AN: I own nothing!

I've never found anything that has said where in Kansas they were from, simply that Jeff grew up on his parent's farm, kinda like Dorothy…lol! On to the story!

I was planning on waiting till later to write this, but I knew that I needed something to get me in the right mindset for Gordon. I have the hardest time relating to his character out of all the Tracys.

Jeff strode into the main office of Star Elementary. Unfortunately, he knew this office very well, an unfortunate result of having four boys going to this school. If he was honest, he spent a lot of time in that office as a student in the school himself.

Mrs. Allen, the school secretary, smiled at Jeff apologetically, but the person he was focused on was currently trying to make himself disappear in a corner chair.

"Gordon! Come here," Jeff said sternly.

Gordon slowly slid off the chair and walked over to his father.

"Now, Gordon, not tomorrow," Jeff said, looking up and noticing Dr. Hobbs standing in the door of his office.

Gordon went up to his father and looked up with a small grin and said, "Yes, Daddy?"

Jeff put his hands on his hips and looked down at Gordon, who continued to smile at him even though he knew full well that he was in major trouble. Not only had he been sent to the office, but his father had had to leave work and come to the school.

"Mr. Tracy, how about we take this into my office?" Dr. Hobbs asked.

Jeff looked up at Dr. Hobbs and nodded. He motioned with his hand for Gordon to walk ahead of him into the office. Jeff shook his head. Here was Gordon in trouble, going to the principal's office with his father in tow, and still he was grinning!

Dr. Hobbs went into his office and sat behind his desk leaving the two chairs in front of the desk for Jeff and Gordon. Jeff sat in the one on the left and watched Gordon sit down in the other chair. Gordon was actually looking a little nervous now that he was sitting in front of the principal.

"It's amazing what putting a desk between the one in trouble and yourself does to their bravado!" Jeff thought.

"Mr. Tracy, I thought that I would let Gordon here tell you what exactly he decided to try today," Dr. Hobbs opened with.

Jeff looked at Gordon and raised his brow. Gordon swallowed slightly and then turned towards Jeff with a serious look on his face.

"I became a buisiness man, Daddy," Gordon said earnestly.

"A business man? What kind of business man?" Jeff asked while glancing over at Dr. Hobbs. He could already tell that this story was not going to end well and Gordon had only said one sentence so far!

"Well, Toby liked the prank I pulled on Scott the other day at the park, and asked if I could help him do it," Gordon answered. Gordon froze. "Uh…Daddy…"

"Let me guess, you said 'yes'," Jeff said while rubbing his forehead with his hand, choosing to ignore Gordon's admission of pranking Scott for now. After all, Scott was 15 years old. If the prank had bothered him, then he would have said something.

"Oh, no, Mr. Tracy, it gets much more complicated," Dr. Hobbs said, "Gordon, finish your story."

"Well, Toby said he'd give me five dollars if I helped him. I told him I would, cause I want a new baseball mit. Drew overheard us and he asked if I had a good prank that he could use against his older brother who's always teasing him.," Gordon continued, getting more confident as he recounted his morning, "I told him that I had one, but for five dollars like Toby."

Jeff looked down and shook his head while inwardly groaning. He knew where this story was heading and the thought that kept running through his head was, 'Only Gordon…only, Gordon'.

"And then Anna asked if she gave me $5 if I would give her a prank to use on her grandmother that's staying with them right now," Gordon continued, "And then…"

"Gordon, Gordon, I get the picture," Jeff interrupted. He just wanted this meeting to get over with.

"You see why I called you. He was creating a disturbance in the classroom. His teacher even started giving the students recess detention if they kept asking, but that did no good. Now, I know that this wouldn't normally sound bad enough to warrant a call home. However, when his grade went to lunch, the news of Gordon's prank business spread like wildfire. All of the students were swarming his table regardless of the teachers and lunchroom staff's efforts to keep them in their seats," Dr. Hobb's said, "Today is Friday, therefore I thought it best to go ahead and send Gordon on home. Hopefully, this will blow over by Monday. The other students will be notified as well that this topic is off limits. Now Gordon is not going to get off scott free, which is probably what he's thinking since he's currently grinning. Gordon will have three days after school detention starting Monday."

"That sounds more than fair, Dr. Hobbs. I can assure you that he will also be punished at home as well," Jeff responded. He sent a glare over at Gordon, who had wisely dropped the grin and now looked worried.

"Hopefully, the next time we meet will be under better circumstances," Dr. Hobbs said. He stood up and held his hand out over the table.

"I hope so as well. Have a good day, sir," Jeff said while standing up and shaking the proffered hand. He turned and looked at his little trouble maker. "Come on, Gordon. Let's get you signed out."

The Gordon that followed Jeff out of the office was far more reserved than the bundle of energy that had greeted him. He hoped that the seriousness of his actions had finally occurred to him.

Jeff quickly signed Gordon out and ushered him out the door and to the Dinali. Jeff didn't say a word as he helped Gordon into his booster seat. Unfortunately, and much to Gordon's annoyance, he was still ten pounds underweight and a few inches too short to ride in the car without at least a booster.

"Daddy?" Gordon asked timidly.

Jeff looked Gordon in the eye and shook his head. He shut the door and walked around to get in his seat. He buckled himself in and started the vehicle. Only then did he look in the rearview member at his sad passenger.

"I take it from what Dr. Hobb's said that you already had lunch?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, sir," Gordon answered.

"Good, let's go home," Jeff responded.

The drive home had to have been one of the quietest and longest drive Jeff had ever had. Gordon wisely had kept quiet. When they arrived home, he sent Gordon to his room to change before he came to Jeff's home office. While Jeff waited on his son, he thought about Gordon calling himself a business man and his business venture. Soon, what had started as a quiet chuckle turned into a full fledged laugh. Jeff laughed so hard he didn't think he'd be able to stop before Gordon came down, but how good the laugh felt.

"Thank you, Lucy, for our little mischief maker!" Jeff said quietly, looking at the ceiling, and still laughing.


or at least the end of this particular episode of the Tracy mischief maker's long and (in)famous career!