Part of You Forever
The paramedics quickly arrived and took Will on a stretcher into the ambulance. Ashley followed them only hearing random part of there rushed conversation such as "He's lost a lot of blood" and "If we don't worry we might lose this one".
When they got in the ambulance Ashley climbed in and took his and and said "Stay with me Will". They attached an owygen mask to his mouth but in his semi conscious state the turned and saw Ashley but in his eyes she looked like an Angel. "Ash" he managed to said.
"Don't talk Will, save your strength" she said. "M'am" one of the paramedics said getting Ashley attention. "M'am, he lost a lot of blood, we need to know his blood type for a tranfusion" he said. "I don't know" she said. "Damn it, are you sure you don't know, normally we'd use O negative but are recent supply of blood was stolen" he said.
"Wait, I'm O negative, use my blood" she said holding her arm out. "Are you sure about this " the paramedic asked. " YES, now either give him my blood or give me an needle and I'll do it myself" she said insistant.
"I need to know, have you recently taken any drug or do you have any blood bore pathogens" he asked. "No, now hurry up" she nearly screamed at him. "We'll be at the hospital in two minutes" he said.
Will who was trying hard to stay conscious suddenly passed out, the last thing her saw was Ashley's beautiful face looking over him. Even if he did die he was glad that Ashley would be the last thing he ever saw. He had expected a bright light and pearly gate but that's not what happened.
When Will woke he found himself sitting in his office form when he was a guidence consellor in Old City High. 'Must have fallen asleep' he thought. "Did i dream that whole thing, Ashley, getting shot, everything" he said to himself. Before he coud think anymore he heard a knock on the door.
"Come in " he said. The door opened and Jeff Baker walked in the door, alive and well. "Hello Jeff" Will said surprised because the last time he saw this kid he was dead. "Hey Dr. Zimmerman" he said sitting down on the seat opposite Will.
"How are you feeling?" Will asked. "Well, things have been pretty peaceful but you know i'm feeling a little drained" he said lefting up his arms to reveal slashs across his wrists. "Oh my God" he said relising that wasn't a dream.
"I'm so sorry" Will said to Jeff. "What do you have to be sorry for, all you did was try to help me, my death is not your burden to bare so you have to forgive yourself for what happened to me" he said. "But, i could have saved you" he said.
"Maybe, but you can't let yourself be haunted by the past so listen, I forgive you for not being able to save me, now you have to forgive yourself" he said. "I can't " Will said. "Just try" he said again. Will looked deep into his mind and realised that Jeff was right, the guilt was not his to bare. With that he felt a weigh being lefted off him and with that Jeff disappeared.
In the real world the ambulance arrived at the hospital and Will was quickly carried off to surguary. Ashley followed the paramedics into the hospital and as Will was taken off to surgery she heard one of the paramedics shouted"Dr. Tesla, this woman is here to donated some her bood to the gunshot victim".
As she looked at Will being taken away she whispered to herself. "Don't leave me". The doctor came and took her to the an exam room. "Roll up your sleave " he said. She obeyed and he quickly tied rubber tubing around her arm and took out a needle conected to a empty blood pack.
"This is going to pinch for a second " he said sticking the needle into one of her vein. Ashley began to feel a little weaker as she watched the ruby coloured liquid fill the bag. 'Please, pull through Will' she thought to herself.
"Are you feeling ok, no dizziness or anything " the doctor asked. "No i'm fine, do you know if Will's ok" she said. "The gunshot victim you came in with, he still in surgery they managed to get the bullet out, now they're repairing the damage done to his internal organ but i think he's going to be fine Miss..." he said
"Ashley, Ashley Magnus" she said. "Magnus, your mother wouldn't be Helen Magnus by any chance would it" he asked. "How do you know my mom" she asked. "Long story I'll explain later but right now i've got to your blood to surgery" he said before removing the needle from her arm and covering it with a Band Aid before leaving with the blood.
Ashley was left alone in the exam room praying that her blood woud be enough to save Will.
