Title: Unsheathed

Authors: COLLABORATION! Rukawagf + Anon Author #25

Rating: M
Pairing: Shiki x Izaya
Prompt from the Drrr Kink Meme: I'd like a ShikixIzaya, in which Shiki is the "experienced adult" who has Izaya in the palm of his hand. In my headcanon Shiki is one cool BAMF, and I'd love to see that playing out against Izaya's manipulativeness.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters!


It was two hours passed midnight. The wind howled across the Tokyo Bay. Shiki was at the harbor docks as his men flanked him from behind.

The Russians arrived with their cargo, several cases were being unloaded from their boat by the wooden crates.

"That should be all of them." The gruff looking blond Russian spoke more in a growl than in speech. His Russian accent was rather thick but Shiki understood the gist of it.

"Thank you. May I have my men inspect them?" Shiki drew his scarf closer around his neck so it wouldn't be blown away.

"Suit yourself." He shrugged as he hollered in Russian at his men to hurry the fuck up.

Or so Shiki had thought.

"Half of the crates are missing your stock." Izaya whispered in Shiki's ear.

"He told them to move only the 'full' ones… Check the crates they don't move. They're probably filled with something else to add weight. You're going to have to go through them all to be sure."

Shiki frowned slightly. There was a small microphone in Shiki's right ear. Though Izaya insisted on coming along, Shiki refused saying a kid being there during their transaction would not only look suspicious, but also unprofessional. When Izaya suggested that he could pretend to be Shiki's son, trying to learn the trade, Shiki smacked him.

So instead Izaya had to stay at a distance but Shiki wore a microphone so the little high schooler could listen in and translate for Shiki.

Even with Izaya interpreting, Shiki pretended to be oblivious to the Russian's words. Once his men checked the crates, the kanbu pointed at the ones that weren't moved to the land yet.

"I only see half of my crates off your boat. What of the ones still over there?"
"Ah? Those? It'll take few hours to move 'em all. You want to stay out here and freeze yer ass?"

Shiki coldly stared right back.

"I would like my men to inspect all the goods."

"You don't trust me do you, Jap?"

"Just being careful."

"Suit yer'self."

Then the Russian was cussing as he hollered at the men to bring the 'rest' of the crates, the ones with the proper goods.

Shiki could hear Izaya giggling in his ears. "It seems he has the proper goods under the boat just in case the deal went south, Shiki-san."

Slipping his hands into his pockets, the yakuza kanbu observed the Russian's working despite the cold weather. He was pleased that Izaya's plan had worked out, although he still wasn't ecstatic that he had to deal with his annoying voice in his ear.

"If you stay out there much longer, Your balls are going to shrink, Shiki-san…" The teen laughs into Shiki's ear. The Yakuza couldn't make any move or respond, doing nothing about the rude taunts aside from standing still. All he could do was grit his teeth and endure as his eyebrows twitched.

"At your age, I'm sure you're worried about premature ball shrinkage… It probably ruins your sperm count. But then again, Shiki-san doesn't have a wife so children probably aren't in your future."

Shiki's frown deepens, he wanted to tear into the little twerp, grind his face into the concrete with his heel and put him back in his place… Of course, none of those things were possible right now, but later he'd be sure to pay his 'respects' for Izaya's words.

"You know, I was wondering, is that why you like being so rough with me? Is it to compensate for something perhaps? I mean… maybe it's a good thing you don't have a kid and all after all. Don't want someone who likes to fuck little teenagers to become a dad after all right?"

Shiki wanted to scream. But there was only a barely audible, strained sound coming from his throat.

"Did I make you mad? Oops… Anyway… I'm bored so what else do you expect me to do? Besides, I was just kidding about the cold weather killing your sperm, smoking does that already so you're safe!"

Shiki almost tripped on a crate as he was walking in between them.

"Are you okay boss?" One of his bodyguard asked, concerned at his boss' rather grave face despite that the transaction seemed to be going smoothly.

"Perfect." Shiki spoke through his gritted teeth. "Just was caught up thinking about certain… things… I need to do later."

Shiki could hear Izaya snort in his ears and burst into a peal of laughter.

"Oh, Shiki-san. Do, you say? Do you want to 'do' me that badly? Oh my, you shouldn't be thinking naughty thought during work, that's so unprofessional of you. You should be focusing more on …. LOOK OUT!"

