Yay! My first hit man reborn fic! So please go easy on me? *does a lil twirl* so please enjoy! Oh! And R&R and I own nothing kyip! *giggles* that's some times what the fox says! Read reborn number 8 and you'll see! Thanks for reading! Oh and that little song I thought of it by my self! Oh and there might be lot's of mistakes… yeah im not really the best writer -_- kinda up setting but I hope I get review from nice people not from ass hole's who decide to rip on my stories… yeah makes ya sad some time's… but I get over it fast! So yeah! No worry's well im probably boring ya so enjoy the story!
"so this is your son? Sawada tsunayoshi?… the son of the great witch nana?" said an amazed tall lady with a suit and glasses and her snake hair tied into a bun "why yes it is and there's no need to call me great by the way" said a brunette "why of course please excuse me… now if I may lets get down to business.. So what type of monster is your son?" said the principle of namimori monster middle school."well you see that's the thing his father is a werewolf and im a witch and his grandfather is a black blood vampire…. We don't know which one he is yet" nana said smiling and laughing sheepishly "I see, well Im sure that we shall all try our best to make sure your son's inner monster shall come out" the snake lady said writing down all the information of tsuna.
"thank you" nana said bowing "you are most welcome, oh and do tell your son he is able to remake his uniform any way he wants too" the principal said adjusting her glasses "thank you ill make sure he'll be here tomorrow" the brunette said as she walked out the door to see her son sitting in the waiting room "good news tsuna! Your in!" she said as she clapped her hands together and smiled, "that's good to hear mom!" tsuna said getting up "oh im so sure your gonna love it there tsuna! Oh! And you can recreate your uniform! And they said your dorm room will look so great and, You'll also have a room mate!" tsuna's face darkened."mom! You know I cant handle other people! What if they don't like me?" tsuna said "oh come on honey you need more friends im sure this will be a great opportunity to make friends!" nana said smiling at the thought of tsuna making friends "well ok… so when do we leave?" nana headed for the door after her son "tomorrow" "what!" yelled the male brunette.
"well tsuna here it is…. Now are you sure you don't want me to walk you in?" tsuna blushed "no thanks mom, I can handle this my self" nana patted her son's head "here I wanted to give you this, every time you end up missing me look inside of the locket and my picture will be there" she said as she kissed his forehead and putting a golden heart locket around his neck "thanks mom I really love it I really do" tsuna said hugging her.
"cya latter tsuna call me every day and night ok?" nana said starting the car "yes mom" tsuna said "you'll love it here sweaty ok? Bye honey" nana said as she drove away "oh man…. I hope she's right" tsuna said as he walked into the giant building.
"darn it, were is my dorm room?… and why is every one starring at me?" a nervous tsuna said as he felt all eye's on him "my guess is they can smell fresh meat" the brunette said his face darkening "oh here it is!" tsuna yelled as he held up his key and opened the dorm room "wow.. This room is huge! When they said this was going to be a nice dorm they weren't kidding!" tsuna walked into what seemed like a first class room complete with a entertainment room, a kitchen and three bedroom's. "im kinda scared of my new roommate's… I hope there nice, I better unpack and take a bath" tsuna said as he picked a room that didn't have clothes in it. After tsuna had neatly un packed he stripped to his birthday suit and got into the bath.
"well that was a fun get together!" a boy with black slick hair said to a boy with silver hair "yeah it was fun… but it would have been better if the poison cook wasn't there" the silver hair male said looking as if he was about to puke "oh it wasn't that bad!" the raven said "hay… do you see… steam?… and is that a girl humming!" the silver haired boy said as he panicked a lil bit. "should we go and check it out?" the raven haired male blushed "yeah I guess we should" the silver male said as they gotten closer to the bath room and as they did the song had gotten louder "… the birds in the trees are singing softly~, the wind is blowing gently~ filling my head with dream's of wonder~, filling my heart with glee, loving and caring mother~ please take care of me, hold and kiss the bad dreams away~ making me safe again".
