"Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer."

Rating: M

Summary: Hotch is stiffer than usual, and it's bringing down morale. Rumor has it that Hotch needs to cut loose and have a little fun, and Spencer Reid thinks he's just the man to do it. but will Morgan take it laying down. lol pole dancing in later chapters XD


Author's note: Was listening to this song and decided to write up this crazy fic. hope you enjoy. Remember to review.

Rumor around the office was that, agent Aaron Hotchner, needed to to get laid, bad. The agent in question was oblivious to the dull roar of gossip stirring the pot behind his back. He would storm in and out of the several rooms, his face was stern and his eyes were piercing, but there was no hint of specific resentment towards other members of the B.A.U. He would snap at his agents without prejudice. One little screw up and you'd be feeling those piercing eyes on your back for the rest of the day.

"I don't know what the problem is. I checked the calender, it's not the anniversary or anything," Morgan continued to gossip to the others. He was seated comfortably on his desk while the others surrounded him.

"It doesn't matter! There are plenty of other things that could piss a man off! Maybe it's about his son," Rossi suggested.

"That makes enough sense. I'm not so sure though. He's used to not being able to see his son," Garcia piped in.

"Maybe it's cause he hasn't been with a woman in...well you know..." Spencer offered. No one was surprised to hear this from their meekest agent. He had really come out of his shell since he came out of the closet.

"Spence, I doubt Hotch is concerned about sex. He doesn't look like the type..." JJ laughed.

"No! He's right JJ! There's no profile for stuff like that, it's a solid fact for all men! Men can only go so long without a little down and dirty," Morgan explained winking at Spencer who was sitting in the office chair, across from Morgan's desk.

"What are you insinuating?" Spencer smirked.

"You aint lyin. A man has needs pretty boy." Rossi sighed and looked away while the ladies focused intently on another one of Morgan and Reid's sexually tense back and forths.

"I happen to be doing just fine. I would have thought you'd rebounded by now," Spencer laughed. Derek was frozen. The two had broken up just two weeks ago, it was friendly and agonizing at the same thing. Morgan was unbearably attracted to Spencer, despite wanting to see other people.

"It would be trashy for me to rebound this quick. Have you?"

"No that would be trashy!"

"Well someone has to break the trashy barrier!" JJ giggled. "I mean, it's been two weeks! It's about time for you to start taking this whole 'see other people' thing you wanted for granted!"

"I agree," Garcia smirked. "Spencer Reid, I dare you to ask Hotch on a date!"

"What are we in middle school?" Spencer asked.

"You're young enough pip-squeak," Morgan chimed in.

"Come on, Spence! I'm sure he'd love to get some drinks with you!" JJ egged him on.

"Fine, I think I will!" Spencer said throwing his hands up in surrender, secretly thrilled by this chance to piss off Morgan and confuse Hotch all at once.

"You won't do it!" Morgan laughed. There was no way that Spencer would jeopardize his business relationship with Hotch. That was his boss, and he loved this job far too much.

"Shh, he's coming this way!" Gracia warned like a giggly school girl on watch for the teacher. Would they get caught smoking? She sure hoped so.

"Ooh Spence! This is your chance!" JJ prodded Spencer's shoulder. The man sat in contemplation for a moment as he listened to his boss' footsteps getting closer and closer. The ladies eyes burned a whole through him, they awaited his response, hanging onto every sign as if watching their favorite soap.

"You don't have the guts!" That was it.

Hotch's whiskey flavored tongue danced with Reid's as the flames engorged their supple flesh. They tore wildly at eachother's clothes, desperate for the main event.

"Ah. Aah." Hotch was working his way down Spencer's torso with those lush lips of his. A chill ran over him and he was covered in goosebumps. Just as Hotch reached Spencer's belt, Reid impulsively gripped Hotch's hair. "Aaron, you have to be..."

"Gentle, I get it." Hotch couldn't care less about little precautions and verbal agreements. Unbuckling Reid's belt rather forcefully, he cared only of having his new little lover. Lust was thick in the humid air of the large, dark, dusty room. In the instant he cast the other man's belt aside, he took a note of his surroundings. He broke away quickly to turn on the lamp on the bedside table. The room suddenly flooded with light. Hotch leaned in real close, his breath was hot against Spencer's exposed neckline. "I want to see you," Aaron purred seductively. The words made Spencer jolt with excitement. The idea of watching the whole thing, rather than the blind sensation, it was something excited and new that he and Morgan had never attempted. How he realized he detested the dark. "Now then my sweet," Hotch continued as he unzipped Spencer's fly, "Tell me how much you want me."

Spencer was shocked with how bold the man was under the influence. "So badly." Spencer panted.

"How badly?"

"I need you Aaron." Spencer's mouth was raspy and dry. As an aid, Hotch forced Spencer in a take no prisoners type of french kiss. Sticky sweet. Hotch tore off Spencer's jeans without hesitation or second thoughts. The jeans found themselves sitting in a crumpled heap in the corner, followed by a pair of blue boxers, a high contrast to Hotch's deep red boxers. Before a solid five minutes could pass the two were completely exposed to one another. Spencer's skin was smooth and pale, Hotch's was rather rugged, in a handsome fashion. Spencer was overcome with delight. He was actually going to go through with this.

"This might be a little cold." The lubrication was, it made the man shiver with pleasure. He could feel Aaron's tip graze the newly lubricated area. Hotch could be such a tease. Every now and then he would allow only his tip in and pull out regularly before the very act itself.

"Have me. Please Aaron I'm begging you."

"Begging?" Hotchner purred.

"Yes! Yes! Please! Take me!" Spencer shouted shivering again as he felt his boss slowly letting himself in. His back arched with pleasure he allowed a low moan into the air.