A/N: I'M BAAAAAAAAAAACK! Yay! For those of you that have checked out my other stories, you know that sometimes I have a difficult time finishing stories or even keeping up with them. But this time I made sure the story was finished before I posted it! YAY ME!

Now this is only going to be two chapters, and SUPER sappy. (Lol, just kidding) There will be some sappy moments, but I've REALLY tried to keep everyone IC. And if anyone is OOC, I apologize.

And guess what! I had a cookie today! XD Yeah, you know you're jelous!

Anyway, enjoy!


Love Makes You Do The Wacky

I nervously shifted in my seat, grumbling about the way my dress was ruffling. The dress was a light blue, thigh high, and strapless. Why Annabeth choose it I'll never know; but hey, I wasn't about to argue with the bride. Speaking of her, I glanced over at Mr. and Mrs. Jackson dancing to their 'song'. Percy, being the doofus that he was, picked "Lucky" by Jason Mraz featuring Collbie Calleit. But Annabeth didn't seem to notice her husband's stupidity.

I do have to admit that the ceremony was gorgeous. I was obviously the Maid of honor and Nico was the best man. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "Why wasn't Grover the Best Man?" To be honest, Nico had grown closer to Percy than Grover in the past few years, so no one noticed. Nico had just turned seventeen and he had shot up like a rocket. He was even taller than me now.

I took a sip of my sparkling grape juice, curtsey of Dionysus, as the song ended. I stood up and began to walk over to the cake, but I didn't make it there. Nico bumped into me and stumbled backwards. He cursed in Greek and looked up to see who he had bumped. When he saw me, his fiery brown eyes softened a bit and he grinned. "Hey, Thalia!"

I laughed at his goofy expression, which seemed to please him, and noticed the song that had begun to play. As the first chords of "Just Haven't Met You Yet" began to play, Nico asked me to dance. Rolling my eyes, I joined the son of Hades on the dance floor. "It's no Green Day, but it's good." I muttered as Nico grabbed my hands and we started to twirl.

Well, if you can say anything about Nico, he sure can dance. We probably looked like we were in a Broadway musical. I'd like to say that I was disgusted and had a horrible time, but to be honest, it was the most fun I'd ever had. Nico began to sing along and do the kick line. I almost fell over I was laughing so hard.

"They say all's fair, in love and war.

But I won't need to fight it, we'll get it right and we'll be united.

And I know that we can be so amazing, and being in your life is gonna change me.

And now I can see every single possibility.

And someday I know it'll all turn out.

And I'll work to work it out; promise you, kid, I'll give more than I get.

Than I get, than I get, than I get."

He sang, sweeping me off my feet bridal style and spinning me in circles. I felt the stares of demigods and gods on us, but I really didn't care. He put me down and and spun me out, then spun me back into his arms. We separated and began circling each other and sang out the last part of the song together. "I just haven't met you yet!" The crowd burst into cheers and grinned over at Annabeth, who was leaning on Percy, both laughing. I thanked Nico for the fun time and went over to my Hunter buddies who were grinning like fools.

"Artemis is going to be soooo mad!" One of them cried, although she too was laughing. I rolled my eyes and began eating the cake that was in front of me. Don't know whose it is, but it's mine now!

A couple of more songs played, and I got to chat with the Jacksons (so strange to think of Annabeth as a Jackson!) They were both drunk on happiness, and I had a feeling that they were going grow old together. Ha, not me. But they had something I didn't have. Love; the kind with weddings and late nights out on the beaches. The kind that were if the world was crashing down, the only thing that mattered was that your soul mate was still alive. As much as I really hate to admit it, I was jealous. But I tried not to think about, it was too girly of a thought.

I spent most of the night chillin' with Nico, and I, Thalia Grace, had the most fun of my life with a boy. At about Midnight, Nico excused himself and disappeared. I plopped down on the nearest table, and was soon joined by Annabeth. "You seem to be having a lot of fun with Nico." She said, wriggling her eyebrows. I grinned.

"Yeah! He did this really funny thing where he belched the alphabet, and he totally pulled this awesome prank on Hades, and he can do this really weird thing with his eyebrows where it looks like a unibrow! And he sang a song about unicorns that was really awesome, and did you know he does the world's best impersonation of Percy? And... why are you laughing at me?"