Shiki suddenly ducked when Izaya shouted so loud in his ears, a loud 'pop' resounding around him. It sounded almost like a firework, or a car backfiring, his mind swiftly acting on the impulse of the sound.

It's when the shouting begins that he realizes it really was a gunshot.

"Shiki no danna! This way!" The bodyguards shielded him as his men started to fire back.

"Shit….is it the police or the rival gang?" Shiki hid under a crate as he took out his own gun.

"Uncertain sir!"

"Take what we have and let's go! The we'll have to sort it out with the Russians later!"

The Russians too were too busy unanchoring their ship to save themselves to care about their failed negotiation. Without the exchange of money, it wasn't a particular loss for either side, although they'd have to find a better meeting point if they wanted to make the sale final in the future.

Inwardly cursing, Shiki and his men run back towards the car where Izaya was waiting, slipping inside without a care as to whether or not the Russian's escaped before taking off.

Shiki sighed as he rubbed his temple while sinking into his familiar leather couch. It had seen better days and so had its owner.

"I did well this time didn't I? Didn't I?" Izaya practically jumped onto his lap like an overly excited puppy waiting for his reward that Shiki brushed him off.

"Good job with the gunshot warning, not so good job with the unnecessary commentaries."

"Aww, doesn't Shiki-san get lonely?" Izaya smiled as he came back to wrap his arms around Shiki's neck.


Izaya blinked as he tried to shake off the ringing inside his head. He didn't even see it coming as Shiki had grabbed his head and smashed it against the coffee table. And Izaya was very good at dodging, considering he had trained daily by dodging away from a certain blond monster.

"Look, little 'informant'. I don't know what you're playing but it seems you enjoy playing with fire. Do you like to watch things burn, is that it? Do you just enjoy feeling the heat without tasting the flame? Well there's consequences to your actions, little boy. And even if you may think you're at a safe distance, watching the fire grow, look around you."

Izaya's eyes finally focused to stare into Shiki's dark eyes that sent shivers down the teenager's spine.

"You're already in the middle of it. You're already being swallowed up by the very flame you're watching."

When Shiki let him go, Izaya rubbed his head and sat up.

"You've got it wrong, Shiki-san. It's not like that."

"Oh? Well I think I'm not too far off." Shiki finally grabbed his cigarette for a smoke. Izaya already found the lighter to give him the 'fire' he wanted.

"Perhaps I am here for just the thrill of it all but…" Izaya leaned forward. "I'm just an observer. An observer you can make use of. So why not… use me?" The sneaky little brat actually managed to snuggle even closer like a snake seeking warmth next to a dragon.

"I promise I'm pretty useful Shiki-san. You've got nothing to lose from just using me dry until you want to dispose of me, right?"

'This kid is fucking crazy,' Shiki thought once again. Who in the world wanted to be 'used' until they were thrown away like trash? Especially a young kid of his age, an age where kids wanted to be in the spotlight and wanted to be the center of attention.

But no. This kid wanted to become a shadow. A shadow that was always right under the spotlight so he could observe and steal the dazzling glamour.

It was such a rare darkness in one so young that intrigued Shiki for once.

"Alright. You wanted a deal?" Shiki let out a puff of smoke right into the kid's face, making Izaya cough and cough, his eyes tearing up. Shiki couldn't help but smirk at that. Despite the mature and somewhat beyond-his-years mind, underlied a kid who still hadn't smoked a cigar in his life.

"Then you got one, kid. You've proven yourself useful after all on multiple occasions."

"You mean it?!" Izaya quickly brightened up, his eyes practically sparkling.

"Sure, kid. But once you stop proving yourself to be useful…. I'm cutting you off."


Before Shiki could even react, Izaya had removed the cigarette from the kanbu's mouth with his fingers and kissed him on the lips to seal the deal.

Shiki didn't seem surprised and instead, he grabbed the back of the kid's head to hold him in place and gave him a proper kiss. Pressing his tongue past Izaya's lips, he rubbed it against the teen's own, feeling a bit more energized after the small shoot-out.

"Mnngh?!" It was Izaya who was startled when Shiki actually responded back to him. "Shiki...san?"

Pulling back from the kiss, the Yakuza pushed Izaya back onto the couch, smirking down at the teen.

"I thought you wanted to make yourself useful, Orihara-kun? Aren't you used to getting fucked by now?"

