OK, so the other last chapter was not how I wanted to finish my story but I put it up there to stop an argument that I had with someone over my story – I am not going to name anyone. This chapter may be rubbish and you guys may prefer the other ending but I would like to know please so that I can do something about it. :) thank you...

They all got back up to the attic a short time later and Mr Smith scanned Rani to make sure that she was all right. Clyde stayed next to Rani while Maria sat silently at the back of the attic. There was a lot of tension in the room, and Rani felt quite awkward. Luke suddenly got up to go to the toilet.

Then Sarah-Jane beckoned Clyde over to where she was standing in the corner and they started whispering together. Rani sat down on a sofa and stared at the floor, she could sense that Maria was watching her. Sarah-Jane walked over to them and Clyde followed her.

"Me and Clyde are going to get some fizzy drinks, do you two want one?" asked Sarah-Jane. They both shook their heads and Sarah-Jane and Clyde turned and left the attic.

Outside the attic Sarah-Jane and Clyde listened in at the door.

"Do you think that they will talk about this?" asked Clyde.

"Yes, they think that they are on their own so if there is something going on between them then they will tell now!" she replied looking at him hopefully.

"I hope your right, they need to solve this!"

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Rani was hoped that Sarah-Jane and Clyde would come back soon, she hated the awkwardness. Suddenly Maria got up.

"I suppose you want me to, be nice to you now that you have been rescued from a horrifying fate!" she said folding her arms and staring coldly at Rani.

"No, because I don't care about your opinions any more Maria!" Rani retorted getting up herself.

"Uh, and why not?" Maria said back raising her voice slightly.

"Because ever since you have been back you have completely ruined my life. You told them that I was mean to you and that I told you that I would get you out of here myself if you didn't leave!" Rani shouted back. Maria just smiled and chuckled. "You think this is FUNNY!" shouted Rani moving towards Maria.

"Yep." said Maria.

"You think that me being kidnapped by aliens is FUNNY!" Maria just smiled. "You think it's funny that I may never have seen my parents again, my family. You should know of all people how hard it is to be separated from people that you love and yet you find it FUNNY when someone else is in that situation. You stupid COW!" Rani bellowed back. Maria looked slightly taken aback. Rani saw guilt in her eyes."Why did you do this, Maria?" asked Rani lowering her voice.

"Because they like you, when I got here I felt like you had taken my place in the group, I was annoyed at how quickly they had found someone new. I was jealous." Maria confessed.

"And you thought that getting everyone to be against me was the right thing to do?" Rani asked amazed by the confession that had just some from the other girl's lips.

"I don't know, but it kind of came out at first and then the lies just continued. I never meant to do anything, I was really looking forward for meeting you actually." said Maria, looking down at the ground.

"Me too."

"I shouldn't have said what I said. They really like you, especially Clyde, he really loves you, just like you love him!" she said.


"Yeh really." Rani smiled at Maria.

"Look, can we put this behind us? I don't want to fight any more, I just want to be friends with you." Rani asked.

"I think I can cope with that!" Maria replied with a grin on her face. Just then Sarah-Jane and Clyde came rushing through the door, making the girls jump.

"So you two are finally friends." Sarah-Jane said.

"You heard us?" both Maria and Rani asked at the same time.

"Um...well...yes. You see, me and Clyde both thought that there was something wrong. Rani is not like what you said she was like Maria, we know her too well. And your quite a bad liar."

"Sorry." Maria said. Clyde moved over to where Rani stood and looked at her.

"Is it true what maria said? About you liking me?" asked Clyde. Rani blushed.

"Does this help?" she lent forward and kissed him on the lips. Just then Luke walked in on them. He looked at Rani and Clyde and then cleared his throat, Rani and Clyde instantly broke apart.

"Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on around here?" asked Luke and everyone started laughing!

OK so as you can tell it is a little different. I would love to know what you guys think of it, was it better having Rani and Maria argue and then make up or was it better with just them talking. I have left the other chapter up there for you guys to compare and tell me which is better.

As I said this was the original ending but I had to change it because of something that happened.


Thank you to anyone who has reviewed and read this story I really appreciated it. :)

I loveee you all xxx