A/N: This little addition just popped into my head. I'm working on "Oh Baby!" And "Blast," but the chapters I want to post just aren't where I want them to be yet. So I just typed this up while I was thinking. I didn't ever really read it over when I was done, so if it's too silly, you can blame that. No smut in this chapter, just a bit of fluff. Enjoy.
It was Ziva's turn to get lunch, and she was taking forever. Tony tapped his pen on his desk and looked around the bullpen. Gibbs was nowhere to be seen and McGee was typing away at his computer. Tony let himself go back to staring at his partner's desk and frowned. He kept trying to catch her alone at the office, but it seemed like every time he went to open his mouth, Gibbs would walk in or one of their phones would ring. They had woken up late, and she had kicked him out this morning before they could really talk.
Well, maybe "kicked him out" was being a little harsh. She had told him to go home and get ready for work, and she had said it with a smile. But still, he was worried. Had last night meant something to her? Had it meant something to him? Was this the start of a relationship? Did she think that they were a couple now? Did he? And, oh man, could Gibbs tell that something was different today? He had looked at Tony a little funny this morning, but that might've been because Tony had walked in with his shirt buttoned in all the wrong holes. He was so nervous about the conversation he knew that he would have to have with Ziva that he had barely been able to get dressed.
He wasn't very good at "Where are we heading?" conversations, and he fidgeted just at the thought of having one. This wasn't some girl he had met at the coffee shop or a bar, this was someone he had to work with everyday. He had to decide if he wanted this to turn into something serious. He was pretty sure he did, but he was scared. What if he decided he did, and she didn't? What if she wanted last night to be it? Could he stand to sit across from her everyday?
The elevator dinged and Ziva headed for her desk, snapping Tony out of his mental ramblings. She tossed McGee a sandwich and then pulled her own out, setting it on her desk. She took the third sandwich and a small fast food bag and placed them on Tony's desk with a mischievous look.
"What's this?" He raised his eyebrows at the little bag and she pushed it towards him.
"Open it." He frowned at her suspiciously and then peered into the bag. He pulled out the little box.
"What's this?" He repeated and she grinned.
"It is an apple pie."
He shook his head and scoffed. "You were supposed to bake me an apple pie. You can't just go buy one from McDonald's. That's lazy! You half assed my pie!"
She shrugged and went over to her own desk to eat her lunch, still grinning.
"Is that not the American way?"
McGee watched their exchange, shrugging off his confusion. He'd never understand those two. Tony opened the box and took a bite of the little pie, smirking and shaking his head at her again. He wasn't sure how their conversation would go, but he was sure of one thing. She was definitely the girl for him.