Hermione's POV

"I swear if anything happens to my sister I am going to killed you" Ron told Bellatrix.

I know I should have yelled at him for that but a small part of me agreed with him. I stilled loved Bella but after my kiss with Ginny I realized that I love her too. I still couldn't believe that my Bella could help the most evil wizard of all time kidnap Ginny.

"Really Weasley, I'm more skilled at magic then you are, I would kill you before you even got out your wand" Bellatrix said with a laugh.

"Bellatrix, shut up" I snapped.

She looked at me shocked, it was the first time since we got together that I hadn't called her Bella.

"It's getting pretty late, we should probably find somewhere to set up camp" said Harry.

"Harry, you have got to be kidding, how can you be thinking of sleep when my sister is being held captive by You-Know-Who?" said Ron.

"We are not going to be much help to Ginny if we don't sleep" Harry said back.

"Why did You-Know-Who take Ginny anyway?" asked Ron.

I couldn't believe that I had forgotten to ask Bellatrix that.

"He wants Potter" said Bellatrix "he thinks that if he kidnaps Potter's girlfriend it would be the perfect trap"

"He should really get his facts straight, me and Ginny broke up weeks ago" said Harry with a laugh.

"Lets rest here" I said stopping in the middle of a group of trees.

Harry and Ron sat down leaning against two trees.

"Hermione, can I talk to you in private?" asked Bellatrix.

The last place I wanted to be right now was alone with Bellatrix but I followed her a few feet away from Harry and Ron.

"What's wrong?" asked Bellatrix.

"You're really asking me that?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah" she said, "You haven't called me Bella since Ginny was kidnaped and your not looking at me the way you did before"

"Did you really think my feelings would be the same after you helped kidnap one of my friends?"

"Yeah, friends are disposable. My master disposes his friends when he doesn't need them anymore" said Bellatrix

"Your master doesn't have any friends, he disposes his followers when he doesn't need them" I told her.

"What's the difference?" she asked confused.

I was shocked, could it be that Bellatrix actually thought that the way Voldemort treated his followers was how everyone treated their friends.

"First of all, you don't torture your friends if they upset you. You talk to them about it or you don't talk to them for days" I told her.

"Whatever" said Bellatrix rolling her eyes.

There was no point in talking to her, I turned to head back to Harry and Ron.

"Hermione wait, do you still love me?"

I stopped in my tracks, what was I supposed to say, yes or no. I turned around to face Bellatrix.

"I do still love you, but I love Ginny too, and I can never look at you the same way again after what you did"

I turn back around and walked to Harry and Ron, I could hear Bellatrix crying behind me and it took all of my strength not to go back and hug her.