Disclaimer: I don't own Mulan or any other Disney related characters. If I did, Mulan 2 would have been a lot different. And I'd be making money. But I'm not.

A series of random drabbles (hopefully funny), starting from when Mulan beats Shan Yu and ending whenever I say so. Unless stated otherwise, they go in order.

And~ I'm not sure if all the names are spelled correctly, I'll check later and fix it

And~~ I'm a spelling/grammar freak by nature, but I just finished English Composition 1002, so I am much too lazy to double-check. The worst will probably be sentence fragments and me not saying (person 1) said, "this", followed by (person 2) said "that". Okay, I'm done.

Attempt 1:

Shang watched as Mulan hugged the Emperor, followed by Yao, Ling, and Chain Po. She finally came up to him. There were so many things he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to do. His mouth opened, then shut. His arms opened a little for a hug, then he dropped them, with one on her arm. Of all the things he wanted to say and do, he does the thing he hated.

Captain Li Shang, who made boys (and a girl) into brave warriors. Captain Li Shang, who courageously lead men to war where they were outnumbered. Captain Li Shang, who was as swift as a coursing river, had the force of a great typhoon, the strength of a raging fire, and was as mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

Yes, THAT Captain Li Shang.

"You…. You fight good."

Seriously, Shang? That wasn't even correct grammar. He groaned at his own stupidity as he watched Mulan leave.


Shang looked behind him to see Yao, Ling, Chain Po, and the Emperor himself looking at him like he's an idiot. Which he was.

The Emperor walked up to him. "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."


"You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty."

Oh look, there's Mulan's helmet. He should return it to her.