Kyle Broflovski is playing Farmville.
- Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman and 4 others like this.
Stanley Marsh dislike

Kyle Broflovski beat Eric Cartman's high score in Tetris with 1900!
- Kenny McCormick and 2 others like this.
Eric Cartman what the fuck is this?
Kyle Brolovski Ha! In your face, fatass!
Eric Cartman shut up kahl u fuckin jew
Stanley Marsh dislike

Kyle Broflovski loves Facebook.
- 5661 like this
Stanley Marsh dislike


Stanley Marsh is now in a relationship with Wendy Testaburger.
- Kenny McCormick likes this.
Kyle Broflovski when the hell did this happen?

Kyle Broflovski What the fuck? Someone tell Stanley Marsh to get his ass online!
Butters Stoch likes this.

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
i'm on my phone, dude

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
You're in a relationship with Wendy?

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
yeah, why?

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
…never mind.

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
what's wrong, kyle?


Kenny McCormick is now in an open relationship with Butters Stoch.
- Craig Tucker likes this.
Kenny McCormick you know you want some of this, craig ;)


Kyle Broflovski fuck you.
- Eric Cartman likes this.
Stanley Marsh still upset?
Kyle Broflovski
Stanley Marsh btw why won't you answer any of my texts?

Tweek Tweak i saw the underwear gnomes!
- Tweek Tweak likes this
Craig Tucker they're part of your imagination, dude
Tweek Tweak no they aren't!
Craig Tucker yes they are
Token Black actually, i might have seen one the other day
Craig Tucker fuck

Ike Broflovski stole his brother's phone! muahahah!
- 2 people like this.

Craig Tucker is not in cahoots with the underwear gnomes, dammit!

Butters Stoch still doesn't get the point of facebook…
- Bebe Stevens likes this.
Kyle Broflovski It's like Jesus, only without ham.
-Ike Broflovski likes this comment.
Bebe Stevens um… kyle… what?
Kyle Broflovski Hey Bebe, wanna fuck?
-Ike Broflovski likes this comment.
Bebe Stevens
Stanley Marsh kyle! you're here!
Stanley Marsh wait, why do you want to fuck bebe?
- Ike Broflovski likes this comment.

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
um… what?

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski

Kyle Broflovski couldn't access Facebook for the past week because Ike Broflovski stole my phone, and I was busy doing homework…

Kyle BroflovskiIke Broflovski

Ike Broflovski – Kyle Broflovski

Kyle Broflovski thinks Ike Broflovski and Shelley Marsh should be friends -.-
- Eric Cartman likes this.
Shelley Marsh whats that supposed to mean

Kyle Broflovski Wait, Stanley Marsh removed me from his friends? :'(
- Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, Wendy Testaburger and 99 others like this.
Kyle Broflovski I have the best friends ever.
- Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick like this.


Kyle Broflovski sent Stanley Marsh a Facebook message.

-Kyle Broflovski
Stan, I'm sorry… for what "I" wrote on your wall… but I swear that wasn't me! That was Ike! I don't want to feel you every day… or your penis on my prostate, much less.

-Stanley Marsh
it's ok

-Kyle Broflovski
… you didn't seem very happy in school today? :( What's wrong?

-Stanley Marsh
nothing. i'm fine. i'll add you back to my friends now.

Kyle Broflovski and Stanley Marsh are now friends.
- Kenny McCormick, Butters Stoch and 10 others like this.
Eric Cartman dislike!
Kyle Broflovski Best friends forever? (:
Stanley Marsh super best friends forever :D
Kenny McCormick you guys are so gay
- 234980293840989 people like this comment.


Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
Sleepover tonight? :D We have Monday off!

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
sounds like a plan dude! i'll bring the lube
- Kenny McCormick likes this.
Kyle Broflovski Whoa Kenny, ninja.
Kenny McCormick it appeared on my newsfeed? and what exactly do you and stan plan on doing with the lube anyways?
Stanley Marsh lol i was just kidding
- Token Black likes this comment.

Token Black what with all this random shit in my house?
- Eric Cartman likes this.
Eric Cartman it's called steal all the rich black people's stuff and replace it with trash day.
Craig Tucker what the fuck cartman
Kyle Broflovski lolwut

Butters Stoch aw hamburgers!
- 16 people like this.

Stephen Stoch – Butters Stoch
You are grounded young man! You posted that Facebook status at 9:01 when you were supposed to be asleep at 9:00!
- Linda Stoch likes this.

