DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.

Chapter 7

The three of them arrived at Defense against the Darks shortly after leaving breakfast. The room was darker then they remembered.

On the walls were posters of people being tortured through various means, dark

creatures were displayed on the walls as well. Also, the shades were closed as well.

"Well we know one thing for sure. Snape sure likes to decorate his classrooms according to his personality" noted Harry. "Hey

Harry, that is really old news" said Neville. Since class was about to start the rest of the sixth year students that were taking the class arrived as well.

To Harry's and Hermione's disgust Ron was in the class as well.

Ron sat down in the back of the class. Once he did Snape entered the classroom.

His dark aura looming above them, beneath them and all around them. "You all should consider yourself lucky to be in this class.

Unlike the rest of the teachers you had for this class I will make sure that you all will suffer if you do not pay attention.

This year you will learn advanced spells, hexes and other counter-measures" Snape said. Then

his eyes went to Harry and said "Some of us may have experience but that does not give you excuse to blow this class off. You got me Potter"?

"Yes sir" Harry said. "Good. Then today we shall be starting with non-

verbal spells. What are the advantages to non-verbal spells"? Snape asked.

Hermione's hand went up in an instance. "Any else, besides Miss-know-it all here" asked Snape.

To Harry's surprise Ron's hand went up

and said: "I think I will answer. An advantage will be that the person will not know what is coming".

Harry knew that Ron was speaking out of turn despite giving the right answer. Harry knew that Snape will not like

that. "Weasley if you speak without calling on you, you will regret it. Understood"? "Yes sir" said Ron a little shyly.

For the next 30 minutes Snape went on about the uses of Non-verbal spells. Then he said: "Break up

in pairs and start practicing. There will be one group of three. Harry, Ron and Miss Know-it-all it will be you three. Now move".

The trio wasn't happy that they had to work together. Everyone tried their best all,

except Hermione failed miserably. Ron was trying to hard that turned purple due to low oxygen levels.

On her third try Hermione disarmed Harry. When she tried on Ron she put him in a full body bind. Harry had

noticed that Ron was getting angrier. "Hermione, let me try again" Harry said. "Sure" Hermione responded. Ron and Harry faced off.

Ron, forgetting the purpose of the exercise, fired a stinging hex at Harry. Harry

ducked it and responded. He sent a non-verbal Stupefy hex at Ron. Ron not being as quick as Harry received the hex right in the middle of chest.

Snape revived him and was not happy with Ron. "Tell me Weasley

what part of non-verbal spells didn't you understand"? Snape said. "Well, um yeah you see, well yeah, it just happened that way you know. You know what I mean"? Ron retorted.

"No I do not. 25 points from

Gryffindor for not paying attention. You know Weasley you set a record losing the most points in one day for any house.

200 this morning and then 25 points a few minutes again. I have never seen anyone so

clueless like you. Since almost time to leave. For homework I want one and half feet on the topic of non-verbal spells and their uses.

I want the essays on my desk by Friday" he said. Everyone looked at Snape in

surprise. "Anyone failing to do so will receive detention. And Weasley this applies to you as well. Now all of you get out" Snape ordered.

"Damn that bastard for giving us so much homework to do in such a short time

on our first day back. I hate that guy" said Harry. "Calm down Harry. What do you expect from a Slytherin" said Neville.

"Good point" said Harry. The rest of the day uneventful. McGonagall and Slughorn had a little

more sympathy with them. They did give out a lot of homework at least they gave the student up to two weeks to finish it.

However when dinner time rolled around the atmosphere in the great hall was tense. It

took Harry and Hermione only a second to figure it out. Ron was sitting by himself.

Seamus walked up to the pair and said: "Did you hear that Ron lost us 225 points"? "Yup. How did the rest of the house take the

news"? asked Hermione. "Well, Ron has been officially been blacklisted. No one will even sit near him or even talk to him" said Seamus.

"Well it's his own fault" remarked Hermione. "On the bright side for the

Quidditch team is that Ron will longer be playing as keeper" Harry said. "That's a relieve. Ron always has been a terrible player" remarked Seamus.

"Anything other warning Seamus" asked Hermione. "Shortly before

coming down Ron had a bad row with Ginny so try not to piss her off" said Seamus.

"Got it" said Hermione. With that they went to sit down next Ginny, Dean, Neville, and Seamus. Ron got up and wanted to join them

But the group got and left. Harry turned to Ron and said: "What happened to you Ron? What change"?

"You bloody know what happened. You stole Hermione from me. As the precious Chosen one you thought you

could away with it. I told you many times how I felt about Hermione. Yet you had to take her from me. You are a nobody.

That is what you are" said Ron. "When did you tell me that you loved Hermione? You never

said a word about it. And let me tell you this. Just because people think that I am chosen one doesn't mean that I believe that.

Get that into your head" remarked Harry. "I told you many times last year and over the

summer that I loved Hermione" said Ron. "If there is a nobody here it is you Ron. You sunk so low that you cannot see it.

And you never did tell me about it. The other Weasley will back me on that. You're just

jealous. And that doesn't excuse your abusive attitude.

And before you say anything else I have this to say is this. We are no longer friends, don't speak to us, don't look at us, and don't even get near us. You are not our

friend anymore Ron. And you are no longer on the Quidditch team. It's just the best if you leave us all alone" With that Harry joined the others.

As soon as Harry left Ron started to plot his revenge against Harry and Hermione.

Authors Note: The revenge will have implications for Harry and Hermione as well as Ron. The Weasley Family will suffer as well but not to the same extent as Ron, Hermione and Harry.