Point of No Return Pt. 1

Sequel to Hello,World. Please R and R! Will update soon!

It was late autumn and already the south London sky was a brilliant mixture of shining gold, fiery orange and crimson as the sun slowly began its descent into the maw of the awaiting horizon beneath it. The sunset caused the high rise flats and skyscrapers of the capital's skyline to cast snake like shadows that meandered through the streets below where the monotonous roar of car engines filled the air.

Down one of the quieter, more suburb streets in the Sun Hill district of the Canley Borough, sixteen year old Cally had just gotten off her bus and was now walking the last fifteen minutes of her journey back home from school. The teenager never walked with anyone, even though she had plenty of friends at school. It was a simple case of most of her friends either lived in the opposite direction or got off at different stops to her; she didn't mind this, though, except for the stares she often got from her neighbours. You see, Cally was a bit infamous for being a trouble maker, and she looked the part too. Her uniform was in a constant state of disarray; in fact, most of the time, you could only tell she was in uniform because of the brightly coloured school badge on her blazer that denoted she was from the secondary school, Canley Comprehensive, often called Canley Comp for short by pupils and parents alike. Cally didn't just have a reputation for being troublesome with her neighbours – she often was in trouble at school as well. She had just been suspended from lessons for two days following a fight with a fellow pupil who had called her a bitch because of a previous incident she had been involved in. Cally had almost broken the nose of her offender and had she not have been restrained by her form tutor (whom she had promptly sworn at after, thereby lengthening her punishment), she would have probably done a lot more damage. The whole thing eventually boiled down to hers and her friend's words against that of who she had hit and her group of friends, and Cally knew who was going to win that one. Let's see: Troublemakers vs. 'Teacher's Pet'. It was a no brainer in her mind. Cally knew she ought to be thankful for such a 'light' punishment with her string of previous, but right now she couldn't have given a damn as she strode on. She was angry, angry that the other girl had got off completely scot free.

Cally sighed, blowing aside a strand of dark blonde hair. Her mother wasn't going to be impressed with her; her father would probably murder her. In fact, they'd probably both murder her between them; it was either that or ramble on about how she wasn't living up to the family expectations, yadda yadda etc. That was the problem when one, or in the case of Cally, both of your parents were police officers. They expected you to behave in the same manner. In all honesty, Cally couldn't have given a flying fart. The last thing she wanted to be like was her parents. It hadn't always been this way; when Cally was younger, she used to admire her parent's bravery and wanted to be an officer. Several years and half her friends finding out about her parents' jobs later, her mind had turned bitter to this dream, and consequently, her parents, who she blamed indirectly for the troubles she was in now.

It wasn't long before Cally found herself nearing her driveway. Her jewelled eyes of olive green and sky blue gazed at the driveway half expectantly, but she already knew that neither of her parents' cars would be there to greet her. Any other day she wouldn't have given a damn (she was used to looking after herself) but today it was a relief. It meant she could go out, steel herself up and plan how she was going to tell her parents of her suspension before they got back. Cally dragged herself up to the front door of her house, got her rather battered looking house key out of her blazer pocket and unlocked the door, pushing it open as she did so. A pile of mail greeted her, followed by Dale and Leon, her family's two hyperactive shelties. They were both near black tri coloured dogs, with a white collar and tail tip. The only way you could tell them apart was that Dale was slightly larger and had one unusual, fully brown ear, whereas Leon had normal ears, but a brown nose stripe. Cally loved them both; they understood her better than her parents did. She rewarded their patience by massaging their ears, before picking up the mail pile on the floor and placing it on the ironing board in the hallway; after that, Cally went straight up to her room where she found Milo, her completely black cat, sitting on her bed in typical Milo fashion, waiting for her and staring at her as she came in. After watching his owner dump her bag on the floor and sit on the bed in a huff, he leapt into her arms instantly.

Cally smiled a little, stroking Milo on the head, who purred in response to the attention. If anyone understood her more than Dale and Leon, it was probably Milo. She swore he could read her mind because he always seemed to know what to do when she was angry or down, and always knew when she wanted to be left alone. Likewise, she could read him, but Cally suspected Milo had the much better skill.

"Is that nice, Milo-boy?" She asked him quietly. He replied by nuzzling her open palm with his bright pink nose. His white whiskers tickled her, causing her to giggle. "All right, off now boy. I'll give you bisc-bisc in a minute, yeah?" She fondled his ears one last time before he leapt of her lap and sat outside her room, waiting patiently.

Cally wasted no time in getting out of her uniform and into a dark purple top and ripped black jeans. She pulled a black hoodie over her head, as well as a couple of silver studded, leather fingerless gloves. Throwing her school shoes aside, she put on some purple and black sketchers trainers, smirking at her reflection in the mirror, before adding the final touch of purposely messing up her hair. Cally walked out of her room, pulling her hood up, feeling like a different person. Milo meowed at her feet and she picked him up, taking him downstairs to the kitchen, where the cat treats were kept and rewarded him with a couple, leaving him on the work surface to eat them happily. Exiting the house, she pulled the handle of the door up to secure the house a bit more, but didn't lock the door. Double checking she had her phone in her pocket, the rebellious teen set off to find her friend, Creole.

If only Cally knew what was in store for her, then maybe she might not have set off at all...