Authors Notes:

Happy Birthday Gin! Too bad you're dead so in honor of your passing I decided to write my first smut fic!

Warnings: Everything under the sun that is in a typical lemon fic. No nasty, crude sex but I am not responsible for any nosebleeds.

Disclaimer: Don't own Bleach some guy that's name starts with a K does…guesses anyone?


A letter laid in front of him and he was curling it's edges with his fingers, deep in thought. It had her familiar handwriting and a fragrance that usually announced her mood while it was being written. Fresh citrus, unusual yet cheerful and clean. It requested him to sleepover again at her dormitory since her roommate fell ill and will not be returning for most of the week. Rangiku never did like to sleep alone, he thought she would've gotten rid of that habit once they entered the Shinigami academy but he had to admit it was partly his fault that he kept on encouraging it by obliging her.

He went to look under his desk and found a rarely used brush, the only times ever used were to write to her, which was rare. He opened a drawer and pulled out a piece of thin yellow paper, instead of fragrance he used colors to show his mood though he would've rather preferred plain white paper, even though she would scold him for lack etiquette and participation. As he wrote his response he noticed that his handwriting was much more delicate than hers, probably the only plus side to being taught calligraphy by an ambitious madman.

Quickly finishing up, he let the ink to dry. He got up and looked in a box that Rangiku sent him, it was filled with different colored ribbons. Randomly picking a color he began to tie it around the parchment, he soon got up when he felt a familiar presence coming to his quarters. Holding the letter in hand he went to slide open the door before the man had a chance to knock.

"Good mornin' Captain Aizen" his wide smile beaming false pleasantries.

"Good morning lieutenant, I am surprised to see you all ready this morning" his voice was calm, Gin could tell he expected him to open the door before him.

"Yup, got a busy day ahead of us right Captain?" he tried to hide the letter behind him slowly but the glint of the ribbon caught Aizen's eye, his hand went to the letter.

"What's this? Oh Gin how bold of you though I must admit your choice of paper is quite odd considering the message your trying to send" Aizen let himself in his quarters and went towards his desk.

"What ya mean Captain?" his face narrowed at his comment.

His captain pointed towards a box suggesting if that's where the ribbons were kept, Gin gave a quick nod and Aizen proceeded in choosing the different colors within.

"This ribbon symbolizes your intentions as well as your feelings, this ribbons means you carnally desire this person while the paper means it's just a light response...two conflicting moods will confuse whomever your sending it to" Aizen found a mint green ribbon and tied it appropriately.

"Writing and sending letters is an art in it's own form, even how you tie the ribbon means something" He handed the letter back to the young lieutenant.

"So what does this mean?" Gin referring to the newly tied ribbon.

"Soft acceptance, I believe your sending a response to an invitation are you not? I spotted a letter nearby the box in a blossom color...that's usually the color of an invitation by a woman" his eyes looked over at Rangiku's letter behind him.

"Yes, pretty much but it's all confusing to me, I prefer just using a hell butterfly" Gin took the letter and placed it within his hakama. Aizen smiled and patted his head.

"My my, you know they can only be used for official notices only besides I wonder what lady requests your presence" they began walking towards the outer courtyard.

"Just an old friend captain, poor girl is still afraid of the dark" tossing his silver hair back as he laughed.

"Oh that Rukongai girl that is still in the know it is forbidden for men to enter their dormitories" Gin found it ironic that his captain out of all people would preach to him about the rules.

"It's just a visit, just to catch up on things that's all captain" he noticed from the corner of his eye a man from their division was coming towards them.

"Good morning Captain Aizen, Lieutenant Ichimaru here is the report you requested earlier captain" the shinigami handed him a blanched sheet and Aizen briefly looked at it's contents.

He then gave a small nod and bid the young officer that he may go. He slowly turned to Gin and said in a low whisper.

"I'm afraid our fourth seat has been counted as absent several times this month, I will write to him a correspondence regarding his frequent absences and I wish you to give it to him and report to me what you find since your so good at observing others"

"Yes captain Aizen, I'll be sure to catch tha' poor fellow and tell 'em he'll lose his seat if he keeps on playin' hooky" his grin forever wide, he was still quite young only reaching his captain by his chest at most when he faced him.

"Alright tell me if you find anything of interest till then I will be at my office" he turned and Gin quickly flash stepped away from the barracks.

