It was now sometime past midnight and Alex was sitting on the side of her bed in deep thought. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, so she wasn't going to try, knowing it would just frustrate her more if she did.

She held Justin's hoodie-the one he leant to her, but she officially stole-tightly against her chest. It was the only thing of his that she had left to hold. It was the only thing of his that gave her the ounce of comfort she felt she needed. It still briefly smelled like him, and that's all she wanted to concentrate on at the moment.

She didn't want to think how she royally screwed up her relationship with her brother. She didn't want to think about Justin's obvious disgust of her. She didn't want to think that he probably already shunned her from his life. She just wanted to pretend that the soft fabric before her was actually Justin, and that everything was alright for just this small moment in time.

Alex felt her eyes begin to sting and her throat begin to close as tears threatened to spill from her eyes once again. She buried her face into the hoodie to muffle her cries, not wanting to wake anyone from their sleep.

Suddenly, she heard her door click shut. She immediately snapped her head to the direction of the noise and saw Justin standing next to her closed door, seemingly lost and unfocused. His hand was still frozen on the door knob as if he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to stay or go.

Alex's heart began to race at her unexpected visitor. What was he doing here?

"Justin?" She whispered in confusion. She was hoping she wasn't imagining him.

His head snapped up quickly to look at her. The eye contact he suddenly made was enough to chill her spine.

After getting over the shock of seeing Justin unexpectantly in her room, she finally took the time to study him. His body was rigid and his eyes seemed so bewildered and distant. Alex then noticed he had a small amount of dry blood underneath his nose.

"Justin!" She exclaimed in alarm, quickly rising to her feet and striding over to him subconsciously. "You were bleeding," She noted when she got closer. He merely stared at her, not commenting at all. "Let me go get you a wet towel to clean you up," She offered. The boy might not have been talking to her, but she still felt the urge to help him and take care of him, even though he was the one breaking her heart.

Alex moved to go pass him, but he grabbed the crook of her arm and pulled her back. He bore his gaze into her eyes. He squinted his eyes in indecision, before lifting his free hand to cup her face. The touch was like fire, and she felt the feeling imprinting to her memory.

He gulped in fear and she was still frozen from his sudden presence and touch. And before Alex could blink another second, Justin's lips were on hers, caressing them sweetly like all the other times she had the pleasure of feeling and tasting them. Still as mind-blowing as ever, no difference, except for the fact that she was not pretending to be someone else. It was purely Alex and Justin. Kissing.

Justin abruptly ended the kiss, immediately backing away from Alex, who was still crazy confused and hazy about what just happened.

Justin blinked rapidly, burying his hands deep into his thick jet-black hair. He walked over to Alex's bed and sat on it to refrain from fainting. He couldn't believe he just did what he did. But he had to know if it was really Alex that he fell for and not Harper. He just needed that confirmation, whether it would make his life better or worse.

Unfortunately, he didn't like the answer he received.

He wanted to prove Max wrong. He wanted to prove himself wrong. Justin had been having these thoughts from time to time of his sister for the past couple months. He had been hoping that if he kissed Alex that it would banish the thoughts into oblivion because he couldn't think of his sister in the ways he was thinking about her. It was wrong, sick, illegal! It was INCEST! He knew he could forever live in denial, but why the hell did Alex have to put action to everything? Why did she have to complicate things? Why? He was happy with his sinful confusing thoughts locked in the corner of his mind. Or was he?

He groaned. Everything about this was so bittersweet. He found someone who loved him, and he now admittedly knew he loved this person back, but she was his sister. Sister! You just don't fall head over heels for your sibling! You just don't.

But it's like Max planted this seed in his head. He was finally putting a label onto Justin's confusing feelings and it made Justin rethink over his actions with Alex. Made him rethink of all the moments he had had with her. Justin saw just how right Max could be, but he still refused to believe that he loved Alex like that. He couldn't be that messed up in the head; he was a smart kid, a responsible kid. He couldn't do this. And then as if the blow to the nose was the bell ringing off his head, Justin knew he couldn't deny it anymore. He had always loved Alex differently from everyone else. Not in a sibling way at all. Even before the thoughts or the kisses justified things. He realized that now, but he was so hoping the kiss would prove otherwise. That it was save him from insanity. But it was perfect.

The kiss was the kiss he dreamt of in his dreams. The kiss was the one that hooked him in and kept him waiting around for more like a poor puppy dog. It was Alex. He wasn't in love with Harper, or even Juliet anymore. It was Alex. He was…in love…with Alex…his sister. And he always had been.

Justin gulped at the thought, tears brimming his eyes. To think such a realization was easy to swallow would be an understatement. He swiftly went to dry his eyes, also flaking away the small amount of blood that was still under his nose.

Alex watched Justin from where she was still standing. He seemed to be fighting so much with himself internally. She wanted to go over and comfort him, but didn't quite know where they still stood, even though a moment ago his lips were on hers.

