Chapter 18 : CLASH! Battle Of Water And Darkness!
Hey wassup my readers! Here is Chapter 18 , I apologize for the wait . Again work and figuring out what to do with the story held me back, but I intend to keep this story going until it's finished. I'm sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy .
Also flames are not wanted .
Don't own Naruto or the songs that will be included in the fanfic
"Talking" Normal.
"Talking" Kyuubi /Drake
Jutsu used.
Tayuya , Kin , Ino , Hinata , Kurumu And Chizuru were currently in Naruto's apartment . True to Sarutobi's word , he had called the best contractors in the village to help renovate the apartment . Chizuru and Ino were talking to the painters , exchanging advice and professional opinions on what color would help lighten the room up and which feather coating could go to help with sustaining the color for a long period through the hot seasons and protection for said paint.
Tayuya and Kin were going through and fixing up the furniture selection and entertainment parts as they wanted the best for their savior.
Kurumu and Hinata were going through the motions on the rooms that focused on the bathroom , Kitchen and Bedroom.
The contractors were slightly baffled with the state of the apartment due to mould and damage . but they reassured that they could clean it and fix it like it was new . Though some looks were noticed , knowing that the boy who lived here was the demon . But they haven't seen him in a while so it was probable that he was sent away for a while . But it was not their stance to question or complain due to the funds they got to fix up the apartment .
"Do you think he would enjoy the blue with orange?" Chizuru asked her daughter as she flipped through the palletes of paint .
Both mother and daughter thought that if Naruto had a calming color of paint for his living room , it could help him feel relaxed after a hard days work of training or missions. They wanted it to feel more homely for him , something that could help elevate his spirit from stress.
"Well blue will help him feel more calm if he were to stare at them , and the orange seems to suit him . Might remind him of watching a sunset over the water . Should we have a wall painted into something like that?" Ino asked as she looked over the paint book.
Chizuru tilted her head side to side in thought , "It would look nicer , and he could appreciate something like that on those dreadful winter days . All that grey makes it dull and depressing . He could use more things that could make him smile."
Ino nodded , "He looks better when he smiles . Makes up for a happier day out when we talk."
Chizuru grinned , " Sounds like someone like's him ." She playfully poked her daughter in the side.
Ino turned and glared at her mother , " He's a friend mother ."
The older blonde smirked , " I'm only teasing Ino chan. "
Ino shook her head as she grinned .
Hinata was going through the selections of stoves/ ovens with Kurumu .
"Anou...What kind shall we g-get him?" Hinata asked as she was near of an inch next to the older pink haired mother.
"Well he needs something that will help with cooking proper food . All that ramen will just do more harm than good for him." Kurumu wrapped an arm around the young Hyuuga Heiress' shoulders so she had a closer look at the catalog.
"Shall we teach him to cook other things ?" Hinata asked as she looked up to the pair of jade green eye's.
"Yes and maybe when he learns to cook for himself we can get him to cook for us!" She replied happily .
Hinata blushed as she day dreamed her crush giving her a delicious looking meal to her . Sighing happily she pointed to a stove that was electrically powered with an intergrated oven .
"A dinner for the main course. A-A-And a cake for desert." She whispered to herself , fantasizing about a wonderful night with her crush.
But Chizuru had heard the young raven haired girl , she leaned her head down , her lips close to the young Hyuuga's ear .
"With strawberries , vanilla icing and chocalte shavings ." She tantalized Hinata's thoughts and tastebuds.
At hearing the older woman's description of the cake , her face went blank as her blush increased in redness. Funnily enough she licked her lips slowly , a little bit of drool slowly making her way down through her lips onto her chin.
"Oh my yes." Hinata whispered loud enough for the older mother to hear .
Chizuru chuckled and continued to help Hinata pick out the ideal stove/ oven.
Tayuya and Kin were talking to the
A cabin far off from the land of waves.
Zabuza was in bed , his wounds are mere scars over the week of healing with the help of his apprentice , the humility of his loss by that insufferable boy.
"Fuck!" He yelled angrily and punched the wall on his left side leaving a good dent and causing some shrapnel to burst out of the impact both inside and outside.
"I'm gonna kill that kid ! SLOWLY! I'll fucking rip him into pieces !" He yelled as he punched the wall again .
Haku walked in , holding a tray full of medicinal salves and balms with a teapot . As they travelled she had taken up medical training to help her master with any injuries.
The tea she had brewed is able to help stimulate the white blood cells to enhance the healing of any wounds that would take longer than a week . But the only downfall is that the person would have to be in bed the entire time and have food on hand as the metabolism works fast on the energy to help with the healing.
"Zabuza sama , please refrain from damaging yourself any further." Haku informed coolly.
Zabuza narrowed his eye's at her , seeing her in the blue kimono with black ravens decorating on the silk dress.
"That boy! I want him left alone , I want him to myself when everything dies down." Zabuza growled menacingly.
Haku nodded , allowing her master to vent , she knew he would never allow this insult to die down but there was not much she could do for him at this point.
She sat on the side of the bed and started to apply the creams over his scars for good measure .
"I understand Zabuza sama . But I believe that will be difficult." She simply replied.
He looked at her again , " What have you found out?"
She stopped rubbing salve over his scars and looked at him.
"He's a jinchuriki. He...Attacked me . But with chakra . Black Chakra. It came out of his stomach and formed a body when he slept." She explained .
He quirked an eyebrow. " Explains his enormous chakra from the surprise. Change of plans then." He paused .
Haku looked at her master , her breath hitched in her throat.
"I'm gonna have to take him out quickly . But leave him so he's able to suffer a bit more."
"I'm afraid that it won't be easy." Haku said simply.
He looked away with a grunt , " Do you understand who you're talking to?"
Haku winced , " I do , forgive me Zabuza sama."
He then glared at her , " Then you will understand that I want to attack tomorrow . I'll hit them fast before they know what happened . And I will take that kid back and torture him until he thinks that death is the only paradise in life!"
Haku nodded and returned to rubbing the creams over his scars.
"I expect you to be there with tranquilizers , take him down when he's distracted . Then take him back to the safe house , regulate his fluids and sedatives until we can get him chained up with chakra sepressants." Zabuza ordered.
Haku nodded but she couldn't get that vision of those light eyes and sadistic chakra smile out of her mind. A shiver of fear creeping up her spine causing her hands to shake. Zabuza noticed this and captured her little hand with his large left hand.
