I got some people suggesting that I continue this, so here I am. Thank you for all the reviews, by the way. And to Minerva Elizabeth for adding it to her collection. I don't check my emails much, so when I go in, there's probably be, like 1000 000 emails from telling me various things. *sigh*
I do not own Artemis. Unfortunately. But I own his childhood! Mwhahaha! No, just kidding, but I love mini Arty stories. *hint hint* (Seriously, if you have a mini Arty story that I haven't already reviewed, PM me and tell me, shameless advertising it may be, but you'll get a review out of it so who cares?)
Artemis was in the Fowl Manor lab, standing over a tank with his hands outstretched when Butler walked in on him. Artemis didn't turn around, but Butler was willing to bet he'd heard the door close. Artemis didn't miss anything.
His young charge was holding his hands together, tipping them left and right alternately, a small smile on his face. Not his sarcastic smile. His 'I just found something amazing' smile.
"Artemis, what are you doing?"
Artemis didn't jump, conforming Butler's previous suspicion.
For an answer, Artemis tipped his hands away from his bodyguard, shielding whatever was in them, and tapped it, encouraging whatever it was to move. To Butler's amazement, a huge brown hairy tarantula crawled onto the back of Artemis' hands, staring at Butler from upside-down.
"Artemis, that's a spider…"
Artemis looked up at him, his face disappointed. "Oh well done, Butler. And actually, it's a tarantula, not a common spider. Don't insult the creature."
"But Artemis, you hate spiders." Butler insisted, bewildered.
Artemis' disappointed look only deepened. "Yes, Butler," he said, as if talking to a mentally challenged man. "Because I would hold one in my hand if I were arachnophobia, yes?"
Butler stopped himself from shaking his head in disbelief. A couple of years ago, a spider that big would probably have caused him to pass out in fear, and now he was cooing over it as if it were a puppy.
"The way they move is fabulous, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes, Artemis. Quite."
"So fluid. And then there's us humans. So obvious and clumsy. Even a ninja couldn't be this inconspicuously beautiful."
Inconspicuously beautiful? He's six years old for heaven's sake!
"Butler, I am getting the impression you are mindlessly agreeing with me here." Artemis scowled.
"Apologies, Master Artemis. I was reminiscing."
Artemis nodded, gently tipping the spider into it's tank and washing his hands.
"Understood. But I doubt you came in here to admire my tarantula. What's the problem?"
Butler pulled himself back to the present. "You dinner is ready, sir. And please, make sure that spi-"
"That tarantula," Butler amended, "stays in that tank. You know how your mother is."
"Yes, yes. I know how to fasten a lid, Butler, have faith," he responded, clicking the catch down on the top of the tank. A hairy leg poked itself through one of the holes, almost as if it were waving.
"Artemis, I would appreciate it if you would not regard me as if I am simple. I have been around longer than you, even if you are a genius," Butler said, aware that bringing Artemis' manner to attention could cause a tantrum.
"I apologise, Butler. But sometimes, you know, you could fool me into thinking you have just wandered away," Artemis replied airily, stepping under the arm Butler had out to hold the lab door for him.
"And you know," he added in afterthought. "A child I may be, but I am most certainly not silly enough to be trifled by such things as spiders. They do you no harm. Honestly. You'd think someone would tell those arachnophobics, hmm?"
Butler stifled a groan.
"Yes, Artemis. You'd think so, hmm."
A bit drabble-y, but I need a break from writing Alexander. Well, there you go! It's not getting any longer than that, I promise you.