I'm sooo sorry it took me so long to update. I have some news for you guys…I'm sorry to say this but I think this is the last chapter for this story. It was really run working on this. I hope you like this ending :)

Chapter 8


The day felt like it was going very slow. Freddie, Sam and Carly were in their last class together of the day.

Sam was eyeing the clock over the black board behind the teacher every five minutes. She was getting very impatient. This came noticed by Freddie. He saw how her legs were shaking under the table and she was fidgeting like crazy with her hands. Freddie opened his note book and ripped out a piece of paper out of it and started writing. He looked up at the teacher to see that he had his back turned so it was safe. He quickly passed the piece of paper to Sam who was sitting on his left.

Sam spotted the piece of paper land on her desk and she quickly unfolded it and read it.

Why are you freaking out?


Sam read it and looked over at Freddie who was watching her. She sighed and started to write back. She folded it and sent it back to Freddie.

'Cause this day is going so slow dude! In about 30 minutes it will be the end of school and that means it's the last day for us to be fake dating.


Freddie nodded while he wrote down his response and passed it back to Sam.

I know. It's actually been a lot of fun…for me anyways.


When Sam got it back she felt a smile appeared on her face. She glanced back to Freddie to see him looking at her and smiling back. Sam quickly wrote back.

Yeah it was kind of fun. It was great working with you Fredward.


Freddie received it and smiled again.

A half an hour later the bell rang. Sam and Freddie didn't think it would ever ring.

The trio made their way to this lockers.

Sam and Carly left Freddie as he stopped at his locker and they went on to theirs talking

"Man I thought this day would never end!" Sam complained to Carly.

Carly sighed and nodded in agreement "I know." Carly paused and then added "So what do you think about ending the fake dating with Freddie?"

Sam fell silent for a minute.

Carly smiled knowingly "You don't want it to end do you?" Carly asked.

Sam sighed and looked down at her hands as she picked at her nails "I don't know. I think I will actually miss it." Sam admitted.

"Aw, Sam I think you should tell him how you feel." Carly encouraged.

"I'm not too sure about that Carls. I want to but I don't want it to be all weird if I tell him and he doesn't feel the same way." Sam said.

"Just think about it." Carly said.

"I don't know Carls." Sam said with another sigh.

Just then Freddie walked up to the two girls smiling.

"Hey ladies…are you guys ready to leave?" He asked.

The two were about to answer but then Jonah came up to them with a smirk playing on his face.

"Not so fast there Benson." Jonah said.

The ICarly gang all rolled their eyes.

"What now Jonah?" Freddie asked.

"I think you already know why I'm here." Jonah said while eyeing Sam.

"I'm here to claim my prize." He said while walking closer to Sam.

Freddie was getting angry "Don't talk about her like that." Freddie said as he came closer to Sam and put his are around her protectively.

"Yeah what he said." Sam said back.

"I still don't believe you guys." Jonah said.

"We don't care what you think Jonah…we now it's real." Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah." Freddie backed her up.

"You guys are good…I have to admit." Jonah admitted.

"We're not acting Jonah." Freddie said.

"It's true…their not." Carly jumped in.

"What? They got you fooled?" Jonah asked in amusement.

"They are trying to fool anyone. I know real love when I see it and I know that this is real." Carly said.

Freddie and Sam went red.

"Wow…you guys must really be good. You've got the non-gullible fooled."Jonah said skeptically.

"You're not getting her…no matter what." Freddie said.

"Yeah…I already made that mistake once." Sam said while pulling Freddie closer to her.

"What will it take for you to believe us…or at least leave us alone for good?" Freddie asked.

Jonah thought for a moment and then smirked evilly "I've got something that will prove it is fake."

Freddie and Sam gave him a "yeah right" look.

"Try us." Sam said.

"Yeah I bet you don't have anything good." Freddie said.

Jonah smirked "Oh…it's good."

"Then what is it?" Carly asked.

"I want to see Freddie tell Sam that he is in love with her with a straight face. If he can't then you're lying." Jonah said proudly.

Sam and Freddie both felt their cheeks grow red but they shook it off so they can do this "challenge"

Freddie nodded "That's not hard." He said as he turned to Face Sam. He grabbed both of her hands in his and looked at her seriously. He gulped and lightly sighed.

"Sam…I love you." He managed to say without any hesitations.

Sam blushed when Freddie said this. "I love you to." She said back with a smile.

They both stared into each others eyes and smiled for what seemed like a long time to them.

Carly cleared her throat which made them break their trance.

"Um…see we told you it's real." Sam said.

Jonah nodded "That was impressive."

Sam and Freddie both breathe a sigh of relief and they both smiled.

"Finally you believe us." Freddie said proudly.

"But not convincing enough." Jonah said, making their smiled fade.