"Hey Rangiku there's a letter on your bed, can I read it for you?" a mischievous grin appeared on a young brunettes face as she tried to open the letter but it was quickly snatched away.

"Who told you that you could open my letters?" Rangiku sat down on a chair nearby and and admired how nicely it was set up, it looked like Gin put a little more effort in setting it up, perhaps he was now getting use to doing this.

She unrolled it and quickly read it, it was brief and quaint just saying that he will be there after the sun sets. She made a small frown for she had wanted to see more of his delicate handwriting, she reminded herself that she should ask him to show her how he writes. Her heart fluttered slightly wishing the day to end quickly for she hasn't seen him in over 4 months, thank goodness for letters for he would've dropped to the ends of the world.

"What's it say? Did you ask for someone to visit you?" the girl in front of her went closer trying to sneak a peek.

"Just an old friend coming to visit later on" she closed up the note and put in her drawer nearby not wanting her nosy friend to see.

"An old friend? You mean that weird guy that graduated couple years back...your still friends with him?" she gave her a confused face.

"Yes, I still am Aoki. And yes he may seem weird at first but he really is sweet...I mean I lived with him for 4 years before coming here so I grew up with him" she tilted her head explaining looking back at their memories.

"But didn't he kill someone in the fifth division to take their spot?" Aoki jumped up stating.

"It was just a rumor, the poor guy's corpse was mauled by a hollow and it was quickly dispatched. Naturally Gin went to replace him since he already met with up with their captain before" Rangiku got up and went to her closet and began picking out several outfits to wear, she loved to show off her collection to anyone especially Gin.

"Right... So he's coming to visit you, that's why your trying to be all fancy like...I might say you want him for more than just a friend" Aoki gave a wide smile and reached in the drawer to pull out the letter. She silently unrolled it and began to read.

"Hmm...Rangiku, I will come and see you after I finish my duties although I do anticipate sleeping with you like before, Gin...You slept with him?" her face was as one of pure shock.

"Stupid nosy girl, not in that way he means as a bedmate, wait that doesn't sound right...he knows I don't like to sleep on my own so I told him to keep me company but nothing more I swear" she wacked her friend on the back of the head in irritation.

"Oww, alright you didn't have to hit me so's strange though that considering it's you he would want to attempt to try something, I think any man given the same opportunity would" she thought to herself trying to think of an explanation.

"And that is why he is the only one I would share my bed with because of that, he never goes beyond friendly...although I wish" Rangiku paused before her friend would catch more of her thought.

"Well you can tell me whatever you want Rangiku but I think you have a thing for him and your just using this opportunity to your advantage. But if he still doesn't try to do anything then he definitely goes the other way...I mean look how girly his handwriting is, it's way better than yours" Rangiku hit her head once more and snatched the letter away.

"Well we have to start getting ready for the meeting so let's have this conversation another time" she got her uniform on and packed the rest of her clothes in their boxes. She grabbed her friend and headed down the corridor thinking if what Aoki said was true, while she did have somewhat of an attraction to him she wondered if he felt the same way but every time they met up he only kept a friendly basis with her. Her worst thought that perhaps he was to adored his captain a little too much to be considered just as a mentor. She shook those thoughts aside and told herself that this was her childhood friend and she would know if he was infatuated with someone else.

Gin was a little tired of running around the whole Sereitei looking for the missing officer. He tried sensing for his spiritual pressure but found it to be quite dulled out and wondered why it was so low. He had found a friend of his and he told the young lieutenant that the officer has been seeing a noblewoman and staying with her in a small estate in the outskirts of the city.

He found the said residence and found that right on the entrance was a kido spell used to block out spiritual pressure from within explaining why he had such a hard time finding him. He easily undid the spell and began wandering around it's courtyards looking for the man, it was obvious that the officer didn't want anyone to know he was residing here.

"I wonder what kind of trouble he's getting himself into" Gin thought as he passed by a a small garden bungalow in the front of a manmade pond with it's own waterfall apparently the noblewoman must have money to own this property.

A small whimper echoed through, barely reaching Gin's ears. He turned and looked at the direction of the bungalow and waited.