"wow what a beautiful voice" the silver haired boy said mesmerized by the song "focus gokuda! We need to make sure what the heck is going on!" yelled the raven haired boy "your right! Come on!" gokuda said as he charged to the bathroom door and opened it "hay! Who are you and what are you- WHOA!" the one called gokuda said along with the slick black haired boy as they blushed as they saw a pretty tsuna with brown hair and eye's sitting at the side of the tub and having a white towel covering lower parts but not the chest so They was able to see his perky pink nipple's "h-huh!… what!" he said blushing, after what seemed like ten minute's of staring at each other the brunette broke the silence "KYAA! GET OUT YOU PERVERTS!" screamed the brunette as he started to throw many things at the silver haired boy.
"ow! Ok!" gokuda said as he ran out the door and into the living room "oh wow… why the heck would they let a girl in our dorm?" gokuda said confused "I don't know… but she was pretty" the raven commented "focus takeshi!" gokuda yelled "hay you two!" said the feminine voice from the bathroom "huh?" the two boy's looked in front of them and blushed madly as they saw the girl from the bathroom in nothing but a long thin white button up shirt "I would very much appreciate you knocked next time before you walk in the bathroom!" the brunette yelled being brave for once and feeling happy for it, but the silver haired boy got up and pulled on a scary face that caused the brunette to loose his braveness.
"what the hell are you doing! Put on some clothes right now!" the silver haired male yelled causing the brunette to look as if she was going to cry "ack! Im so sorry! Its just that you're a girl! So you shouldn't-" the brunette looked at him strangely " im not a girl… im a boy" and with that the brunette walked off so he wouldn't get yelled at any more leaving the two boy's in pure shock.
Later that night gokuda and yamato couldn't sleep cause of all the moaning and groaning coming from tsuna's new room "damn it.. What the hell is that kid's problem?" gokuda said walking into tsuna's room, tired of the noise keeping him up "hay kid what's wrong?" gokuda said as he walked into the room to see tsuna up and looking at the window "hay I said what's wrong? Come on answer me" gokuda said as he made a scared but still asleep tsuna look at him "huh?… oh your sleep walking, or in your case sleep staring" he said as he just noticed tsuna crying "ack! Hay if it was about earlier im sorry!" tsuna looked at gokuda with hazy watery eye's "you're a jerk!" tsuna said as he slapped gokuda hard on the cheek. "ow! What the hell is wrong with you!" tsuna stood up and pouted "you promised!" and with that tsuna fell on the ground and went back to sleep.
"what the hell? What was that about?… arg forget it im going back to bed" gokuda said walking back to his room. It was the next morning and takeshi and gokuda was eating breakfast before they when to there morning classes "h-hi" a nervous tsuna said dressed in the school's uniform but he wore shorts showing off his cute smooth buttery leg's and he wore the school's jacket and had two badges on the bag he carried the first badge was a chibi bat and the second one was a chibi wolf "im sorry but I didn't properly introduce my self… my name is sawada tsunayoshi, but please call me tsuna" the brunette said smiling cutely causing takeshi and gokuda to blush "im yamamoto takeshi im a serphent" the raven haired boy said smiling back "my name is gokudera hayato but call me gokuda, im a werewolf" gokuda said looking away "well we should get going to our class" tsuna said walking out the door with takeshi and gokuda.
"so what type of monster are your parents?" takeshi said "my grand father is a black blood vampire and my mom's a witch and my dad is a werewolf" tsuna said "wow so what type of monster are you?" gokuda asked "oh I don't know yet that's why im here to try and make my inner monster come out" tsuna smiled "I see well that's ok" takeshi said "hiya guy's! who's the new girl?" one feminine voice said from behind, tsuna turned around to see a girl with black hair tied in a bun and a brown haired girl with short hair and lastly a girl with long brown hair "oh hi kyoko, haru and bianchi" takeshi said as gokuda was hiding behind takeshi "hi takeshi and gokuda! Who's the new girl her hair is really pretty and her badges on her bag are so cute! There to die for!" haru said tsuna blushed. "im not a girl im a boy" haru sweat dropped "oh sorry! I just didn't know.. Im haru by the way, im a vixen" the girl with a bun in her hair said holding out her hand to shake it.
