A Friendship Broken

By Kukaburry

Chapter 15

"Did you and George kiss again?" She asked shrilly.

Arie looked at George whose jaw was clenched in frustration and eyes staring at the floor. "Yeah," she replied passively.

Smiling in success, Becky folded her arms and turned back to George. "How could I date you again when you've clearly moved on to her."

"Are you crazy?" Arie snapped. "Did you even try to find out his side?"

"Shut up, I'm not talking to you," Becky shot back. "It doesn't matter about his side."

Fred stepped in front of Arie and glowered heavily at Becky. "Why are you trying to start a fight?"

Becky's shoulders hunched forward momentarily. She narrowed her eyes and stared at Arie evenly, fury flaming throughout her face. "Because Arie always gets your attention!" Arie and Fred exchanged confused glances. "It's not fair. You asked me out even though I knew you liked her, and when you were with me you'd always put her before me. George did the same."

George, Fred and Arie stare at her open-mouthed. "I never meant anything by it," Fred said defensively. "You were always bad-mouthing her, what was I supposed to do?"

"You're supposed to support your girlfriend, you idiot," she said with a sour sneer. "You should not have asked me out if you weren't going to treat me with respect."

"We've known each other for ten years. We're like family," Arie replied with a determined frown, trying to reason out why Fred and George could possibly want to talk about Arie. "If they talked about me, it's because I'm an important part of their past."

Becky shook her head and smiled grimly. "What a selfish thing for you to say. You're acting like you're the only person who gets their attention. Do you have any idea what it felt like for me?" Arie thought about it for a second and shrugged. "Of course you don't. You've never been on the other side."

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?" Fred asked, cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"No, I want everyone to hear this. The Weasley twins are not as cool as everyone thinks they are," she said shrilly, voice cracking with ill-hidden rage.

Feeling the eyes of the room shift towards she and Fred, Arie cast a nervous glance to her right. Fred's nose twitched while the rest of his face remained motionless. "You're right."

Becky blinked, unsure of what she just heard. "What?"

"I said you're right. I liked Arie before I asked you out. I'm sorry I never realized how I was acting."

Arie was startled by his comment. "Fred, you don't have to tell her that. She's being unreasonable."

"No, Arie, she's not." He turned to look at her with serious eyes. "It was wrong of me to treat her the way I did. What if I did that to you? How would you feel?"

A blush crept up Arie's neck. Now she felt like a bitch. Fred was right, she would be really pissed off if someone asked her out and then ignored her. She thought back to a couple of weeks ago when she was internally making fun of Becky and Fred's lack of relationship. Maybe she should have been a better person and told Fred that he was bad boyfriend to Becky. She just didn't realize until it was too late. "I'm sorry. You're right, Fred."

His gaze softened and he turned back to Becky. "You're right to be angry at me. I was a dick, I admit it. You deserve better."

Becky's mouth opened slightly. She looked like she wanted to continue fighting, but couldn't think of anything to even fight about. Instead, she turned away from Fred and faced George. "What about you? Are you going to apologize to me?"

George set his jaw and snorted. "No. I'm not going to apologize to you. Anything that I'm sorry for, I've already told you. I never talk about Arie, and I can't believe how selfish you're acting right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Can't you tell that Fred just asked Arie out for real? I mean, look at them. You're starting a fight when all they want to do is go upstairs and snog."

Both Fred and Arie began turning ten shades of red at that comment. "George.." Arie whispered self-consciously.

"Is that true?" Becky asked, turning a suspicious look on Fred and Arie.

"Yes," Fred replied, quirking a smile at Arie who gave one in return.

A look of brutal disappointment crossed her face. "Even after what I told you?"

"I'm sorry, it's hard to change the way I feel about someone," he said as gently as he could. "You're pretty and smart so you'll find someone."

"Just shut it, I don't care what you have to say anymore," Becky snapped before running past Arie and out through the portrait hole.

"Merlin that girl is so touchy," Arie growled. "The only thing that would make her like me now is if I broke up with you."

Fred raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Do you care if she likes you?"

"No. I was just trying to make conversation."

"You dope," he chuckled, pulling her in for a quick hug. "George where are you going?" He stated while staring over her head.

Arie turned her face against Fred's chest and watched as George climbed through the portrait hole. "I'm going to stop her from getting in trouble." He said simply as the portrait closed behind him.

"Is it bad that I don't care if she gets in trouble?" Arie asked half-heartedly.

"What if she got caught by Snape and he docked us fifty points?"

"Oh, good point," she said with a small smile. "Okay, I guess I care a little bit then."

Fred rolled his eyes, trying not to laugh and pulled her up the stairs towards his room. "Come on you, I'm taking you hostage for the night."

As they opened the door to Fred's dorm, Arie pretended to be shy and said in a breathy voice, "No, no sir. I am but a humble maiden. Do not ravish me so."

A strange look flitted across Fred's face. "Role playing? Really?" He took a possessive step forward. "Is that what you like?"