"Hmph..." it went again

Gin smiled widely and sneaked to it's veranda finding the door leading to the inner chamber slightly open he turned his head to look through. It was dark but he could see two figures moving together as if they were playing tug of war with themselves, a small lamp was lit nearby just enough that he could catch a woman's silhouette.

A heavy sigh was emitted from her throat and she slid further into the light Gin could now see her voluptuous body splayed out in front of him. She was almost naked, a silk robe barely clung to her hips covering her womanhood. The sight was enticing for the woman was indeed beautiful, her face was in utter bliss as her heavy lidded eyes stayed closed and a beautiful neck curved up to be taken by her lover in a passionate kiss. She shuddered in pleasure and Gin saw the man he was looking for was giving her this blissful joy, he remained still for he has never seen two people lose themselves in such strange manner, the woman reached for him and began to kick off his trousers she nipped and kiss every curve of muscle on his body in such a loving manner that it made Gin's smile lower in concentration.

"Ah I've missed you so much Kenji, my husband... he is so cold...aghh...I was so lonely until you found me" she murmured to his ear.

"Lady Mari, I can't resist you...your so beautiful, I wish to make you mine" he was devouring her, sucking on her supple flesh and leaving red round marks all over.

Gin swallowed a lump that had started in his throat, he didn't know whether he should stay or go. The sight was stirring a fire within him he usually repressed, it's hunger was infectious and he often tried to contain it but now that he actually saw the feeling become tangible and real it was now too late to step back. He saw the two not only in the throws of lust but there was something more deeper than that, it made them look alive to be in each other's embrace and it made him wonder if he could feel the same way.

Lady Mari lifted her body upward supporting herself on her elbows, her chest rises and fall rapidly and her mouth was open in a slight pant. Her lover went to first claim her lips and didn't break eye contact with her, as they both pulled away for air she gasped that she couldn't wait any longer and to make her his. He nodded quickly in response and his hands roamed up to caress the two perfectly rounded breasts his thumbs circling the centers, she softly sighed. His mouth nipped and tugged her lips and then began their descent to her neck where he became more avaricious and nibbled and sucked the sensitive areas.

"I promise not to mark you my lady" he whispered and she only groaned in response. His hands where quick, soon leaving her chest to be replaced by a hot and wanting mouth, Gin could see his tongue flicker the sensitive nub pushing it up and down and side to side.

Her nails raked the skin on his back creating longs lines of red fields, she cupped the back of his neck in one hand while gently pulling on his short hair on the other. Her legs opening themselves more to allow him to come closer, her felt her warm moist heat by his stomach and removed himself from suckling her breasts towards her small navel where he left a trail of soft kisses along their path. Upon passing the navel he bit it's round surface exciting a small gasp of surprise as if to warn her where he intends to go.

Gin would be a liar if he said didn't feel a thing watching their erotic display. His heart palpitated and sweat began to collect itself on his brow, he also felt something hot throbbing within his robes, his mind absorbing all the imagery stored within his conscious. All of it seemed new, although he has heard people talk about the act but to actually see it was an experience in itself.

"I feel like drinking from the fountain of youth Lady Mari" he hissed to her and he quickly splayed her legs open and began to consume her most delicate folds. Gins eyes opened in amazement, he didn't know men could do such a thing what came next surprised him even more.

As the lady threw her head back in utter ecstasy her lover's tongue rapidly licked and toyed with the top of her folds finding what he called her lovely pink button. His fingers parted her open and his mouth enclosed itself on it, she screamed at the sensation of him both sucking and tugging at the her most inner core. She bit her bottom lip to stop herself from crying out, her hand has snaked around his hair gently tugging it, encouraging him.

Gin licked his dry lips, anticipating what will happen next. The officer shook his head wildly causing the woman above him to thrash and pull on his hair harshly. Gin caught him reaching under his loose hakama and stroking himself in preparation for the main event.

"I want you,Kenji…don't make me wait any longer" she moaned slowly, she cupped his face to pull him back up.

"As you wish my lady" he gave her an eager smirk before claiming her lips once more.

He prepared himself by her entrance and instead of quickly taking her in one stroke he just played with his tip, allowing himself to take her inch by inch in a slow pace drawing out much pleasure for both of them. They both moaned in chorus as he expertly ground his hips once he filled her completely, she wrapped her legs around him possessively and he played with her breasts with his free hand. She lifted herself up and quickly bucked her hips to meet with his slow forceful thrusts, he lowered his head to nibble along her most sensitive areas, she cried out in joy at her attentive lover.

