Well here is the final chapter for Sidekick. I was really happy with all the reviews I had gotten from everyone on this area and it was a nice break away from writing my other stories.

Thunder's Past

I got off of the vehicle that I was riding and stood n the outskirts of the city. I gaze along all of the neon-colored lights and the fast-paced atmosphere.

I looked out into the city, thinking that I could be able to catch a glimpse of Rose from out in the city skyline. Naturally that was not the case and I had to shake my head to get myself focused again.

"Come on Thunder. Stay calm." I told myself as I made my way into the city. I was weaving my way pass all the humans. I realized that it must have been the humans day off or 'weekend' as I heard them call it as there was a larger amount of humans walking around either drunk or hyper.

Once again, I found my mind slightly confused as to why humans would abuse their own body in such a way. However, I had more pressing issues then the reason to why humans do anything in the first place anyway.

I could now feel my heart pulling me to the direction of Rose. I remember that the effects of the Feral Speak were still in play and they had an innate ability to give me a vague idea of where I had to go in order to complete my promise. The one downside was that it could only lead me to places that I had already visited, like Rose's hotel room.

I started to follow the pull that my heart was giving me. Unlike that last time I was going to her, I was feeling a lot calmer. Maybe it was the fact that I had a feeling that she would not be mad at me because I left her without saying goodbye.

I managed to get to the hotel and I paused for a moment to stare up at the tall building. I knew that somewhere up there, the one dog who touched a part of my heart that I thought had died was waiting for me. I did not want to lose her but I had to understand if she did not want this relationship to continue. I have not been the best boyfriend in the world and I know that I have a lot of mending to do.

Taking a deep breath to steal myself, I made my way inside the hotel.

Once inside, I slowly made my way to the elevators. The reason I was going slow was that my mind had not worked out how I was going to tell her what I need to tell her. For so long I have kept it hidden that the prospect of revealing it is a scary one.

However, I remembered those eyes…always so calm and full of understanding. When I was around her, I felt like I could do anything and she would be able to see my reason behind it.

I just hope she understands this time.

I managed to get to the elevator and was lucky that there was no one with me again. I really did not like all the odd looks I got from humans when they see me working the elevator. I jumped up into the air and pushed the 'PH' button. I felt the usual feeling of vertigo as the elevator slowly made it ascent.

As the elevator was rising, I spent the majority of the time finalizing the conversation in my head and going through a bunch of scenarios. Some were good while some were bad. They were not helping my nerves at all but I managed to get myself calm down just as the elevator doors were opening.

I step out into the hallway and started to walk to Rose's room. I was now only hoping that I would catch her in a good mood and I don't end up getting slap because pampered or not, that girl can hit hard.

Once I got to her room, I took one final deep breath before knocking on the door. I heard Rose say "Come in." I went inside of the room using the dog door.

The room was the same as it always has been. I found that Rose was resting on her pile of pillows, her eyes just barely awake. I assume that I must have woken her up.

I waited near the door as Rose was busy looking at me, her mind a bit slow due to the fact that she was just woken up.

Her eyes widen in surprise and she said "Thunder is that you?"

I nodded my head yes and before I knew it, I was tackled to the ground with Rose on top of me. My eyes widen in shock at the way she moved so fast. They were also in shock because Rose was now hugging me as tightly as possible. I could feel the rise and fall of her chest on my own and hear her breathing into my ear.

I wanted to stay like this forever but I had a mission to do and I had to see it through.

I politely told Rose to get off of me. I could see that she was confused as to why I asked her to and I replied "The reason is that I wanted you to understand the real me."

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

I gave a small sigh and thought "Here goes nothing." I reached to the back of my neck and took off my collar. I let it fell to the ground and I turned my neck just enough so that the curse mark was visible to Rose.

I heard the sudden intake of breath as Rose let out a gasp. I watched from the corner of my eye as she slowly made her way up to me and placed a paw on the mark. I felt a mixture of searing pain and calming warmth and I almost had to grit my teeth.

It was then that Rose said "How did you get this?"

I then said "You may want to sit down as this is going to be a long story."

Rose then made her way to her bed and settled down. She motion for me to join her with I was glad to accept.

Once we were both settle down, I then said "I guess I should start at when I was born." I gave quickly cleared my throat and then said "Well…in terms of my birth, I was about as normal as you can get. My father and mother were both the same species as me although I inherited my father fur color and my mother eyes."

"However, unlike normal dogs, I was born in a cage and the strange part was that out of all my brothers and sisters that were born with me, I was the only one to survive. The rest were still-born."

"That must be sad to have no brothers or sisters." Rose remark and I gave a small chuckle and replied "I didn't know it then but my brothers and sisters were going to be the lucky ones."

I knew that Rose was going to ask why so I continued "The reason being was that my parents were both test dogs for the government."

"The government" Rose asked.

I nodded my head and said "It was a secret part of the Department of Defense. They were trying to create a stimulant that would increase aggression in solders while also making them more combat efficient. However, I was unaware of that at the time and for the first few years of my life I was relativity happy. I learned about being a good dog from an early age and my body was rigged to a time schedule."

I paused for breath and then said "I made a few friends in that cage, mostly other dogs and birds that were there. However, most were under the effect of the stimulant at the time and were either aggrieves or unresponsive."

"Why was that?" Rose asked again. I was starting to get a bit annoyed by the constant questions but I just let it slide when I remember that this was all new to her and she was a curious dog. A part of me wanted to get it over with but I knew that I should not rush these things.

I then answered "Because at the time, the stimulant was at its level one stage. The humans working there had a theory about there being three levels of stimulants but in order to move on to human they needed to stabilize each level at a time. However, the animals that were injected with the drug either died immediately or died a few days later."

