Harry opened his eyes and wondered why he was suddenly awake. But he was soon aware of the sound that had woken him up.
It was a bell.
He heard the muffled noises his dormmates made while emerging from their dreams.
He didn't need to think twice to know the cause of the ringing bell.
He felt it. The castle was under attack.
Harry jumped from his bed.
The Gryffindors were gathered in their common room, and they looked anxiously at the older students, as if to ask what was going on.
But they didn't need to. They already knew, though nobody had the nerve to say it aloud.
Hermione was the last one to leave the dormitory and enter the common room.
Everybody looked at her, eyes full of fear.
The bushy-haired girl hold firmly her wand, though one could see she was as frightened, too.
When she saw how every student looked at her, she found in her the strength to smile.
-Hey, why all those stares ? she asked, trying to lighten the mood. What's the matter ?
The younger children just seemed more afraid. Hermione sighed.
It was a first year who found the guts to ask what nobody wanted to.
-Hermione... What is that bell ?
The young woman just smiled sadly.
-The bell...well, it's written in Hogwarts, a History, of course ! But really, I know I'm the only one to read it...
The nervous glances of her fellows students told her that it was no need trying to hide the truth.
-Very well. That Bell is called a Tocsin. It's...the emergency bell of the school.
Silence met her words.
Ron spoke slowly.
-You mean... that the castle...
-Yeah, Ronald. Hogwarts is under attack.
Although everybody had known it, hearing the Head Girl saying it aloud was just to much to bear, and suddenly havoc broke in the common room.
Students began to scream and cry, running aimlessly in the room and hurting each other in the doing.
Hermione and Ron stared helplessly at each other.
-We have to do something... muttered the redhead.
-What ? I can't hear you ! shouted Hermione.
Hermione took a long breath in, climbed on the nearest table and shouted :
No one heard. She casted silencio on the room and shouted once more.
Everybody stopped in their tracks, stunned by the sudden silence.
-Thank you ! Now, listen to me. I know you're worried. It's okay to be scared. But it's no reason to cause absolute mayhem ! It won't help ! Now, I'm gonna lift the charm, but if someone moves just an eyelid, I'll stun him, ok ? Finite incantatem.
Nobody moved.
Hermione sighed.
-Thank you. Now, please, sit down, all of you. The night might be a long one, and if you want to stay awake until it's over, you'll need to rest.
She conjured enough chairs for everybody, and when they were all settled in a circle, she jumped on the ground and sat as well.
She noticed that some students were sobbing, crying, and that others just stared in front of them, in shock.
-Okay, everybody, I know that's not easy. But we're safe here, as safe as we could be. The ennemy won't be able to break through the wards of the school, and they will be defeated before dawn. The Aurors must be here, and the teachers, and...
It was Neville who first noticed.
-Where is Harry ?
Nobody answered, and the students just began to search frantically around them for the Boy-Who-Lived.
He was not here.
The Gryffondors were at a loss. Where was their savior ?
It was a second-year girl who lost it first.
-We...we are going to diiiiiiiiie... she said between two sobs.
And they all started to cry again.
Hermione, at a loss, just gave up trying to calm them. It was vain.
-Ron, was Harry in the dormitory when you woke up ?
-I don't know, I just thought he would be down before me, and I hurried in the common room...
Hermione shook her head.
-We have to find him, I fear he's the only one who'll be able to comfort them now.
Just then, the Boy-Who-Lived descended the stairs of the dormitory.
Ron was the first to see him.
He jumped from his chair and hurried to his friend.
-Thank Goodness you're here, mate ! I thought...
But he didn't finish his sentence, as he noticed what his friend looked like.
Just like that, silence overcame the room. The students had just seen their savior. And he was looking like a warrior.
No, he was really one. The armour, the Gryffindor sword, the red cloak and the wand holster.
It didn't look strange on Harry. It seemed natural.
And the young man was pouring such an aura of power that all the fears of the Gryffondors vanished.
They just stared in awe.