"Renji, more please" she began to move rapidly underneath him wanting be taken in a more forceful manner.

Gin panted and rested his head against the cool smooth wood of the door, his throbbing loins begged for attention. He wouldn't allow himself the pleasure, not here anyways. His mind absorbing every second of their actions, it tempted him greatly to find release somehow.

Her lover quickly turned her over and she laid on her stomach, a thin film of sweat visible through the lamp light. She sighed gently and the man sat over her crossed legs, he spread her soft cheeks of her lovely bum and pushed himself through. He grunted at the newfound tightness of the position and immediately thrusted quickly, he lowered himself and licked from the center of her back all the way up to her neck. Gin could see the goose bumps rising on her skin.

"I love it when you take me from this position, I can feel you reach me so deeply" She raise her neck to turn to her lover beside her, it was truly the best for she felt him hitting all the right spots within her.

"Your so tight Lady Mari, I don't think I can go on much more" he grunted as his pace quickly became desperate jolting her along, his drops of sweat that rained down her was a cooling relief to their smoldering heat.

"Just hold on a little longer my love…I can feel myself coming" her hands clutched tightly on their discarded clothing and her eyes scrunched down tightly, she knew she was close to her release all she needed was a few more strokes.

"Let's come together Lady Mari" he whispered through her ear and bit her neck as he pounded into her with all his strength, Gin could she her flushed skin as she screamed out finally reaching her peak. He was amazed by the strength of her release, he wondered if all women could do that.

Right behind her the man gave a couple final thrusts before quickly pulling out and his seed shot out in thick ropes covering her back and butt, she sighed at the hot liquid melting on her skin. He panted as he laid his forehead against her shoulders, he lazily rolled himself over laying on his back beside her.

Gin didn't realize that he had crumpled the report in hand while he tried to hold his composure, it was the most exciting thing he has witnessed so far. His heart sped rapidly and he could hear his blood coursing all over his body.

"Oh gods Renji I've never felt so good, I wish my husband would never come back" she groaned her legs still trembling from the after effects of a good screw.

"That can be arranged…" His eyes showed a malevolent glint, she turned to look back at him wondering if he was serious.

"We cant…We can get caught even now was too much of a risk"

"Don't worry, I know people that can make 'accidents' happen…have you heard of the lieutenant of my division? Well he may seem like a kid but rumor is he killed the guy who was just a third seat…Our captain who was a lieutenant at the time just covered it up as an accident by a hollow" she gasped at the rumor although it did have truth to it.

Gin took this as cue to leave, he had no interest in their shady plotting. He looked down at the report and stuck it in between the doors, careful to leave it in a high standing as to not cast suspicion on himself. He quite frankly didn't give a damn if the officer would react to the revelation of being caught in a risky affair with a noblewoman. He quickly flash stepped out of the estate, he cursed at his own body for giving him the urge to satisfy himself.

"Well I guess there isn't much I can do except to take a cold shower…" he laughed and returned towards his barracks, this will be an interesting story to mention to his captain. Although one fleeting thought passed through his mind that he quickly shoved away as soon as it came up, he thought if Rangiku would do the same if she was underneath him, moaning and writhing in pleasure. He shook his head away from the tempting fantasy, he refused to be among the many low men who take joy in imagining her in such a way.

Her blond hair tossed from side to side as she tried to figure out a way to put up her hair, several different pins laid before her and she was undecided in which one to pick. It was so difficult to decide especially when she had so many choices. Her forehead knitted in concentration as she looked at herself through the vanity mirror by her bureau, she soon saw a familiar face smiling back at her reflection. It didn't surprise her the least bit that he was skillful in entering peoples quarters stealthily, she joked he should have joined the Onmitsukidō instead.

"I like the red dragonfly one over there" he leaned down to whisper at her ear, she quickly whipped around to face him.

"Your late…again" she pouted crossing her arms in mock anger, he read right through it and just returned a coy smile.

"I had errands to run, being a lieutenant aint easy" he raised his arms and began to stretch his back, he walked over to her closet and opened, he looked around rummaging through several boxes and robes much to Rangiku's displeasure.