"That horrible" Rose remarked and I nodded my head in agreement. However, the hardest part of the story was coming up.

I gave a small sigh and continued "Upon the day when I was to turn five in human years, the humans decided that the next subject to take the stimulant was my mother." I notice that Rose's eyes widen in shock and I found that it was starting to get harder for me to continue to talk. However, I knew that I had to get everything out and now that I had started, there was no turning back.

"Wh…what happen to her?" Rose dared to ask. I looked at her and said "The worst thing that could happen to her in that place…she survived. Her genetics managed to somehow bond with the stimulant and allowed her to remain alive. Of course I did not know it at the time because all I saw was that my mom was constantly in pain and there was nothing I could do to help her. Every day, humans wearing masks would come to our cage and siphon off some of my mom's blood to try and find the reason for her survival rate."

I took a deep breath and said "My mother could not live like that for much longer and so she asked my dad to do the impossible…she asked him to end her life."

Rose was now in complete shock and I quickly said "If you don't want to hear the rest…" but before I could finish, I saw that Rose was shaking her head no and said "I want to hear the rest Thunder. Please continue."

I nodded my head in agreement and continued "It was the hardest thing my father had to do. He tried to reason with her but this was something that she wanted. My father made sure it was quick and painless." I then made the motion of a claw going across the neck to demonstrate what my father did.

I then said "Once the humans realized that my mom was gone, they removed her body from the cage and started mumbling about testing the next level. My father did the best he could in raising me and told me that he and my mom believe that I was going to be destined for greatness. I thought he was crazy at the time because despite my youth, I was starting to lost hope of escaping."

I paused for breath and said "A few months passed before the humans were ready to begin testing the level two stimulant. However, they must have learned something from the study of my mom's blood because the first test subject was my father. Long story short, he survived the injection and the mask humans got to work extracting the stimulant. However, my father was starting to act the same way as my mother did and there was nothing I could do to help him. It was the first time that I really felt alone and scared. I would spend most of my time away from my father huddled up in a corner, hoping and praying for my mom to return."

I cast my eyes down to the bed and said in a quiet voice "Then my father asked me to take his life." I heard the gasp that came from Rose and I was not almost close to tears.

I started to stammer now, my strength failing me as I said "He wanted me to do the same thing he did to my mom. He started talking about going to be with mom and talking with and laughing with her. I was completely frightened and scared. I refused to murder my own father but he was determined that I do so."

I then reached for the scar upon my right cheek said in a solemn voice "I got this from one of my father's attempts to get me to end his suffering."

I was then surprised when I felt Rose wrap herself around me in a hug and said in a soft voice "I'm sorry Thunder. I know how hard this must be for you…if you want to stop." "No!" I said almost shouting. I then brought my voice down and said "I want to continue. I want you to know me…the real me." She moved her head back so we were face to face and she nodded her head.

She unwrapped herself from me and I said "A few days after I got this scar, I finally got the courage to perform the dark deed. Like the way my father did for my mother, I made sure that he did not suffer. The next day, the humans came to our cage to find me sitting in the shadows of the cage and my father's limp body. I saw the worry in their eye and I had to give a small smile because I thought that I might have stopped their plans. However, all that did was seal my fate."

"For you see, when I ended my father's suffering, I lost the last of my childhood innocence. My heart was now centered onto one thing, revenge against those who had taken my father and mother away from me. However, I knew that in the condition I was in now, I would have no chance of revenge or escape. So I spent the next few moments just sleeping and eating, buying my time for the opportune moment."

I gave a tired sigh and said "Then one day, the humans came to my cage with a needle in one of their hands. A part of me was confused but the rest of me was filled with searing anger. It was then that one of them grabbed me and before I could do any sort of resistance, I was injected with the needle and thrown back into the cage. However, the humans did not leave me and were mealy watching me and I struggled to fight off whatever they injected me with. I realized at that moment that it was the level three stimulant. I tried to fight off its effects but it seemed to not only bond with me genetically, but it was also gaining strength from all of my pent up anger and fury."

"I could only lay there as my vision started to go from yellow to orange and finally red. I started to see things with a red tint added to them but that was not the weird part. For you see, I now realized that I had the power I needed to get my revenge."

I paused then and said in a solemn voice "Upon that day, I did horrible things. I was on a rampage in that facility that they had me locked up in. I did manage to get the rest of the test subjects out but not before I killed every last human there, destroy all of their research, and finally leveled the entire building until there was nothing left to fill a thimble."

"So how did you get that mark?" Rose asked pointing at me circle with the star in the center of it.

I replied "I think I got it during my rampage in my level three Feral Rage." I then said "I then managed to make my way here and the rest you know."

Once my narrative was over, we both stared at each other, trying to figure out what the other person was thinking. I then said "I know that this is a lot to take in Rose and I know that I haven't been there for you as I should have been, but I want to know if you still love me?"

She got up from her sitting position and went over so that we were faced to face. She then said in a whisper "I am glad that you were able to share your past with me Thunder. To answer your question, I do." My eyes widen in shock as she brought her mouth closer to mind.

We shared a passionate kiss and I felt my entire body surge with relief and love. I wanted the kiss to last forever but I knew that it was a fleeting thing. When the kiss ended, I said "Why don't we go to sleep?"

Rose smiled and said "I like that Thunder."

We both lied down and snuggled up as close as possible. I then whispered into her ear "Goodnight my lovely Rose." She responded by saying "Goodnight my love."

We then went off into our respected dreams.

Really sorry for how late this was but I did save the best for last, I hope. Anyhow, keep an eye out because I might do a sequel sometime later, much later. Also this is my first new chapter of 2011 so that good. Thanks for everyone for reading and offering their comments.

Read and review please