"You're kidding me right?" Freddie said.

"Seriously I can't see you two together. It's just not very believable. You guys hated each other for as long as I could remember. How can you go from hate to love in a year?" Jonah asked not convinced.

"Well maybe we always seemed like we hated each other in the pass because…um…well because we were trying to cover up our feelings." Sam tried to explain.

Jonah nodded.

"Um yeah. Didn't you ever hear the saying, If a guy and a girl constantly tease and torment each other it really means they have a crush on each other." Freddie continued.

"Yeah I did hear that saying…but I still don't believe you."

"Ugh! What else can we do to prove it?" Sam said frusterated.

Jonah chuckled "Calm down baby. I'm thinking of something." Jonah said with a smirk.

Sam and Freddie rolled their eyes.

"Well don't hurt yourself with that." Sam teased with a giggle.

Freddie smiled and let out a laugh "Good one."

Carly also laughed along.

"Ha! I got something." Jonah said.

"Finally…what is it?" Freddie asked.

"Well ever since you two told me you were together…all I've really seen you do when I come around is hold hands or put your arms around each other." Jonah started.

"And?" Sam asked.

"Well there is something that I never seen you two do that might make me believe." Jonah said trying to get them impatient.

"What is it?" Sam asked annoyed.

"I don't think I should say it." Jonah said.

"Just say it!" Freddie said annoyed.

"Do you really want to hear it?" Jonah asked with a smirk.

"Yes!" They both said in union.

"I've never seen you guys…kiss before." Jonah said.

They brought shock expressions on their faces.

"Have you guys even kissed before?" Jonah asked.

They both looked at each other and couldn't help but grin at the memory. They both nodded to each other.

"Yes…we did." Freddie said.

"Yeah right." Jonah said.

"It's true…in fact we were each others first kisses." Sam said.

"Prove it…kiss…right now." Jonah demanded.

"Uh…right here?" Sam asked.

"Yep…is their a problem?" Jonah asked with a smile.

"Uh no…but you see…we don't do PDA." Freddie explained.

"Well no one is around except us…everyone is gone home now."

Sam and Freddie both looked around them and saw that no one else where in the halls.

"Come on…this is your last chance to prove it. It's your last day. Unless you want me to have Sam." Jonah said turning to Freddie.

Sam and Freddie gave each other matching nervous looks.

"Uh…okay." Freddie said before he leaned down and landed a quick, but sweet peck on Sam's cheek.

"See there I kiss her." Freddie said.

Jonah chuckled "Not good enough Benson. I meant lips to lips."

Sam whispered in his ear "It's okay…just do it…just to get it over with."

"Are you sure?" Freddie whispered back.

Sam nodded at Freddie.

Freddie nodded back then turned to Jonah "Fine…you want to see us kiss…okay then."

Jonah nodded and watched.

Freddie turned to face Sam. They looked into each others eyes nervously. Freddie sighed and raised his hand up so it lightly lingered by Sam's cheek. They both slowly leant in towards each other. Before they could turn back, their lips touched. Their eyes widened at first but then they felt their eyes flicker closed. Sam's arms raised up and wrapped around Freddie's neck. Freddie's hand that was lingering near her cheek went to the back of her head and tangled into her hair and his other hand wrapped around her waist. Freddie deepened the kiss and Sam was quick to respond. They were soon lost in the kiss. Their bodies were pressed very close together there was barley any space between them. The kiss deepened more as Freddie's tong found access into Sam's mouth. They both smiled into the kiss. They couldn't deny it, this kiss had way more sparks then their fist kiss. They slowly parted…both not wanting the kiss to end. When they separated, they were both shocked and breathless at how they felt. Nonetheless they couldn't help but smile and blush.

They both turned to face Jonah and they saw the look of shock on his face.

Sam and Freddie could tell that, that had done the trick.

"Do you believe us now?" Freddie asked with a smirk.

Carly was also very shocked but she had a huge smile on her face.

Jonah was unable to speak.

"Wow…finally he shut up." Sam said with a matching smirk.

"H-how?" Jonah asked.

"We told you." Freddie said.

"Wow…you must really love each other. I can't deny that, that kiss was truly real." Jonah said.

"Finally you believe them." Carly said happily.

"I guess I do…I guess she's all yours man." Jonah said.

"Good." Freddie said.

"Sorry I didn't believe you." Jonah said.

"I hope you learnt your lesson." Sam said.

"I did. Well I guess I'll leave you two…to it." He said before walking off.

When he left the three best friends all busted out in laughter and high fives.

"That was amazing!" Carly said.

"That was actually really fun." Sam admitted.

"Yeah..." Freddie agreed.

Carly could tell that they needed to talk "Um…I'll just be on my way." Carly said before walking out of the building with a huge smile still plastered on her face.