"What are you doing?" she went up to see what he was looking for

"I know you always have a spare yukata whenever I come over, I just can't find it"

"That's because I gave it away, I thought you were never going to visit me again so I just sold it…" she always made it seem like it was somehow Gin to blame.

"So you want me to sleep naked…do you miss me that much?" a pillow was thrown at his face as soon as the words were uttered. It was always his nature to tease her in any possible way that opens to him.

"No, you idiot I can always borrow another one…let me just ask one of my friends" she walked over to the door and looked both ways before leaving her room.

"They know I'm here?" he asked but was quickly shushed by her waving hand when she returned.

"Yes, but we sneak in boys all the time nobody cares" she whispered.

"We? Do you sneak in boys besides me…If that were the case why didn't you ask them to come and keep you company instead?" Gin felt another pillow thrown at him, he looked up and said he was only kidding.

"Well in the meantime while my friend is looking for a spare robe I was thinking we can do something fun…" She raised her eyebrow at him inviting him to her mischievous plan.

"Oh, what kind of fun?" his smile grew wider, he was always game for anything.

Rangiku walked over to her closet and opened a chest that was hidden by several other boxes, Gin heard the clack of ceramic and glass, he turned his neck up to see what she was pulling out.

"Sake! I managed to save some from this summer's festival, I figured we could finish it together" she raised up two bottles along with a pair of sipping cups, he wondered how this was going to be fun.

"You drink?" it didn't surprise him, she always liked to do things that she really wasn't supposed to do.

"You don't?" she countered his question.

He shook his head, while it wasn't the first time he would drink the alcoholic wine he really didn't like its ability to alter his inhibitions, he didn't like to loose his control over himself. He watched as she pulled on the cork and began to pour its clear yellowish contents into the cups, she settled it down near a cupboard and offered him his cup.

He watched as she downed the first shot as if it were water, she smacked her lips and licked the cup. Her cerulean eyes lit up at the warm feeling that was rising up, she urged him to drink his. Gin slowly sipped his share, feeling the slow burn of the alcohol on his throat.

"So do you like it?" she was quick to serve them another shot.

"Its actually quite strong…are you sure this is sake?" he let the wine settle briefly before bringing it back up to his lips, Rangiku already beat him in drinking the whole cup again.

"Ahh, yes of course c'mon don't tell me that the genius of the fifth division can't handle liquor" she went to serve herself another one.

"Are you sure you can drink this much Ran-chan? I don't want you to pass out and leave me here alone" he handed his cup for her to pour him some more. He wasn't going to allow himself to be one upped in drinking even if he may act silly in the end.

"Are ya kiddin…shittt…I can hold my own, jus watch mehhh" Great she began to curse and slur wonder how much more before she starts being clumsy.

Rangiku downed her fifth shot, she tried with the all her might to not spill the wine as she poured Gin another shot, it silently became a competition as to see who was stronger in handling their liquor.

Gin got up, he cursed at his wobbly legs as he walked over to sit by Rangiku, it was starting to hit him hard. As he sat back down he bumped into Rangiku causing her to spill some sake on her yukata, the wine wet the silk fabric of her chest and he could clearly see her pink nipple showing through, his grin grew impossibly wide.

"Did anyone tell ya you got the greatest pair of boobs in the whole Soul Society?" the words came out quicker than he can register them and he quickly regretted saying them.

"Join tha crowd" she mocked him in his Kansai accent, yup she was really out of it much to his benefit.

"Hey Gin…does your zanpakto…compensate for something?" her eyes held a glint that warned the boy beside her.

"What do you mean?" he chuckled not understanding the situation.

"Well I was thinking your sword can reach pretty far in its Shikai form…and there is a saying that the longer the sword the shorter he is in well…" she tried not to laugh as she tried to finish her sentence but ended up bursting.

Gin couldn't understand what she meant until she took one swig of sake and leaned forward, he stood his ground his smile still in place, he saw her cheeks painted rouge as she leaned very close to his face, her breathe was sweet even after she drank all that sake.

"Show me, I want to see it" his smile dropped along with his heart, was she really serious in her request.

"What a ya mean, Rangiku?"

"Don't play dumb with mehhh…c'mon I wanna see it" she began to tug at the sash of his uniform, Gin quickly stopped her from undressing the lower half of his body but Rangiku held a strong grip and continued to pull.