"What's wrong?" He asked , using his right hand to move her face up to stare into his eye's.
"I'm scared Zabuza sama. What happened with that power. It wasn't natural. It felt like it was pure evil." She whispered frightfully.
"I know it wasn't natural . That kind of power... The power of the Jinchuriki . I know it's frightening , but we can still beat him , he's a kid after all." Zabuza assured her.
"No , I'm afraid of what will happen if this doesn't work. If it doesn't work and he releases more power , it could mean the end of us. I felt it Zabuza sama. " She stared at him with slightly teary eye's
"His chakra spiked up passed your level . And he smiled at me . That... sickening smile..." She whispered.
He took her into his arms , easily stopping her shaking , "He won't do anything to you , I promise." He whispered to her .
They stayed that way for an hour before doing anything else.
The Next Day.
Tsunami was in her house , preparing the meal for lunch with the meat that Naruto had hunted down , skinned and bled out for preparation for seasoning and cooking .
He had hunted down a deer and three rabbits , giving the rabbit meat for the young mother to prep for eating . The deer on the other hand would have to wait for a few more hours before she could prepare it's carcass for a feast.
She smiled to herself from the generosity that the young boy was showing to her family , Inari was reluctant but he did sheepishly admit that the food was more than delicious. He would never admit it , but he was thankful for the proper meals that the young shinobi brought in .
She sighed happily , feeling the warmth from the experience of safety and comfortability in her own home.
'Naruto , he surprised me with what kind of person he is. Kind . Generous. Protective. He'll make a perfect husband when he is older.' She thought herself as she was reminded of her late husband Kaizu.
He thought was broken when a loud bang echoed the house and two men rushed in and dragged her outside and threw her to the ground.
Tsunami was in fear , utter fear. The kind of fear that you get when someone tells you a horror story and the myths might be true , or when you know something is wrong and it comes true. Or when someone hides the remote and a certain person is on T.V that you utterly hate but can't help but feel helpless. Sick bastards...
Before her were two men armed with Katana's . One was silver haired with a blue shirt and grey pants with some bandages along his hands and arms. Grinning with utter cruelty and malice.
The other was a tall brown haired man with an eye patch over his left eye , shirtless and grey long pants were his choice of clothing and yet he stared at her , licking his lips with the look of lust .
She felt herself cower to the wall of her house , 'How did this come to this?!' she mentally screamed.
The morning was normal as always . Make breakfast , get everyone up , Naruto went out to train and Kakashi and Her father along with Sasuke and Sakura went to the bridge.
But then these two men break in and drag her out , hoping that Inari would run and get help after she screamed out and was dragged by her arm and thrown into the dirt.
She had tears welling up in her eyes from the harsh grip of the older brown haired man .
"We're gonna have some fun with you girly." The brown haired man growled , with a smirk on his lips.
"Why ?" she whispered loudly , looking to the side as she felt her body freeze up.
"Gato said everyone's free game now." The younger silver haired man remarked as he chuckled evilly .
"No , please , don't do this!" Tsunami begged .
Both men grinned as the older brown haired man ripped her shirt open , exposing her breasts. She reactively crossed her arms as she shrieked in fright but the silver haired man walked behind her and held her arms back , leaving her bare breasts unprotected. The cold air forcing her rosey pink nipples to harden .
The brown haired man leant down and started to lick her light pink nipples , causing her to shiver and grunt at the unwanted attention from her soon to be rapist .
She moaned unintentionally , hating how these sick men were treating her .
"Please...Stop!" She screamed as the silver haired man took his katana and placed it between her legs and started to rub the sheath upon her vaginal entrance .
"No. Please.." She begged , the fear taking hold and her legs started to shake , she wanted to fall and curl herself into a ball to protect herself.
"Hahaha , This slut's enjoying this! " The silver haired swordsman boasted as he increased the speed of his rubbing.
"Well , no time like the present !" The brown haired man exclaimed as he started to undo his pants.
"NO!" Tsunami screamed , her fears coming to life . The silver haired man yanked her arms downward so she was forced onto her knees painfully.
With no way of help , no way to escape. Tsunami shut her eye's tightly and braced for the oncoming sexual assault. She felt her body heat rise as her blood rushed with fear mixed with adrenaline , the heat of the throbbing member of the brown haired swordsman as he neared her mouth to ensure more stimulation for his well being and torture of the young only mother.
"Hey!" A voice called out.
The voice sounded young but it was growled out like an animal had learnt to speak , she dared to open her eye's , cracking only a fraction before opening fully to see the blond haired shinobi . Naruto was standing 15 feet away , his scythe by his side and sweat on his brow . His clothes consisted of his black button up shirt with the sleeves cut off , and a black singlet and black 3/4 shorts with his sandals.
He took a few steps forward , twirling his scythe around threateningly .
"Step away." He warned , his claws started to grow as the dark chakra started to seep outwards onto his body as his rage started to boil at the treatment she was receiving .
The swordsmen both laughed loudly at the boy , spiking his rage further.
"What are you gonna do kid ? " The silver haired man asked as he rubbed harder with his sword eliciting a strained grunt from the woman he was holding back.
Naruto narrowed his eye's as the black chakra started to form on his hands , his anger pulling out Kyuubi's own energy and started to riddle through the black chakra that was on his hands , making it look like normal and dark fire was at his finger tips.
The brown haired man walked closer and unsheathed his sword , stepping to the side 5 feet . "If your gonna try and start something , I suggest you make the move and don't miss."
Naruto grinned , maliciously , holding his scythe in his right hand and turning it so the blade was pointing towards his target.
"Oh don't worry." He felt his wrist twitch as the chakra started to flare and encase the hilt of the weapon and then creeping onto the blade , vibrating with energy that felt close to a primal evil , a powerful force of animalistic energy.
"I never miss!" He spoke darkly as his voice changed , sounding like three Naruto's speaking at the same time with different pitches.
He swung his scythe towards the brown haired man , releasing his energy with the momentum of his attack , the dark energy cascaded forth .
The brown haired swordsman was struck by the attack , his sword was destroyed as the chakra sliced through the steel and hilt. And then his hand and arm , then his body . His bloodcurdling scream of pain as the black fire like chakra enveloped him as his body was cut into pieces . Blood and organs splattered into different sizes due to the cutting properties of the attack , leaving the ground in a 10 foot radius stained with blood and gore. Tsunami silently screamed at the spectacle , the boy who was barely 12 , just killed a man without even touching him in the most gruesome way she never thought possible.
