I'm always too serious about my work. This is an attempt to not be. Though it's not a great attempt, but that could just be my opinion as a serious working-er-person.

"Now, Shego, behold!" The insane blue man pulled off the cover of his newest plot demonstration, cackling madly at his mercenary lieutenant watched on.

"Nice, Doc. I'm actually impressed." She replied.

The doctor in question wheeled around, pointing an accusing finger at her from across the room. "Quiet! I don't care what you say, this will surely work!" She raised an eyebrow at him across the room, waiting as the look of understanding slowly sunk into his confused features. "Wait, what did you say?"

"I said I'm impressed, Doctor D. It's not often I see you make something that can actually work."

That alone seemed to be enough to send the man off the edge. He twirled away from her, a look of glee plastered on his face. Saying it was odd watching a grown man do a ballet with his eyes closed and a shark's grin would be an understatement for anyone except for Shego.

"See, this is why I can't give you any compliments," she called to deaf ears as he twirled past her.

-Big- +BAD+ -Wolf-

"Kimmie-cub, honey? Are you busy?" Calling up before her as she crested the stairs and rounded the corner to her daughter's room, Anne was a uncharacteristic flurry of activity. She had her ear rings in one hand and a tube of lipstick in the other, fixing her hair in the next moment.

"No, I'm free all night," Kim grumbled. She popped her head out of the door, looking rather cross to her mother, who pursed her freshly stained lips in reply.

"Don't give me that look, honey. Isn't it your fault?" The older Possible scolded, patting her daughter on the head. The younger one didn't seem to enjoy the affection at the moment, and swatted her away with her good arm.

"My fault? Isn't it that robot's fault? It's not like I forced it to kick me."

"Well, let's not get into that right now-"

"I know, you two should have fun on your date, don't worry about me." Kim cut in, before letting her gaze glance over her mother. "You look great, by the way."

"Thank you. You know, your dad actually fit into his old tux. I seem to have gained some weight though," even saying this she reached down and lifted her chest, which almost seemed to bust out of the tiny white dress she was wearing.

"Mom!" Kim turned away, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "Just, have fun, and whatever you do don't tell me about it."

"Okay, thanks. Listen, I hate to ask you this, but-"

Kim perked up, cutting off her mom with a wide grin. "You need me to do something?"

Just laughing at the injured girl's sudden youth, Anne couldn't help but remember that yes, this was the girl who saved the world on a daily basis and not just her bashful daughter. Of course she would want to get out of the house instead of nursing a broken wrist alone all night.

"I was supposed to have those folders on the coffee table in the hospital director's office by sundown, but the anniversary came up. I don't suppose you could run it over to her?"

A hasty nod was her response. "That's what, four miles at least?"

Pursing her lips, Anne scolded, "Don't overdo it. I know how you get, and you need to let that heal. No fighting, no rushing. I'm sure walking will do you some good, but anything else..."

"I know, I know... I'll be good, mom."

"Okay, thanks. Your father and I are going now, don't stay up too long either. We might be busy [censored]-"


"-until late."

-Little- +Red+ -Hood-

It was getting chilly outside. It had been cloudy all day, and now that the sun was lowering slowly into the horizon, a cool moisture had spread across the land. Having expected this, Kim had donned one of her thicker red hoodies and set out.

It was quite a distance from home to her mom's work, down a hill then across the residential portion of the suburbs and the labs that held her dad's workplace. She was about to set out on this wonderful jog when she noticed a figure walking down the sidewalk towards her.

"Hey, Monique!" Kim called. It was a little odd for one of her best friends to be out at this time of the evening on this side of town, especially since she lived on the other side and everything she considered fun was over there. But weirder things had happened.

"Oh, hey- um, girl! What ar- What you up to?" The teen awkwardly balanced her bundle, several cardboard mailing boxes for pictures, Kim would guess, and stuttered. Also unlike Monique to stutter.

"Not much, mom asked me to take this down to the hospital."


"I don't know, I guess the hospital director needs them. Maybe I'll ask when I'm there."

"Sounds good. Hey, can you take these down to the post office when you go by? Just slip them in the outgoing."

"Of course." Kim just stood and smiled while Monique shuffled the packages, light enough to be holding pictures of pages, as she'd guessed, into her arm. It wasn't too much trouble compared to just holding the folders her mom had given her, and the post office wouldn't take her more than another fifteen minutes or so.

"Thanks, girl, you're a life-saver." Smiling back, they waved and Monique continued on her way. It was a bit odd of a meeting, especially that grin Monique gave her as they were parting.

Kim couldn't help but muse to herself, "I wonder where she's going."

-Big- +Bad+ -Wolf-

It took Kim longer than she thought to reach the hospital. The sun had just dropped below the skyline, plunging the world in a dark blue hue. The moon had yet to rise, but the street lights were enough to make the end of her journey comfortable and set a calm mood. It reminded her of those old movies where the characters had dinner by candle-light, for some reason. It also made her wish she had someone to have that sort of date with.

Shaking off the darker turn of her thoughts, she headed inside the hospital. As always, the lights were on and much of the staff was still there, but it was practically empty this late. Middleton was not a city known for its injuries, when Kim wasn't involved

The staff were well acquainted with the young Possible, ushering her on after she entered up to the fourth floor where the staff rooms were. She ended up in front of the modest office of the hospital director, a kind and eloquent old lady she'd spent many hours with over her hospital stays.

Just as she raised her fist to knock on the door she was interrupted by a voice on the other side. "Come in, I won't talk to a faceless construct." The old woman said.

Kim obliged. "Faceless construct?"