Harry smiled.
-Well, were you crying just now ? Why ? Is there something you're afraid of ?
He sat in a nearby chair and took place in the circle with his comrades.
-Harry... whispered Hermione, suddenly crying too. You're going there, too...aren't you ?
Her friend smiled sadly.
-It's my duty, I knew that from the beginning. Now it's time to end it all. But don't worry. I promise you that no Death Eater will enter Hogwarts. Ever.
He looked at the children in front of him.
-Emily, he said to a teary first-year, what will you do when it's over ?
The girl just stared at him, unable to understand the question.
But Hermione, who had always been the quick-witted one, had understood Harry's purpose. She smiled broadly and repeated.
-Yes, Emily. When the war is over, what will be the first thing you'll do ?
The girl seemed to think for an instant.
-I..I don't know. I suppose I never thought about it. What will you do, Hermione ?
The Head Girl played for a while with her hair, and finally said :
-When it's over, I'll tell that thick-headed Ronald Weasley that I love him.
Said redhead suddenly coughed and nearly fell off his chair.
Harry laughed.
-Haha ! Good one, 'Mione ! He never saw it coming ! And it's about time you did something !
The young woman looked very pleased with herself.
-Well, Emily ? And you ?
The girl smiled and answered :
-I guess I'll write to my parents and tell them how much I love them, and that I miss them.
Harry smiled.
-That's nice, Emily.
He turned and smiled at a third-year boy.
-And you, Peter, what will you do when it's over ?
The blond boy looked startled and seemed to hesitate before answering.
-Hum... I guess I'll make peace with my big brother. You know, he's a Slytherin, and...well, the House Cup sort of got on our nerves...he explained sheepily.
-You're right, Peter, you can't let something as futile as house rivalries separate each other ! Said Hermione proudly.
Ginny was the next one to speak.
-When it's over, I'll try to get to Percy. Maybe he's not totally lost yet...she said pensively.
Ron stared at her.
-Well... Don't look so surprised, Ron ! We really ought to do something ! He's family !
-Yeah...'suppose you're right.
Harry grinned and turned to Neville.
-Neville, what about you ?
-I think...I think I will go to St-Mungo to see my parents...and tell them that I understand the state they're in, that it's none of their fault...and that I'm proud of them for doing what they believed in.
The statement silenced every Gryffindor, and they started clapping. Neville stared at the floor and turned red. Harry patted him on the shoulder.
-Now, I say that's really something brave, what you just told us ! Cheers, everyone !
And they cheered for Neville.
After that, nobody felt unsure anymore. The Gryffindors just started saying randomly what they wished to do after dawn.
-I'll write a love-letter to the pretty Ravenclaw with gold hair ! Cried a second-year boy.
-I'll ask my parents to get me a cat ! I've always wanted a cat, but my mother never wanted... said a fourth-year girl.
-I'll go and see my grandma to the hospital. She's a Muggle, and I havent' seen her for 2 years..muttered a prefect.
-I swear I'll work harder ! I don't want to fail my OWL !
-I'll try out for Chaser ! I've always wanted to play Quidditch, but I'm too shy...
-As far as I'm concerned, I think I'm going to try beating the Weasley twins record of detentions !
The last comment made everyone laugh.
-Good luck, mate ! Said Ron.
Harry smiled.
-And you, Ron ?
-Euh...Me ?
-Yeah. What will you do tomorrow ?
Hermione stared at him expectantly.
The redhead gulped. Hermione had put so much efforts in making him realize her feelings... He just couldn't afford to disappoint her, now could he ?
He suddenly knew what he had to do..but would he have the guts to say it ?
He glanced at the girl he loved.
She looked extremely anxious.
Ron turned the famous Weasley red and said:
-When it's over... I'll... I'll ask Hermione to marry me.
Hermione nearly fainted.
There was silence, and then Harry began to laugh.
He laughed so much that he nearly fell off his chair.