The silver haired man threw the young mother to the side and charged at the boy , his blade already leaving his sheath and raised in for a downward strike , but Naruto merely smirked and spun around , building his momentum for his next attack as he performed a horizontal swing . Scythe met Katana with a resounding clang , the force knocking the sword to the side and delivering a reverse roundhouse kick to the silver haired swordsmans stomach .
He was sent back , having the wind knocked out of his lungs , but the young swordsman was not given time as Naruto ruthlessly pursued and swung his dark blade again horizontally. The blade sliced through his shirt and flesh , blood gushing from the deep gash and a screamed echoed out from the silver haired mans open mouth.
Naruto then used a front kick to knock the man to the ground and performed an overhead swing , stabbing his demonic blade into the mans chest cavity with a sickening squelch . The scream died in his throat , as blood filled his mouth and throat which made him gurgle instead of screaming. The blade was then ripped from his chest as Naruto swung again and again , the resounding sounds of metal meeting flesh was upon the still forest air . His grunting growing louder with each swing , remembering how he was abused as he watched what happened to Tsunami.
Tsunami watched in horror of how brutal this young boy became , how this boy took out two grown men with little effort . She stood slowly and tried to reach him , to stop him .
"Naruto?" She whispered , step by each slow step towards the blond boy .
He continued , the tribal markings started to appear on his arms as he sped faster into stabbing and slashing at the man.
"Naruto?" she spoke his name as she was near within reach.
Naruto couldn't hear her as the blood red haze started to cloud his vision , the markings were now up his arms , his eye's turned crimson as the whiteness of his eye's started to darken.
"Naruto!" She screamed as she hugged her bare breasts against his back , wrapping her arms around his shoulders and chest , effectively stopping him midswing.
Naruto felt his anger abate , his markings and eye's turning back to normal. The blood rage that lingered over his eye's had disappeared . He slowly let his scythe fall onto the ground as he still held the bone staff , the blade near digging into the ground as he calmed his breathing.
"It's ok , you stopped them." Tsunami whispered , as she slowly rubbed his chest to help reassure him.
"You saved me . It's ok Naruto." She whispered and kissed the top of his head , tears slowly falling from her eye's as she hugged him tighter.
"Wha- What did they try and do?" He asked , his body still besides his chest moving from breathing.
Tsunami didn't respond , having to try and break out of the shock herself , she knew he wanted to know , he was a child afterall , he didn't know what he witnessed unless it was an act of bullying .
"They tried to hurt you...didn't they?" He asked , his voice becoming more deeper.
"They tried to rape me . For women , it's one of the worst things you could do." She spoke softly .
Naruto was silent for moments , Tsunami could only hug him and reassure him .
"Wait...If they attacked you now. That means..." He spoke suddenly as his eye's shot up wide.
He ripped himself from her hold and flared his chakra to his feet.
"Get inside and lock the doors ! They're attacking now!" He yelled as he bounded off in an explosion of dust .
"Gato's attacking!? My father! Everyone on the bridge !" She exclaimed as she tried to run for the bridge construction site.
Naruto held his scythe out , stopping her effectively and looking into his eye's as they started to turn from the calming cerulean blue into a menacing , angry looking red.
"No . Leave them to me." He growled as he turned and started to walk .
"It's about time the reaper arrived for their due payment." As he got to the edge of the tree line .
"In Blood!" He roared as his voice became deeper, darker , and more spine chilling than his own voice before blasting off towards the bridge , leaving a crater where he formally was.
Inari ran out from the tree's , with horror in his eye's , making his way to his mother.
"Kaa San!" He screamed , hugging her tightly.
"Inari! Where were you?! Are you hurt!?" she quickly hugged her child and then looked him over for injuries.
"I saw it... I saw him do that." He shakily whispered as his grip tightened on the tattered remains of her shirt.
She took her child to her form and hugged him with all her motherly tenderness. She was unsure what to do as her child had gone through a traumatizing experience.
"We need to go inside , and wait for Ojisan and the Team to come back ok?" Tsunami started .
But Inari broke the hug and stepped back , "No ! If he can do that , He can get rid of Gato and we can be free!" He turned and ran into town .
Tsunami quickly tied up her shirt as best she could , making her shirt into a kind of bikini top and chased after her child .
"Inari!" She screamed after him .
At The Bridge.
Kakashi , Sakura and Sasuke were currently on guard . Having seen the bridge slowly become enveloped by the mist by unknown causes , it was clear that Zabuza was back and ready for Round Two.
Kakashi wasted no time in finding the hidden assassin and his partner .
"On guard ." he ordered as he slowly started to walk towards his opponents.
Sakura had taken out a kunai , defensively taking her stance , slowly breathing to calm her nerves . Sasuke walked in front partially , kunai in hand and his eye's staring intently in front of him.
"I'm surprised , Kakashi. Where's that blondie of yours?" Zabuza asked as he looked around , suspecting a sneak attack from the younger genin.
Kakashi shrugged , "I sent him away to do some training before he gets back here ."
The silver haired jonin gets into his defensive stance , kunai in both hands. "But I'm sure enough I'll kill you before he even gets here."
Zabuza chuckled , "Big words coming from that mouth of yours copy nin."
"Coming from the guy who talks while hiding behind mist." Sasuke shot out.
An echoed laugh was heard through out the bridge , sending a chill up Sasuke's and Sakura's .
"I'll take the time making you scream after your sensei is dealt with." Zabuza threatened .
The mist shifted as Zabuza rocketed through the chakra infused haze and attacked Kakashi with his sword . Kakashi had only managed to dodge the large sword by pivoting to the left , retaliating with his kunai in his right hand.
Plunging his kunai straight into the bandaged mans heart , water instead of blood had spilled out of the wound . Cursing , he leapt back as another sword had created a crater where Kakashi was just a moment ago .
He looked forward to see eight water clones walking towards him. Lifting his hitatei , his sharingan spinning wildly , He charged forth and proceeded to cut them down with little ease as his blood and adrenaline started to pump faster.
After destroying the clones , he quickly went through the handseals.
"FUUTON: DAITOPPA NO JUTSU!" Kakashi bellowed , effectively clearing the bridge of all the mist , revealing Zabuza and his apprentice in the middle of the bridge .
"Impressive , guess you decided to pull out the stops?" Zabuza asked humorously.