In Will's office after Jeff disappeared Will got up from his chair and walked out of the office. To his surprise he didn't walk into the school instead he found himself in the apartment his Dad lived in and that he grew up in. "Hey son" a voice said.
Will turned around and saw his father sitting at the kitchen table. "Dad" he said. "Sit down, we have to talk" he said. "Dad I'm sor.." he began before being interrupted by his Father who said "Listen Son, I know the last time we'd talked we weren't exactly friendly to each other".
Will remember the last time he had spoken to his father, it was the anniversary of his mother's death and it was hard on both of them and Will blamed his father for his mother's death, saying he should have been there to protect her.
"You don't have to apologise about what you said, i forgive you I want you to know that when i died i had no bad feelings towards you, now quit your worrying you'll go bald" he said. "Thanks Dad, I love you" he said. "I love you too son, and I'm proud of you" he said giving his son a hug. As Will hugs his father he felt a great strength floe into him. When he opened his eyes his father had disappeared.
Ashley stood outside the operating room looking in through the large window at the doctors operating on Will. She felt so scared she wished there was something she could do to help. "How is he" a voice asked. It was her mother joining her. "He's stable" she said.
"Ashley I'm sorry I didn't support your relationship with Will or tell you about your father" she said. "It ok, this isn't the time or place to talk about it" Ashley said. "You're right, after seeing Will risk his life to protect you I dare say, i'm starting to see him the way you see him" she said.
"Thanks, say when i was donating my blood one of the doctors said he knew you, a Dr. Tesla i think" she said. "Nikola, he's here" Helen said surprised. "I haven't seen him since Oxford" she said. "Yep well he's here in fact here he come" Ashley said noticing him walking towards them.
"Helen you're looking as lovely as ever" he said. "Hello Nikola, I see you've met my daughter Ashley" she replied. "I have and i heard about what happened, the coroner just annouced Druitt's COD, it was some sort of disease, not very common but highy fatal, he needed a bone marrow transplant to save himself" he said.
"That must be why he went after Ashley, she is his only living relative" she said. "Hey they're bringing Will out of surgery " Ashey said as she saw the doctors pushing him out of the operating room. Ashley followed along with the doctor and asked "How is he". "Well we managed to repair the damage done by the bullet and he didn't reject your blood, now it all a matter of him waking up" he said.
After walking down to one of the recovery rooms the placed Will on a bed and turned to Ashley "M'am you better let him rest" he said. "Please let me stay with him" she asked.
"Alright but don't touch him or his IV" he said before leaving the room. Ashley sat on the chair next to his bed as Helen came in and said "Ashley are you staying". "Yeah, I want to be here when he wakes up" she said. "Well I'm going to catch up with Nikola but if you want me to stay i will" she said.
"No you can go" she said. Helen turned to walk out of the room but Ashley said "Mom, I understand why you didn't tell me about my father amd i forgive you" . "Thank you" she said before leaving "I love you Ashley". "I love you too Mom".
After Helen left the room Ashley took Will hand and said "Will, I don't know if you can hear me but i want you to know, you have to wake up, I need you to wake up, I love you too much to lose you" she said as tears streamed down her cheeks.
Will found himself in a forest looking around. He heard a voice from behind him say "Hello Will". He turned around because he recognised the voice. It was his mother standing before him in a white dress. "Mom" he said before crying.
"Will, i know that you've held on to the griff from my death for too long, it time to let it go and move on" she said. "But i can't"he said. "Will don't let your griff stand in the way of love" she said "Ashley, Will she loves you and you love her, but if you want to be with her you have to wake up" she said.
She came over and gave Will a hug. He felt a great warmth spread throughout his body and he heard his Mom say "I love you Will". "I love you Mom, will i ever see you again" he said. She began to fade away in a bright light but he heard her say "I'll alway watch over you Will"
Will awoke and saw Ashley sitting next to him. She noticed he was awake and said "Oh my god you're ok, thank god" she said "I'll get a doctor". "Ashley, i need to ask you something" he said. "What is it Will" she asked.
"Will you be with me forever" he asked. "Forever and ever" she said kissing him like she never kissed hik before.
And they were together forever.