"Door." An old woman if ever there was one, she had white hair that was cut to a shoulder length and curled up, glasses with odd, angular frames, and a kindly tone with just a hint of grouchiness to it. "I've talked to too many doors in my life to spend the rest of it amusing young folks when they knock."

"You haven't changed at all, Miss Credible." Kim could only smile at the old woman's sense of humor.

"Neither have you, Miss Possible. Now, what can I help you with?"

Kim stepped forward, handing the last manila folder in her hands over. "You wanted my mom to give you this, but it's her anniversary tonight."

"Ah, thank you," Credible replied, taking the folder. She left Kim standing there for several minutes, nothing to do but twiddle her fingers and glance around the room. "You wanted something?"

"Well, what's in it?"

"Ha! It's just like you not to even look in a folder you carry from your home." The old woman opened it up, pushing her glasses down her nose to glance over them. Kim found herself staring into the woman's eyes. She could swear Miss Credible's eyes were a odd golden color, with little flecks of olive in it, but they were apparently a deep forest green. "To be honest, I don't know."

"I thought you knew everything." Kim joked, to which the old woman should have replied; "That's just what we old people tell to all the young ones."

Instead, it was, "Oh, if only."

Credible looked up after a moment of glancing over the documents in the folder, finding the young Possible uncomfortably close. She was leaning over the desk, staring straight down at her. The sudden gulp the old woman let off wasn't unnoticed, but there wasn't fear in her eyes. There was a fire.

"My, what green eyes you have," Kim said, seemingly enthralled in them.

"Contacts, my dear, all the better to see you with."

"And what long nails you have," she muttered. It was true, her hands were long, nails stretching out like talons as they gripped the folder.

She was smiling, taunting Kim with her eyes. "All the better to grip with, my child."

Staring down at her hands like she was, it didn't take Kim all that long to notice that under the cloth of her doctor's coat, the skin of the old woman's wrists were smooth and green. "And what green skin you have."

"Would you believe a freak accident?"

Kim snorted. "Where is she?"

The fake old woman rolled her eyes. She should have known that Kim wouldn't fall for it at this distance. "She's in my care, Princess." Even without the pet name, the voice that came out was unmistakable.


"Easy now, Princess," Shego called, lifting her hands in a sign of peace. They slithered and twisted, changing until what was left was a green and black catsuit and the face of her arch rival staring back at her. "I've got you beat, we both know that."

A growl was her reply.

"I'm not here to fight, anyway."

"And just what are you here for?" Kim didn't seem to believe her in the least.

"Well, little miss Rider hoodie," Shego placed a finger against Kim's chest, reminding her just how close she was, still leaning over the desk. It also reminded Kim that her red hoodie did, in fact, say Rider in bold white letters across the front. "I guess you could call me the big bad wolf. You know what they say about the big bad wolf, right?"

"She just wants to eat me," her rival growled.

"Sounds delightful," Shego mused quietly to herself. It took Kim a moment before she blushed a bright pink, stretching from ear to ear. "But the big bad wolf has a problem, she's scared to eat little red Rider hoodie in public or the hunters will chase her again."

"What is this about, Shego?" Kim barked. It seemed that pushing herself towards her enemy was a bad idea though, a moment later she found herself pinned against the desk, Shego straddling her from above.

"Tsk, tsk. Getting impatient, Princess?" It was a bad time for Kim to remember that the medication for her wrist sapped most of her strength, especially with Shego's finger over her lips. "I've spent a long time watching you dance in front of me, Kimmie." The way she talked was a low, husky growl. Surprisingly, it made Kim more afraid than any shout of rage could. "Always preaching equality. If someone has a chance for something, everyone should have that, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kim squeaked, "But your chance at freedom is long gone."

"Freedom? No, this is about you, Princess." That confused Kim. This was about extortion, right? Attack Kim when she's injured and get her to get whatever you want. "Well, the big bad wolf has a fancy little toy that lets her run out in public again without getting hunted, and she really wants to test it out. Do you hate me, Kimmie?"


"Do you hate me?"

"I don't really know you," Kim admitted. Outside of work and the occasional incident like the Miss Go debacle, Kim didn't know Shego.

"Then don't I get a chance?"


"Do I get a chance to let you know me?"

Even in her confusion, trying her hardest to understand what the woman was asking, apparently it wasn't about freedom or world domination, that much she could tell, Kim became aware of one very important fact. A set of teeth raked across the skin of her exposed neck, sending a shock wave of tingling electricity up her spine. She'd never felt anything like that before, it almost sent her mind into overdrive. She didn't even have time to rage against Shego for sucking on her neck either, the thoughts just didn't come.

"I'll pick you up Friday at six. Dress casual and don't be late."


The disoriented girl managed to slowly push herself into a sitting position. After those last whispered words, Shego had vanished without a trace, no doubt using that new optic camouflage to escape unnoticed. Or she could have just jumped out the window or walked out the door, Kim's head was spinning way too much for her to guess.

Another ten minutes were spent juggling the words Shego had spoken in her head to no avail before she realized she wasn't alone. Looking up she saw the director of the hospital, Miss Credible.

"And just what are you doing on my desk?" The old woman asked.

"Huh?" Kim asked. Her head was still spinning. It couldn't have been... She blinked, touching the warm mark on her neck. "Um... Mom said... And then, jogged here, and woozy now. Shego!"

Credible nodded, pushing open one of Kim's eyes and peering inside. One thing Kim was aware of was odd, golden circles staring back at her. "She should have told you not to jog on those pain pills we gave you. Well, I'm sure she did, but you just didn't listen."

"Shego..." Kim muttered before collapsing.