Annabeth was currently holding back laughter, hitting her lip and shaking a little bit. She burst out laughing, and raised one eyebrow. "Well, love does make you do the wacky."

I suddenly got what she was saying and blushed a bright red. "ANNABETH! I'm a Huntress for Artemis's sake!" She rolled her eyes. "Whatever." suddenly there was a big banging noise, like someone was tapping furiously on a microphone. "Speaking of the Devil's spawn," I muttered as Nico took the stage with...a guitar? Who knew he played guitar?

"um, hello? Is this thing ON?" He said into the microphone. "YES!" a couple of hunters screeched. That's my girls. He grinned goofily and sat down on the stool behind him. "Tonight I'm going to sing a song for all of the demigods that have fallen in love." Aphrodite and a couple of her daughters "AWWWWWWW"ed as the band began to play.

Annabeth and I joined Percy and Grover up at a table in the front, and gave the obviously nervous Nico encouraging nods.' and then he began to sing.

"I'm no superman

I can't take your hand

And fly you anywhere you wanna go, yeah"

Haha, Nico just admitted he wasn't cool. I'm so going to hold that against him.

"I can't read your mind

Like a billboard sign

And tell you everything you wanna hear."

Where is he going with this?

"But I'll be your hero!"


"I, I can be everything you need

If you're the one for me

Like gravity, I'll be unstoppable"

Now that I was actually listening, Nico was a really good singer. Like- he needs to get a one way ticket to a recording studio in Hollywood stat.


Or maybe not...

"I, you gatta believe in destiny

I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul

But if you're the one for me,

I'll be your hero."

Nico's backup singers began to chant "Would you be the one" and I looked up from my glass of sparkling water to look at him. The entire room was dark, and there was a single spotlight on him. It seemed do dazzle and dance around him, as he strummed like there was no tomorrow. But hey, with us demigods you can never tell.

"Searching high and low

Trying every road

If I see your face

I'll barely know, yeah"

My electric blue eyes locked with his warm brown ones, and I realized he was staring at me. As in, it seemed like he was singing TO me.

"I put my trust in fate

If you will come my way

If it's bright it's undeniable, yeah"

I didn't notice anything around me, and I barely even payed attention to the lyrics. My only thought was: 'he's looking at me!'

"But I'll be your hero."

Now it was just obvious that he was singing to me. People began to turn their heads to look at me, but I didn't care. Hades, I barely even noticed.

"I, I can be everything you need

If you're the one for me

Like gravity, I'll be unstoppable

"I, your gatta believe in destiny

I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul

But if you're the one for me,

I'll be your hero"

Was this really happening to me? I mean, it was just one little song. Surely he's not singing TO me, and I'm SO not blushing, or thinking about how cute that shirt looked on him... Or how amazing his hair his... Or his wonderful eyes...

Well, Hades.

"So incredible

Some kind of miracle

When it's meant to be

I'll become a hero-o"

I then remembered all of the times that I would get near him and my heart would flutter, or when he would visit the hunters I would be really happy. And when he wasn't there, I'd get kind of sad. As much as I hate to say, I think I've always been abit in love with Nico. But I've been pushing that thought into the back of my head.

Jeesh, when did I get so sappy?


Apparently when I decided I was in love with the son of Hades. Stupid love, making me all sappy and stuff.

"So I'll wait, wait

Wait, wait for YOOOOOOOUUUU! "

Awwwwwww! He said he'd wait for me!


Did I REALLY just say that? I've been around Aphrodite girls too much….

"I, I can be everything you need

If you're the one for me

Like gravity, I'll be unstoppable

"I, your gatta believe in destiny

I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul

But if you're the one for me,

I'll be your hero."

Everyone stood and applauded Nico when the song came to an end. I sat back down and turned to Percy and Annabeth who were excitedly discussing his performance. "I didn't know Nico could play guitar, let alone sing!" Percy said, putting his arm around Annabeth. She nodded. "It felt like he was just singing to the crowd like be knew his true love was out there! Pretty special, right Thalia?" I think I'm going to be sick.