"Quit it Ran-chan, stop…" he hated that his body was allowing her to continue to pull his sash off she was close to leaving him exposed.

"C'mon Gin if you show me yours, I'll show you mine…I promise" she went back and began to pull her own sash slowly, her fingers clumsily began to pull down her hakama. Gin found himself wanting her to show him, had he been sober he would've stopped her.

Their door suddenly opened and Gin turned to see a girl carrying a white yukata by the entrance, he opened his eyes and felt shame for his pants were half down and Rangiku on top of him ready to undress herself.

"Oh, sorry Rangiku I forgot you had company, well here's the yukata you asked for…Have fun and try not to make too much noise 'kay?" she tossed the robe unceremoniously near them, Gin was left perplexed did these women not care at all?

The girl quickly closed the door and left them alone again, Gin found it strange that it was now Rangiku who was sporting his signature smile. He grabbed the sake bottle and decided to finish whatever was left, he figured he needed it for courage or for whatever may happen that will most likely result in forgetting the incident.

"Great, I finally got the lieutenant of the… fifth division drink alcohol… like a man, hic!" How cute, she hiccupped.

She leaned in again and Gin found it hard to move his body back for he feared he would lose his balance and tip back over, her robe was loose and he can peer in and see that wonderful cleavage so many men get lost in.

"Gin…"she touched his armband as she went to his ear.


"You…stink" He realized that he hasn't bathed in his rush to see her, he opened his eyes in surprise.

"If you want we can go to the private bathing area, it's almost midnight and they're closed but…hic! I know how to get…hic! In" she continued to whisper.

She got up and went into her closet, she was clumsy in opening her cabinet and pulling out the towels allowing other robes to fall over. She could care less as she walked over to the door hiccupping and giggling, Rangiku slanted her head over to Gin to come and join her.

'This girl really wants see me naked…' he found that his coordination skills were just as shot as hers and found it a challenge to even walk beside her.

He didn't even know why he followed along with her intentions, perhaps it was that he unconsciously wanted to do the same as well but Rangiku always had the audacity to pursue her curiosity. Much like a cat, ironically.

As the reached the bathing area it was closed with a lock and key, Rangiku reached down to the floorboards and was feeling for a loose piece of board that held the spare key.

"Don't tell anybody…I saw the keeper of the baths…she snuck in her lover one time…and this is where she kept the extra key" she found herself laughing silly and Gin chuckled along with her not caring if they were making too much noise.

She opened the door and pulled Gin in by his armband causing it to slip and fall, not caring at all he let it stay on the ground. Rangiku turned over and put the lock back in closing it again, she put the key nearby and went over to start the warm steam.

Hot water rushed through a small tub and Gin sat on a wooden bench nearby, he turned to see Rangiku taking off her clothes slowly, trying to not tip over. He walked over and surprised her as he told her that he should let him help her, Rangiku smiled and didn't resist. Gin found that Rangiku's hands were quick in taking off his uniform in return, in a couple of minutes they were both bare and warm.

She kicked their clothes aside as to not get them wet and looked back at the older boy in front of her, Rangiku was glad that she was already blushing due to the alcohol. She noticed that he has gotten much taller and that his body had lean cut muscle that wasn't there before she wouldn't let her eyes trail further down for the fear getting caught.

"Ne Rangiku is it me or your those lovely breasts of yours keep getting bigger?" she laughed at his remark the sake dulling there sense of shame.

"Why you put so much focus on my breasts for, I'm starting to think you're like the rest of the guys that keep ogling my chest so much"

Gin stepped up in front of her and she can clearly see all of his body it was hard not to laugh at how silly they were both being.

"Well I could mention other prettier aspects, but I'm afraid you'll think unkindly of me" his eyes trailed down and he made it obvious, he wanted to see how far he can go with this.

Rangiku giggling playfully pushed him away and went to grab a bucket and a washcloth near the bench, after filling it with hot water she sat down and motioned him back over.

"I want you to help me wash my self here's some soap" her hiccups were now gone.

"Like when we use to back in Rukongai…of course" he remembered how they teased each other and played around before being accepted into the Academy.

Rangiku sitting in front of him had her back turned to him and waited. Gin was glad that she could not see him staring at her beautifully shaped back and curved butt, he was even more grateful that the alcohol made it hard for him to get up or she surely would've felt him 'poking' her. Pouring the hot water down her back she lowered her neck and sighed he then put the soap between the washcloth and rub her back in a circular motion. When he created a lather she told him to use his hands to massage her back which he happily obliged.