She fidgeted in place, waiting and waiting for him to finally say something, to finally explain what the heck just happened! She wanted answers, but she knew with Justin she needed to be patient. He needed to think about things dozens of times before he made a decision, which makes her think just how long it took him to bulk up enough courage to come into her room.

"It's not supposed to be this way," He croaks, and her eyes snap right to him after he finally speaks. He's looking down into his hands, and Alex can briefly see a tear fall onto them. He's so torn up and it pains her to see him this way. "I'm not supposed to feel…this way. I'm not supposed to want to-to want to kiss my sister…" He trails off and Alex sucks in a breath of air at his confessions. He has more tears gliding down his face and he bravely turns his face now to look at her. "I'm not supposed to fall in love with you, Alex…" He whispers. Alex has tears of her own falling down her face, and at the moment she isn't sure if they are ones of joy or sadness.

It's paining Justin to say these things to her. She knows he's the golden boy and this tarnishes that. And seeing him so lost and confused hurts her because she feels so at fault for it all. But she can't help but beam at the news too. He loves her. He feels the same. Maybe all the suffering will finally pay off.

She hesitantly walks over to her bed and sits down next to him. She freezes a moment, still not sure whether he wants to be near her or not. After he doesn't make a gesture or move to distance them, she grabs his hand in both of hers, cradling it and holding it like a fragile child. He looks at her with his watery eyes, and she can see the turmoil he is in and all she wants to do is fix this for him. "I know…" Is all she says. She isn't sure what else to say at that moment, but agree with him.

He tears away from her gaze and looks down at her floor. "I'm sorry about how I acted earlier…I-I was terrible…I was scared…I was like this monster I-"

Justin paused in the middle of his rant as Alex grabbed his chin. She wanted him to look at her, and he did, but with the saddest, most regretful eyes. "It's okay," She whispered as she took her free hand to rake through his hair on the side. "I understand. It was a perfectly reasonable reaction. I wasn't expecting anything less."

"But I made you feel so…horrible. I made you feel so alone," He tightly spoke. The memory of how he yelled and how she cried was making him wince. Justin leaned his forehead onto Alex's. "Everything is happening so fast and I don't know what to do, Alex. And not knowing is driving me insane! I don't know where to go from here…maybe that's why I never wanted to acknowledge my feelings for you…because now I'm so terrified," He confessed, his voice wavering and a few more tears escaping from the corner of his eyes. Alex kissed them all away.

Alex held his face in her hands as they both gazed at each other. Alex eventually broke the silence. "Well," she began, "you love me and I love you…what happens next for us?"

Justin swallowed in fear, shaking his head. "I-I don't know…but we can't continue this…" He said bitterly, motioning his hand between himself and Alex.

Alex's face faltered. "And why the hell not?" She questioned pointedly. She had gone through hell and back it seemed; she wasn't about to go through it again.

"Alex, we're siblings, we're brother and sister…we can't…" He explained softly, even though each word was a dagger in the heart for both of them. "It's not right…"

Impulsively, Alex smashed her lips against her brother's aggressively and forcefully. She tried to pour as much emotion she could into that kiss. She needed this. She needed him. She needed him so she could do this because it was pointless with anyone else. She broke away, both their breathing now labored. "Did that feel right to you?" She asked in-between gasps.

Justin lifted his hand to stoke Alex's cheek. "Of course it feels right to me…but for the rest of the world-"

"I don't care what the world thinks. The rest of the world doesn't need to know shit about us. It's not their business!" Alex argued, cutting Justin off mid sentence.

"And what do we do, Alex? Hide away? Date in secret? I want to share my love for you to the whole world, but I can't!" He quietly yelled. "We shouldn't have to hide that. It's not fair to either of us to have to hide something like this! I'd just be better to pretend none of this ever happened. I'll be leaving soon for college soon, so it'll be easier then."

Alex cringed at the thought of him going away for college. She didn't like to think about that.

"Is that what you've convinced yourself?" Alex argued back, letting her voice rise a little too high in anger. She immediately hushed it down to a reasonable tone. "We are never going to feel this way about someone else like we do for each other. Can't you see that denying it and pretending nothing happened is going to hurt us even more? I'd rather be with you in any way possible than not at all. I'd risk anything to be with you…" She trailed off and began to whimper. "Maybe you don't love me as much as you say you do…" She whispered.

Justin instinctively brought her in his arms, peppering kisses all over her face delicately. "Don't…you…ever…say…that," He said in-between kisses. "I love you, so so much," He continued and then placed a small peck on her lips. "I'm just very confused and scared right now…And I don't want to hurt mom or dad…They'd be devastated if they found out…"

Alex sighed. She completely forgot about her parents and how they would take the news if they found out. She could only imagine the scenarios and it seemed the bad ones kept over-clouding the good.