Izaya's eyes lit up then frowned. "Of course I know about sex, you're the one who made sure of that within these last weeks." But there was something in his eyes, a confusion. Izaya was certainly happy about the change but he didn't seem to know exactly how to react properly. Then Shiki could see that Izaya realized something as a small smile appeared on the boy's lips.

"So, Shiki-san is a pedophile."

Frowning deeper, Shiki grabbed Izaya by the hair and slammed him back down hard against the leather surface.

"It sounds like you enjoy being whipped like a dog, Orihara-kun. Do you also like being fucked like one?"

Izaya snickered, the sound muffled as he licked his bruised lips against the sofa.

"Mmm… does that make me the dog,... Or you the dog?"

Shiki sighed. A very frustrated sigh.
"You know, for a second there, I actually considered doing this gently."


Shiki watched as Izaya's eyes blinked and then turn to stare at Shiki with a bit of surprise.


"Do you regret it now?"

Izaya smirked and turned his head to face up at Shiki while the kanbu let go of his hair.

"Nah, I like it when you're a bit rough with me, Shiki-san."

'This kid…' Shiki thought to himself, leaning back a bit before roughly tugging Izaya's shirt up. He didn't care if he tore the fabric, stretched it out or left marks for Izaya to explain to his parents and classmates. All that mattered was removing the material, disposing of it across the room before leaning down again. With one hand pressed into the couch for balance, he covered Izaya's mouth with his free hand, not wanting to hear his annoying voice as he bit down on his nipple.

"Hnnngh….! Aaaahnnn!" Izaya cried out as Shiki started nibbling on the sensitive skin. Smiling to himself at the reaction he garnered, the yakuza moved his hand from the teen's mouth, trailing it down to the buttons on Izaya's pants.

Izaya watched as Shiki unbuttoned his pants and pulled it down. He licked his dry lips as he looked down at this adult as if he was seeing him for the first time. Would he go gentle? Or rough? With skillful foreplay? Or just use him as a plaything until he was satisfied? The uncertainty excited the teenager.

Moving to mark Izaya's other nipple, Shiki slid his palm to cover Izaya's length, rubbing at his foreskin to see just how excited he could make the teenager. Surely at his age, stamina wasn't much of a thing. How many times could he make him cum just like this? Once? Twice? The thought had ideas running through Shiki's mind. Perhaps next time, he could experiment with some rope suspension. Already, Shiki was thinking of 'next times' with Izaya, more development than the teenager had dared hoped, not that the yakuza planned to indulge him that information. Leaning back from Izaya's chest, Shiki rubbed his thumb roughly over the swollen and pink areola, admiring his handy work.

"Just like a woman… There's almost no difference, well… except for this right here." He chuckled, wrapping his hand around Izaya's length before giving him a few strokes. Beneath him, Shiki watched as Izaya squirmed, his lips pursed together with pleasure written between his upturned brows. The boy moaned, shuddering with every touch, wanting more and more. It was indeed a sight to see, the boy being so openly aroused moaning and writhing beneath him.

Releasing Izaya's cock, the Yakuza moved to grab his legs instead, bending them before forcing him against his chest to thoroughly expose him.
"What a disgusting and lewd boy you are… you should tell me what you're hoping I'll do to you now. Be honest about it."

"F-fuck me…." Izaya gasped as his legs were stretched painfully. His ass was clearly exposed now, along with his hole. He could feel his cheeks heat up. He should have more to say...in fact, he needed to stay witty and cunning. But at this time, Izaya was lost for words as Shiki's eyes charm him like a snake. All he could think of was...he wanted this. Very badly. Ever since he had known about this yakuza, he had wanted him. He wanted to own him and to be owned. When he had found out about this cunning young executive of Awakusu-kai, he had planned as much as he could to get closer. And if that meant that he would have to use his body physically to get themselves intertwined, then so be it.

"How impatient...don't fool yourself. You're still one hundred years too young for me." The Yakuza shook his head as he reached one hand down to his pants, quickly undoing them before withdrawing his length. He also pulled out the small bottle of lube from his pants pockets and popped it open, the scent subtlely filling the air.

"However, I'll indulge you just this once. Since you pleaded. Open up wide for me."

Izaya shuddered as his hands reached down and fingered his own hole. He started to spread it open like a virgin bride, opening up for her groom as Shiki tilted the bottle. The cold lube dripped down and coated Izaya's bottom, the teen gasping from the cool liquid. Then the yakuza slipped his finger in deeply with one swift thrust. Izaya jerked up, whimpering, but he continued to spread his ass open for him.

