This was a last minute fic, but I had to write it because I just suddenly did it and what's happening right now. Originally there is going to be two chapter but because I'm busy the past few days, I only got the Beginning of Chapter One. Hopefully chapter one will come out tomorrow or Monday.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Hetalia Axis Powers

Remembering that Day

Beginning of Chapter One

"Where is he?" Arthur growled banging his hand on the table, "Stupid git!"

Yes, Arthur was mad. Reasons why you ask? The meeting had started and one person was missing. Who was this missing person? Well…

"Arthur-san, please calm down," said Kiku, "Alfred-san will be here soon."

"Not with that git!" Arthur now steamed, quickly getting up from his chair, "I bet he woke up right now!"

"I disagree, Angleterre," said Francis, "Amérique always makes it to the meeting on time, even if he over slept." Toris nodded in agreement. Everyone in the conference room mutters.

"Ve~ Maybe he gotten sick again," wined Feliciano.

"Doubt it," said Ludwig, "no oil has spilled again. Even if he was sick, he'll still come."

It was true; Alfred never was late for a meeting nor never missed one. Some of the countries started to get kind of worried. Had something happen to the loud, childish hero dreamer nation? The conference room door opened.

"Alfred! You Git! You're late!" spat the angry Briton pointing at the person who came in.

"Maple!" Matthew cried. He had just enter the conference room and suddenly blamed for his brother's actions.

"Alfred You-"

"Angleterre, that's Mathieu!" yelled Francis.



Arthur blinked in surprise and then looked at Matthew, confused, "Oh, sorry Matthew."

"I-it's ok," Matthew stuttered. Arthur flopped into his chair in embarrassment. The Canadian came more in. "So what did my brother do this time?"

"For some reason he's late," Francis said. Hand covering his face, Arthur growled.

Matthew looked surprised at all them, "You guys don't remember?" Everyone looked at him.

"Remember what?" a few nation said, muttering came louder. Matthew sighed, closing his eyes. "It's September 11."

Suddenly silent fell in room. Some nations' eyes grew wide, others looked to the floor. They had totally forgotten this day. Today was September 11, the day of the worst terrorist attack in American history. No wonder Alfred hasn't show up for meeting. Everyone remain silent, remembering was happen on that day…