"Please, Justin," She pleaded, looking directly into his eyes. Her own eyes were filled with water again. She wasn't one for begging, 'cause really, she can get whatever she wants, but it seems that this situation called for it and deemed one of the only ways to convince Justin to give them a chance. "Please…"

Justin knew what he wanted to do. He loved the feeling of her in his arms. He loved how he could kiss her without a thought or worry she would turn him away. He loved her. So, it would only make sense for him to give in and be together. However, his morals and conscious were fighting with his heart over the matter. He thought of the rest of his family. Obviously Max was okay with it, but Justin feared what his parents would think the most. His biggest fear is to be seen as a failure in his parents' eyes. That fear alone drove him to be the excellent student and wizard he was at that moment and why he refused Alex for so long. If they found out, would all his hard work crumble or would they be accepting? He was scared to find out.

Justin looked at Alex. Her eyes were wide with anticipation and she was biting her lip in nervousness. He knew that his decision would make or break everything that their lives would come to be. And even though Justin feared his parents' repercussions to what their new relationship status would be, he couldn't let Alex down. He had vowed every since she was old enough to walk to protect her, love her, and be there for her. She needed him and he needed her in more ways than one.

He took Alex's hands in his and squeezed them tight. "We'll make this work," He said with a small smile. He saw an even broader one brighten his sister's face, which made his decision feel a lot more right. She jumped on him, hugging him tightly and crying from happiness. He wrapped his arms around her too, relinquishing the feeling of relief and warmth they were both feeling.

Maybe it was fate that they both lost their significant others at the same time. Maybe it was fate that Harper decided to bail out of the 'Juliet' plan last minute, so Alex would have to fill in. Fate or not, They were happy that it all happened. Their relationship may not be right in some people's minds, but is being with someone that makes you so happy be so bad? Justin and Alex don't think so. Besides, like Justin said before, they aren't normal people.

A/N: Sucky ending? Alright ending? Sorry. Lol I wish I could have ended it better. Honestly, the ending is what took me forever and I'm somewhat satisfied with it. This is exactly around the amount of chapters I thought I would have for this story, so sadly it is done. I'm gonna let you think whatever you want for their future. Use your imagination! Haha! Thank you so much for the reviews, alerts, and reading! So, PLEASE REVIEW! I'll be working on my new story (baby, it's fact sequel) Here in Your Arms now.

Thanks again for reading! :)


_: Thanks for reviewing!

1405Smiley0514: Max is a cutie! Haha. He's just so loveable, no matter what he does. Thanks for reviewing!

InFaMoUs PhAnToM: Glad you liked the fight and the chapter! Lol! And thanks for reviewing!

TrixieNancy124: I'm glad you are really enjoying the story and I hoped you liked the ending. Thanks for reviewing!

Skybeblue221: Well I saw Max mad with Justin because he can see that Justin felt the same. Thanks for reviewing!

BG-13: LMAO! So I'm guessing you liked the fight? Lol! Max is pretty awesome. Thanks for reviewing!

Sayuria: Aw thanks, glad you liked last chapter and thanks for reviewing!

TobiasFanfor92: haha, I'm sorry. Hopefully this wasn't too much of a wait for you. :) Thanks for reviewing!

KupiDDaAcHAnnYloVER: Max is a great brother! Thanks for reviewing!

CaughtThyself: Yeah, I like to think Max would be very protective of Alex when the occasion would rise for him to be. Plus, he was only mad at Justin because he knew that Justin felt the same, so, in a way he was trying to help them both. Thanks for reviewing!

KidsInLovex: I actually think under the certain circumstances, he would act like this. I see Max as very impulsive and I wouldn't be surprised if he went and punched Justin if he did do this. Lol! Thanks for reviewing!

Dontcallmesweetie: I was pretty shocked when I wrote it. XD I hadn't expected to go that way at all, but it's like it just wrote itself that way almost! Lol! But I wanted Max to leave a big impression on Justin and to really get him thinking. Thanks for reviewing!

Not Just a Nerd: You have to think though, with the fighting, that Justin is extremely confused and frustrated with himself. Max is agitating him, so I think Justin pushing Max isn't all that out there. As for Max, the punch was more of a split second reaction thing. He didn't go in there intending to hit Justin, but it just sorta happened. I don't know. I could see Max doing that under these circumstances. Lol! Thanks for reviewing, buddy!

French7: Glad you didn't mind the wait too long. XD Thanks for reviewing!

Wd0: Thanks for reviewing!

Baku Babe: Sometimes I just really wish WOWP wasn't on Disney. So much more amazing things could be possible. Thanks for reviewing!

Unknown: My sympathies go with Alex as well, but Justin gets some, but maybe that's because I know how is mind is in this story! Haha! Thanks for reviewing!

Xwishfulstars: Thanks for reviewing!