Clyde Donovan is bored tonight… Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens any of you two free tonight? ;)
Bebe Stevens i am! ;)
Wendy Testaburger but i'm with stan…
- Stanley Marsh likes this comment.
Clyde Donovan lol ok then

God listed Jesus Christ as his son.


Mr. Slave Jesus Christ!
29387 people like this.

Mr. Garrison To all my students: Sorry I gave you the wrong worksheet… that's my porn…
- Randy Marsh likes this.
Kenny McCormick dammit. i was actually going to do my homework tonight.

Stanley Marsh wonders how Moses can type on the computer… considering he's a large diamond thing.
- Kyle Broflovski likes this.
Moses I'm Moses. I can do whatever I want.
Stanley Marsh yeah, but… seriously. you have a facebook?
Moses It's the only way I can communicate with God now.
- God likes this comment.

Towelie is getting high!
- 30498209384 people like this.


Terrance and Phillip are now in a relationship.
- Stanley Marsh, Kyle Broflovski and 2309480 others like this.

Stanley Marsh posted a link on Kyle Broflovski'swall.
- HEADLINE NEWS: Terrance and Phillip come out of the closet, and announce their relationship to the public.
Well-known comedians Terrance and Phillip, on their television show Terrance & Phillip have officially announced themselves as homosexuals and told everyone about their relationship with each other… Read more.

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
What are you trying to say?

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
well, you know…

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
What? You're not suggesting that we stop watching Terrance and Phillip, right?

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
no no no of course not! never mind…

Kyle Broflovski just stalked Stanley Marsh's wall and realized that all he does on Facebook is related to me… o.o
- Stanley Marsh likes this.


Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
your mother said that i'm sleeping over tonight. is that true?

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
If you want to, then yes :)


Clyde Donovan just saw Stanley Marsh and Kyle Broflovski making out… at school… now im confused…
- Kenny McCormick likes this.

Randy Marsh – Stanley Marsh
What's this I hear about you making out with Kyle? You're gay?

Sharon Marsh – Stanley Marsh
Ignore your father. If you're gay, just tell us.

Sheila Broflovski – Kyle Broflovski
You're kissing Stanley? WHATWHATWHAT?

Gerald Broflovski – Kyle Broflovski
Son, I think we need to have a talk.

Randy Marsh – Gerald Broflovski
Tell your son to stay away from my son!
Sharon Marsh Calm down, Randy.
Gerald Broflovski It's not my fault! Tell your son to stay away from MY son!
Sharon Marsh

Wendy Testaburger – Stanley Marsh
does this mean were ovr?

J-J-J-J-J-Jimmy Vulmer Stanley Marsh
congrats on gettin som! tho… its kyle… so nvm

Eric Cartman Stanley Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, i always knew u 2 were fags
- Kenny McCormick likes this.

Kenny McCormick wonders if Kyle Broflovski and Stanley Marsh will videotape themselves and let me watch… or something… hm…

Kyle Broflovski is too busy with Stanley Marsh to respond to any of his wall posts or anything… and is letting people know that Stan is in the same condition… and Kenny, no.
- Stanley Marsh likes this.


Craig Tucker i still don't believe that stan and kyle r goin out
- Tweek Tweak likes this.
Clyde Donovan why not? they're so obvious
Craig Tucker its not listed on fb. see, it still says stans goin out w/ wendy
Token Black you know, craig has a point.
Clyde Donovan craig has NO point.
Eric Cartman theyve been fags 4ever. they dont need to be listed on fb.
Craig Tucker but that doesnt make it fb official!
Wendy Testaburger oh, so you want me 2 list that im single
Craig Tucker well yeah… i mean, why lie?
Wendy Testaburger you want ppl 2 think im an easy fuck?
Craig Tucker what? you and stan fucked?
Kenny McCormick yeah! go stan! he swing both ways! woohoo!
Wendy Testaburger oh my god kenny, fuck u
Kenny McCormick gladly ;)
Eric Cartman omg kenny ur such a fag, gtfo
Kenny McCormick oh, because i want to fuck a girl, that makes me a fag…
Eric Cartman yeah
Token Black guys stop commenting! i keep getting sooooo many notifications
Eric Cartman ur a fag too token
Token Black how am i a fag?
Clyde Donovan can i fuck wendy 2?
Eric Cartman bc u said sooooo which is such a fag thing to do


Craig Tucker and Tweek Tweak are now in a relationship.
- 4 people like this.
Kenny McCormick well good luck with that
- 10 people like this comment.