"May as well , you leave me no choice for this. " Kakashi replied as he went through seals again .
"And my choice is to kill you and your accomplice in order to protect my students and these villagers." He threatened as he started to walk towards the two .
Sasuke caught up to Kakashi , his weapons at the ready .
"I'll take his friend ." Sasuke informed .
Kakashi nodded , "Just be careful ."
Sasuke nodded as he took a few steps to the side , Haku had done the same . Kakashi and Zabuza had burst forth with great speed , clashing their weapons at first contact . Sasuke and Haku had started to engage in a battle of fists .
Sasuke continued to put the assault until he managed to catch his opponent in a round house kick , sending her flying in away from her master.
Sasuke rushed forward , flying through hand seals , "Katon! Gokyakou No Jutsu!"
Unleashing a large fireball from his mouth , Haku had seen the fire technique and dodged out of the way , going through her seals of her own , infusing her chakra with the water that was in the air. Sasuke unleashed a few more fireballs as he advanced towards her , she took cover behind her mirrors to avoid the fiery barrage. Sasuke was at this point confused as he noticed her ice was not even cracking or melting from the heat of his jutsu.
She concentrated more on her jutsu and managed to sneak half a dozen mirrors behind her opponent , with a single handseal , she forced the jutsu mirrors to fly towards her , slamming Sasuke into his back and forcing him to get closer to her and finishing her technique . The mirror dome.
Haku smirked behind her mask , she prepared her senbon as she stepped into a mirror like it was a simple door way.
"Death is certain at this point . There's no point trying to escape." Haku spoke softly.
Sasuke smirked as he went through the seals again , circulating his chakra , "Katon : Gokyakou No Jutsu!"
But instead of a fireball , he waved his head in a circular motion , encasing himself in fire . The attack escalated and expanded , sure it did nothing but it blocked her view of the Uchiha in her Ice dome of mirrors.
The fire lasted on a few seconds but it died off quickly because of the moisture in the air that Zabuza used in his jutsu earlier . Haku looked to where the Uchiha "Used" to be and was shocked to see well…..him not there…
A shuriken whistled through the air aimed straight at Haku from the right side , She barely had enough time to dodge it but it managed to clip the right side of her mask , narrowly missing the skin of her cheek . She glared at Sasuke as he smirked and spun a kunai in his hands .
"Hn , didn't think you'd be fooled from such a basic escape trick." He smirked .
Haku gritted her teeth and released her jutsu , before angrily stalking towards Sasuke , senbon at the ready.
"I'll be sure to end you painfully." She threatened.
"Pfft , You're gonna have to earn that privilege." Sasuke remarked as he took up a defensive stance.
Mean While With The Demon Of the Mist and The Copy Nin.
Zabuza and Kakashi charged , sword met kunai . Fist met fist , Kick met kick . Zabuza performed a stabbing motion towards the jonin with his sword , Kakashi reacted quickly by jumping onto his sword and performed a backflip kick , catching the mist assassin in the chin , launching him back several feet with his sword still in his hand. Though he did not waste any time to recover he launched back at the one eye'd leaf shinobi , using one hand to perform his signature jutsu ; The Mizo Bunshin.
Five water clones slowly rose up , taking in the details of the original before darting towards Kakashi . Kakashi kept the offensive and pivoted from side to side , using his kunai to disembowel the clones as they fell into puddles. Kakashi relentlessly pursued Zabuza with Kunai , Fist and Water Jutsu. Zabuza was on the defensive , surprising him to the point that this man also deserved his respect.
"I will admit Kakashi , it's not everyday that I can fight someone who is like my equal." Zabuza commented .
Kakashi delivered a downward heel drop that was blocked by The Great sword , "That doesn't flatter me . You said that to my student , do you say that to anyone who can stand up against you for more than five minutes?" Kakashi retorted.
Zabuza pushed Kakashi with his sword and performed a front kick to which Kakashi blocked with his hands and managed to jump away .
"Seriously , that's like a bad pick up line that you know . Repetitive use over a lot of women ….or men." Kakashi smirked.
Zabuza roared as he charged , flowing through with several slashes and stabs with his sword.
"Not that I don't think anything less of you ." Kakashi added as he pivoted to the side to evade a powerful downward strike.
Zabuza swung his leg into a cross kick , catching Kakashi by the right side of his head and thus throwing him off balance to follow up with a brutal stomach punch . As fist connected with flesh , Kakashi exploded into smoke , replaced with a metal girder. Zabuza grunted as pain shot into his hand and wrist and managed to bend the heavy metal bar , sending it off ten feet away.
"Son of a bitch!" Zabuza cursed as he looked frantically to find his prey .
A hunk of concrete struck the mist nin on the back of his head , spinning around quickly and firing off a water dragon. Kakashi performed another Kawarimi , disappearing again with a sack of Concrete mix took his place instead.
"Stand and face me!" Zabuza roared as he looked around his surroundings.
"But that's what I'm doing!" Kakashi remarked as he stepped out behind of a pile of metal girders.
"I'm standing." He emphasized as he made a small gesture with his hands.
"And I'm facing you ." He smirked .
Zabuza screamed in frustration , flying through the seals and summoning fifteen water dragons . They spiralled at the area that Kakashi stood , and again….Kawarimi.
But that thoughtless jonin left the dragons to damage the bridge .
"Hey!" A voice called out .
Everyone looked to the source to see Tazuna walking over to the fighting Shinobi's.
"Stop destroying the bridge! We put in the hard effort for our town so we can try and establish our connections with the outside merchants!" Tazuna yelled.
Zabuza took up his blade and started to dash at the bridge builder , surprisingly , Tazuna didn't flinch .
Zabuza closed in quickly , Kakashi was hot on his tail , flying through his seals for his Raikiri Technique . The chirping of a thousand birds were heard behind the mist assassin which fuelled him to go faster , he prepared his sword for the final swing to end the mission and allowing him to take Kakashi and his team out without the need to kill the target afterwards.
He then had to change his plan as he jumped to dodge a fireball that came in between him and his target , scowling as he turned and flipped to the side and dodged Kakashi's lightning attack.
"Have to admit , without that blonde freak around , you two are just as annoying." He snarled as he prepared his sword again.
Haku jumped next to her master , eager to continue the fight.
