Gokuspasm:…. Meow?... I'm back! I do not own Dragon ball/Z/Gt. If I did…. Raditz will be alive. He is to damn sexy to die.

Raditz: You damn straight I am!

Gokuspasm: -stares at him- Where the hell you come from? Are you my new furball?

Raditz: I though Furball was a baby version of SS4 Kakarrot.

Gokuspasm:-teary eyes- I miss him so..

Gokusapm: on with the story

Summery: Raditzu left Prince Vegeta and Napa behind to find her little brother as she approaches Earth and confronts her brother something strange happens to her. Au Raditz is a female. Rated T for cussing and suggested themes

"You can't leave you stupid bitch! Do you not understand being the last female of our race means?" Prince Vegeta yells at the spiky long hair girl. Even though it's her Prince she must retaliate back.

The woman screams back "Oh shut up I don't care! If my brother is still alive then-"

"'If' she says 'if'… If what happen he's not!" he yells back. "When Freeza finds out that you left our group, he would send one of his men to kill you!" Vegeta hands tighten into a tight fist as the woman gave a mad huff and turn her back to him.

"Listen to him Raditzu…" Nappa said as he has been watching the whole scene until he figures out what side to take on.

"Nappa you have no part in this conversation." The small Prince said in an anger tone.

"Why would I want to be a breeding cow? I'm leaving and that's final!" Raditzu snaps back as she stomps off towards where their space pods had landed. She was fuming and can't understand why Vegeta is being a dick? There maybe reason's why… well being the last female of there race and wouldn't he like if there group got bigger? Raditzu sigh as she jumps into the crater of her space pod and open it. "Stupid Vegeta." She mutters as she enters her space pod and plop in her sit. Pressing the controls and coordinates to her brother planet as her space pod closed letting out pressure.

As she press the last code a rapid knocking echoes though her pod as she looks up though the small red tint window, Nappa was mouthing, 'where are you going?'

She mouths back, 'Earth.' Then her space pod took off into space.

"Can I keep you?" he asked her. Raditzu chuckled as the male laying in her lap looked up at her with a smile and she grinned back.

"I wish… then I won't have to work for Freeza. Keeping us locked up like lab rats." She said combing the male's black hair with her small fingers.

"You could stay with me and never leave my side." The male said as sat up to lie against the wall, pulling Raditzu into his lap so he could nuzzle and nip at her neck.

Raditzu moans but pushed him away so she can press her forehead against his. She smiled softly at him and said quietly, "I told you before… my duty is to my Prince until the day Freeza dies, I can't leave..."

He just stare's at her, disappointment in his eye's and closed them as he sigh. "Stupid duty if you ask me… Prince of pretty much nothing…" he said softly and quickly pinning Raditz under him. Raditzu giggle as he bent down to nip at her nose then claiming her mouth. "Can I at least have you one more time? Before you go... 'Ditzu…"

Raditzu smiles at her nick name as she pulled the male to her chest, kissing the top of his messy black hair, and whisper into his hair, "Yes…"

"Planet reached. Landing on Earth in 10…"

"Wha… OH Earth…" Raditzu mumbled as she sat up straight and combing though her hair with ease. Her space pod rattles as it was breaking though Earth's atmosphere with so much speed only a few second until she landed. Her pod opens letting out the pressure and the old stale air out.

"IT'S AN ALIEN!" Raditzu looked up to see a small human farmer shaking like a leaf, pointing a gun at her as for self defense. She just grunted as she pressed the button on her scoter beep as it locks onto the farmer and she laughs.

"Power Level of Five huh…. What the Hell Kakarrot has been doing?" she growls as she floats up and lands onto the farmer's land as she presses the button on her scouter again. As it picks up the highest power level, she grins as it locks on to one. "There you are Kakarrot!" she smirks as she flew off towards that power level. Leaving the poor farmer to stare in disbelief towards the direction that Raditzu took off.

As she flew towards the energy signal she notices that Earth was…. pretty, second to her dead home world she adds in. As she survey Earth surface she notes a few things, animals here are small, trees were beautiful, the dwelling the earthling lives in are domed house cluster together in large groups or out in the woods square or rectangle houses speckled about the woodland landscape. As the woods slowly starts to fade away replace by rolling rocky planes Raditzu look at her scouter and notice she was getting closer to her target. She landed on a rocky plateau and notices the energy signal she targeted wasn't the man she was looking for and frown.

"You're not Kakarrot…" she said with a growl.

"Yeah and who the hell are you?" the man growls out as Raditzu did take notice how the man looks. 'A namekin… this far out. No matter if his power level is this high for this planet then he should know where is Kakarrot.' She thought with a grin. The namekain body stiffens as he shoots a ki blast towards Raditzu and her smirk got wider as the blast hit her head on. "HAhahahaha….." the namekain laughter dies down as the dust clear to show Raditzu not even fazed buy his attack.

