Hey there! Oh my I know it's been forever! Sorry psych-os but I got caught up with my university exams and other fics! But now I'm back with my inspiration for this story! Yeah I admit the plot bunny for this story had gone missing but I found the sucker now HA! :P Thank you so so so so so so much for the wonderful reviews! You are all awesome and I love you! Seriously (and don't be scared to remind me about updating sooner…sometimes we writers need a kick in the butt lol)

So let's continue with the new chapter! I own nothing!


Chapter 16

The Riverwest mansion was surrounded by police cars in under five minutes. A murder of someone so high up the chain is not as simple as the rest of the cases

Shawn, Gus and Ella were standing awkwardly a few feet away from the scene of the crime. When Shawn spotted his favorite detective duo he waved at them excitedly, therefore earning a stomp on his foot by Ella

"Hey!" he argued "What was that for?"

"We are in the middle of a crime scene and you happily waved at Juliet and Lassiter" she said and Shawn shrugged "So?"

"I'm really in no mood for Lassiter's screamfest dad" she explained and right on cue Lassiter and Juliet approached them

"Why the hell are you so excited Spenser? This is a crime scene. Somebody died! Act like it" Lassiter said and Shawn turned to look at Ella "Point taken" he said to her and then turned to Lassiter with a grin "Lassie! Always a pleasure. Hey Jules"

"What are you guys doing here?" Juliet asked

"We were hired by Agatha" Ella said "She means the dead body in the car hired us" Gus explained and Shawn stared at him "Dude! Don't say it like this. It's like a zombie hired us"

"That's stupid Shawn. Why would a zombie hire us?" Gus asked while cocking an eyebrow

"Why wouldn't a zombie hire us?" Shawn asked back

"Because it's a zombie! It would try and eat our brains"

"Wrong! I'd shoot the zombie in the head with a gun before he could make a move at us" Shawn said proudly while the others stared blankly at him and Gus

"That's stupid Shawn!"

"You are just jealous I'm ready for a Zombie apocalypse!" Shawn answered back "ENOUGH!" Lassiter yelled "Someone tell me why the hell you are involved with our case or I'll start planting bullets in you!"

Shawn and Gus just stared at him before continuing "If you shot at the zombie genius it would make a loud noise and therefore more zombies would come" Gus said and while Shawn was ready to answer Ella stop him "STOP!" she shouted and they stared at her "First, no more Walking Dead for you two and second…" she said and turned to look at Lassiter and Juliet "Agatha Riverwest, your victim, came by our office the other day and hired my dad to look into the death of her brother. There!" she said with one breath

"But Hunter Riverwest had a heart attack" Juliet said

"We know" Shawn spoke "But Agatha was convinced that her brother was poisoned. And yeeeees-" he said and put his index and middle finger on his temple "- the spirits also confirms it! Hunter was murdered!" he said dramatically and both Lassiter and Ella rolled their eyes

"Well…Shawn's never proven us wrong Carlton" Juliet said "We can use all the help we can get. You know it's only a matter of minutes before the media founds out" she explained and Lassiter groaned "Fine! But you must inform me about your findings ASAP! Preferably by the phone" he said and walked away towards the car

"I should probably join him" Juliet said and turned around to walk away. At the last minute she turned back and looked at Shawn "By the way Gus is right. Gun's too loud. I'd use a cross bow! See ya later!" she said and this time she walked away, leaving Shawn speechless and Gus bumping his fist in the air

"Damn!" Ella said laughing and clapped a hand over her father's shoulder "Dad…" she said and pointed a finger at Juliet's now distant figure "Marry her"

Shawn, Gus and Ella were back at 'Psych' now. They needed to do some research. Meaning, Gus had to do the research

"So…" Ella started while sitting on Gus's desk "What do we do now?"