Tsuna took her hand in his and smiled cutely to cause the girls to blush "aw! What is your name cutie? My name is bianchi im a black widow" tsuna blushed "my name is tsuna I don't know what monster I am yet" the three girls did a synchronized aw and started to hug tsuna " my name is kyoko im a witch" tsuna's face brightened "ah! My mom's a witch!" kyoko hugged tsuna "well im glad I can remind you of your mama tsuna" kyoko said "I feel like im home now" tsuna laughed "hay gokuda-kun what's wrong? Why are you hiding?" tsuna asked a sick looking gokuda "oh don't worry its just bianchi did some thing to gokuda and now he's scared for life" takeshi said laughing "its not funny takeshi!" gokuda said "ah! We should get to class before the perfects come cya later guy's!" kyoko said as she and her friends ran to class "oh man! She's right lets go!" gokuda and takeshi said as they ran after the girl's accidentally leaving tsuna behind "g-guy's wait! I don't know were my class is!" tsuna stopped to catch his breath "who's the perfects any way?" tsuna said trying to find his class "hay! You! What are you doing out of class?" said a very strong voice
"eep!" tsuna yelped as he turned around to see a sly looking boy with black hair and dark stern but scary eyes and a black jacket with dark red inside of it "are you deaf? Why are you not in class? Do you want me to bite you to death?" the scary person said "eep! I-im sorry! that's just the problem! I don't know were it is! Please don't hurt me!" the scary black haired person stared hard at tsuna "what type of monster are you?… a bunny?" the raven said snickering.
tsuna looked at the scary teen with watery eye's "a bunny monster?… there's monsters like those?" he said "arg… never mind give me you schedule and ill help you find your class my name is hibari by the way im a vampire" hibari said looking at the piece of paper tsuna had showed him "oh… your in the special class for gifted students for science, art, drama and writing?… that's impressive you know" hibari said praising tsuna a lil bit "thanks my mom said that I got it from her" tsuna said smiling happily "please don't think a petty face will win me kid" hibari said walking to tsuna's class "huh? What face?" tsuna said blushing "never mind.. This is your class, cya" hibari said as he walked away "oh.. Thanks hibari-san!" tsuna waved as hibari disappeared into the hall way "hibari-san is so nice" tsuna said walking into hiss class.
"ok every one this is our new student sawada tsunayoshi, introduce your self sawada" said a large eye five year old child with a chameleon sitting on his hat "ah, sure my name is sawada tsunayoshi but call me tsuna please my hobby's is art and cooking, and well there's nothing else I gotta say except im happy to be here" and with that tsuna gave off his friendliest smile causing every one to blush "very good tsuna now every one I would very much like it if you shall all study in your test book's now while I'll go and discuss a matter in the teachers lounge so every one please study hard oh! And by the way tsuna my name is Mr. reborn" and with that reborn left "wow, thanks for leaving me behind guy's" tsuna said sitting near gokuda and the other's "sorry man it was either that or get caught by a perfect" takeshi said "yeah especially hibari! He's kinda scary" haru said "oh you mean hibari-san?.. What are you talking about? He's a very nice person" tsuna said.
Every one gasped "wait, wait, you mean to tell me that hibari was nice to you?" bianchi said "yep! He even showed me to my class!" tsuna stated "wow I guess a pretty face really does work for hibari" tsuna looked confused "why does every one say I have a pretty face im just average looking ok?" haru giggled "silly look at every one behind you there all googaly for ya!" she turned tsuna to face every one behind him and she was right tsuna had never seen so many people staring at him "..I-.. I don't like this!" tsuna hid beside gokuda "ack! Hay what the hell are you trying to do! Get me in some beef with the whole damn class!".
tsuna looked at every one of his new friends all teary like "I cant handle every one looking at me like this! And do not have a pretty face!" tsuna pouted making him look even cuter "aw ok sweetie you don't have a girly face" bianchi said playing along "thank you" gokuda decided to start the conversation over again "so what are we gonna do for our get together?" every one started idea's except for a confused tsuna "ah! Hay guy's maybe we should fill in the newbie! Better yet let him pick!" takeshi said.
Now tsuna was even more confused "im sorry pick what now?" every one laughed "every once in a while we go to place's in the human world and you know have fun! And since your new you get to pick were we go!" haru said excited "oh, ok.. Well how about… the amusement park? I know were one is" kyoko clasped her hands together and smiled "yeah! that's a good idea! Good job tsuna!" tsuna blushed "ok so we leave at seven o'clock?" gokuda stated "yeah sure that'll be fine" bianchi said as she stood up "oh, the school bell rung school's over ill go to the dorm and get dressed for the get together cya later" and with that every one went to there dorms.