His skillful hands gently rubbed the knots she had in her back and with his knuckles he trailed the down, Rangiku finding this relaxing leaned forward allowing him to go further down.

"Ran if you keep going lower I might get to see more than just your bum…I think I can see your flower from here" he warned her slyly.

"So what, its not like you haven't seen me naked before" she replied

He continued to rub her back until she told him he could go further, his hands reached up her shoulders and then to her collar. While one hand worked on her neck he let his dominant hand reach down but not crossing her breasts he skipped over them and went to her stomach, Rangiku frowned that he was still playing shy.

"You missed a spot…" her hand grabbed his and placed them back over her breasts, she smirked when she saw his eyes opened at the touch of the soft globes under his palm.

"I was just bein' polite…" his hand stood still.

"Since when did you care about being polite?" She turned her head back to him urging him to keep going.

His hand slowly massaged the firm breast afraid of letting himself go, he worked both her neck and chest. It wasn't long before she was covered in suds, she sighed feeling extremely relaxed. The sake has long taken away her discretions, she placed her hand over his once more and leaned back to tell him that she doesn't care where he wants to touch she in fact would want him to let go of his remaining inhibitions.

Gin accepting her invitation he did something that she had been waiting for years, using his fingers he cupped her chin and instead of soft kiss he went beyond that and slipped his tongue into her slightly parted mouth. Rangiku was amazed at his bold gesture but soon relaxed as she felt him lick the inside of mouth teasingly, she used her tongue to counter his.

Their tongues discovered each others lips and they tasted sake and something more, Rangiku bent her arm to touch his soft hair to pull him closer. They broke for air leaving a thin line of saliva connecting their lips, he could see her skin flushed in pink.

"Your so beautiful right now" his voice husked, something inside Rangiku turned on.

"Gin…" she was at a loss of words, she had wanted this but didn't know what to do next.

Remembering what he saw earlier he decided to put that in to use and started to grab and massage her sensitive chest. She gasped as he used the tips of his fingers to tease her pink nubs, once they stood up in attention he twisted them between his thumb and pointer fingers. Rangiku reached back and circled around his neck laying her head on his shoulders, she watched as he made her body go on fire.

One hand reached further down and stopped right above her flower and he looked at her to see if she would allow him access, she shyly nodded her head not knowing what would happen.

"I guess you're the one who has become shy now" he kissed her gorgeous lips and slid his hand to touch her delicate folds.

He couldn't believe what he was touching, they were like brushing lips with his finger tips. Rangiku cried out softly as his fingers rubbed her inner lips, his forefinger began rubbing up and down and he felt a small gush of liquid come out of her. He smirked as it lubricated her outer folds even more, as he moved his hand to fondle he came across another nub that was starting to peak out, he curiously flickered at it.

"Aahh! Gin" she panted her legs began to shake as he touched her most sensitive area.

"I guess I found your love button Rangiku"

The rough pad of his thumb circled the hardened clit as his other fingers worked their way across her nether lips. Gin didn't know that Rangiku lowered her hand behind her and was searching for his shaft, once she felt a smooth hardness she quickly gave it a strong tug making the silver boy behind her gasp.

"And I guess I found something of yours too" he kissed her as she returned him a grin.

She reached behind to stroke him and he quickly became harder under her touch, Gin didn't want her to have the upper hand and decided that it was tease her with something that he knew would drive her wild. He left his left hand from her breast to join his right down her clit, letting it take over he then put half his middle finger inside her wet cavern. She bolted up at the intrusion and stood still, it was a different feeling than before. His finger slowly explored her inside as he felt her walls clamp down on his digit with resistance, he twisted his finger around to relax the tight opening when she finally accepted him he slowly introduced another digit.

"Gin it feels…" she couldn't mouth the words right, her face flushed from both arousal and alcohol. Her mind was cloudy in pleasure that she has long desired, she had begun to buck her hips to allow his fingers to reach more within her.

"It feels like what…tell me Rangiku" the alcohol did indeed give him courage for he found himself aroused by taunting her and giving her pleasure.

"It feels…like I'm burning …It's so good I don't want you to stop" she couldn't believe she let herself utter those words.

