Chapter 1
Heat poured in through the window, making the classroom warmer than it already was. It was painful to sit through the class in such weather. It was hard to sit through it period.
It was the longest class of the day and the teacher wasn't the friendliest in the world. Usually it was when the teacher got older and had been there for a long time they were really crusty. Unfortunately this was not the case. The teacher was younger; probably the youngest teaching at the high school. Everyone thought it would be awesome because he would be funny and friendly. Again… that was not the case.
This teacher was one of the most strict in the entire school with one of the most boring subjects; History. It wasn't a bad subject. There just wasn't anything that grabbed my attention. That was probably why I was always the one getting in trouble. To have your head on the desk while the teacher was talking was a crime in this classroom. I could never keep my head up for more than one lecture at a time.
"Abukara, you will see me in detention tomorrow," the teacher stated as he wrote something onto the chalkboard.
"Great," I murmured so low that it could have been a whisper.
"Make that the rest of the week," he continued, as if changing his mind.
'Great… There goes all the free time I had this week…' I thought dully, propping my head up with my hand and elbow on the desk.
When the bell rang, everyone cleared out of the classroom.
"Hey Ku! Wait up!" a friend of mine called.
I paused to see her running down the hall to catch up to me.
"What took you so long Sana?" I asked her, raising a brow.
"Not all of our desks are close to the door you know," she laughed, almost teasing, "I guess since you're busy all week… you want to go get some food today?"
"Ugh, don't remind me," I groaned, "I swear the man hates me."
"Are teachers even allowed to feel anything?" Sana joked as she leaned against her locker, "I mean, aren't they like robots that just shut off when we leave?"
"Yeah, if only they had switches that we could just turn them off with," I laughed, throwing my textbooks into my locker.
School was over for the day and I was in a hurry to get out of it. It would be my prison for the rest of the week.
"So where are we going?" I wondered, raising a brow.
"The ice cream parlor, where else?" Sana mused, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the school.
We went to the same place every week. It was a soft serve place that let you make your own sundaes. They were the best things in the world after going to school. They were even better when they were the last ones for the week.
"So what did you do to make him so mad at you?" Sana questioned, "I mean I see people put their heads down and he only nails you for it."
I groaned at the mention of the teacher.
I hadn't done anything to him, but he insisted on devouring my soul. That's what it seemed like when his cold eyes landed on you. It was like they were looking through you and seeing everything you didn't want to be seen.
I shuddered at the thought of his eyes, "I don't know. I wish he would lay off though. I mean, I have better things to do than cleaning the classroom and picking up after everyone."
"Like getting ice cream!" Sana exclaimed, running ahead of me to the ice cream parlor.
Shaking my head, I laughed and ran after her.
Sana was a person that I knew I could count on. She may have gotten easily distracted by things, but she was a good person. She was always there to make a joke and laugh about it.
"I win!" she called, holding her hand in the wait outside the door.
"So not," I laughed, picking her up and getting her behind me.
I went inside before she could get ahead of me.
"No fair! You cheated," she pretended to whine, giving me a push.
"You're the one that stopped."
"I did not. I was moving. You just couldn't see it."
"Yeah alright," I laughed, shaking my head.
We ordered our ice cream before taking a seat at one of the booths.
"How can you smother it in peanuts like that?" I asked her, looking at the smothered sundae.
"Peanuts taste good on ice cream. I have no idea what you're talking about," she stated, taking a big mouth full of ice cream.
"Chocolate's better on ice cream," I disagreed, looking down at my smartie sundae.
"No way."
It was a wonder why more people didn't come here. There was a wide variety to choose from. The soft ice cream was creamy and had a nice flavor. It was good to have on a really hot day like today.
"What classes do you have next semester?" Sana asked, not looking up.
"Math, language, gym, and the arts," I stated, shuddering at math.
It was one of my worst subjects and my history teacher taught it as well.
'I'm going to die by the end of this year…'
"What about you Sana?"
"Geography, chemistry, physics, and gym class. My mom made me take a more 'science' approach' to the world," she explained, hanging her head in defeat, "Chemistry is fine because I get to blow stuff up, but I don't know about physics."
"I'm sure that you will be fine," I told her with a smile, "You're smarter than I am."
She threw a peanut at my forehead before laughing. I grabbed a smartie.
"Open," I demanded, aiming it up so it would land in her mouth.
She leaned back and opened her mouth. When I threw it, it landed right in.
"Nice shot," she praised.
Her brown eyes caught sight of something behind me and they widened.
"I guess that they don't turn them off after school," she said nervously, pulling her black locks in front of her face.
"What?" I wondered, turning around only to see the long silver locks of hair.
My green eyes widened when he head turned in our direction and out eyes met. There was that stare that seemed as if it exposed everything I had. My brain locked up at the sight of him outside of school. I couldn't think straight.
'Crap… do something! Don't just stare at him!'