"ah! Hibari! Wait up!" a certain brunette said "what is it now bunny?" hibari said as he turned around and drinking his bottle of water "huh? Bunny?… never mind I was going to ask you some thing" tsuna said "what is it this time?" hibari said "I was hoping if.. You could come with me to the fair" tsuna said blushing as hibari choked on his water "ex-excuse me?" hibari said hiding his blush easily "yeah! A fair please come with me to the fair" tsuna said asking again "uhm sure I have a free schedule so what time would you want me to pick you up?" tsuna smiled "great! Meet me at the front of the school at seven o'clock! Bye beary!" tsuna said hopping back to his dorm "beary?… what?" hibari said puzzled by the nickname choice.
"ok! So every one is here let's go!" gokuda ready to walk to the fair "ah! Gokuda wait! We still have one more person!" tsuna said holding back gokuda "oh who?" kyoko said "that would be me" said a stern and steady voice "yike's! why the heck is hibari here!" takeshi said "oh! I asked hibari to come with us! Right hibari-san?" tsuna said grabbing a hold on a disappointed hibari arm "yeah… hay tsuna I thought we were going to go alone" the perfect said trying to get rid of the other's "huh? Of course not… you still wanna go right?" tsuna said looking a little sad.
"of course I still wanna go" tsuna smiled "good! So come on every one lets go oh I cant wait to see the ferris wheel!" tsuna said as his face lit up causing every one to blush for what seemed like the two hundredth time that day "right lets go" takeshi said walking to the bus as every one followed him.
After they took the bus and walked three blocks they arrived at the gate of the fair "ill take seven unlimited ride bracelet's" gokuda said pulling out his wallet to pay for every one "that will be fifty five dollars in total" the man in the front desk said "whoa! That much!" gokuda said nearly dropping his wallet "its ok ill get it" tsuna said stepping at the desk and pulling out money but was stopped by the guy behind the desk "congrat's love! You're the one hundredth customer! You get seven free unlimited ride tickets! Here oh and my phone number if ya wanna… you know, get together some were" tsuna took the bracelets and the phone number.
"oh you don't need that bunny" hibari said taking the phone number from tsuna and ripped it to piece's and tossed it into a fire on a nearby grill "oh thanks beary" tsuna said smiling "look at them! They already got nickname's for each other!" bianchi said laughing a little bit as gokuda was looking very upset.
"aw! I think it's cute look at them it's like hibari is a big bear from the forest and tsuna is the friendly cute pink rabbit!" squealed a twirling haru "yeah it so sweet" kyoko said smiling as she looked at tsuna clinging onto the blushing perfect "what ever, hay! Tsuna, hibari let's go on a ride!" tsuna dragged hibari with the other's to a large roller coaster, "ok so we get to go on this then" takeshi said "uhm ok… but im not really good with roller coaster's but ill try this one out!" tsuna said getting on one of the cart's and sitting next to hibari.
"well every one welcome to the spit fire! Keep all hands and feet in the carts and enjoy the ride!" the line of carts started to move up on a very large hill every one was ready to scream at the top of there lungs as the cart reached the top "maybe we shouldn't have taken the front cart" tsuna said holding on to a smiling hibari as the cart went down really fast and every one screamed as it went into loops, side way circles, zig zags and twists "oh my god!" tsuna screamed holding on to hibari for dear life "yeee haaaww! Keep this baby going!" said a certain silver haired lad. And as the ride ended some were either saying how fun it was, or some would say how it was lame or some was throwing up or twirling around dizzy "oh boy…please lets not do that again" tsuna said a little dizzy "hay! Lets go on that ride!" haru said pointing at a love tunnel ride "eh?…no thanks ill go and get some icecream and wait for you guys to come out" bianchi said "ok! Hibari, gokuda and takeshi! Pick a name!" haru said holding out her hand that had three pieces of paper.
