Heey there fanfiction readers! :D So I got bored since there's not a lot of updates happening right now with school starting up again so I decided to write another fanfic! Finchel ofcourse :P I've actually been wanting to write this one for a really long time. So this one takes place during Power of Maddona and will probably go to about Laryngitis. Although I loved the way things ended in Journey, I want to change a couple of things... SO ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Glee or any of the characters. If I did, Finn and Rachel would've been together from the get go (L)

*Finn's POV*

"How does it feel to be McKinley's new power couple?"

Those were the last words I heard out of Jacob Ben Israel's mouth before I sprinted out of the gymnasium during the pep rally. Rachel Berry and Jesse St. James, McKinley's new POWER COUPLE? Jesse, the male vocal lead of Vocal Adrenaline, the enemy was Rachel's boyfriend and now they were McKinley's power couple? Lately I had been kicking down chairs less; and I was finally getting over the whole baby-gate drama but ever since Mr. Schue brought Jesse into the choir room and shared the news of his transfer, I'd been finding it a lot harder. Sure it was partially my fault that Rachel was with that douche bag, but he didn't need to come and take the one good thing left in my life away! I started to head towards the choir room, I could still hear the beat of "4 Minutes" finishing in the gym and I didn't want to run into anyone leaving. I still couldn't believe all the stupid things I'd done in the last few weeks, yeah I'd been a little weird since the Quinn/Puck thing but I had become so un-Finn like. Dumping the girl I was pretty sure I was in love with, going on a date with Santana the whore and Brittany, and then sleeping with Santana and lying to Rachel about it. God, I'd been calling Jesse a douche, when really, I wasn't any better. At least Jesse treated her right, unlike the way I did. I really needed to change the way he acted if he wanted to prove to Rachel that he was the one for him, not that Vocal Adrenaline jerkwad.

"Finn? What are you doing here?"

I turned around and saw Rachel, thankfully alone.

"Uhm I just came here to think and maybe kick some chairs..." I said looking down.

The true question was what was Rachel doing here? Rachel giggled softly, God I loved her laugh.

"Well I certainly hope that you have the intentions of restoring the room to its proper state once you're finished" she said giving him that flirty smile she used whenever she talked to him.

"Yup, you bet. I don't want Mr. Schue punishing us with Britney Spears week"

Me and Rachel started to laugh just enjoying being together. "So Rach... why aren't you in the gym with your boyfriend?" I said sarcastically.

"I needed some air, Jacob wouldn't leave me and Jesse alone. Jesse loved the attention but I wanted to get away from that creep." Rachel replied ignoring my sarcasm. An awkward silence fell among us. It was even more awkward because they had NEVER had an awkward silence in their friendship. Finally I broke the silence.

"I miss you" I stated looking into her deep chocolate brown eyes. And it was true. I did miss her. Sure we were friends again, but ever since Jesse came into her life we'd been talking and hanging out less. Probably because I was so pissed off at the fact I'd let her get away.

"What do you mean Finn? I haven't gone anywhere. I'm still here every day, I don't want to ruin my perfect attendance record." She asked with a confused look on her face.

Even with a confused pout on her face she still looked adorable. Stop it Finn, I thought. She has a boyfriend; you broke her heart too many times for her to keep coming back to you. Don't screw up your friendship even more. I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind and answered her.

"You know what I mean Rach. Ever since you've started going out with Jesse, you've kind of been avoiding me..." I looked down at the ground trying to hide the sadness in my eyes.

Rachel walked over to where I had sat down, and took the seat next to me.

"You're right. I have been ignoring you Finn. And I feel absolutely awful about that." She looked at me with a look in her eyes that made me want to cry. She looked so guilty and broken. I put my arms around her and gave her a squeeze. It looked like she really needed it.

"I didn't sleep with Jesse. I lied." She blurted out.

I looked down at her face, tears were starting to well in her eyes. I felt like I wanted to jump for joy, and yell at her at the same time. All that pain I'd been feeling the last few days, thinking she had slept with that arrogant jerk, when really she hadn't. The pain that had been released just a few seconds ago came back even more painful then before. I had slept with Santana. I lost my virginity to a girl who I didn't give a crap about, when I really wanted to give it to Rachel. Who actually hadn't didn't have sex with her dipwad boyfriend. I felt like a complete douche. I wanted to go jump off a bridge. Rachel was still crying so I gave her another squeeze before tilting her chin up at me.

"Rach, I don't care that you lied. It actually makes me want to get up and cheer with the Cheerios that you didn't have sex with St. Jackass, but... you weren't the only one that lied. I did too. I did sleep with Santana. And now I feel even more shitty than I did after it happened." She looked at me with complete shock and I looked down, avoiding her gaze as I continued.

"It meant nothing to me. I felt nothing. It was completely meaningless and its probably gonna be the thing I regret the most in my life. Because it should've been you I slept with. I really like you Rachel. And it kills me that you're with Jesse. I want to go jump off a bridge every time I see you two together. I know I've screwed up a lot in the past but, Rachel, there's no way he likes you as much as I do." After I finished my speech I looked back down at her. Her expression was blank. She was just staring at the white board that still said "Madonna" I needed her to talk to me. To say something, to yell at me, to just say anything.

"Rach... say something. You're kind of scaring me. You can yell if you want to. I can take it. Go ahead." I said turning her head so she was staring into my eyes.

"I knew it. I'm not mad." She said in a whisper. "But Finn, I can't. I really like Jesse. He gets me, and he won't hurt me. We need to be just friends."

I looked at her, she looked sad with her statement. Like she regretted choosing Jesse over me. I wanted to prove to her she needed to choose me, so I kissed her.

At first, she didn't respond and it was a pure and simple kiss. But then she reacted and I deepened it. For so long, I had wanted to kiss her. Feel her soft pink lips against mine. The kiss turned needy and I laid her down on one of the steps. I heard a moan escape her lips as I started kissing her neck and jawline. I pulled off her sweater, and she started to move her hands up my shirt. Running her nails up and down my abs. I pulled my shirt off and tried to continue kissing her, but she moved away.

"Finn, we can't. I'm dating Jesse." She told me, her voice cracking. She got up, put her sweater on and walked to the door. "I really wish I could Finn. I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that she left me alone in the choir room, shirtless. I put my shirt back on and got up. I looked around the room and kicked another chair. Crap, I'd probably just ruined our friendship even more, I thought. With that I started to fix the choir room, turned off the lights and headed home. I didn't want to run into "McKinley's Power Couple" again. It might kill me.

And there we go! There's chapter one for ya! :D PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review :) I'll only write the next chapter, which will take place during Home, and will actually have Finchel moments since the real episode just kind of had Finn in it, with hardly any Rachel. So I'll only write it if I get 10 reviews :D THANKS FOR READING! As my fave Finchel author (The Minsk) would say: DON'T STOP REVIEWING!

-dancing gleek.