A roar of wind was heard as black energy cascaded towards the four shinobi forcing them to jump to the side to avoid the devastating blast of dark chakra. They looked to where the attack came from only to see the mist that Kakashi managed to clear out with his wind jutsu , only that some parts of it still lingered and had just covered outside where the builders stood. But for some reason , the builders were standing on either side of the bridge , allowing the attack to pass through without harming them.
"Really? Name calling? I thought you would be a bit better than that." A voice called out .
Naruto walked at a steady pace , passing the builders , nodding at them as he passed. NAruto walked past Kakashi and Sasuke .
"Stay back , we got this , sensei." Naruto spoke as he continued.
"No , Naruto we have to work together !" Kakashi warned as he started to walk alongside his student .
Naruto shook his head , " No , brother wants out ." He warned.
Kakashi stopped and glared at the blonde boy . "I'm jumping in if you mess this up Naruto."
Naruto nodded but continued .
Zabuza and Haku started to walk towards Naruto . Their eye's sharpen from their killer intent.
Drake formed from black flame that only Naruto can see , walking beside him.
"How do you wanna do this?" Drake asked as he slammed his fists together , feeling the adrenaline pumping in their veins for the battle that will start.
"You know what?" Naruto asked , swinging the scythe in a small display before he stopped and looked at his brother.
Taking on the dialect that his brother use's , he smiled as he spoke out loud.
"Let's fuck them up , Brother!" Naruto announced loudly , the feeling enshrouding his judgement , eagerness like poison to begin the fight.
Drake smiled widely , his teeth exposed , slapping his left hand onto his right bicep as he raised his right arm in a fist pump.
"Fuck yeah , Brother !" He yelled enthusiastically.
Using the usual method , Naruto used his Kage bunshin to summon his brother .
The smoke that erupted to form the body of Drake , he inhaled the smoke . He opened his mouth and slowly allowed the smoke to seep out of his open gullet . His lips started to curve until it was nothing more than a toothy , sadistic smile. Naruto started to walk , his back straight , he threw the scythe to the side by which Drake had caught with his right hand . The blond shinobi took out two kunai , clashing them together that caused sparks to erupt from contact .
Drake was walking slightly hunched forward , scythe in his right hand and his left hand out to his side with his palm facing the two missing nins , his black essence coming to life and engulfing his hand like wild fire.
Naruto started to wind his arms around , feeling the slight relief in his appendages , he tilted his head side to side earning a loud popping from side to side.
"Ready brother?" Naruto asked as he took out two kunai .
"Oooh I have been waiting to see you again my little eyebrowless munchkin!" Drake cooed evilly .
Zabuza wiggled on his feet , feeling slightly uncomfortable but at the same time he was angry.
Pointing the scythe at the Jonin , "I'mma paint this bridge in your blood and eat you're fucking heart!" He seethed with a malicious smile.
"I won't allow you to do that!" Haku yelled she bolted towards the two boys .
Drake's eye's flicked over to her , his red pupils thinning slightly . He started to walk towards her .
"Scratch that . I'm gonna make you scream." He threatened as he gritted his teeth.
"Swapping over so early brother?" Naruto asked as he walked towards . raising his hands up with his kunai , flicking them over so they were held defensively. He could feel his blood starting to rush through his veins , his adrenaline kicking in and the hunger in his core whispering him to take in the violence.
Drake rushed forward , his scythe spinning madly in his hand before taking a swipe at Haku , she slid under the weapon and shot her hand out to attack his left leg . Before her senbon could touch this clone's leg , her hand was caught by Drakes endarkened hand and twisted painfully to the side
She held in her breath and did not utter a scream , she attacked with her other hand , senbon at the ready but Drake moved the hand that held hers into the path of the attack , effectively she stabbed herself in the hand with big fucking needles. She screamed as blood seeped out of the closed wound that was blocked by the metal needles. . With several more stomps onto her delicate face , she was dazed and disorientated . The tribal marked boy had let go of her arm and grabbed her by the hair . He lifted her up before driving it towards the concrete. He made her headbutt the ground several more times before he stopped and placed a foot on her head to pin her.
Drake then threw her to the side , cackling madly . He caught up and started to continously kick her in the side. She coughed , wheezed and spat out blood as blow by punishing blow hit her directly in the ribs and stomach.
Naruto cringed when he saw his brother display such brutal barbarism. He tore his eye's away to look at his opponent , seeing Zabuza enraged that his partner was out of action so soon by a mere shadow clone.
Naruto sprinted towards his opponent , blades in hand and his teeth bared like an animal.
"You piece of shit!" Zabuza yelled as he swung his blade over his head .
Naruto pivoted to the right side , dodging the blade and ran straight past , spinng as he did and successfully slicing Zabuza's side .
The masked nin grunted before using his brute strength to twist the blade to it's side and swiping it behind him. Naruto held his kunai defensively to block the attack but his sword had cut through the small blades and sliced his arms horizontally . The gashes were deep and blood had spurted out before seeping out . Naruto didn't make a sound , he slid on his feet several feet as he tossed the hilts away . He reached behind his back and pulled out two new kunai .
His eye's narrowed at the older nin , walking in for another attack. Drake could feel it...what made his brother fight was growing stronger . He looked at his own tribal marked fore arms and smiled as the gashes were mimicked onto his own body bunshin . Blood was absent and he couldn't help but smile wider .
Naruto dashed at Zabuza , his kunai at the ready . Zabuza swung his blade horizontally his left hand ready to punch Naruto .
Naruto jumped over the blade with his legs tucked to ensure his legs weren't lopped off , Zabuza let loose his left fist . Naruto stabbed his blades forward , his right blade was about to pierce his left fist but with quick reflexes , the bandaged nin caught the kunai with little regard to the deep cut into his hand and threw the blonde genin to the side . With a last ditch attempt in the situation Naruto had managed to slice Zabuza's left cheek.
As Naruto was thrown , Zabuza went through the seals and made a three Mizo Bunshins . Who in turn created three water dragons shortly after the summoning . Naruto had managed to roll onto his feet but was hit in the chest by the three water dragons sending him flying . As he flew through the air , blood escaped his mouth . The copper rich taste of his life essnce had filled his taste buds with a thirst for more . He couldn't explain it , it was like an invisible hand was pushing him forward to an addictive narcotic.
He hit the ground hard and slid five feet painfully , his back was scraped raw from the concret floor.
"KIT! You can't beat him like this! You're going to get yourself killed!" Kyuubi yelled , he was slamming his head and claws against the cage in order to get through to him .