Raditzu just chuckles, "Is that it? You made a cute little dust cloud," she raises her arm up concentrated her ki into her palm as the namekain stood still fear dancing across his face, "now I will show you true power… keep an eye on the-"


Raditzu look at her scouter as it locks onto another power reading and she grins. "A higher power level…. Must be Kakarrot." And with that she left leaving the poor namekain in fear and awe.

Raditzu just grins as she flew at a steady pace towards the power reading. Soon she reaches her goal as she lands on a small island with a pink house and its inhabitants standing outside the small house.

The long hair female sayian grins and saw the shock looks on the earthlings and saw who she was looking for. "Well Kakarrot you grew up to look just like your father…"

"Who are you!" the man yells at Raditzu shoving the sniveling brat behind his leg.

Raditzu frowns, "has something on this world distracted you Kakarrot?" then she cross her arms over her amour plated chest, "Your duty was toexterminatethis species."

"Look, pal…" the small bald man said as he walks over towards Raditzu, "don't know who you are, but," the small human stops in front the sayian woman and try and shoo her off. "Scram! Shoo!" he yells.

'I am no damn mouse to be shoo away!' Raditzu thought with a frown but smirks.

"KURIRIN!" Kakarrot yells, "DON'T GET ANY-"


Krillin crash into the pink house half of his body hangs out of the house leg twitching.

"KRILLIN! WHYYY YOU…! Kakarrot yells at the tall Sayian woman but he and his gang gasp in horror, "A-A TAIL?" Kakarrot steps back and said with a shaky voice, "Y- you got... a tail…? A tail just like I usta have…!"

Raditzu smirks tail flickering like cat, "Heh heh heh… and now that you know who I am-"

"B-but how are you…?"

"You mean… you still don't?" Raditzu said in shock as she brought her hand up and gnaw her thumb nail. 'What the hell is wrong with him? Ohhh now the prince has every reason to beat the living shit of me…' "Impossible! You could never have forgotten me… or your mission! Did you take a blow to the head?" she growls glaring at her confuse little brother.

Kakarrot got into a defensive stance, "Look, I don't know this 'kaka' guy you're talking about… but I'm Son Goku!

"Dammit Kakarrot! I hope this is the result of brain damage and not some funny joke!" Raditzu growls out as she marches over to her brain damage brother and picks up by the collar of his shirt. "I risk my ass for you!If I don't bring you back my ass is going to be killed" She yells in his face and drops him back on his feet.

Goku could only look at Raditzu and scratch his head and said, "Okay I did hit my head once. But I was to little to remember."

"Arhhh that freakin' explains it!" Raditzu yells back at Goku.

"Explain what? What are you talking about?"

"Goku, your Grandpa Gohan told me once… that he found a baby in the woods, a baby with a tail. He was wild one… that couldn't be tamed by anyone." The old man said as looks over towards Goku and the Raditzu, "… that is, until that baby fell into a gorge hit his head and pretty near died. But he was a tough little thing he pulled though and after that; he was the sweatiest lil thing you ever hope to see…"

"'SWEET!'" Raditzu shouted.

"an that baby was me?" Goku said turn towards the old bald man.

"B-but what that means? What she has to do with Goku?" the blue hair woman said as tighten her hold on the small boy.

"Who are you? What do you want!" asked sternly.

Raditzu sighs as her tail wraps around her small waist, "Take fair warning, if there any memeories left in you half dead brain. I will find a way to reveal them." Raditzu snarls out "We need you back Kakarrot, your people needs you back!" 'Idiot boy!' she growls in her head

"Shiit man…" Krillin said as he pulled himself out of the house wall and stood next to Goku.

"You okay Krillin." Goku said looking over at his friend.

"Ye-yeah… watch out man she is defiantly not from this world… she bitch slap me with her tail!" Krillin said rubbing his sore jaw.

" I know.. I never felt like this before…" he said softly.

The sayian Female smiles and said, "Because we are the same Kakarrot. You are not an Earthling… but a sayian warrior! A member of the most powerful race in the universe!"

Everyone on that island gasps as the old man spoke in a grave voice, "i-it can't be….!

"And I am Raditzu… your older sister." She said with a smirk and prop her hand on her hips.

gokuspasm: So what you all think? I had to get my DBZ manga for the conversations.

Raditz: I'm a female…. WHY!

-portal opens up as Furball flops out and lands on Raditz and growls-

gokuspasm: YOU HAVE RETURN TO ME! –grabs Furball and huggles him-

Raditz: you all know what to do. Review.

Gokuspasm: I update when ever I feel like it but I try to update atleast month and a half