Hi guys this is the last chapter. I hope you like it and don't think it's too rushed. Please review

Chapter 22: Beth & Abel

"Hey Abel" Tommy called out to his brother from the garage.

"What's up?" He asked as he walked over to his brother.

"Uh, Beth came to see me this morning"

"Oh right"

"I know she saw you first"

"It was nothing Tommy"

"I know, I mean, if it was, you know, something, it wouldn't be an issue for me"


"Look man" he took Abel's arm and pulled him away from the other mechanics. "You've been a wreck bro. I'm not saying its cool, you know she was mine first and you choosing her over us kinda sucks. But you know" he looked down at his feet "If you two make each other happy"

"Dude, did you really just say that? That is the girliest thing you have ever said"

"Bro shut up. God, I'm trying to be the bigger man or whatever"

"I know" Abel gave his brother a manly punch in the arm. "I appreciate it"

"You hurt her, I'll hurt you"

"Who you kidding?" Abel laughed "I could always kick your ass" he took Tommy in a headlock.

"You're getting old big brother" Tommy laughed as he punched him in the side.

Gemma looked over at her grandsons play fighting in the garage. "What's going on over there?" Jax asked.

"Your boys are back" Gemma smiled. "Here you gotta sign this"

"The Mason cars done. Can you sort out the paperwork and give her a call?"


"You look good back behind that desk" he kissed her on the head.

"I don't know how you survived without me. Half the files were missing and don't get me started on the accounts"

"I should of started back a long time ago"

"What's Tara doing tonight?"

"Night off I think. Why?"

"I was thinking about making dinner, like the ones we had before Clay died."

"That sounds great ma."

"Make sure Tara's free first. I want all the family there"

"Hello honey" Jackie opened the door to her daughter and gave her a hug.

"Hi mum. Where's dad?"

"Out back putting up the table in the garden"

"Still that death trap?" Beth followed her into the house, shutting the front door behind her.

"You know your father, never throws anything away"

"Remind me at Christmas and I'll get you a new one. He'll have to chuck it then"

"I wouldn't be so sure" Jackie suddenly stopped.

"You ok?"

"You just look very beautiful today"

"Thanks mum"

"I wish you hadn't cut your hair though. It was so lovely long" she said disapprovingly.

"I like it"

"Well ok. But just think about growing it out. People could mistake you for a boy" Beth rolled her eyes and made her way out to the garden.

"Hey dad"

"Bethany" he boomed "You look lovely"


"Here we are. Salad, sandwiches and some Ice Tea of course" Jackie tottered out with a brimming tray and set it gingerly down on the rickety old table. "You know I don't think I've had brunch since before you were born"

"We had it with the Fowlers in two thousand and... fifteen, if I recall"

"Only you would remember something like that" Jackie said shaking her head.

"We need to talk" Beth blurted.

"About?" Bruce asked.

"You've always said I should be honest with you"

"Absolutely" Jackie placed her hand over Beth's "What is it? Are you pregnant?" she said panic thick in her voice.

"No. No, nothing like that. I...I didn't go to New York to get away from Abel"

"Then why?"

"I know what you did? I know you took me from the hospital"

"Oh god" Jackie turned to Bruce with a horrified look.

"You have to understand Bethany, you were wandering around by yourself all bruised up. We tried to find your parents" Bruce spluttered "When we saw your mother in the hospital bed, dying and heard your father had done it"

"Dad, I get it. I wish you had told me. Preferably before the nightmares and panic attacks"

"That was because...?" Jackie whispered.

"Yeah, my subconscious trying to resolve it or something like that"

"Do you hate us?" Jackie asked her eyes filling with tears.

"Of course not. Mum from what I remember I used to be scared to speak in case it set him off and she was addict who left me hungry so she could get a fix. I'm not saying it isn't sad that she died but my life with them was awful. You took me in and treated me as your own. How could I hate you for that? I love you even more"

"Oh Beth"

"I just wanted you to know that I met him and their family"

"You mean your family" Bruce stated.

"No your my family. If you still want me that is"

"Of course we do. I couldn't love you more if you came from my womb"

"Gross mum"

"So can we expect a visit from the police?" Bruce said trying to keep his voice even. Beth knew he was happy and relieved, seventeen years with them taught her that much.

"No, her family knew nothing about me and his didn't really care when I went missing. So I told them I'd been put in foster car and you'd adopted me"

"Are you going to stay in contact with them?" Bruce continued.

"A text, maybe an email doubt I'll ever see them again" Both Bruce and Jackie sighed with relief.

"We love you so much Beth"

"I love you too"

"So everyone is here?" Gemma asked looking around the table.

"Almost" Tommy said as he shoved a bit of carrot into his mouth.

"You haven't invited one of your-"

"Nope Abel's" he interupted.

"What?" Abel spluttered. Just then the doorbell went.

"That'll be her" he jumped up and headed to the door.

"Beth" Gemma exclaimed when they appeared back in the dining room.

"Hi Gemma. Guys" she gave a wave around the room.

"Uh, it's nice to see you"

"You too"

"Take a seat"

"Here you can take mine" Tommy offered. Beth slid into the seat next to Abel.

"Right tuck in everyone" Tara watched Beth across the table. The room was hushed in an awkward silence.

"Relax I'm all good with Abel and Beth" Tommy announced as he shovelled food onto his plate.

"What's with the turn around?" Tara asked.

"We had a talk this morning"

"Actually you did kind of accept it real quick" Beth said suspiciously.

"Well you know what you said made sense. I mean there was a girl in my bathroom when you were there and I didn't care if you knew. So I figured I was over you"

"Your all class Tommy" Beth laughed. Tara smiled across the table at Beth. She hadn't seen Abel this happy in months and if Tommy didn't care neither did she. Beth felt Abel's hand grab hers under the table when she looked up she saw his carefree smile.

"So are we like, you know?" he whispered.

"Together? I hope so I didn't walk into the lion's den for nothing Teller"

"Good coz I missed you" Beth smiled up at him.

"You should have savoured it because you're stuck with me now"

"I ain't complaining" just then Gemma dinged her glass, the room went silent.

"All I want to say is that I'm glad all the family is here. And I mean all" she winked at Beth "And eat up and enjoy because I ain't doing this every week." She laughed. Everyone raised there glass.