"Not bad…" Shiki spoke as he started to thrust his finger in and out. "Hold your legs up yourself now.

Obediently, Izaya moved his fingers off from his ass entrance to hold up his own legs, wrapping his arms under his knees. He started to let out small whimpers and cries as Shiki slipped a second finger and started scissoring him. The teen's ass was so hot inside, sucking his fingers in which only prompted thoughts of just how it would feel squeezing his dick. Thrusting a little faster, Shiki aimed his fingers to press on the nerve bundle inside Izaya, savoring every moan and whine of embarrassment.

"You must really want me, your ass is sucking my fingers in." He teased, pressing again on the nerve bundle. He wanted Izaya to melt in his hand, wanted to make sure he didn't stray too far, knew exactly where to go to feel something like this. It wasn't that Shiki was feeling generous with foreplay. No. Shiki understood that this was another game Izaya was playing. A game to see who owned who. It was a cunning game for a boy of his age, Shiki admitted. A rather audacious move not to mention crazy, for wanting to 'own' a kanbu of a large yakuza association like Awakusu-kai. Shiki had a vague idea why Izaya had chosen him out of his other colleagues and though it may be flattering, it was just obnoxious to be chosen by such a child. Still, if he wanted to play, so be it. Shiki will indulge him just a bit. But he will play this game by his own rules, not the kid's. And Shiki planned to show him the world that he lived in, and use Izaya for his own purpose and benefits. If Izaya wanted to be part of it, so be it. If...he could keep up.

Adding a third finger, the Yakuza slid his gaze back up to the teen's face, observing every slight change in expression and admiring the red tint. The obscene view wasn't half bad from where he was sitting, Izaya on his back, spreading his legs open for Shiki… at least the kid was obedient. At the moment, he was like a wrapped present, wanting to be opened and played with. Shiki would be able to sink himself into this teenager soon, making him moan even louder, make him scream and beg for him. Izaya may enjoy his power-trip but Shiki too had his moments where he enjoyed indulging in depravity as well.

When it felt like Izaya was properly stretched, Shiki pulled his fingers out. Wiping his wet digits on the teen's leg, he reached down for his own dick again, dribbling some of the lube on his hardening cock before spreading it around with slow strokes.

"Tell me how you want it, boy"

"Nnngh… aaah… haaa…" Izaya was having a hard time concentrating or even answer Shiki as the man was rather skilled with his fingers. His mind was filled with pleasure, very different from the time that Shiki's men fucked him raw like a fuck toy.

"I… I…," how did he want it? He wasn't sure how to even answer that question. What did he mean? Did he mean with fingers? Dick? Toys? Going slowly? Gently? Or…?

"...I want it rough…and hard." He answered. He knew he'd regret that. But hell, he was not going to beg to be fucked gently. His pride didn't allow him that.

Raising his chin, the Yakuza watched Izaya curiously for a moment. Giving only the faintest hint of a smile, he suddenly pushed forward into the teen.

"Haaaah!" Izaya screamed as he jerked upward. His ass tightened as his legs closed up together in front of his chest. It… it hurt. He expected that but...it still hurt enough that tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. But he refused to cry. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain. But Shiki could feel how tight it was inside as Izaya reflexively clenched up.

"Relax." Shiki ordered, "You wanted it rough, right?"

Izaya nodded, not daring to open his eyes. He continued to hold up his legs with his arms. His ass was still exposed lewdly,...and Shiki still couldn't believe he was fucking a scrawny underaged boy instead of a sexy and heavily endowed woman who actually knew how to please him.

Still, Shiki was generous enough to let Izaya take few moments to breath and slowly relax his muscles before he started to move in and out.

"Aaah…. Aaah…. Nnngh…. Aaah…"

Despite his rough first entry, Shiki managed to move in a slow, almost gentle pace, letting Izaya feel the size of his cock, how large it was and how thick. How deeply it could penetrate into him and how it knew exactly where to thrust to deliver him that blinding pleasure.

"Haaah! Aaaah! S...Shiki-san...aaaahnnn."

At least the boy knew how to moan sweetly. Shiki pulled his legs even more, forcing Izaya's ass to lift upward. Then the yakuza started to pick up the pace, mostly for his own pleasure now.

