Umm... yeah. This is my first fan-fic, so you can blame me if this story mentally scars you.

Phoenix Wright and friends belong to Capcom.

Story belongs to me. :D

Phoenix's POV

I was standing in the middle of a big white cube, staring at one of the white cube walls. The cube was as big as my office. Slowly, I looked around and estimated each side was about 5 metres long, not that I really needed to know that. I wondered why I was here. Wondered how long I had been standing there. Wondered if I had locked up my office. Wondered about stuff like that. Each thought brought a new feeling, like fear when I remembered that I actually forgot to lock my office or success when I remembered the time when the Demon Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth had received his first 'Not Guilty' verdict from me. Then I realised that the whole cube was changing feeling too. Actually, it was changing colour, according to my feeling and subject of though. For example, I thought about Maya, and if she was alright in Kurain, and the cube turned a dark lavender colour, symolistic of worry and the Kurain colour mashed together. While exploring my new found ability, footsteps approached from behind me. The sound resonated off the cube's walls, floor and ceiling.

Slowly, I turned around to see who was disturbing my creativity time. As I spun around, the walls of the cube turned white again. I eventually found myself an arm's length away from my intruder, their face made me turn the cube black.

It was the Demon Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth himself. Even with the black walls, it seemed that my cube emitted a soft light, so that I could still see my rival. I looked over his shoulder to see how he got in, but I failed to find an entrance or exit. Focusing my attention on my childhood friend in front of me, I could see that he was wearing his usual court attire, pink, he calls it 'magenta', suit, cravat and all. Then I started wondering about what he wore outside the court room, in casual. As hard as I could, by brain could not produce a mental image of Edgeworth in anything other than his normal suit. I sighed out loud, then realised that Edgeworth was staring at me. Furthermore, the cube had turned from black to a pink that matched his suit. I raised my hand to press my palm against my forehead, giving Edgeworth the sign that I did not want him to be around. But he just stayed put, arms crossed and eyes trained to my face. Quickly, I removed my hand from my face and mimicked his position. Now the cube was as blue as my suit, to try to intimidate the 'mighty' prosecutor. Then he did something unpredictable.

Uncrossing his hands faster than any other human could, he grabbed my right upper arm and, with a grip like iron, pulled me towards him. Then, as I fell, our lips met...

And I woke up. And sat bolt upright. Widening my eyes as far as they would go, I quickly scanned the dark office, which was serving as my dwelling, for any other human presence, especially for Miles Edgeworth. I glanced at my clock, which read 5 am, and breathed a sigh of relief. Raising my hand, I gently put my fingers on my lips. What would have happened if I didn't wake up? Did I want him to continue?

Nah! Of course not! That would make me, uh..., not straight? Besides, I had a girlfriend before. Then that would make me a bi. That's not good. Oh well. But those lips felt good. But that was only in my imagination. They could never feel that good. Argh! Why am I even thinking about them?

Chuckling nervously and putting that to aside, I decided to go back to sleep, since Maya wasn't here to wake me up at 6 am every day. And I never ever got any decent sleep, so why not make use of it? Before settling back on my office couch I got up and locked the office door.

Yeah so, for now, that's it. I'll write up another chapter if you R&R.

Cya :D