"Next thing in the list is to go and talk with the victim's relatives and friends" Shawn stated "First on our list is..." he said and pointed at Gus who had just stopped typing "…Agatha's private nurse, Serena Carter"

"How come she wasn't at the reading of the will?" Ella asked "My money is on her! She killed Agatha" she said and Shawn laughed "I doubt it. You'll see"

"My money is on the butler!" Gus said "The butler's always the culprit" he said and narrowed his eyes

"Gus please! I'm sure your little girlfriend is our murderer!" Shawn said and Gus glared at him "Touch, touchy…okay let's pay Serena a visit" Shawn said and left the office

As it turned out Serena was living with Agatha, few houses down from the mansion. Shawn knocked on the door. Soon enough he heard the door unlock and open

"Yes?" a gentle voice said

"Are you Miss Serena Carter? We work with the SBPD and we are investigating Agatha's death" Shawn said

"Y-yes" she said sniffling "Please do come in" she said and opened the door widely so they could enter "Excuse the mess but since they told me that…sh-she di-ed" Serena said on the verge of tears

"It's alright Miss Carter. We are sorry for your loss" Ella said

"Thank you dear" she said and smiled lightly

"By the way my name is Shawn Spenser and these are my partners, Thelma and Louis" he said grinning and Gus and Ella rolled their eyes "At least he changed Louise into Louis" he mumbled "Oh you are the psychic detective Agatha hired! She told me the best about you! Please, please sit. Can I get you anything?"

"No thank you" Gus said "We would like to ask you some questions if possible?"

"Of course" she said and sat down as well. Serena was a tall woman. And very thin. She was in her mid thirties and she had brown hair "What would you like to know?"

"What was your relationship with Agatha?" Gus asked and Serena looked at the floor "I am- was her private nurse for oh…ten years now. The poor thing had cancer but she never told anyone because she didn't want their pity. The only person who knew about her state except me and the doctor was her brother"

"Hunter" Shawn said

"Yes, Hunter. Such a sweet person. I was very saddened by his passing. And surprised"

"What do you mean?' Ella asked

"Well, in all these years Agatha and I came close. I wasn't just her nurse, I was her friend and she was mine. And we used to exchange stories about our families. She had told me that Hunter was always the strong one of the family. So healthy with a heart of the bull! His death caught her off guard"

"I see" Shawn mumbled "Say Serena, why weren't you at the reading of the will?" he said and Serena frowned "Oh…I guess I'm a suspect?"

"Don't worry Serena. I'm just curious" Shawn said and that seemed to calm Serena down "I was at Doctor's Jones office to increase the dose of Agatha's pain medication. He can confirm it" she said and Shawn turned to look at Ella with a told-you-i-was-right smirk Damn she has an alibi. There goes my suspect Ella thought Now that I think of it the dude in the wheelchair back in the mansion was pretty angry at Agatha. Hmm…

"Have you ever met Hunter in person?" Gus asked "Yes. It was one week before his passing. He came to visit Agatha. He seemed pretty scared"

"Why?" Ella asked

"Oh I don't know. Agatha and Mr. Riverwest wanted to talk in person"

"But I sense that you are lying Serena. Be honest with us! Did he tell Agatha that he was being poisoned?" Shawn said and Serena was left speechless "How did you know?"

Shawn smirked "I am a psychic after all. Now tell us" he said and Serena blushed "I know I shouldn't have but i- I eavesdropped"

"We all do it once Serena don't worry" Shawn said and Ella and Gus snickered "You do it all the time Shawn" Gus said and Shawn glared at him "Hush you! Tell us Serena"

"Well, Mr. Riverwest had told Agatha that someone was poisoning him. He was certain of this. His voice was strong and determined"

"Did he mention a name?" Gus asked

"If he did I'm afraid I didn't listen. I had to prepare the tea"

"Did you catch anything that could help us Serena?" Shawn asked and Serena bite her lip, clearly in deep thought "There was something…but I don't think it will help you"

"Even the smallest detail can help" Ella said and smiled at Serena who sighed "Well, Mr. Riverwest kept saying that 'She entered my room at night' and 'I don't trust her' something like that"