"Do you wanna feel more?" his fingers were now going in and out of her rapidly her breaths were becoming harsh.

Rangiku nodded he head quickly, all her inhibitions tossed out the window. Gin withdrew his hand from her center and marveled at how wet she has soaked his fingers, she whimpered at the loss. He got up from the bench and picked her up to make her sit by the tub, she watched him through heavy lidded eyes as he got between her and lowered himself to his knees and spread her long slim thighs apart. Realizing what he intended to do she quickly shut her legs closed not wanting him to do what she knew he wanted to do.

"C'mon Rangiku, it's alright I aint gonna bite ya…I just want a nibble ya a bit" he kissed her inner thigh nipping at its skin, she felt awkward as she didn't know to let him do it.

"I've never done this before, it's all too weird" she exclaimed.

"Oh Ran believe me your going to wish I had done this sooner" he forcefully opened her legs once more and gave her engorged pink lips one long languid lick, with his lips he enclosed on her nub and was sucking on it. Rangiku immediately gripped his head and threw her body back, her mind was blown away by the different pleasure of his mouth down at her flower.

Remembering all that the officer had done before Gin quickly flickered his tongue at the clit and used his lips to suck and pull at the rest of her responsive areas. He looked up to see Rangiku at the highest peaks of ecstasy, confirming his earlier thoughts he advanced more to add his fingers in her tight orifice. Rangiku thought that she would die of pleasure, never in her whole lifetime would she thought Gin would know how to do this to her body.

Gin's fingers twisted and curved itself inside her, as he slowly pushed them up he felt a pad of flesh that felt different than the rest of the wet softness that enveloped him, he decided to curiously rub against it. At the feeling of her inner spot being stimulated Rangiku rolled her head back and her jaw dropped, she didn't think she could take any more of this intense pleasure, she could swear that she could feel herself leave her body.

"Gin, I feel something coming…" she moaned out, something within her was coiling tighter and tighter and with every lick, stroke and suck he was doing the spring kept winding up, she didn't feel like she could go on any longer. Attentive as ever he kept pressing on it and continued kissing her nub until he felt her insides clamp down harshly at his fingers and Rangiku unleash a harsh scream that signaled her imminent release.

Hot liquid gushed like a water fountain from her tight honeycomb and Gin's face was covered in its sweetness. He raised himself up and grinned from ear to ear when he saw the same color as had the woman before, he knew then that he has given her the greatest pleasure she could ever receive.

"Guess someone's made a mess of themselves" Rangiku panted to her silver friend.

That's why there's this tub of water here for" he went to dip himself in the water to wash himself clean as he got up he went by Rangiku and played with her blonde hair kissing her lips tenderly, she opened her mouth curious to taste herself along with a tinge of sake. She slowly rolled over and joined him in the water, he hugged behind her and asked if she liked it to which she blushed and said she quite in fact loved it.

Rangiku soon turned around and dove underwater, she was not going to let him win in this game. She caught his stiff erection in her hand and swallowed the tip, licking the slit of the head tasting pre-cum. Gin groaned at her sudden assault, he wondered how she knew how to do that. Underwater Rangiku continued to bob her head at his arousal, it felt different to have a hard velvety shaft entering her mouth but figured that it was best to try it.

'Clack' a sound alerted Gin and at once he turned his head to the door and saw that someone was trying to unlock the door. His eyes opened in surprise and he grabbed Rangiku's arms and yanked her away from his pole much to his displeasure, she knitted her eyebrows in confusion until she too heard the sound of the lock opening.

"Shit…what are we going to do?" she was now scared of getting caught, she knew she could severely be punished if they caught her with Gin especially since what they're doing was forbidden at the Academy.

Gin thinking quickly decided that it was best to flash step out as soon as the door was opened, though he was still inebriated he did remember where Rangiku's room was.

A young woman opened the door and felt a strong gush of wind leave the room along with steam. She looked in and saw the whole bath a mess and began cursing to the high heavens to whoever dared enter the baths.

As the woman entered the room she noticed a bundle of clothing that lay in a corner, she walked over it and gasped as she saw the 5th division's lieutenant badge on the floor. Oh what this is going to be juicy…she thought to herself.

Well that's part one of two but I hope you enjoyed it and please READ AND REVIEW to tell me what you feel.