Naruto smirked as he licked his lips , " I'm not backing down . These people need our help Kyuubi san. " Naruto seethed as he got up and swallowed the blood in his mouth . He charged forward as he went through the seals for his wind bullet jutsu . Firing off three of his bullets , only two managed to hit the clones as the third dodged and rushed for the blonde ninja .
Drake was currently watching , he had stepped onto Haku's head and was pinning her to the floor with his left foot , a wicked grin on his lips as he watched .
"Ya know . It won't be too long till your master is killed . I can feel it . Brother is getting stronger the more he gives into the rage , the want for battle." Drake spoke as he leaned more onto his left leg , applying more pressure.
She whimpered as the pain in her head grew stronger . It felt like he had all intentions on crushing her skull with his bare foot. She blinked back tears as she silently hoped her master could survive this and they could go home together. She tried to shift her body to try and twist out of it but it only hurt her more . Her pockets became too loose and her Tranquilizers fell out . The clinking of the syringes caught Drake eye.
"Now what do we have here?" He asked as he looked at the tubes with clear liquid within them.
He took his foot off Hakus head and kicked the tranqs off the bridge before he stomped back onto her back to pin her .
"Witness the fight girl." He growled.
Naruto got up on shaken legs as he coughed more blood from his mouth , the attacks had hit him pretty hard , causing him to try and catch his lost breath .
"Kit ! You need to let your sensei deal with him! I won't have you recklessly toss your own life aside for others when someone else is more experienced to handle this! I order you to stand down and recover ! " Kyuubi yelled as slammed his tails against the The great gate to try and beat some sense into his vessel.
Naruto shook his head as he ducked to the side to avoid the the Water clones sword strike , but he wasn't fast enough to dodge the back handed fist strike that struck him to the right side of this head and sent him stumbling back onto the railings of the bridge. He chuckled as he felt the taste of copper in his mouth overflow his tongue. He could feel the that urge in his stomach his head.
He swallowed the blood , shaking his head as he steadied himself onto his feet and took up a stance for hand to hand.
"You got spirit kid . I'll give you that ." The clone said as he lifted his sword over his head .
Naruto prepared himself .
"But that will only take you so far ." The clone said as it swung down.
Naruto pivoted to the side and with all his might , sent an open palm strike to the clones throat . Zabuza chuckled .
"You're good kid , but compared to me your still green as a grasshoper's ass. You're no demon , but you've shown me your no brat either."
Naruto smirked , " Demon or not , you know nothing of what I can do or what I'm capable of ."
Naruto walked over to the center of the bridge , his eye's never leaving the enemy . Zabuza shook his head as he laughed .
"Kid , you don't know what I have done in my time. The stuff I went through would make you scream out for your Kaa san in the middle of the night . " Zabuza told him.
Naruto's eye's narrowed , " If it's some sob story then save it . You wanted to kill Tazuna. So be a man and get through a kid to get to him." He taunted.
Zabuza's eye's hardened with fury as he started to walk with his sword. Naruto walked forward in pace . He steadied his breathing as his heart started to race and the adrenaline started to kick in . He ran to wards Zabuza with his blades in hand and ready to strike .
Zabuza closed the distance and attacked with a horizontal slash , Naruto flipped his kunai into the reverse hold and blocked . The result was he was sent flying with two broken kunai close to the half way to the hilt but it was enough to render them useless with two gashes on his forearms. Grunting with pain , he skidded across the ground and threw the useless tools to the side and reached back to retrieve two new blades .
Naruto charged , using his speed , he rand and slid to slide under another slash and managed to cut Zabuza across the left leg . Jumping up and away to avoid a counter attack kick , he threw his left Kunai , aiming for his chest . Zabuza caught the flying blade and threw it back , doubling the speed and force behind the throw.
Naruto blocked the Kunai with his right and charged , enforcing his chakra into his feet for a burst of speed. He closed the distance and performed a reverse sobat , but Zabuza used his sword to block the attack . Naruto couldn't reach over or around but he elected to use the momentum of his kick to push away before turning and charging again to flank him.
Zabuza had used his free hand to summon three clones . He nodded and the clones were off . They ran around and engaged in close quaters . Naruto took the defensive and dodged the oversized swords by pivoting to the sides or jumping back to get some distance.
One clone had closed in to use his sword with a stabbing motion , Naruto quickly reacted by stepping to the side and then vaulting over the sword for momentum as he brought his kunai up and slashed the water clones throat . With a head start in movement he quickly spun and threw his Kunai at the second clone , as the blade flew through the air towards it's target , Naruto had quickly went through his seals and applied chakra into his lungs as he deeply inhaled.
He blew out several air bullets in quick succession . The water clone knocked the Kunai to the side with a swipe of his fist but wasn't fast enough to dodge the bullet's flying towards him . Two bullets had hit their mark on the second in the chest and stomach while the third behind it was hit directly in the head. With the clones out of the way , Naruto took out a handful of shuriken and threw them at the original . Again he went through the seals and aimed at the weapons he had thrown .
"FUUTON : DAITOPPA NO JUSTU!" He yellled as the wind picked up with great speed and propelled the shurikens at an alarming speed.
Zabuza used his Headcleaver sword as a shield by placing it infront of him and kneeling to protect himself from the weapons and wind.
"Impressive for a genin! " Zabuza yelled as he stood up and charged .
Naruto was already running towards the jonin , his pupils had started to thin out to become more slitted . His felt like he was on fire , his blood rushing , his head hammering in tandem with his heart beat . He couldn't hear properly as his attention was focus on one thing ; Zabuza . His eye's never left him . He felt his lips curl into a snarl as he charged and attacked with a reverse sobat . His foot met resistance in the form of Zabuza's arm as he let go of his sword and punched Naruto into the side and sent him flying back several feet . Naruto rolled back onto his feet and charged again , putting chakra into his feet as he ran for more speed. He jumped into the air for a jump kick . Zabuza blocked it yet again , Naruto spun and performed a reverse round house but was yet again blocked . He went through his seals as he jumped and lifted his heel high above his head and drove it down , aimimg at Zabuza's skull. But again guessed it , it was blocked . But Naruto had already finished and used chakra for his technique.
"FUUTON : AIR BULLET JUTSU!" Naruto roared as he blew a single bullet into Zabuza's torso , making him skid away from the force .
The mist nin , rubbed his chest with his free hand and spat out a glob of blood .