I quickly excused myself and ran out of the reception hall on Olympus. (Yeah, the wedding took place "up on the mountain.) I ran past everything until I reached a garden/Forrest/ temple type thing that was built in honor of all demigods. I collapsed in one of the darker corners of the garden and signed. I often came out here to think when Artemis would bring us hunters to Olympus.

Sighing I began to lightly tap my head on the tree I was leaning against. "You know you'll get your dress dirty." a voice said from the entrance to the "Demigod Cave"'(as the campers at Camp Half-Blood called it) I stood up of the ground and angrily strode over to the mysterious man. "Look mister, I am in no mood to deal like stalker sickos as yourself." I said, giving him my famous death glares. He raised his bands in defense. "Jeez, Thals. Is how you greet ALL men?"

"oh, Nico! Sorry! I thought you were a-"

"Stalker sicko? I feel so loved." I laughed, and smacked his shoulder. There was an awkward silence between us, which I really didn't like. "The song you sang... it was beautiful. Who sings it?" Even though his face didn't change, I could see little bit of disappointment in his eyes, twirling around a sea of hope and love.

Aw, man. I got it bad.

"Well, I wrote it. For... someone." I almost couldn't tear my eyes from his. "Oh, well what's she like?" I lowered my eyes a little bit, tearing out of his trance. "What? Oh. Um, well first of all, she's super stubborn, and it's really hard to break down her walls. She's out going, bubbly, and the most gorges thing on Heaven and Earth."

I felt my heart sink as be laughed at no one. I knew this whole 'love' thing was stupid...

"I've been dropping hints to her all year, but she hasn't noticed. I've followed her all over the country, and just when I thought... But I don't think she'll ever notice-" He suddenly stopped and I felt his gaze on me. Slowly, I raised my blue eyes. "Nico?" I whispered, urging him to finish his sentence. "I don't think she'll ever realize that I'm in love with her."

I swallowed, trying to hold back... tears? Nu-uh. I was SOOO not crying over a guy. Those feelings, they weren't real, probably just some mean and cruel trick Aphrodite was playing. I mean, how lame is that? A single song and I'm suddenly head over heels? Psh, no way.

"So who is it?" I couldn't help it; I wanted to know who the lucky girl was. Nico half-laughed, as if he couldn't believe I was so stupid. "Come on, Thalia, who do you think it is?" I shook my head, refusing to answer.

'It's not real, it's not real. Just a joke, I'm not really feeling this way...' I thought, refusing to let myself cry. Then Nico shocked me by lightly grabbing my chin and gently forcing me to look at him. 'He's touching me...'.

"I think you may know her. Her name is Grace. Thalia Grace." My heart stopped. "She's stubborn and has several walls built up, but I've been trying to break them down. She's the most amazing person I've ever met, and her gorgeous blue eyes put the stars to shame. She's my everything, even if she hasn't realized it yet."

I didn't know what to say, my breath was taken away. Dear sweet Zeus, I was losing it. Nico gave me a small smile. "Do you think you could tell her how I feel?" I nodded, hoping and praying to everything holy that my eyes were saying everything that I wasn't.

Nico leaned in and lightly kissed my nose. He pulled out to look in my eyes, and then he left, leaving me to my thoughts. I swallowed. I knew what I had to do. I walked out of the demigod cave and shakily walked over to Artemis's newly built temple. Strangely, she was waiting for me.

"Thalia! There you are! I know what happened, I'm so sorry that he did that. Who does that anymore? Sing his heart out, confess his unifying love, kiss you, then leaves? That is a disgrace to all men! Come on, I'm feeling in the mood to make some jackalopes." the goddess was obviously pissed. 'Cuse my French, but I tell it as I see it.

I knelt at my mistress feet. "Lady Artemis, I hope that I have served you well these past few years, but a greater force is calling me. It's time for you to find a new lieutenant." I took of my circuit, and felt the immortality slip from me. I laid it at her feet, and rose. I looked her in the eyes, and spun around on my heel, to a new life of love.

A/N: Chapter one! *Shoves a microphone in your face* So tell me, wonderful reader, did you LOVE it? Did you HATE it? Are you GOING TO THROW BANNANNAS AT ME? Haha, yeah I know I'm weird. Second chapter will go up in a week.

Love you guys! R&R!