-I'm...I'm sorry, 'Mione ! It's just.. I just can't believe he finally said it ! I thought he would make me crazy before he told you !
Hermione shook her head, crossed the circle, and kissed Ron on the spot, making him even redder.
-And when it's over, Ronald Weasley, I think I'm going to say yes ! So brace yourself !
Everyone laughed.
It was Dean who asked.
-And you Harry ?
Harry suddenly sobered.
-Me ? What about me ?
-You ? What will you do when you've won ? Piped a skinny first-year.
Harry opened his mouth, and closed it.
What could he say ? He was so stupid ! After all, he should have expected it ! He was the one to ask that in the first place.
Hermione and Ron looked at each other and frowned.
-Harry ?
-Ahem...I...Well... I guess I never thought about the after. I was so focused on the battle...
But they all stared expectantly at him, waiting for his answer.
He shrugged.
-I guess I'm gonna take a nap.
-...WHAT ?
-A nap ! You know, when it's the beginning of the afternoon, and you're tired, and...
-Thanks, Harry, we all do know what a nap is ! Cut Hermione playfully. But why a nap ? Not even Firewhiskey ? She joked.
-No. I'll really take a nap ! A very long one, though, 'cause I've been practicing very hard and for a very long time, and I could use the sleep...
Blank looks met him.
-Hey, what did you expect ? You are not the ones, who had 5 hours-sleep nights for 2 years ! I've been training very hard, you know. I think I deserve to rest a bit when it's over.
-Well...sighed Hermione. I can believe you, I think... But still, I thought you'd say "Let's Party !".
Harry smiled.
-You'll begin the party without me, that's all ! I promise I won't be angry.
It hurt. Lying to them. Making them believe that there would be a future when they could all get drunk together with firewhiskey.
Harry knew it was not to be.
He knew they would have to organize the victory parties without him.
And to attend the ceremonies without him.
And to go on with their lives...without him.
Right now, he had almost lost it, and told his secret.
But then he had seen Hermione and Ron's looks, and he had suddenly remembered that if they knew, they would want to come too.
And they would die.
And Harry was able to go there, and battle the darkest wizard of the century until death, and he was able to kill all the Death Eaters, and he was able to take pain without flinching.
But he just couldn't see his friends die.
And so, when they frowned, once again, he lied.
Well, it was not really a lie, was it ?
After all, he would take a nap.
A very long one. And it would finally be over.
He looked at the Gryffindors.
Now, they were all chatting, fear almost forgotten. Thinking about a future that would come with the dawn, and rise with the sun. Brighter, stronger, full of hope.
A future that he would give them, and pay for with his very life.
Harry smiled.
Well...it was worth it.
He would have loved being Ron's best man on the wedding, but it would have to wait until his next life.
Just when he thought about that, the portrait fell open, and Snape and McGonagall strode in the common room.
The children fell silent.
Their Head of House looked at them gravely.
-I'm relieved to see that you didn't panic. I'm proud of you. Now, I've come to tell you that you are not under any circumstances allowed to leave the tower. And I'll be staying here with you. Professor Snape has come with me to take Mr Potter.
She looked at the Boy-who-lived.
-Harry... and her voice went softer than he had ever heard. I'm sorry you have to do that all alone. I wanted to tell you that we all are very proud of you.
-Mr Potter... said Snape, without his usual venom, it's time.
Harry closed his eyes, and breathed deeply.
-I know. I'm coming.
He stood up.
He looked at his best friends.
-Ron, Hermione... I love you both... I'll... I mean...
But he couldn't bring himself to speak. To lie. Or to tell them the truth. It was too hard.
Snape seemed to understand it, because he suddenly grabbed his arm, and pulled him towards the door.
-Don't worry, Mr Weasley, Mrs Granger. Everything will be allright. But now it is time for him to do his duty.
They wanted to protest, to cry that they hadn't even had time to say anything, not even good luck.
But they didn't trust their voices.
And, just like that, without turning back, Harry disappeared through the hole, and the portrait closed, hiding him for the very last time.