"You can't let Lian watch that!"
Dick pauses at the sound of Tim's outraged voice, and clutches the DVD he's holding a little tighter. "Okay, I'll bite. Why can't I allow Lian to watch the Care Bears?"
"The Care Bears are evil." Tim says matter-of-factly.
Dick tries very hard not to laugh, and fails miserably. "Okay, well, these Care Bears aren't evil."
Tim shakes his head. "All Care Bears are evil, Dick. Never let anyone tell you differently."
Dick has to bite his tongue to keep from laughing out loud, but it does nothing to suppress his whole body shudders. "Right, sure, Tim. Whatever you say, Tim."
Tim gives him a hard stare for a moment. "What? Those bastards and their Care Bear Stare are evil mother fuckers. They kill you with sunshine and happiness. There's nothing more diabolical. At least Jason just puts a gun to your head, and makes you say, 'Bye, bye birdie.'"
Dick just stares at Tim for a moment, not blinking. "Um, are you really this against the Care Bears, or are you joking with me?"
Tim folds his arms over his chest. "The Care Bears are evil, and if I have to watch Lian with you there is absolutely no way I'm allowing such filth. Got it?"
Dick often wonders exactly what type of childhood Tim had, and right now he really wishes he had more accurate details about it, because this is the first time in a long time that Dick has seen Tim upset enough to swear. "Um, did something happen when you were a kid involving Care Bears?"
Tim spins around, and heads back toward the living room. "I don't want to talk about it."
Dick knows that there's no way to make Tim talk about it, and he doesn't have enough time to play 20 questions while there's a little girl in the other room waiting for her Uncle Dick to pick a DVD, but he just has to know why Tim hates the Care Bears as much as he does. It just isn't logical, and Tim is almost always logical. Unfortunately, Dick is fairly certain that that isn't something Bruce keeps in his files. Although, now that he's thinking about it, Dick is pretty sure that he can convince Bruce that, unless they find the cause for Tim's Care Bear hatred, it could effect the mission. Dick grins evilly as he chooses another DVD. Soon...soon he will know exactly what Tim's problem with the Care Bears is.
The End