Freddie and Sam were now alone. A bit of awkwardness found its way in the air.

"Well…I guess that's it then." Freddie started.

"Yeah…I guess so." Sam said while looking down at the ground.

"Why do you sound so disappointed?" Freddie said with a small smile on his lips.

"Well…you don't sound so happy either." Sam said.

Silence fell upon the two again.

Sam looked up at Freddie and smiled "Thanks." She said before giving his a hug.

Freddie was surprised but hugged her back with a smile.

"For what exactly?" Freddie asked as they pulled away.

Sam sighed "For everything you've done for me. From the first time you agreed to pretend to be my boyfriend, to the way you stood up for me when you got into that fight with Jonah. I think you are so brave. Just thank you." Sam said seriously.

Freddie smiled and shook his head "It was nothing really. It was worth it though. It brought us closer then we've ever been. I thought it'll never happen but it did." Freddie also said seriously.

Sam smiled and blushed "I'm actually going to miss it to be honest." Sam said before looking down at the floor, falling silent.

Freddie looked at Sam without her noticing and sighed. He knew he had to say something and he choose now to do it.

"Maybe it doesn't have to end." Freddie cautiously said.

Sam's head whipped up after hearing this and looked into Freddie's eyes "What do you mean?"

Freddie sighed "Look there's something I've been meaning to tell you for the last couple of weeks." He started to explain.

Sam sighed and nodded "I have to tell you something to."

Freddie nodded "Okay what is it?"

"You tell me first." Sam said.

"No…go ahead. Ladies first right?" Freddie said getting nervous.

Sam let out a small giggle "You were telling me first…now go before I change my mind and leave you here." Sam playfully threatened."

Freddie smiled at Sam's Samish ways "Alright, alright."

"Go ahead then…I'm all ears." Sam said.

"Okay. Well let's just say I wasn't lying." Freddie said.

"Lying about what?" Sam asked.

"About what I said earlier." Freddie explained.

"You've got to do more explaining then that." Sam said.

Freddie sighed "Okay, look Sam. These past few weeks have been the most fun I've ever had in a long time. And In these past couple of weeks I've been feeling something that I've never felt before." Freddie explained as well as he could.

Sam was surprised and shocked "What are you trying to say?"

"Well…what I said earlier that Jonah made me say was real." He said.

Sam was even more shocked "You mean…you" She was cut off.

"I do love you Sam. And most of this week I wasn't pretending." Freddie explained further.

Sam was now completely shocked at the words coming out of Freddie's mouth, she couldn't speak.

"Look…I knew this was going to be weird and that's why I didn't want to tell you but it was eating me alive inside. I hope this doesn't change anything between us. I hope that we could at least be fri…." He got cut off.

Before He knew it, Sam had placed her hands on his face and she pulled him down and gave him a shocking, passionate kiss. He quickly kissed back when he realized what was going on. Sam pulled away and now left Freddie speechless.

"I love you too." Sam said with a big smile on her face.

"What? You do?" Freddie asked shocked and happy at the same time.

Sam nodded "I do. I feel the exact same way…for awhile now. These past couple of weeks had been amazing and had opened my eyes to see that I do love you. I guess I was actually hiding it by my torments and abuse." Sam admitted.

Freddie became speechless again.

"Say something." Sam said waiting for a response.

"Freddie? Are you…" Now it was Freddie's turn to cut her off.

Freddie pulled her into him and placed a sweet, gentle kiss on her lips and she responded happily.

They both pulled away with huge smiles on their faces.

"So…what does this mean?" Sam asked.

"Well…I wouldn't mind being your real boyfriend." Freddie said with a smirk.

"No more pretending?" Sam asked.

"No way." Freddie said.

"In that case I would love to be your girlfriend." Sam said with a big smile.

Freddie smiled back and placed another gentle kiss on her lips.

Just then Carly popped out from around the corner "Finally!" She blurted out when she reviled herself.

Sam and Freddie jumped apart in fright.

"What the heck? I thought you left." Sam said.

"Nope…I stayed…I was just hiding just to see if you would tell each other the truth and you did! I'm so proud of you guys." Carly said with a smile.

"Thanks Carls." Sam said.

"Now, lets all go get some smoothies to celebrate." Carly said.

"Oh yeah, I'm down with that." Freddie said.

"Cool…lets go." Carly said before they walked out of the building. Freddie and Sam walking hand in hand.

"Just because were together now doesn't make you not a dork." Sam teased.

"Yeah I know…but now I'm your dork." Freddie said with a smiled.

"True chiz." Sam said.

It's done! Yay finally there together eh? I really appreciate you guys reading and reviewing. I loved writing this story and I hope you guys really did enjoy reading it. :):):)