Arie realized how awkward her comment sounded. "I'm kidding," she lied. She pulled him forward towards his bed. "Come on, let's make out." She pulled him down on top of her onto the bed. She realized how much she enjoyed being able to take control of the situation now that she was allowed to do what she wanted with him. Fred seemed to be having the same thoughts and let her pull him onto the bed. Arie found Fred's hands running over places that elicited excited growls from deep within her.

Several minutes into their make-out session, when Arie began feeling intensely warm and light-headed, the dorm door opened loudly. Fred broke their heated kiss with a grunt and frowned through the draperies at whoever was interrupting them.

"Were you trying to get detention for the rest of your life?" George's voiced bellowed. "I can't believe you said that to Snape!"

"He needs to be a little more sympathetic," Becky replied in a raspy voice. "I was clearly upset, he didn't need to be so mean."

"You lost us sixty points! Sixty! Do you know that me and Fred combined couldn't lose that many points?"

"Why are you being so mean?" Her voice rose an octive.

"Because you're acting like a spoiled bitch," George said simply.

A loud snort made its way through Arie's nose and Fred slapped a hand over her mouth quickly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Becky gasped. "Shit, someone's here."

"No there's not," Arie said in falsetto. Fred began cracking up and it all came undone. Fred and Arie howled with laughter for no apparent reason.

The bed-hangings yanked back forcefully and Becky's looming face glared at them. "You guys suck."

"Sorry, we couldn't help it," Fred said, eyes tearing up from laughter.

"We tried to stay quiet," Arie hiccupped, "but we just couldn't."

Becky rolled her eyes and muttered, "Stupid children."

"If it makes you feel better, I'm proud of you for losing us so many points," Arie said soberly.

Fred smiled and nodded in agreement. "What did you say to piss him off?"

"She told him that he looked like a sour lemon," George answered.

Becky crossed her arms defensively and frowned. "He caught me at a bad time. I've never been rude to a teacher before, my reputation is ruined forever."

Arie gawked at Becky. "Becky, please don't say that. That is the most brilliant thing I've ever heard. Even I haven't talked back to Snape, and you know me."

"Unfortunately, I do," she replied sourly.

Fred put up his hand to distract Becky's attention. "You know, I think you might have it in you to act like a prankster."

A horrified look settled on Becky's face. "What? I could never do that. What would the teacher say about me?"

"Who gives a rat's ass what the teachers say? Their opinion of you doesn't decide your grades," Arie rebuffed. "I think Fred's right. If you have it in you to call Snape a sour lemon, you have it in you to act like a prankster."

"You guys are completely mental. I'm a good student."

Arie rolled her eyes lazily. "Yeah, and you're boring as hell, Becky."

"She's kind of right," George agreed.

Becky's face changed colors several times, finally settling on a light shade of pink. "I'm boring?" All three of them nodded. "Is that why so many people dislike me?" She asked breathily, sitting down on the edge of Lee's bed.

Arie, feeling overly confident in her ability to be truthful with Becky, began replying honestly. "Well actually it's because you're a bit-".

Fred pulled her flush against his body and capped her mouth with his hand then leaned down and kissed her ear. "Don't listen to her."

"It's because you're too strong with your opinions," George said lightly.

"I'm a bitch." The words sounded foreign on Becky's tongue.

Both Fred and George gave Arie exasperated looks. "She said it! Not me!"

"I have been a bitch, you're right," she contemplated what she had done to make people dislike her. "I'm going to go to bed. Thanks for coming to get me, George."

"Please think about what we said," George said earnestly as she walked towards the door.

She gave a placid smile and shook her head. "I don't think so. I'm not Arie."

George, crestfallen, watched her open the door and leave. "Why the hell are you standing there?" Arie asked angrily. "Go get her!"

"But, she just said she didn't want to be part of our group."

"So? That doesn't mean she won't date you. Honestly, I think I'd have to kill myself if she joined our group. She really is a b-"

Fred chuckled and covered her mouth again. "Alright, Arie. Stop talking." He looked over at his brother and grinned. "I think you should go try one more time."

"Alright, but if she says no, I'm hexing your girlfriend." Mouth still covered, Arie gave him a thumbs up.

Fred didn't uncover Arie's mouth until the door shut behind George. "Alright, what's your bet?"

"I think she says no, but tomorrow she'll come up to him and tell him that she was wrong."

"I'll take that bet. I think she says yes tonight," Fred said cockily.

"She's not that easy."

Grinning smugly, Fred replied, "You were."

Sighing as though it were plainly obvious, Arie shook her head and crossed her arms. "That's because I'm not an idiot."

They both grinned at the silliness of her remark. Even still, Fred laughed and said stoically, "Thank Merlin for that." And then he kissed her.

Thanks for your patience. Real life was screaming at me :P. Such a stressful week! Three tests, two projects, two papers... My brain almost exploded, but yay for passing tests!

Also, if any of you come across a poorly worded sentence in my story, please alert me. I write fanfiction stories with less structure than papers I turn into teachers. I have so much fun with the dialogue that I sometimes forget about the meaty parts..

I've had a couple of requests for links to pictures of people that I think look like Becky and Arie. Come on, what fun is that? :D You're welcome to comment on the story or PM me your thoughts on what they look like. Any links you send me will be posted onto my page (anonymously of course, if you'd like).