Author's Note: I don't own anything. Thanks to my friend Mani for the idea of the name of the club. :D

Cinderella called the strip club and immediately got through to the owner. He seemed like he was nice on the phone, but then again you never know. He wanted to talk to her immediately once he found out who she was because it wasn't everyday a royal would want to partake in these sort of activities. So she was going to sneak out of the castle and go down to the strip club.

Cinderella changed from her fancy clothing into the outfit she would wear when she would clean at her father and step mother's house. She didn't want to be recognized. So, without a moment to lose, Cinderella quietly snuck out of the house. Cinderella felt like she was being a bad ass. What would her husband think if he found out what she was doing? She paused to think for a few moments before shrugging and forgetting about her husbands feelings. She was her own woman damn it!

Cinderella pulled out a piece of paper that she had written down directions to the strip club. She was both excited and nervous at the same time! What an adventure this was! Cinderella walked along for about ten minutes before she finally came up to the strip club. The name of the club was The Humpback of Notre Damnnnnnn.

Cinderella gulped before she walked over to the front door. The doors were blackened out so you couldn't see what was happening inside. Cinderella opened the door and walked inside.

Loud music blasted from the speakers and there was smoke and even a disco ball. There were several poles throughout the room and chairs were placed in various locations for people to sit. There were women in various stages with their clothing. Some were fully clothed and some were half clothed. Others were all the way naked. Also there was a bar with tons of wine and beer and various other drinks. Immediately, Cinderella felt out of place and felt the urge to leave. She quickly ran to the door but before she could leave a voice called out, "Hey Cindy! Over here!"

Cinderella turned around to see the owner of the strip club and she gasped when she saw it was Quasimodo, who limped closer and closer to her smiling happily as could be. "Ohhh shit," muttered Cinderella as he came closer to her.