Hinata was different from the one he knew. And this one almost reminded him of Neji. "Well, we could be friends then Hinata!"

Let it be said that he had no manners and he wasn't about to change that just because people here thought that he was Namikaze Naruto of this plane. Though he was kind of, sort of, perhaps amused to see Hinata's face go red. But instead of the usual timidity or shyness, it was out of anger than anything else.

"Father just wanted me to tell you that he wished you well and welcome back." She gritted out frostily, and that was when Naruto saw the difference between her and Neji.

Whereas Neji could broach the conversation with calm blankness and maintain it when provoked, Hinata, for all her cold attitude, was easily goaded to lose that calm.

"Oh." His grin had died down by this point. "Then tell him that I said thanks."

She nodded mutely before instantly spinning on her heel and walking out of the stand.

"Tsk, that girl would be really hard-pressed to get friends if she always goes like that." Naruto heard Ayame say, and the blonde saw that his Miso ramen was already in front of him.

"Is she always like that?" The blonde asked as he shook his head bemusedly.

Ayame sighed at him.

"No, she isn't. You know, I used to see that girl on the park. She was always shy. But I guess, the Hyuuga managed to break into her. And now, she's as aloof as them. Hyuuga-san is now so different from that timid kid and I almost feel sorry for her." She sighed again as she leaned on the counter. "Though I'm curious, Naruto-chan, why would you call her by her first name? She was right to say that you barely know her."

Naruto shifted uncomfortably.

"Well… Just a slip on my part, I've been doing that since I arrived here." He went along with the explanation that everyone expected of him.

Ayame nodded at that.

"One chicken ramen, please."

Naruto was getting annoyed that people he knew kept showing up since a part of him recognized the voice. Though he wasn't ready to see a raven haired boy his age sitting on the stool beside his. The blonde blinked a couple of times at the figure.

"S-Sasuke?" He stuttered, shocked.

"Naruto." The boy nodded to him, his face struggling to keep a smile from showing.

Naruto laughed so hard at the irony of it all.