"No name?" Gus asked

"I'm sorry" she said disappointed "I wish I could help more"

"You did your best Serena! Don't worry" Shawn said and stood up. He glanced at the room. He quickly spotted some drops of blue paint on the floor just near the carpet line

"Do you paint Serena?" he asked

"Why yes! My father taught me. Bless his soul" she said and shook her head "Extraordinary" she said clearly referring to Shawn's psychic gift "But I'm just an amateur. Agatha was a true artist"

"She used to paint?" Ella asked now she and Gus standing on their feet and glancing some paintings that were on the walls

"Yes! She was amazing! Most of the paintings on the walls are hers, along with some other she bought from various yard sales. She loved yard sales. As Agatha used to put it 'Another one's trash is my treasure'" she said starting to bumble a little Jeez those paintings are fugly Shawn thought "They are beautiful" he then said out loud making Serena smile. After that Shawn didn't have any more questions to ask so he and the others excused themselves and left Serena's house. As soon as they entered the car Ella let out a big gasp of breath "Jeez! Those paintings were god-awful scary" she said

"Agreed" Gus and Shawn said at the same time "So the nurse is out of the list. Who's next?" Ella asked cheerfully

"I think we should talk to the nieces. Remember Eleanor the actress and ugh…the one Gus digs?"

"For the record she digs me and her name is Gloria" Gus answered proudly

"You think whoever poisoned Hunter murdered Agatha as well?" Ella asked and her father nodded "Yap" he said popping the 'p'

"So now what? Are we going to talk to the other suspects?" Ella asked and Shawn and Gus looked at each other "Actually we were thinking of getting something to eat" Gus replied and Shawn nodded "Yes. I'm starving!"

"You are always starving dad" Ella commented

"I do not!"

"Yes you do"

"I do not"

"Yes you do"

"I do not"

"Yes you do! I bet you wouldn't last for the rest of the day without eating something" Ella said determined and Shawn narrowed his eyes at her "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!" he yelled

"Oh yeah? So it's a bet?"

"Come on guys, don't do this" Gus said fearing the consequences

"Oh it's on little girl!"

"What happens when you'll lose?" Ella asked

"Don't you mean if?" Shawn corrected

"Nope. You are definitely loosing this bet" she said and Shawn crossed his arms over his chest while Gus rolled his eyes

"You are the one that will lose the bet! And when you do, prepare to wash all my laundry for a whole month" he said and grinned when Ella's face turned into a disgusted expression "You play a hard ball dad" she said "But a bet is a bet. I accept"

"And what will Shawn do when he loses the bet?" Gus asked "HEY! You are supposed to be on my side" Shawn said when Gus used 'when' instead of 'if'

"No offence Shawn, but the longest you've got without munching something is 40 minutes" Gus said

Shawn pouted "It was 37 minutes" he mumbled and Ella laughed "This is going to be so good. And Gus…" she said and approached Gus, so she could whisper in his ear what she'd made her dad do, if he'd lost the bet

Gus pulled away laughing "Oh you are good, you are so good" he said and Shawn looked between his friend and daughter "What? What is it?"

"No way I'm telling" Gus said and got into the car, chuckling

"Come on! What is it? Oh my god…I'm not kissing Lassiter!" Shawn said with wide eyes

"Relax…I'm not that evil" Ella said and smiled sweetly at him before getting in the car, leaving Shawn wondering what his daughter could possibly make him do

He checked his watch and gulped. It was six o'clock. He could make it without eating anything for 6 hours, right? 'I just have to make it till midnight' he thought and patted his stomach "We can do it buddy!" he said and followed the others into the car

Tada! I hope you liked the chapter guys ^_^ Also what do you think about the bet? Who do you want to see winning it? ;)

I promise the rest of the updates won't take longer than a week!

Next chapter will feature the rest of the case and Shawn trying to fight the temptations Gus, Ella and yes Lassiter put in his way!

I hope you all like the case :) I'm looking forward to your comments and reviews!

Till next chapter, take care and have an awesome time!