Something hit the side of my head, and as I turned to look at Sana, something hit my in the eye.
"Damn it," I hissed, wincing and covering my eye as it started to water.
Sana let out a small laugh before coming to my side of the table and helping me to my feet.
"I'm really sorry Ku, I didn't mean to hit you in the eye," she apologized, putting her hands on my shoulders, "I was trying to get it up your nose."
"A peanut Sana? Really?" I asked, shaking my head.
"I said I was sorry," she pouted, "Now we can get out of here."
"But I'm not done my ice cream."
"Your eye is more important than your ice cream," she argued, trying to pull me up.
"No it's not," I pretended to cry as I reached for it.
"I'll buy you another one next week," she whispered into my ear, "Let's just get out of here."
I pouted before letting her pull me to my feet and out of the ice cream parlor. Keeping my eye closed, we started our way home.
"They should make robotic teachers. Then it doesn't have to get awkward like that," I muttered, trying to open my wounded eye.
"Yeah tell me about it. He was totally staring at you. Didn't you see it?" Sana asked me, sounding kind of confused.
Oh yeah, I had seen it. Those eyes were piercing.
"Maybe he was Superman and I was Lex Luther in another life," I suggested, sighing with defeat.
Sana laughed at my Superman reference, "I don't think that it's possible."
She patted my back as we went our separate ways. She lived closer to the school than I did. I used to live close by, that was until my mother died. My father couldn't deal with having me around the house, so he sent me to live with my aunt and uncle. He said that if I didn't behave well then they could send me wherever they saw fit. Then I would be someone else's problem.
I acted out against my father; blaming him for what happened to my mother. He hadn't been the most healthy or respective man. It turned out that he wasn't much of a father either. He lived selfishly and had stayed that way.
My aunt and uncle had taken me in and I had since then calmed. It wasn't often that I came home with a black eye anymore. It has been some time since I had last gotten into a fight with someone. It was on my last wings with my relatives. One more screw up… and I was off to boarding school halfway across the country.
I sighed as I sat on the subway train. It was a twenty minute ride between home and school, plus a ten minute walk.
'I guess that I can't complain. There are people who have a longer commute than I do.'
My brows pushed together as I thought about what had happened earlier. If a teacher runs into a student, they usually said hello before walking away. The greeting would be the entire conversation. There had been no greeting with Mr. Taisho, but he did not pull his eyes away. He had been caught staring, but did not advert my gaze.
The action confused me greatly. In class the man wouldn't look at students when he called upon them; not even when giving them grief. What had made the ice cream parlor any different?
I was jerked out of my thoughts as the train came to a stop. The announcer called the name of the station and everyone got off the train.
The walk home was dull; the heat making it hard to bear. The welcome home hadn't been pleasant either. The history teacher had called and told my aunt that I had detention for the rest of the week.
"Why do you have detention Kuae? Were you causing trouble in class?" my aunt asked me, her brows pushed together so far it looked like they were connected.
His phone call was something that I did not appreciate.
"Apparently it's the biggest crime in the world to put your head on the desk during class," I told her, shaking my head, "It's not like I'm not listening to what he's saying."
By her expression, it didn't seem like she believed me.
"That's the only reason you have an entire week's detention?" she questioned doubtfully.
"You can ask Sana," I said, pointing with my left hand to any direction, "The man is a control freak."
It took a moment for her to sigh and shake her own head. They trusted Sana as much as I did. My best friend had been my little cousin's baby sitter for a long time. It was how we had met.
"I'm sorry Kuae," my aunt apologized, giving me a hug, "What a terrible welcome home."
I laughed a little, "I don't blame you."
Patting my aunt's back, she let go and I went to put my bag into my room. The moment I flopped onto my bed, footsteps came barreling down the hallway.
'The kid must have sonar hearing…' I thought with a small groan.
My little cousin's room was on the opposite side of the house. That being the case, he still didn't miss anything that happened.
"Ku!" he called at the doorway, "Welcome home!"
He then proceeded to jump right on top of me, wrapping his small arms around me.
"Hey Iichi," I yawned, "How's my little man?"
"Will you play with me Ku? Can you, please?"
My mood dropped a little at the request. I was worn out from school and melted from the heat.
'I just want to go to sleep right now…' I thought gloomily.
"Am I allowed to take a nap before we play?" I asked him, not lifting me head to look back at him.
"No! We have to play now," he said as he pulled on one of my arms, "Nap later."
"If you let me nap, I'll play Double Dash with you until bed time," I tried to bargain.
"No, I wanna Double Dash now."
With another sigh, I pushed myself up and we went to his bedroom to play his game-cube. We ended up playing until bed time came around anyway. He had insisted on driving with the golden car because it was shiny. Then he picked the All Cup. Since the golden car was so slow, we ended up losing each race. Then we did it again with me driving with a mini car. He fell asleep on the sixth course.
By the time I made it to bed that night, my brain had shut off long before my body had.
End of Chapter