"Lucky hit ." He growled as he started to walk towards the genin , an explosion of chakra rose from Zabuza , his killing intent aimed at the blonde boy.
Naruto felt the pressure and his knees buckled . He never felt something like this before , but he forced his legs to hold firm .
He wasn't backing down .
Kakashi started to sweat just watching this . He shouldn't allow this to happen! But if his student is backed with the very being that destroyed the village over a decade ago , then he can't really be in the way if he let loose.
Naruto charged again , But Zabuza got faster and started to lay into the genin with brutal punches. Several punches went to the chest area while a few dazed him as they connected to his head. Growling , Zabuza kicked the boy away and used his sword to swipe at the boy , cutting Naruto from the lower side of his left stomach to the top of his right shoulder . Grabbing the boy by the throat as he gushed blood from the open wound , he tossed the boy to his sensei.
Pain surged through Naruto's body , he never yelled or screamed from it , he just went limp . Memories flowed through his mind as he was thrown through the air and slammed onto the ground. The memories of the times when the villagers hurt him ...cut him open...
"Games over kid! " Zabuza yelled as he started to charge his chakra for a move that will wipe everyone out in one go .
"NARUTO!" Sakura screamed as she ran to her friend .
Kakashi's eye's widened at his fallen student before looking at the mist nin and charging with a war cry , his hand unveiling his sharingan eye as it spun madly. Sasuke followed in step with his sensei as his eye's had turned to red. His sharingan had unlocked prematurely with two tomoe in one eye and only one in the other.
Drake frowned as he saw what had happened ...
"Seriously?" He looked around back to the villagers and back to his brother . Then looked at Haku and then back to Naruto.
"No ...seriously?" He asked again as his shoulders slouched.
Sakura had ripped half of her dress off to try and stop the bleeding . she tied tislong the gash as much as she could but it was seeping through the fabric . She used both hands to apply pressure to the wound , but it was too long and wide for it to be properly cover it without proper medical equipment .
Tazuna and a couple other workers had rushed over to help , one of them had managed to grab a small first aid kit and started to take out bandages .
"We need to try and stitch it up !" Tazuna ordered.
Naruto's eye's were open , but he was staring straight up , past Sakura.
'I should be feeling pain...but theres nothing...wha-...what is this?' He thought to himself .
His body started to shake , he felt himself getting up . Sakura tried to hold him down but his arm gently pushed her aside . The workers tried to hold him down but a pulse of chakra forced them back. He was on his feet and his breathing was frantic , his muscles twitched and tensed.
"I cannot allow this to happen! Naruto! Take some of my chakra! " Kyuubi pleaded as he pushed his spiritual essence through the bars.
Naruto felt the pulse of power surging , feeling his wound start to heal . Red wisps of the power started to radiate from him , his teeth and nails sharpening as his whiskers grew and became more pronounced. His hands started to glow with blue chakra with red wisps of Kyuubi's energy , his claws darkening and extending to form weapon like talons .
He reached to his chest and ripped Sakura's dress off his chest as steam started to rise from the healing gash.
He started to slowly walk as he felt his body tense , his sense's heightening , his eye's had turned to red slits.
He shook his head before aiming his head upwards and released an animalistic roar.
Drake started to chuckle before cackling madly , " It has begun!" He yelled to the sky .
He reached down and grabbed Haku by the hair forcing her to look towards the fight .
"Watch! Watch as my brother reveals his true nature ! " He commented as he snickered.
He took his foot off Haku and stepped forward , the strings at then end of the scythe shot up and wrapped around the blade of the scythe and tightened up , effectively making it the guitar that Naruto used for the Halloween scare. He slammed his hand down and grazed his fingers that earned him a very electric sounding strum.
"Cue the music!" Drake yelled as he went into a mad riff of heavy metal sounding guitar play .
Miracle Of Sound : Hell To Pay.
"Rip and tear!" Naruto , Kyuubi and Drake yelled in unison
Kakashi and Sasuke jumped away and looked behind to see their comrade up - Zabuza watched as the kid he injured was up and healed and now he looked pissed.
"Wake up, I'm a Kunai loosed
Into the heart of a wretched age
I breathe just to beat and bruise
An evolution of the burnin' rage"
"Hahaha , is this seriously it?" Zabuza taunted .
He motioned towards him , "Well come and get some!"
Naruto jumped forward and started to run on all fours , his teeth bared . The speed he was experiencing was nothing like anything he felt before , he leapt through the air like a spear , tackling the mist nin by the waist before forcing the man to the ground . With the momentum built he rolled forward with his back arching painfully before righting himself with speed and throwing Zabuza into a pile of boxes , smashing the crates with splintering force.
"Gonna get mine
Get outta my way
There's gonna be (GONNA BE)
Gonna be hell to pay!"
Naruto started to stalk towards the mist nin , his eye's starting to glow red .
"Naruto! You need to keep in control!" Kyuubi warned as he held onto the bars in suspense and hope.
"Berserk, I'm a brutal fist
Yeah a lone wolf born and bred
I stand on the bones of titans
And my wrath is burnin' lead "
Naruto didn't hear the giant fox but started walk menacingly towards the point of impact , a red haze was starting to cloud his vision .
"Gonna get mine
Get outta my way
There's gonna be (GONNA BE)
Gonna be hell to pay! "
Zabuza erupted from the broken boxes and leapt into the air , while going through his seals again in quick succession and summoned a water dragon from the water beneath the bridge. The chakra coated water dragon weaved through the air and crashed into Naruto , sending him flying and slamming to the ground with concussive force .
He shook his head as he slowly got to his knees , Zabuza had already landed and was already running towards the blonde , His sword prepped to strike. Naruto looked up in time for Zabuza to stab his sword through the blonde nins torso , Naruto ...didn't flinch.
The blond boy smirked , Sakura screamed , Kakashi and Sasuke ran to aid the boy .
"Click click BOOM BOOM !" Naruto spoke in a dark , overlaced voice . Cocking his fist back and catching Zabuza in the cheek and sending him flying back several feet , blade still in his grips as it was wrenched from Naruto's body.
"Keep rushing and a running, running
The drumming of the chakra pumpin
Got molten metal in my veins !"
Naruto sang in a dark voice as he charged again , jumping into the air and quickly delivering a spin kick into Zabuza's torso , making the older man slide back more.
Zabuza growled as he raised his sword.
"What the hell is going on here?!" a foreign voice yelled out.
Zabuza paused and looked behind him , "Gato." he growled.