"oh… I got kyoko's name" takeshi said smiling as gokuda was frowning "wait… I got haru's name so that means hibari has" hibari finished his sentence "I have tsuna's name" tsuna smiled "well then! Every one with your partners!" haru said dragging gokuda to the ride as every one followed. "this is fun isn't it hibari-san?" tsuna said smiling as he was enjoying the floating boat "sawada… I have some thing I want to ask you" hibari started "what is it?" hibari inched close to tsuna's face "I was hopping if….if I could" tsuna looked confused "what is it hibari-san?" hibari took a deep breath "I was hoping if…if I could-" tsuna cut into his question "of course you can suck my blood" the brunette smiled "what?" hibari said confused "you can suck my blood…I understand you're a vampire so you need to feed, and im the closes to a human" tsuna smiled.
Hibari smiled "yes that's what I wanted to ask you" hibari said smirking a little upset that wasn't what he wanted but it was the next best thing "hold your head side way's and hold still, this wont hurt a bit" hibari dug his fangs into tsuna's neck causing him to gasp a little and then started to giggle a little "heh, don't move sawada im almost done" hibari said lapping up some of the dripping blood "ok im done" hibari pulled away licking his lips "your blood is way different from the blood I've ever had before..its…sweet…like candy" tsuna blushed "well my mom always said that I tasted like candy when she kisses me" the vampire smirked "I see, well looks like the ride is over lets get out of here before your friends end up with hundreds of questions" hibari hopped out of the boat along with tsuna were they met up with bianchi and the others.
"well that was utterly boring" gokuda said "oh! Lets play bumper cars next!" bianchi said finishing her ice cream "ok!" every one said as they all ran toward the bumper cars "hey sawada would you like to-" hibari started to say but a certain silver haired wear wolf cut in "hay tsuna! Lets ride in the same bumper car" hibari was going to strangle gokuda if tsuna didn't say "sorry gokuda but hibari-san was going to ask me first if you like we can ride the bumper cars together when we leave" the wolf looked upset but agreed "ok! Lets play some bumper cars!" bianchi said as she was riding with kyoko. It was a death match, hibari was behind the wheel and was bumping every one in the ring he even bumped some poor teen out of his cart, and bianchi wasn't playing so nice either she knocked out two adults and four teens, kyoko wasn't so innocent behind the wheel she knocked out one adult two kids by mistake as she took out seven teens, and gokuda was going on a rampage he hit five adults and seven teens "well that was fun…I f you don't mind im going to get some ice cream ok?" tsuna said getting out of the car so he doesn't end up in his friends on slaughter.
"ah sure we'll all be here ok?" hibari said gripping the wheel "ok cya in a bit" tsuna said walking to the snack bar but was stopped by a group of boys some with to much grease in there hair or to many piercing or to many of both "hay there cutie… what's a sweet thing like your self doing here? You shouldn't be out by your self you should be hanging with some people it makes it more fun" said one of the boys as they started to agree with him "uhm no thanks im fine" tsuna said backing up but the blond boy's blocked his path "eep!" tsuna squeaked "come on sweaty we don't bite… much" one of the boys said "I think you should leave the young boy alone" said an unfamiliar voice "and who the fuck are you?" said the gangs leader as every one's attention to a purple haired boy who had different colored eyes one was red and the other was blue "my name is none of your concern… now kid I think it would be a good idea to cover your eyes… this shouldn't be seen by innocent eyes" the weird teen said as he pushed tsuna's hands over his eyes and in what seemed like two minutes he opened his eyes all the thugs were clearly beat up and were running away "I believe you wanted this?" the stranger asked handing tsuna a swirled vanilla cone.
"ah…thank you" the brunette said smiling "of course im glad I could be of assistants" the teen said walking away "hay! Wait I didn't get your name!" the purple haired boy stopped and turned slightly "in due time you will know my name love...in due time" and with that he left "ah tsuna! Looks like we have to go" haru said, "why?" takeshi was holding a sick gokuda on his back "you see when gokuda crashed into bianchi's cart she gave him some of her poison foods" kyoko said patting gokuda's back "oh we should head home then" tsuna said finishing his icecream "oh here I almost for got" hibari handed tsuna a big pink bunny "thanks hibari-san!" tsuna smiled "neh lets get going I don't want to see that ticket guy again he's creepy" haru said walking near the exit as every one followed.
"kuu fuu fuu…. My, my… such a wonderful pray… but it seems I have compaction" said a certain purple haired boy smirking as he stared at the boy he saved from thugs.
Well….how was it?…was it good? I hope so I tried hard but please no flaming! You can correct me in the stuff I didn't do right but no flaming its not nice!… thanks for reading!