TIMMY Timmay!
10498098 people like this.


Kyle Broflovski finally got around to checking Facebook… holy shit 200 notifications?
- Stanley Marsh likes this.
Kyle Broflovski 201

Kyle Broflovski – Sheila Broflovski
Yes Mom. I thought I was obvious enough.

Sheila Broflovski – Kyle Broflovski
You're gay AND Jewish?
Randy Marsh lol
Stanley Marsh dad, never say lol again
- Kyle Broflovski likes this comment.

Kyle Broflovski – Gerald Broflovski
About what? 1. I'm gay and I know it. 2. I'm with Stanley Marsh.
- Stanley Marsh likes this.
Gerald Broflovski Well… if you say so, son.

Kyle Broflovski - J-J-J-J-J-Jimmy Vulmer
What exactly are you trying to say to Stan?
Jimmy Vulmer … nothing…

Kyle Broflovski – Eric Cartman
Up yours, fatass.
- Stanley Marsh, Kenny McCormick and 230498098 others like this.

Kyle BroflovskiStanley Marsh
According to Craig Tucker, we're not 'official' until we're Facebook official…

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
… seriously? -.-


Wendy Testaburger is now listed as single.

Wendy Testaburger – Kenny McCormick
kennnyyyy! i feel so romantically deprived :( r u free tonight?

Kenny McCormick – Wendy Testaburger
sorry wendy, busy with butters tonight ;)
- Butters Stoch likes this.


Eric Cartman likes not liking Jews, not liking black people, not liking Chinese people, not liking Mexicans, and 20 other pages.

Tweak Tweek likes COFEE! and 52 notifications later and I regret liking your status.

Craig Tucker likes Red Racer.

Butters Stoch likes Not being grounded.

Linda Stoch – Butters Stoch
You are grounded young man!
- Stephen Stoch likes this.
Butters Stoch aw, hamburgers!

Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, Kyle Broflovski and 9 other friends likes boys.

Liane Cartman likes getting fucked.

Kyle Broflovski – Eric Cartman
So much lol to your mom's fanpage that she joined.

Eric CartmanKyle Broflovski
shut the fuck up jew

Eric Cartman – Liane Cartman
what the fuck mom why would u like getting fucked ur my mom
Liane Cartman sorry dear

Ike Broflovski likes Canadians.

God is now friends with Satan.

Big Gay Al likes Wicked, Hello Dolly!, Urinetown and 16 other pages on musicals.

Kyle Broflovski likes Terrance & Phillip, fart jokes, my boyfriend and 6 other pages.

Stanley Marsh likes not being on Facebook as often as your boyfriend is because your boyfriend's status updates tend to be the same as what you would put.


Damien and Pip Pirrup are now in a relationship.
- 20394802938409 people like this.


Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
Can we please be Facebook official? Please please please please?

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
but my profile already says i'm in a relationship… isn't that good enough?

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
Yeah, but that was when you were going out with Wendy!

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
i'll make you a deal.

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
Yes? :D

Stanley Marsh – Kyle Broflovski
we can be facebook official… only if you promise to stop coming on so much.

Kyle Broflovski – Stanley Marsh
Okay! It's not like I can come on while we fuck, anyways ;)
- Kenny McCormick likes this.
Eric Cartman ew u fags

Stanley Marsh and Kyle Broflovski are now in a relationship.
- people like this.

Kyle Broflovski is totally on Facebook while being fucked by Stan. ;)
- Kenny McCormick likes this.
Wendy Testaburger TMI
Gerald Broflovski Watch your language, son.
Sheila Broflovski WHAT WHAT WHAT?
- Randy Marsh likes this comment.
Kenny McCormick go stan!
Eric Cartman fags
Craig Tucker at least now its fb official
Clyde Donovan totes
Token Black i agree with wendy…
Bebe Stevens kyle, you WOULD be on the bottom.
Stanley Marsh i come back on facebook tonight and i see this. GEE THANKS FOR KEEPING YOUR PROMISE KYLE
Kyle Broflovski Hey, I never promised I wouldn't get on Facebook. ;) I just said it wasn't like I could while we fucked… though now I realize I can :D
Stanley Marsh -.- you so owe me
Kyle Broflovski Well, there's always tonight…
- Stanley Marsh and Kenny McCormick like this.


God – Satan
So you're in a relationship with Saddam Hussein?

Satan – God
What? Oh yes. It's on my profile page, isn't it?

God – Satan
You're so going to hell.