"I told you to kill those lil shits and the bridge builder! And what do you do? Your playing with your food!" Gato sneered.
Gato was only four feet tall and 5 inches in height , he had shades on his eyes , dressed in a black suit and his hair was spiked up in the back but was mainly bald at the front. He had numerous bodyguards surrounding him. From ones guess they would say it would be one hundred .
"Butt out of this Gato! I said I'll get the job done , so lay off my ass!" Zabuza threatened.
Gato chuckled , " I wouldn't bother , your contract is denied . I'll get the job done myself."
"What?" Zabuza spoke as his sword was lowered.
"You didn't do the job so I see no reason to pay you since I ordered you to carry out the task. You didn't kill him during the trip , you couldn't even kill him now! You're worthless!" Gato yelled.
"Gato!" Another voice yelled .
"Everyone looked to where the voice was and witnessed the entire village , up in arms with various makeshift weapons . Inari had a piece of rope tied to his head and was wielding a crossbow.
"Your reigh of terror ends today!" Inari yelled.
Gato laughed , "After those shinobi , kill the villagers!"
"Try us! " The boat rower yelled as they all cheered their war cry.
Drake , however , stopped playing and started to laugh out loud , loud enough for everyone to look at him.
"HAHAHAHAHA! Oh my Kami , it's cute that you all think your a threat! If you had any sense in your heads I would stay back. The first few rows are gonna be a splash zone~" Drake mirthlessly sung as he broke into fits of giggles.
Zabuza narrowed his eye's as his chakra started to rise and swirl around him. Naruto casually strolled up and stood next to him .
"That's Gato?" Naruto asked.
Zabuza looked to his side and saw his opponent , his hands still covered in blue and red chakra , his eye's started to turn black with only a white slit forming and his claws still black and sharp. Tribal markings started to form along his arms .
"Yeah , looks like you get a stay of execution kid." Zabuza retorted.
" was getting fun." Naruto shot back which earned a chuckle from the mist nin .
"He's got money yeah?" Naruto asked .
Zabuza nodded , "Haku performed a recon for me just in case something like this would happen. Either way , we're getting paid."
"So perform the job and get paid , or if he decides to not pay , you take what you're owed?" Naruto asked.
"Something like that ." Zabuza chuckled again.
Naruto nodded and started to look around , " Wanna take the fifty on the left and I'll take the fifty on the right?"
"Who takes Gato? " The mist nin asked.
"We could shoot for it?" Naruto offered.
Zabuza laughed , "I don't think scissors , paper , rock will cut the situation."
Naruto smirked , "I'll take him then , it's time that this town was shown that rats like him can die like the rest. But I need you to do me a solid."
Zabuza cocked a brow out of curiosity.
"When you find the money that he owes you , take the rest and give it to the towns people here , he won't be needing it all." Naruto explained.
Zabuza nodded , "A reasonable solid , consider it done kid."
They both cracked their necks and started to walk towards Gato and his thugs .
"Time to get to work ." Naruto sighed in anticipation
"Your speaking my language kid." Zabuza smirked as he pulled his bandages away from his face , revealing very sharp teeth.
"BROTHER!" Naruto yelled as he held left hand outwards.
Drake threw the scythe and disappeared , the scythe howled as it soar through the air and was caught by Naruto's waitng hand . The tribal markings grew up to his bicep and the chakra surround his hands turned to black.
"Keep rushing and a running, running
A reckoning of lead is coming
I'm kickin in the gates of hell again
Bringer of pain!
Earthquake on the shores of hell
I will split the plains
Bringer of pain !"
And so Zabuza and Naruto charged with their weapons ready , and in their wake , Screams and blood followed . Every slash was accompanied by a scream , every crunch and break was followed by blood and a thud to the concrete ...and every man that Naruto cut down , in tandem of the memory of the people who tried to hurt/ kill him felt like he was taking everything of his chest and feeling better about it . The villagers were horrified by the brutality of both the man and boy . Sasuke and Sakura weere near revolted and both near vomited from the carnage . Kakashi shook his head in disbelief , his student was fighting the Demon of the Mist and now they were working side by side to take out Gato and his men. He could understand how brutal Naruto could be ...but this is a new level of fucked up.
"Rip it
Tear it
Pummel into the red
Rip it
Tear it " Naruto sang as he literally carried out the actions over three people in his close proximity.
Gato couldn't even escape as most of his henchmen were being thrown away from the strikes or cuts , the floor became slick with blood and every step was either on a limb or organ that spilt out of the bodies from the cuts or dismemberments.
With their speed , they got past all the guards in no time , and Naruto was standing right in front of the small man. The blonde boy smirked and grabbed the man by the collar , dragging him through the blood and guts and ass and stuff , screaming . He stabbed his scythe into the concrete , unbeknownst to him , the crimson liquid started to travel into the weapon itself and started to make the weapon glow red.
He walked past Zabuza .
"Be sure to make it painful." Zabuza spoke.
Naruto nodded as he kept walking towards the villagers. He stopped several feet away from them.
"Gonna get mine
Get outta my way
There's gonna be (GONNA BE)
Gonna be hell to pay! "
He forced Gato to look at the villagers .
Drake was smiling ear to ear , "Let it all out. Show them what you can do."
Naruto grabbed Gato by the back of the head , his thumbs on the base of the neck as his fingers were at the centre on the back of his head , his claws dug in deep as the little man started to scream . With exhertion and force he pulled apart his head in two , down the middle . His brains was starting to droop from the open skull as his now torn open mouth had a dangling tounge lolling around into the middle of the now open crevasse of a head.
He pried again and his chest was ripped in two , exposing his heart , lungs , sternum , and the top part of his stomach . He stopped and kicked the body forward . Gato twitched for sometime before his body died off from the shock mixed with blood loss. The villagers were near retching from the brutality , Inari and Tsunami were shocked to disbelief as how this boy killed a man in such a way . But above all...the land of waves was free from the tyrant.
Chapter 18 Is done! , Again my apologies for the lateness , but like I said , I'll keep going till the very end. But goddamn that took some effort! I'll be sizing the chapters down so it could be more manageble . Again thank you guys for reading/reviewing/ favoriting , makes me feel all warm and cuddly on the inside . I also have side stories in the works which I hope you guys will enjoy when I send them out :D
Join us next time for Chapter 19
Avert not thy eye's
Kind Regards to all you awesome people.
Demon of Vengeance.