"Haaah! Aaahhnn! Oh..! Aaah..! There… yes… aaahn… aaah!" Izaya's fingers tighten around his own legs, desperate to hold onto something, anything, as Shiki started to drive his cock deeper and deeper. It was stirring something inside him as pleasure started to build. His ass started to suck on that cock greedily now, relaxed enough to know just how much he should clench up to give pleasure. He wanted to do more, somehow please this skilled yakuza so that he would always come back for him, but at this moment, it took all of Izaya's strength not to just come right then and there.

"S-Shiki-san! I'm… I'm gonna…! Aaaahnn..!" Izaya was barely able to speak before he started to come. The orgasm seized his body as Izaya shuddered hard. His ass tightened around Shiki's cock so tightly, even the yakuza grunted. Shiki lifted his ass even more, forcing Izaya's cock to come straight onto his face. The thick cum shot out in numerous streams, coating his face with his sticky sperm.

"We're not done, boy." Shiki licked his lips, not letting Izaya rest. "Don't move, your body hasn't quite pleased me yet."

Gripping the teen tightly, the Yakuza drew his hips back, thrusting roughly and quickly into the teen's sensitive hole. Now that Izaya had finished, it would be easier to focus on himself. With a tight grip on Izaya, Shiki pounded into him, the sound of the thrusts reverberating throughout the small room. With how sensitive Izaya was from his recent orgasm, the Yakuza couldn't help noticing just how tightly his ass had clenched around him. 'Not bad,' he thought. He could use this to his advantage...and have Izaya scream and beg for mercy. He wanted Izaya to beg, force him to surrender his body and mind to him.

"Haaah! Aaaah! S….Sh...AAaaaah!" Izaya started to scream as Shiki let loose, becoming far rougher.

"So noisy." Shiki mumbles with a small chuckle, his eyebrows knitting as his cock throbbed with the warnings of an orgasm. But he didn't want to finish just yet, this 'game' was far from over as he slowed his thrusts down a bit before moving one hand to grab Izaya's cock.

"I wonder how many times I have to fuck you before you can't cum anymore."

Wrapping his hand around the teen's dick, Shiki began to slowly stroke him. At the same time, the Yakuza drew his gaze down to Izaya's stretched hole. Watching his thick, hard cock slowly sinking in an out of the boy.

"Haaah….. Aaaahnn… aaaah…." Izaya was about to lose his mind as the pleasure and pain mingled within him. He burned slowly, his mind blanking out from overstimulation. His cock started to hurt, wanting another orgasm and yet his refractory period forbid him from his sweet release.

"S-Shiki...saaan..! Aaahn… Aaaah!" Izaya didn't even know what he was begging for as his ass burned, he could feel that cock drive him insane as it continued to pound and pound into him. He was about to reach his limit as he clawed at his own legs, trying to hold on. The moans coming from the teen beneath him were more than encouraging. It sounded so good to have the prideful and cocky boy whittled down to a lewd, moaning mess and begging his name. Tightening his grip on Izaya once more, Shiki turned his head away briefly, soon after lifting one hand to grip the boy's jaw.

"Open your mouth nice and wide." Shiki's tone made it clear that this was a demand and not a request, his hips rhythmically thrusting his swollen cock into the teen, anticipating his release soon. Izaya's eyes were barely open, his mind still half gone. It wasn't clear if he understood Shiki's words but he managed to open his mouth just in time as Shiki grunted and came all over his face and mouth.

"Swallow." Shiki commanded, letting Izaya know exactly who was in charge. Izaya closed his eyes and obeyed, swallowing as much of the cum as he could.

"Good boy," the yakuza brushed back the teen's sweat matted hair and complimented him like his pet dog. "Not bad for an amature. Perhaps next time, I'll see if your mouth is half as decent as your ass." Shiki then pushed away the boy roughly, letting him fall back onto the couch exhausted and spent. While Izaya tried to catch his breath, the kanbu stood up to smooth out his shirt and zip up his pants.

"Remember to clean up your own mess before you go. And I suggest you leave before my men think they're allowed a second turn with you." Shiki smirked before promptly leaving.

As the door closed behind Shiki, Izaya moaned softly, his body aching from the hard fuck…

But. Shiki did fuck him. Out of his own volition.

Izaya let out a soft chuckle in the empty room.

At last, he was slowly getting somewhere.